1111找工作 APP


1.熟悉欲銷售之產品、公司規章作業流程 以顧客熟悉之語言做顧客市場開發並推銷產品 市場訊息的蒐集與分析、客戶銷售方案的策劃與執行 依顧客需求報價及簽約、客戶關係的維護與需求服務的滿足 顧客售後滿意度維持 (如: 顧客抱怨及問題反應處理、維持顧客對公司及業務員信賴度) 意見回饋以供公司改善參考依據 定期與主管做業績、績效檢討,回報進度 定期於國內或國外展覽會場開發顧客之產品、公司規章作業流程 2.以顧客熟悉之語言做顧客市場開發並推銷產品 3.市場訊息的蒐集與分析、客戶銷售方案的策劃與執行 4.依顧客需求報價及簽約、客戶關係的維護與需求服務的滿足 5.顧客售後滿意度維持 (如: 顧客抱怨及問題反應處理、維持顧客對公司及業務員信賴度) 6.意見回饋以供公司改善參考依據 7.定期與主管做業績、績效檢討,回報進度 8.定期於國內或國外展覽會場開發顧客 9.完成公司及主管交辦事項 10.具有良好的团队合作精神 11.能适应国外出差 12.有鞋材/鞋业工作经验者优先录用輕型機車

應徵人數|11-30 人


Summary Why be a Scootee? Let your career take off internationally with Scoot‘s Cabin Crew family. Based in sunny and cosmopolitan Singapore, you‘ll get to work and travel around the world (at the same time!), with some of the most passionate folks in aviation as your teammates. To top it all off, you‘ll enjoy unlimited discounted staff travel perks, so you can always experience new cultural exchanges and see all that the world has to offer! Job Description Escape The Ordinary with Us! Our Scootees work hard and play hard too! Fun is definitely permitted on board! It’s no secret that our cabin crew are some of the most fun-loving and well-travelled people around. Why be a Scootee? We offer you a wanderlust career where you’ll get to work and travel around the world (at the same time)!. You’ll also get to meet people from all walks of life in your line of duty, as well as experience new cultural exchanges anywhere you fly! As if that’s not awesome enough, there is unlimited discounted staff travel perks to sweeten the deal for those looking to check off their travel bucket list! Your responsibilities as a Scootee Your primary duty is to ensure the safety of all passengers on board Scoot‘s aircrafts. You are also responsible for the care and comfort of all passengers on board and to provide customer service as per standards required and to maintain up-to-date knowledge on all areas of duty and be able to coordinate and work together as a team Sounds good? Be a Scootee if you have what it takes to fly with us Your education is Diploma & above Fluent in Mandarin and English (Due to requirements to conduct in-flight safety announcements in Mandarin on flight routes to China) You are willing to relocate to Singapore Able to work on a rostered schedule including weekends and public holidays Willingness and commitment to serve a compulsory service bond Due to the nature of the role and with consideration of the different borders’ restrictions, it is mandatory for Cabin Crews to be fully vaccinated. Please note that you have to have at least 2 doses taken at the point of your interview. Due to our Grooming policy, please note that this position requires a professional appearance at all times and candidates with visible tattoos are not permitted. Hurry Apply with Us Now! https://flyscoot.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/ScootExternalCareers/login Our recruiters will be in touch with shortlisted candidates to prepare you for an Assessment Centre soon! Successful candidates must be able to commence employment with us within three months from the date of application.

應徵人數|1-5 人

1.關務合規規範制定及風控管理。 2.關務運營SOP的制定及系統規劃管理。 3.海關稅費及清關費用的規範管理。 4.進出口政策研讀及時發布管理。 5.海關帳册管理及异常防範管理 6.海關資質及認證管理。 7.海關優惠政策爭取及海關協調。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 新型體開發、試做,追蹤樣品進度。 2. 開發材料用量與成本管控。 3. 配合執行相關專案,協助改善量產達成率與降低不良率。 4. 應對客戶及鞋廠業務相關需求。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 俱基本模具概念。 2. 懂PVC大底生產技術工藝及流程。 3. 生產流程排序。 4. 俱管理經驗佳。日本語文學類

應徵人數|1-5 人



應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 計算各種原料配方之用量及設定適當攪拌溫度 2. 稱量原料以機械混合或攪拌成糰(糊) 3. 發酵、壓延、分割、整形、包餡、烤焙 4. 控制發酵箱溫度、濕度,檢查發酵程度 5. 調整麵糰發酵控制設備之溫度、濕度與時間 6. 控制烤箱之溫度狀態 工作地點在德國杜賽道夫,台灣人經營管理團隊,略通英文與精通中文即可; 面試將以視訊方式進行,請回覆通知信來約定時間 (德國與台灣時差6小時) Teamate Pang 胖餐桌是目前德國第一家台式烘焙工作坊, 歡迎一起來開拓歐洲這個藍海市場.餐旅服務學類丙級烘焙食品技術士,丙級烘焙西點蛋糕

應徵人數|1-5 人



在辦公室管理人員規劃設計與報價及議價 與業主溝通與協調設計及變更 公司備車提供食(三餐)宿(單人套房)交通(有司機),單人套房宿舍有冷氣網路 一年5張返台來回機票,年休90天以上土木工程及水利學類,測量工程學類,建築及都市規劃學門輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.協助公司主管儲備幹部 協助公司主管處理工作上交辦的事務 協助主管計劃和指揮人員相關的訓練,績效的評估處理工作上交辦的事務 2.協助主管計劃和指揮人員相關的訓練,績效的評估 特別助理 執行主管所交代的命令及專案 處理與主管相關的行政事務,例如:負責公共關係事務、跨公司及部門工作協調、協助專案計劃評估及執行與追蹤、主管會議記錄執行追蹤、董事長及主管交辦事務處理、協助部門預算編列 擔任部門之間或主管間的橋樑,專案的承接 行程安排

應徵人數|6-10 人




應徵人數|1-5 人


1.執行主管所交代的命令及專案 2.處理與主管相關的行政事務,例如:負責公共關係事務、跨公司及部門工作協調、協助專案計劃評估及執行與追蹤、主管會議記錄執行追蹤、董事長及主管交辦事務處理、協助部門預算編列 3.擔任部門之間或主管間的橋樑,專案的承接一般商業學類,企業管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


職位內容: • 協助客人安排各種預訂、行程計劃和其他需求 • 確保所有合資格的客人都了解活動和促銷方案 • 處理投訴並及時解決衝突 • 充當客人和公司各部門之間的聯絡 職位要求: • 高中畢業或以上 • 擁有客戶服務方面的經驗優先考慮 • 優秀的人際關係和溝通能力 • 流利普通話、基本粵語及英語

應徵人數|1-5 人


職責: 1. 提供團體課程 2. 組織水上活動 3. 負責客人的人身安全 4. 負責水上器材的維護 5. 參與度假村趣味活動舉辦 6. 與國際化G.O團隊協作 任職條件: 1. 需具備至少一項水上運動經驗,或相關專業畢業 (獨木舟、槳板、風帆船等) 2. 有相關等級證照或賽事經驗優先 3. 該職位需每週工作6天 4. 個性活潑開朗,樂於結交新朋友 5. 基礎英語溝通能力 6. 身體健康,儀表端莊 7. 工作駐點渡假村,能接受品牌在各國據點輪調。 熱招地點: ClubMed 日本、ClubMed 珍拉汀灣、ClubMed 峇里島、ClubMed 民丹島 <國際員工福利> 員工宿舍,雙人一間帶獨立衛浴; 每日三餐,在賓客國際餐廳享用; 吧台飲料暢飲; 度假村內娛樂活動及場地設施免費使用; 機場接送服務; 合法工作簽證; 完成一年合約,度假村及住宅地來回機票; 每年輪換亞太&印度洋區度假村工作機會; Club Med海外度假村免費房間; 快速晉升通道,完善的職涯發展管道。運動休閒及休閒管理學類,觀光休閒學類體育署救生員證

應徵人數|1-5 人


1、負責印度公司日常賬務處理,包含AP、AR及成本核算等。 2、負責公司管理報表及財務報表編制,每月按時上傳集團管理報表及Package; 3、每月負責公司與集團關聯公司對賬、銀行對賬; 4、應對集團內外部審計師,提供審計資料,出具相關審計報告; 5、了解當地會計政策及稅務政策,保證公司賬務處理合法合規。會計學類,財務金融學類,經濟學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


An Executive Chef is the head chef responsible for overseeing all aspects of the kitchen operations in a restaurant, hotel, or other food service establishment. Their responsibilities typically include menu planning, recipe development, food preparation, kitchen staff management, budgeting, ordering supplies, ensuring food safety and hygiene standards, and maintaining high-quality culinary standards. They play a key role in creating a culinary vision for the establishment and ensuring that it is executed effectively to meet customer expectations.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 熟悉製造業會計流程 2. 具備會計成本分析與資金運用規劃能力 3. 具備熟練一般辦公室軟體電腦之操作與應用 4. 熟悉內部控制制度、預算控制與經營績效分析 *可配合長駐於越南 *熟Windows、MS Office操作 *能獨立作業 *需有英文溝通能力商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 負責公司品管體系的建立,對出現的各種質量問題進行跟蹤處理。 2. 改善產品信賴度、可靠性、品質,進而全面提升產品品質。 3. 負責ISO體制之推行、供應商IQC管理,以及製品IPQC及OQC管理。 4. 推行並落實QA管理制度,以及規劃品質系統相關之教育訓練。 5. 主導內部稽核活動及外部認證,監督及管理TQM執行成效。 6. 負責產品檢驗規劃之制定,以及產品功能之測試與驗證。 7. 解析競爭產品之品質規格,以改進品質,降低品質成本之損失。 8. 導入新產品,並處理製程品管問題。 9.客戶服務及關係維護。 10. 負責文件管理中心之建立與維護,及客戶服務的品保程序之規劃。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.指揮並監督工人,以控制工程的執行進度與施工品質。 2.計劃、組織及指揮有關建造的活動與維護結構、設施與系統。 3.與所有人、承包商及設計師共同商量,討論及解決如工作程序、問題等事務。 4.審查與檢閱專案的規劃,以監控是否遵守安全法規和其他章程。 5.預先檢查分包廠商施工前之準備工作。

應徵人數|1-5 人


Summary Why be a Scootee? Let your career take off internationally with Scoot‘s Cabin Crew family. Based in sunny and cosmopolitan Singapore, you‘ll get to work and travel around the world (at the same time!), with some of the most passionate folks in aviation as your teammates. To top it all off, you‘ll enjoy unlimited discounted staff travel perks, so you can always experience new cultural exchanges and see all that the world has to offer! Job Description Escape The Ordinary with Us! Our Scootees work hard and play hard too! Fun is definitely permitted on board! It’s no secret that our cabin crew are some of the most fun-loving and well-travelled people around. Why be a Scootee? We offer you a wanderlust career where you’ll get to work and travel around the world (at the same time)!. You’ll also get to meet people from all walks of life in your line of duty, as well as experience new cultural exchanges anywhere you fly! As if that’s not awesome enough, there is unlimited discounted staff travel perks to sweeten the deal for those looking to check off their travel bucket list! Your responsibilities as a Scootee Your primary duty is to ensure the safety of all passengers on board Scoot‘s aircrafts. You are also responsible for the care and comfort of all passengers on board and to provide customer service as per standards required and to maintain up-to-date knowledge on all areas of duty and be able to coordinate and work together as a team Sounds good? Be a Scootee if you have what it takes to fly with us Your education is Diploma & above Fluent in Mandarin and English (Due to requirements to conduct in-flight safety announcements in Mandarin on flight routes to China) You are willing to relocate to Singapore Able to work on a rostered schedule including weekends and public holidays Willingness and commitment to serve a compulsory service bond Due to the nature of the role and with consideration of the different borders’ restrictions, it is mandatory for Cabin Crews to be fully vaccinated. Please note that you have to have at least 2 doses taken at the point of your interview. Due to our Grooming policy, please note that this position requires a professional appearance at all times and candidates with visible tattoos are not permitted. Hurry Apply with Us Now! https://flyscoot.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/ScootExternalCareers/login Our recruiters will be in touch with shortlisted candidates to prepare you for an Assessment Centre soon! Successful candidates must be able to commence employment with us within three months from the date of application.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 訂單相關事務處理 2. 接洽品牌客戶或成衣廠的郵件溝通和討論會議 3. 定期拜訪客戶和業務推廣 (包括新客戶開發) 4. 客製化報表提交 5. 客訴處理 6. 帳款催收 具紡織相關經驗1年以上 【錄取後先在台灣培訓再外派至越南分公司】

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.生產流程改善 2.機器.人員生產效率改善 3.訂單排程管理 4.庫存管理 5.品質管理 6.生產管理 7.生產.業務協調 8.須熟西班牙語普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 負責製造生產、銷售、物料庫儲等廠務之統籌。 2. 管控廠內之生產排程、交期及產量。 3. 負責產線作業之規劃與管理,以提升產能降低成本。 4. 確實執行生產目標,並達成各項生產指標。 5. 負責所管轄人員的工作監督與績效考核。

應徵人數|1-5 人
