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About Best companion for System Engineers! SystemEngineer360 offers technology innovation, professional services and training services to the customers in Asia Pacific region. The founder of the SystemEngineer360 brought more than 12 years industry experience to help the enterprise, Telco Service Providers to architect, deploy and operate the systems. SystemEngineer360‘s philosophy is to build the layered solution architecture for the customer. Infrastructure layer: Connectivity (Physical/Virtual), Routing/Traffic Engineering, Infrastructure health monitoring, building functional group such as Unified Communications, etc. Security layer: Define the policies, enforce the user access, Mac/IP layer security, user profiling. Optimization layer: Optimize the business users traffic to ensure to maximize the performance. Performance layer: Network Performance Management (NPM), End user experience, fully correlated view and analysis. Business layer: IT service management, Big data analytical, API integration, Business KPI. SystemEngineer360 proudly represent the unique solutions for each layer and we help the customers to architect, proof-of-value (POV), implement and training.



新加坡歌德成立於1980年,是新加坡家喻戶曉的音樂公司,我們致力培養廣大群體對音樂的喜愛和接觸,至今音樂學校遍布全島各地和提供多元化的音樂課程適合所有不同年齡層和想要探索音樂的人們。懷著〝快樂學琴,學琴快樂〝的使命,我們向你發出邀請。 歡迎加入我們的團隊。 The CRISTOFORI story began in 1980 when Mr. J.B. Wong, Founder of CRISTOFORI Music, had a vision to transform Singapore through music. Since then, CRISTOFORI has grown into the largest music company and music school in Singapore with a network of over 38 centres island-wide. Our mission is to fill the joy of Music into every household through holistic musical education and quality musical instruments. Start your child’s musical journey with CRISTOFORI.



DEVINO INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANCY PTE. LTD總部設於新加坡,新加坡DEVINO是專業的投資諮詢機構,同時為新加坡公司註冊公司和公司管理提供一站式的企業顧問服務。 新加坡Devino協助海外客戶註冊公司,同時提供會計、稅務申報、以及人力資源等諮詢服務。並對投資、留學、身份移民、房地產等提供全面的解決方案。 新加坡和中國一直都有密切的來往,中國大陸是新加坡最大的貿易夥伴,越來越多的中國企業開始走出國門,尋求海外發展的商機和國際合作。新加坡是亞洲領先的金融中心,也是經營公司和企業的優選之地,越來越吸引外國人士來投資、創業、拓展海外業務,我們公司的成立與發展是作為橋樑服務於中國企業在海外發展。憑藉我們提供的多元化服務,為海外企業落戶新加坡助一臂之力。



Why be a Scootee? Let your career take off internationally with Scoot‘s Cabin Crew family. Based in sunny and cosmopolitan Singapore, you‘ll get to work and travel around the world (at the same time!), with some of the most passionate folks in aviation as your teammates. To top it all off, you‘ll enjoy unlimited discounted staff travel perks, so you can always experience new cultural exchanges and see all that the world has to offer! Job Description Escape The Ordinary with Us! Our Scootees work hard and play hard too! Fun is definitely permitted on board! It’s no secret that our cabin crew are some of the most fun-loving and well-travelled people around. Why be a Scootee? We offer you a wanderlust career where you’ll get to work and travel around the world (at the same time)!. You’ll also get to meet people from all walks of life in your line of duty, as well as experience new cultural exchanges anywhere you fly! As if that’s not awesome enough, there is unlimited discounted staff travel perks to sweeten the deal for those looking to check off their travel bucket list! Your responsibilities as a Scootee Your primary duty is to ensure the safety of all passengers on board Scoot‘s aircrafts. You are also responsible for the care and comfort of all passengers on board and to provide customer service as per standards required and to maintain up-to-date knowledge on all areas of duty and be able to coordinate and work together as a team Sounds good? Be a Scootee if you have what it takes to fly with us Hurry Apply with Us Now!



WE MAKE QUALITY HAPPEN We’re a team of quality control inspectors and supplier quality engineers who makes quality happen using our extensive experience in international quality standards, supplier management, quality control techniques, and quality management systems. We are bilingual and typically come from manufacturing, electronic, mechanical, and material engineering backgrounds. Our customers remember us because of our integrity, professionalism, and the deeply investigative, detailed, problem-solving approach we use in our work. HOW WE WORK AMREP China offers all levels of support for your quality problems, ranging from individual inspectors for the simple issues to Support Quality Teams and Core Quality Teams for the more complex ones. A Core Quality Team is made up of SQEs and supporting quality inspectors. A Support Quality Team consists of quality control inspectors with special and inspection skills. Some of our clients have deployed hundreds of our SQEs on an ongoing basis. We’ve also developed a special skills classification system for our SQEs and QCs so that no matter how complex your problems are, we’ll have the right quality person for you. 總公司在美國,分別於新加坡、中國(深圳)等地設有分公司



我們是一家成立於2018年,總部立足新加坡的數位內容與遊戲開發新創公司, 我們擁有豐富且多元的開發經驗,是由一群有衝勁、有目標的專業人才組成的團隊。 本著提供良好技術品質的服務與產品以及專業的態度,同時看重人才且惜才, 人格與專業並駕齊驅,秉持著穩健發展,追求企業永續經營及成長為理念。 我們重視每一位員工,每個優秀的同仁,即是公司寶貴的資產, 除了有良好工作環境、也提供學習及成長的空間。 鼓舞人心的反響讓我們決定不斷創作更加豐富多彩的原創內容, 如果你也想把腦海中的奇思妙想具現化,就快加入我們吧! 讓我們攜手, 用科技與藝術讓更多的數位故事甦醒。



Creative O Preschoolers’ Bay



成立於2013年9月的Aureus集團已經在新加坡音樂教育領域進行了革命性的變革。作為增長最快的音樂學校連鎖機構,其創新的商業模式和對變革性音樂體驗的執著致力贏得了重大讚譽,在《福布斯》、《商業時報》和《亞洲新聞頻道》等知名出版物中都有報導。這一成功在“新加坡增長最快公司”調查中獲得第四名的排名,鞏固了其作為行業先驅的地位。 探索新加坡音樂教師之路 | 體驗多元文化工作環境



我們是全球電子製造服務提供商。我們的目標是 通過幫助客戶在最短的時間內以合適的價格和性能以及 最佳的質量將產品推向市場,為客戶創造競爭優勢。 我們提供設計,組件採購,供應鏈管理, 製造和物流服務。我們還擁有 客戶可以參考和利用的技術解決方案。我們的產品經驗涵蓋消費品,工業,商業,醫療和汽車。



TDCX is an award-winning digital economy enabler and boutique outsourced business service provider that delivers innovative customer experience solutions to the world's best and most valuable brands. Founded in 1995, TDCX has grown into a boutique outsourced business service provider in customer experience solutions to high-growth clientele, from a wide range of diverse and thriving industries. Our decades-value of experience has evolved us into an award-winning enabler of the digital economy, with more than 8,000 skilled staff, strategically focused on delivering exceptional customer-centricity that enhance clients' brand experience and scale digital growth. To date, TDCX has received over 200 local, regional and international industry awards recognising our customer experience solutions, HR, recruitment and work culture. TDCX is headquartered in Singapore and has a strong presence in Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Philippines, Japan, China and Spain.