



本公司曾榮獲「經濟部產業科技發展獎- 傑出創新企業獎」、「經濟部技術處- 產業創新成果表揚獎」、「桃園縣績優企業卓越獎- 創新企業獎」等國家級獎項之肯定。




使命 Mission
願景 Vision
核心價值 Core Values

Advanced Echem Company Limited (AEMC) has listed on the over-the-counter (OTC) market (stock code: 4749). You can visit the Taipei Exchange and the Market Observation Post System website to read more information. Our company has been honored with national-level awards such as the 'Ministry of Economic Affairs Industrial Technology Development Award-Outstanding Enterprise Innovation Award,' 'Ministry of Economic Affairs, Department of Technological Development - Industry Innovation Achievement Recognition Award.,' and 'The Execllent Enterprise Award in Taoyuan City-Innovation Excellence Award.' AEMC was founded in 2003 and committed to the development and manufacturing of specialized chemical materials for "semiconductor advanced process, advanced packaging and display" applications.

In 2020, AEMC expanded our R&D facility in Taoyuan, and gradually established two factories for production of semiconductor materials in Tainan and Kaohsiung Science Park. Our core technologies are "synthesis, purification of special raw materials, and innovation of formulation materials". Over the past 20 years, AEMC invested more than 10% of the revenue in research, development, and built up a strong chemical R&D team that accounts for one-third of the company’s employee. AEMC has applied for a number of patents over the years and was successfully accumulated 9 government-sponsored R&D funding.

Sincerely invited whom enthusiastic for chemistry, chemical industry and material science to join us. Let us get together cultivating localization while promoting globalization for Taiwan, move towards to the leading for material manufacturer in global.


■ 以「成就所託、使命必成」作為經營理念服務客戶,為員工及股東創造最大價值,進而影響社會


■ TFT-LCD & Micro-LED:秉持「客製化、高品質、創新產品」的核心價值,現已成為全球TFT-LCD光阻材料的主要供應商。顯示器特用化學材料領域是本公司多年來的營收生產主力,除了穩定生產製造陣列光阻劑、彩色光阻劑、光阻清潔溶劑等化學材料,近年因應新世代的微米級發光體(Micro LED)顯示器創新技術,本公司更積極投入研發資源,成功開發量子點(QD)應用材料。透過研發創新產品,結合客戶及市場資源,為超大尺寸顯示技術開創無限可能。

■ CIS影像感測器及半導體光學元件材料:新應材率先布局新世代影像應用技術,為客戶量身開發客製化的材料,成為CIS影像感測器材料的領導廠商。

■ 半導體先進製程材料:新應材以「自主創新配方、快速產品開發、深耕台灣製造、即時有效率的客製化服務」等競爭優勢,成為台灣少數能提供半導體前段先進製程與後段先進封裝等關鍵化學品的材料供應商,自許為台灣半導體材料產業做出重大貢獻!

■TFT-LCD & Micro-LED: Adhering to the core value of "customized, high-quality, innovative products", Advanced Echem Materials Company Limited has become the main supplier of TFT-LCD photoresist materials in the world. For many years, specialized display chemicals have been the primary revenue generator for our company. In addition to the stable production of array photoresists, color photoresists, and photoresist cleaning solvents, in recent years, in response to innovative technologies for Micro Light Emitting Diode(Micro LED)displays, our company has proactively invested in research and development resources and successfully developed quantum dot(QD) application materials. Through the research and development of innovative products, combined with customer and market resources, it creates infinite possibilities for super-large display technology.

■CIS image sensor: Advanced Echem Materials Company Limited took the lead in laying out the new generation of image application technology, developing customized materials for clients, and becoming a leading manufacturer of CIS image sensor materials.

■Semiconductor advanced process materials: Advanced Echem Materials Company Limited has become one of the few material suppliers in Taiwan that can provide the key chemicals for semiconductor front-end advanced process and back-end advanced packaging, etc, by competitive advantage of independent innovative design, rapid product development, deep cultivation of Taiwanese manufacturing, instant and efficient customized services”, committing to make a significant contribution to Taiwan's semiconductor material industry!





獎金類: 員工生日禮金、年終獎金、三節獎金、禮品、績效獎金
保險類: 員工團保、員工及眷屬住院慰問金
餐飲類: 誤餐費、伙食津貼、免費供餐
居住類: 房屋(租賃)補助
娛樂類: 國內旅遊、國外旅遊、員工聚餐、尾牙
補助類: 員工結婚補助、生育補助、員工國內、外進修補助、員工及眷屬喪葬補助、員工購物優惠、國內、外旅遊補助、社團補助
其他類: 員工在職教育訓練



勞保、健保、員工團保、勞退新制、年度免費健康檢查、新進同仁健康檢查定額補助 、職護臨場健康諮詢
三節禮金、生日禮金、年終獎金、績效達成獎金、員工介紹獎金、久任服務年資獎金 、專案獎金及研發獎金呦!

AEMC values employees as the most important asset. In addition to providing comprehensive compensation packages, we are committed to offering diverse and comprehensive benefits to build a professional and comfortable working environment.

Employee Benefits & Healthcare
We provide labor and health insurance, group insurance, the new labor pension system, annual free health checkups, a fixed allowance for new employee health checkups,and on-site healthcare consulting by occupational nurses.

Leave Benefits
You can enjoy a 2-day weekend, annual paid leave, special holidays, paternity and maternity leave, family care leave and menstrual leave, among other benefits.

Employee Perks
We offer free lunches, overtime meal subsidies, accommodation allowances, lactation rooms and childcare allowance.

Diverse Bonuses
Bonuses for the three major holidays, birthday bonuses, year-end bonuses, performance bonuses, employee referral bonuses, long-service awards, project bonuses, and R&D bonuses are available!

Welfare and Benefits
Our Welfare Committee provides marriage and childbirth gifts, funeral subsidies, condolence payment for hospitalization, quarterly employee gatherings, year-end banquets and lucky draws, annual trips, club activities, and discounts at partner stores.

Education and Training
Our education and training management program arranges talent development, on-the-job and off-the-job training for new employees, financial support for pursuing continuing education, and a comprehensive online learning system.


Q: 工作時間及休假?
A: 常日班8:30-17:30,週休二日,政府規定補班日給予特別休假,美好假期不嫌多

Q: 公司是否有供應午餐?
A: 上班日中午免費提供菜色多樣餐盒,每週一日輕食日享有健康體態!

來不及買早餐、又想在美好早晨來杯咖啡?新應材把超商搬進公司,上班時間也能喝到City café的美味!擔心加班加到沒時間吃飯?新應材優於其他企業,提供加班誤餐費每餐補助140元!

Q: 擔心剛畢業工作經驗不足,無法勝任工作?
A: 公司針對到職新人皆提供完善培訓制度,邀請有高度熱忱的你,一同加入新應材大展身手。

Q: 公司升遷制度及調薪
A: 公司有完善績效評核系統,以及透明化的晉升條件與調薪。

Q: 除了基本薪資外,有機會獲得其他獎金福利嗎?
A: 三節禮金、生日禮金、年終獎金一樣不少,另有績效獎金、員工介紹獎金及資深員工久任獎金。P.S.另有專案獎金及研發獎金。

Q: What are the working hours and holidays?
A: Our regular working hours are from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM on weekdays, with a two-day weekend. Special holiday will be granted for makeup workdays required by the government. We believe one can never have enough beautiful vacations.

Q: Does the company provide lunch?
A: We offer free lunch boxes with a variety of cuisines on workdays, and there's one day each week with light meal options. Maintain a healthy diet while at work!
Plus, if you don't have time for breakfast but crave a cup of coffee on a beautiful morning, we bring the convenience store to the workplace so you can enjoy delicious coffee from City Café during office hours! Worried about not having time for meals during overtime? We go beyond other companies by offering a subsidy of NT$140 per meal for overtime meals!

Q: Concerned about not having enough work experience right after graduation?
A: We provide a comprehensive training program for newcomers in the company. Individuals with a strong passion for chemistry, chemical engineering, and materials science are welcome to join AMEC and demonstrate their capabilities.

Q: Is there a formal structure for promotions and salary adjustments within the company?
A: The company has a robust performance evaluation system and transparent criteria for promotions and salary adjustments.

Q: Apart from the base salary, are there opportunities to earn other bonuses and benefits?
A: We offer bonuses for the three major holidays, birthday bonuses, year-end bonuses, performance bonuses, employee referral bonuses, and long-service awards. There are also project bonuses and R&D bonuses available.




【南科高雄園區】製程助理工程師 (需輪值早班、小夜班)
應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 日班、輪班
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 高中職以上

1. 生產作業執行 (投料/洗桶/充填/包裝) 2. 生產環境維護 3. 生產設備保養點檢 4. 主管交辦事項 5. 可配合平日/假日加班 6. 可接受著無塵衣及無塵室作業 7. 可接受有機溶劑味道 8. 可配合早班(07:30~16:30)、常日班(08:30~17:30)、 小夜班(15:00~24:00)輪調 ※需搬重物。

應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 日班、輪班
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 高中職以上
應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 日班、晚班、輪班
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 高中職、專科、大學

1. 生產作業執行 (領料/投料/洗桶/充填/包裝)。 2. 生產環境維護。 3. 生產設備保養及點檢。 4. 主管交辦事項。 5. 可配合平日/假日加班。 6. 可配合早班(07:30~16:30)、常日班(08:30~17:30)、 小夜班(15:00~24:00)輪調。

應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 日班、晚班、輪班
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 高中職、專科、大學
應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 需出差
  • 5年工作經驗以上
  • 大學

1.彙整ESG相關法規、政策,主導永續報告書撰寫。 2.推動公司節能減碳相關措施。 3.ISO-14001、45001、14064系統持續驗證。 4.規劃ISO-14067碳足跡輔導與取證。 5.環安SOP文件增修訂。 6.應對客戶稽核作業。 7.其他主管交辦事項。

應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 需出差
  • 5年工作經驗以上
  • 大學
應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 大學以上

1. 營業秘密分級標示、資訊審查及流通管理。 2. 誠信經營、法令遵循及規範確認。 3. 處理公司合約及爭議案件。 4. 協助ESG相關公司治理工作。 5. 其他主管交辦事項執行。

應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 大學以上
應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 需出差
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 碩士以上

1. 新產品量產設備規劃。 2. 新產品導入量產(設計化合物結構及其路徑)。 3. 合成製程量試轉移。 4. 製作技術專案簡報。 5. 主管交辦事項。

應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 需出差
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 碩士以上
應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 需出差
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 專科、大學、碩士

1. 固定資產管理及盤點。 2. 專案活動規劃與執行(如公益活動、員工活動、廠商接洽、官網維護)。 3. 行政庶務作業執行(含辦公室用品採購、零用金管理、住宿津貼申請、總務合約管理、公文及郵件收發)。 4. 協助人力資源行政事務。 5. 其他主管交辦事項。

應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 需出差
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 專科、大學、碩士
應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 需出差
  • 1年工作經驗以上
  • 大學、碩士

1. 人才招募活動規劃及文宣設計。 2. 面試邀約聯繫及招募資料統計。 3. 招募管道開發。 4. 執行員工關係活動。 5. 外籍藍領人員聘僱及執行。 6. 部門行政庶務及各項活動協助。 7. 其他主管交辦事項。

應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 需出差
  • 1年工作經驗以上
  • 大學、碩士
應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 需出差
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 碩士以上

1. 實驗室建置監工、驗收及檢驗設備裝機、驗收。 2. 產品檢驗儀器操作、簡易異常排除、日常點檢、數據key in、判定及報告撰寫。 3. 品質管理專案執行。 4. 主管交辦之其他事項。

應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 需出差
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 碩士以上
應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 3年工作經驗以上
  • 專科、大學

1. 空、電、水、氣系統點檢、維護。 2. 工程發包、監造、驗收及管理。 3. 系統設備異常處理。 4. 文件表單建置。 5. 承攬商管理。 6. 主管交辦事項。 7. 可配合平日/假日加班。

應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 3年工作經驗以上
  • 專科、大學
應徵人數:11 ~ 30人分析
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 高中職以上

1. 生產及出貨備料作業。 2. 倉儲環境管理及維護。 3. 出貨相關作業。 4. 物流機具使用及維護。 5. 主管交辦事項。 ※ 可配合平日/假日加班。 ※ 可搬重物。

應徵人數:11 ~ 30人分析
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 高中職以上
