
【公司簡介】 億光電子工業股份有限公司(Everlight Electronics., Ltd.)於1983年成立,營業項目為LED元件及燈具製造、研發及銷售,透過創新、設計、製造並銷售高效能的LED產品,結合有效率的全球顧客服務,成為市佔率全台第一、全球前三大LED照明品牌。 【全球據點】 億光電子總部位於台灣新北樹林,製造工廠設立於台灣(土城、苑裡、銅鑼)和中國(蘇州、中山)。求服務全球客戶,且能提供即時服務並快速供貨給客戶,億光在全球設立共9個國家、14個銷售據點,時至今日,億光電子已成為LED產業的領導廠及一家擁有超過5,000位員工的全球化公司。 【Corporate Profile】 EVERLIGHT Electronics Co., Ltd. was founded in 1983, we provides a diverse product portfolio consisting of Lighting Components and for various applications. For a long time, EVERLIGHT has always been dedicated to constant improvement of products and manufacturing process through professional R&D efforts, allowing people to live shining light. We have solutions featuring high quality and efficiency for various applications, products or ideas to create greater business opportunities and benefits for our customers. It makes us have a brilliant performance - the No. 1 market share in Taiwan and the top three LED lighting brands in the world.

億光秉持「卓越、創新、誠信、品質、執行」的理念,以滿足客戶需求為第一優先,持續不斷的改善製程,注重產能的靈活性與生產力,提升生產效率。 建置完善的管理支援系統,嚴謹的存貨管理政策,以系統化資訊科技加強企業營運效率與決策流程,協同組織目標與行動,創造智慧的企業。 From the basis of integrity, quality and innovation. EVERLIGHT implements every customer’s demands in order to achieve excellent performance for each of our customers.


【公司簡介】 億光電子工業股份有限公司(Everlight Electronics., Ltd.)於1983年成立,營業項目為LED元件及燈具製造、研發及銷售,透過創新、設計、製造並銷售高效能的LED產品,結合有效率的全球顧客服務,成為市佔率全台第一、全球前三大LED照明品牌。 【全球據點】 億光電子總部位於台灣新北樹林,製造工廠設立於台灣(土城、苑裡、銅鑼)和中國(蘇州、中山)。求服務全球客戶,且能提供即時服務並快速供貨給客戶,億光在全球設立共9個國家、14個銷售據點,時至今日,億光電子已成為LED產業的領導廠及一家擁有超過5,000位員工的全球化公司。 【Corporate Profile】 EVERLIGHT Electronics Co., Ltd. was founded in 1983, we provides a diverse product portfolio consisting of Lighting Components and for various applications. For a long time, EVERLIGHT has always been dedicated to constant improvement of products and manufacturing process through professional R&D efforts, allowing people to live shining light. We have solutions featuring high quality and efficiency for various applications, products or ideas to create greater business opportunities and benefits for our customers. It makes us have a brilliant performance - the No. 1 market share in Taiwan and the top three LED lighting brands in the world.

億光秉持「卓越、創新、誠信、品質、執行」的理念,以滿足客戶需求為第一優先,持續不斷的改善製程,注重產能的靈活性與生產力,提升生產效率。 建置完善的管理支援系統,嚴謹的存貨管理政策,以系統化資訊科技加強企業營運效率與決策流程,協同組織目標與行動,創造智慧的企業。 From the basis of integrity, quality and innovation. EVERLIGHT implements every customer’s demands in order to achieve excellent performance for each of our customers.


1.可見光 Visible LED(照明元件、植物照明元件、紫外線元件、閃光燈LED、車用元件、插件式LED、表貼式LED、數位顯示LED、背光LED、顯示屏LED)
3.感測器(Ambient Light Sensor、Ambient Light and Proximity Sensor、Color Sensor)
4.光偶元件(Photo Transistor、Photo Darlington、Schmitt Trigger、High Speed、Triac Driver、Photo Power Triac Driver、Solid State Relay、IGBT Gate Driver)

【Main Product】
1. Visible LED(Lighting, Horiculture, UV , Flash, Automotive, Lamp , Digital Displays, Backlight, Signage)
2. Infrared LED(Silicon Detector, Infrared Receiver Module, Optic Fiber Device-Photo Link, Optical Switch)
3. Sensor (Ambient Light Sensor、Ambient Light and Proximity Sensor、Color Sensor)
4. Photo Coupler (Photo Transistor、Photo Darlington、Schmitt Trigger、High Speed、Triac Driver、Photo Power Triac Driver、Solid State Relay、IGBT Gate Driver)

1.照明(General Lighting、Growth Lighting、UV Appliance、Agriculture Lighting、Module Application)
3.消費型產品(Home Appliance、Other Appliance、Wareable Device Health Care、Smart Device、Gaming Computer Related、Multimedia、E-Cigarette、Surveillance、Signage)
4.工業(Vehicle Charging Station、Motor Drive、Bus Interface、Elevator Control、Power Meter、Gas Meter、Water Meter、Medical Equipment)

1. Lightting(General Lighting、Growth Lighting、UV Appliance、Agriculture Lighting、Module Application)
2. Automotive(Interior、Exterior)
3. Consumer Product(Home Appliance、Other Appliance、Wareable Device Health Care、Smart Device、Gaming Computer Related、Multimedia、E-Cigarette、Surveillance、Signage)
4. Industry(Vehicle Charging Station、Motor Drive、Bus Interface、Elevator Control、Power Meter、Gas Meter、Water Meter、Medical Equipment)

2021年第15屆亞太傑出企業獎(Asia Pacific Enterprise Awards ; APEA)「卓越企業管理獎」
2021年亞洲最佳企業雇主獎(HR Asia Best Companies to Work For In Asia 2021)
2015年Trend Brand 台灣居家用品趨勢品牌


  • 員工運動會
  • 員工及眷屬喪葬補助
  • Employee Incentive
  • 我們重視員工的表現,並樂於和所有員工共享成果。
  • ◆年度盈餘分紅 Year-end Bonus ◆目標達成獎金
  • Goal Achievement Bonus ◆提案改善獎金 Improvement proposal Bonus ◆研發專利獎金 Patent Bonus ◆特殊專案獎金 Special Project bonus
  • 除此之外,我們提供員工多元化的貼心服務,讓員工能兼顧工作與生活,無後顧之憂
  • 【公司設施】Company Utilities
  • ◆員工宿舍dormitory、餐廳Restaurant、便利商店 convenience storeu、停車場 Parking Lot
  • ◆健身房Gym、桌球室 Table Tennis Room、韻律教室 Rhythm classroom
  • 【休閒娛樂】Entertainment
  • ◆節慶/藝文/公益活動 Festivial/Arts and Cultural / Charitable Activity
  • ◆社團活動、體育競賽 Club、Sports Competition
  • ◆圖書/期刊借閱 Book/ Magazine / Periodical
  • 【員工關懷】ERP
  • ◆免費團體保險 Group Insurance
  • ◆員工健檢/醫師駐廠 regular physical check-up/ on-site doctor
  • ◆健康促進活動:健康講座課程 Health Course、EAP員工協助
  • 【其他】Others
  • ◆三節/五一/生日禮券 Holidays/Birthday Bonus
  • ◆婚喪喜慶/生育/傷病補助 Wedding and funeral/ maternity allowance/ Injury allowance
  • ◆旅遊、聚餐補助 Travel 、dinetogether Allowance
  • ◆午餐、晚餐補助 Lunch、Dinner Allowance
  • ◆特約餐廳及商店折扣 Appointed store Discount
  • ◆子女獎助學金/在職進修 Scholarship / OJT




Jobs工作機會 ( 共 1 個職缺 )





面議(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上)

應徵人數:0-10 人

  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 需出差
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 碩士以上

1.光電工程師 2.機構工程師 3.電子工程師 4.光學工程師 5.車用產品工程師 6.專案管理工程師 7.紅外線產品工程師 *邀約時依專長安排部門面談


應徵人數:0-10 人

  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 需出差
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 碩士以上