


台北文華東方酒店是全台首屈一指的國際頂級奢華酒店,座落於台北市繁華商業中心與人文薈萃的敦化北路上,酒店的歐式建築美學融合東方設計元素,從客房、走廊、餐廳,所到之處盡顯細緻優雅的設計巧思,更以細膩貼心的服務享譽盛名,在國際間屢獲無數獎項肯定,不僅多次榮獲國際權威《康泰納仕旅遊者雜誌》 (Conde Nast Traveler) 讀者之選獎「亞洲頂尖酒店」殊榮,也是全台唯一榮獲《米其林指南》酒店評鑑最高等級「5棟紅房」的評等,在台灣觀光業界奠定領導品牌形象。









獎金類: 年終獎金、三節獎金
保險類: 意外險、員工團保
餐飲類: 免費供餐
設備類: 員工餐廳
娛樂類: 國內旅遊、慶生會
補助類: 員工結婚補助、生育補助、員工及眷屬喪葬補助
其他類: 需穿著員工制服、員工在職教育訓練



◆ 休假規劃
全面採行 <週休二日>,每日工作八小時;各部門得依實際營運時間排班輪休。

◆ 職工設施:

◆ 職工保險:


◆ 薪資福利:
各項津貼加總,每月高達$2000 - 4000
1.34/1.67/2.67 依勞基法計算加班費

◆ 職工福利:
集團員工優惠:Pizza Hut、IKEA、KFC
米其林餐廳/ 貴婦下午茶點等餐廳員工優惠折扣

◆ 內部職涯發展:
MOve In Orientation(新進人員教育訓練)
MOve Ahead(初階主管領導力培訓課程)
MOve Up(中階主管領導力培訓課程)
MOve Forward(高階主管領導力培訓課程)





文華酒吧領班/副理/經理 (MO Bar Captain/Bar Assistant Manager/Bar Manager)
應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 晚班、輪班
  • 3年工作經驗以上
  • 高中職以上

台北文華東方酒店酒吧簡介: • M.O. Bar沿襲 1920 年代裝飾藝術風格,結合多樣化的舒適客席區,提供一系列精心調製的雞尾酒、頂級香檳、葡萄酒與各式烈酒服務。 工作內容: • 酒單內容介紹與推薦 • 飲品、酒類調製 • 送餐及桌邊服務 • 控管同仁及工讀生工作指導 • 維持酒吧現場運行 • 協助酒吧行政事務

應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 晚班、輪班
  • 3年工作經驗以上
  • 高中職以上
文華Cafe 外場主任 (Cafe Un Deux Trois Supervisor)
應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 日班、晚班、假日班、輪班
  • 3年工作經驗以上
  • 高中職以上

位於酒店五樓的文華Café為將現代時尚的餐廳,提供多樣化的單點美饌及主廚精選套餐。充滿現代感與悠閒的用餐環境,另可容納32位貴賓的私人包廂,適於朋友同樂、家人相聚或商務洽談的最佳首選。 工作內容: • 控管現場同仁及工作指導 • 人員管理及教育訓練 • 顧客關係處理及維護 • 店內行政庶務管理 • 服務流程管理及維護 • 物料盤點及叫貨管理 • 點餐及桌邊服務

應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 日班、晚班、假日班、輪班
  • 3年工作經驗以上
  • 高中職以上
【米其林一星】雅閣中餐廳 副理 (Ya Ge Chinese Restaurant Assistant Manager)
應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 日班、晚班、假日班、輪班
  • 5年工作經驗以上
  • 學歷不拘

• 雅閣中餐廳為連續6年榮獲米其林一星粵式料理餐廳。由廚藝精湛的主廚團隊,精選臺灣寶島在地食材,以其底蘊深厚的傳統手藝,卓越呈現正宗的粵菜經典佳餚,將菜餚本身最純粹細膩的精隨完美演繹,引領賓客以味蕾穿越極致美饌殿堂。 • 營收及成本控管 • 財務分析及報表製作 • 人員管理及教育訓練 • 顧客關係處理及維護 • 店內行政庶務管理 • 服務流程管理及維護 • 物料盤點及叫貨管理 • 點餐及桌邊服務

應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 日班、晚班、假日班、輪班
  • 5年工作經驗以上
  • 學歷不拘
人力資源部專員(Human Resources Coordinator)
應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 1年工作經驗以上
  • 專科以上

1.薪酬管理/保險 (兼職人員勞健保、出缺勤管理、各項保險) 2.招募 (正職、兼職、實習生招募聘用) 3.行政事項 (外籍同仁聘僱及相關事宜、各項資料維護) 4.員工關係 (員工活動規劃及執行、跨部門溝通) 5.主管交辦事項 **實際工作項目比重分配,將依照個人職能狀態調整** 1.C&B & insurance (Part-time staff attendance management, insurance) 2.Recruitment (Full time, Part time, interns recruitment and) 3.Administration (Foreign colleagues employment process, Maintaining and organizing data) 4.Employee Relation (Employee activity planning and conducting ,Departmental communication) 5.Tasks assigned by manager. **Allocation of actual job program will be adjusted according to the personal competency**.

應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 1年工作經驗以上
  • 專科以上
行政管家(Executive Butler)
應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日、排休、輪休
  • 日班、晚班、大夜班、假日班、輪班、中班
  • 3年工作經驗以上
  • 高中職以上

House Butlers provide a warm, efficient, personalized, and discreet service for all our designated guests from point of reservation, pre-arrival, during the stay as well as maintaining an effective relationship with guests after departure to encourage them to return. As a House Butler you will take full ownership of each request from a designated guest. The requests will be facilitated by working closely with key departments such as In-Room Dining, Concierge, Guest Relations, Reception, Housekeeping, Reservations and Sales, and all necessary auxiliary departments to deliver guest requests. •To ensure incoming guests are contacted at least three days prior to arrival for pre-arrival preference check and set up, offer outlined services during guests’ stay, and follow up with a post-stay check. •To ensure awareness of the arrival details, and make all necessary prior arrangements requested by guests. •To proactively seek guest preferences, update, record, and at all possible, fulfill them. •To provide quality service with colleagues to the guests by responding to requests promptly, efficiently, and courteously during check-in, check-out and throughout the guest’s experience •To stay current with developments and procedures in the hotel by attending daily Front of House or daily briefings and arrival meetings •To handle guests incoming and outgoing correspondence, (facsimile, messages, e-mail, etc.) •To establish a good working knowledge of the Finance Department so as to facilitate guests and Management requests for historical data •To have the knowledge and hands-on experience to perform the in-room check-in and check-out services. •Have full knowledge of housekeeping standards to assist and perform the final checking of the room prior to guest arrival, and the daily checkup of the room after room attendant has completed the daily cleaning to ensure guest preferences are met. •To coordinate the social or business itinerary of all Suite guests. •To assist in handling guest calls and acting upon them in a professional & courteous manner. •Communicate all guest compliments, comments, observations, and complaints to relevant departments and ensure follow up. •To contact the guest after departure for satisfaction check and feedback to enhance the overall experience in the future and offer as the point of contact directly for future bookings. •To ensure good maintenance in all Suites by doing regular walk arounds and inspections while working closely with other departments as needed, to include initiating repair orders. •To maximize the revenue and occupancy of all Suites.

應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日、排休、輪休
  • 日班、晚班、大夜班、假日班、輪班、中班
  • 3年工作經驗以上
  • 高中職以上
人力資源部經理(Human Resources Manager)
應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 5年工作經驗以上
  • 專科、大學

•Assist the Director of Human Resource in planning and formulating various short to medium-term HR strategies and policies which will enable the hotel to attract and retain the right caliber of colleagues. •Adhere and update various government labour legislations from time to time and ensure compliance with the law. •Assist the Director of Human Resource in implementing measures and policies that will ensure positive colleague climate, high morale and effective communication, including the annual Employee Satisfaction Survey. •Provide guidance to Department Heads in all matters pertaining to the employment function and procedures. •Update and maintain all colleagues’ personnel files to ensure all necessary information are kept up-to-date. •Implement and administer welfare and benefits such as medical insurance, medical expenditure, all kinds of leave entitlements, etc. •Update and maintain monthly leave reports for the Core Team. •Work with Department Heads on their manpower needs, both full-time and part-time, including sourcing for alternative and foreign workers, to fill vacant positions. •Compile ad hoc and all monthly reports to MOHG Corporate HR Division such as monthly Staff Turnover Report, Monthly Human Resource Report and Monthly Occupational Health & Safety Report. •Conduct the General Orientation and other ad hoc training. •Assist the Director of Human Resource in conducting regular and ad hoc surveys to ensure that the Hotel’s total compensation and benefits package is competitive with the market. •Work with Department Heads to propose organization development and process re-engineering to increase organizational effectiveness. •Train new colleagues and cross train existing colleagues in the Human Resource Department.

應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 5年工作經驗以上
  • 專科、大學
青隅外場 副理 (Assistant Jade Lounge Restaurant Manager)
應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 日班、晚班、假日班、輪班
  • 5年工作經驗以上
  • 專科、大學、碩士

台北文華東方酒店餐廳簡介: 風格優雅別致的「青隅」位於酒店一樓,緊鄰大廳,白天擁有絕佳天然採光,是賓客在台北都會中愜意享受文華東方著名的經典英式下午茶、與品味歐洲優質茶飲和精選中式茗茶的絕佳場所。 工作內容: • 控管現場同仁及工作指導 • 人員管理及教育訓練 • 顧客關係處理及維護 • 店內行政庶務管理 • 服務流程管理及維護 • 物料盤點及叫貨管理 • 點餐及桌邊服務 • 營收及成本控管

應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 日班、晚班、假日班、輪班
  • 5年工作經驗以上
  • 專科、大學、碩士
資訊主任 (IT&T Supervisor)
應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 日班、輪班
  • 2年工作經驗以上
  • 專科、大學

Duties & Responsibilities: • To provide IT support in technical issue, application, troubleshooting, hardware maintenance for hotel. • Install, manage, and monitor computer hardware and software, network equipment and business applications properly. • Liaise with vendors on problem escalation, troubleshooting, setup, and implementation. • Involve in systems implementation and projects upgrade. • Check and maintain inventory records includes software and hardware. 工作職責: 1. 電腦及週邊設備與套裝軟體之管理與維護 2. 電腦使用問題故障排除 3. 與廠商聯絡問題升級、故障排除、軟體安裝及執行 4. 參與系統實施和項目升級 5. 檢查與維護軟硬體紀錄

應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 日班、輪班
  • 2年工作經驗以上
  • 專科、大學
餐飲副總監(Assistant Director of Food & Beverage)
應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 需出差
  • 10年工作經驗以上
  • 專科以上

•Supervise the day-to-day operation of the Food and Beverage Department. •Assist DOFB in controlling and analyzing on an on-going basis for the following: •Guest satisfaction •Merchandising and marketing on special project •Operating costs •Sanitation, cleanliness and hygiene •Ensure optimum performance in specific areas as assigned in the above areas •Handle, under the guidance of the DOFB, responsibilities such as hiring specific levels of employees, employee orientation, job performance appraisal, coaching to ensure appropriate staffing and productivity. •Ensure job descriptions and brand standards pertaining to the Food and Beverage department are updated annually, or when necessary. •Assist in the preparation of the hotel’s strategy plan, annual marketing plan, goal program and budgeting for the Food and Beverage Department. •Plan in conjunction with the DOFB and outlet Managers activities, promotions, menu implementations according to the annual marketing plan •Be aware of and comply with all legislation affecting the operation, including licensing regulations, health regulations and fire and safety regulations •Ensure that all designated action points from daily briefings or bi-monthly operational meetings are being followed by the individuals concerned •Handle customer comments and complaints and take swift corrective action after consultation with the DOFB and department head concerned •Conduct daily hotel tours to observe operational standards and difficulties and follow them up with the relevant Managers •Listen to employee grievances and to take timely remedial action. •Assist the DOFB in all administrative duties, including, but not limited to departmental checklists and departmental reports •Inform the DOFB on a daily basis of all relevant information in operational and personal matters, including information, which does not require his action. •Attend to and contribute to the Food and Beverage meeting. •Assume the responsibilities of the DOFB in his absence. •Perform related duties and special projects as assigned by the DOFB. •Complete detailed checks of the entire Food and Beverage operation during all service periods taking necessary actions to correct any deviation from quality standards •Foster positive thinking and motivation within all Food and Beverage outlets by giving active assistance and advice on more effective ways of running the outlets •Ensure that positive working relations with non Food and Beverage departments are fostered giving co-operation at all times •Ensure disciplinary and grievance procedures are properly adhered to and followed •Write and proof-read memorandums, letters and menus of the department •Be responsible for and accountable for the departmental operating budget •Find ways to improve the efficiency of the operations, which will benefit our clients •Find ways of maximizing and increasing sales and/or yield (in revenue centers) •Find methods of reducing costs without affecting the level of service or product received by the guests •Propose and initiate when approved, new services and products for our guests •Ensure & monitor all the F&B related marketing & promotion message up to date •Perform any other reasonable duties as required by the DOFB from time to time

應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 需出差
  • 10年工作經驗以上
  • 專科以上
職業安全衛生管理員 Labor Safety
應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 日班、晚班、輪班
  • 3年工作經驗以上
  • 大學以上

•乙級職業安全衛生管理員證照 •負責職業安全衛生相關業務。 •危險機械、設備、器具或場所之風險因子評估與管理。 •建立、修訂及執行專案相關安全衛生程序書及標準。 •處理突發之職業安全衛生事宜及緊急應變措施。 •教育員工安全衛生相關知識與技能;個人防護具之要求與管理。 •執行環境安全衛生之稽核、管理、規劃及督導。 •職業安全衛生教育訓練、應變演練及緊急應變措施管理。 •.執行其他主管交辦事項。

應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 日班、晚班、輪班
  • 3年工作經驗以上
  • 大學以上
