Excel in Tomorrow‘s World!
- 電話
- 成立時間 2006/05/19
- 公司網址 https://www.facebook.com/bridgeworld35
- 產業類別 補習班
Are you passionate about teaching English to children and teenagers? Look no further! We are a renowned English language institute, BridgeWorld English , with over a decade of experience in the field of foreign language instruction for youngsters. We strongly emphasize the cultivation of language proficiency in children.
At BridgeWorld English, we firmly believe that language learning goes beyond mere academic performance. Our mission is to teach children how to express themselves and think critically in English, enabling them to excel in self-expression and problem-solving across various disciplines.
We strive to create a vibrant learning environment where children are motivated to learn through engaging activities and daily life interactions. We also instill the values of discipline, cultivating the habit of reading, setting learning goals, and employing effective learning strategies.
If you are an enthusiastic and experienced English teacher, we cordially invite you to join our team at BridgeWorld English. Your expertise and teaching skills will be a valuable asset as we work together to nurture children's language aptitude and shape their future success.
Come and join us in our commitment to fostering children's language skills and preparing them for success in our ever-globalizing world.
里港分校: 屏東縣里港鄉過江村仁愛路79號、電話(08)7720977
鼓山分校: 高雄市鼓山區美術東五路35號、電話(07)5227703
Are you passionate about teaching English to children and teenagers? Look no further! We are a renowned English language institute, BridgeWorld English , with over a decade of experience in the field of foreign language instruction for youngsters. We strongly emphasize the cultivation of language proficiency in children.
At BridgeWorld English, we firmly believe that language learning goes beyond mere academic performance. Our mission is to teach children how to express themselves and think critically in English, enabling them to excel in self-expression and problem-solving across various disciplines.
We strive to create a vibrant learning environment where children are motivated to learn through engaging activities and daily life interactions. We also instill the values of discipline, cultivating the habit of reading, setting learning goals, and employing effective learning strategies.
If you are an enthusiastic and experienced English teacher, we cordially invite you to join our team at BridgeWorld English. Your expertise and teaching skills will be a valuable asset as we work together to nurture children's language aptitude and shape their future success.
Come and join us in our commitment to fostering children's language skills and preparing them for success in our ever-globalizing world.
里港分校: 屏東縣里港鄉過江村仁愛路79號、電話(08)7720977
鼓山分校: 高雄市鼓山區美術東五路35號、電話(07)5227703
●幼稚園, 國小, 國中, 高中班之英語課程
- 勞保
- 健保
- 年終獎金
- 激勵獎金
- 績效獎金
- *國內外員工旅遊
- *勞工保險與全民健保
- *勞退薪資提撥
- *員工不定期聚餐
- *年終尾牙
- *年終績效獎金、節慶獎金/禮品
- *免費員工制服
- *員工子女學費全免
- *教師檢定考試與國內進修補助
- *不定期公司員工團體免費進修
- *婚喪喜慶補助
- *免費書籍借閱,自我進修
Jobs工作機會 ( 共 13 個職缺 )
橋譽英文 BridgeWorld English
論件計酬 30000元 以上
-協助學生完成當天功課 -指導國小學生課業 - 批改學生評量與規劃學生評量進度 -管理學生生活常規,接送到班 -個別輔導加強。 -與家長互動及電聯。
橋譽英文 BridgeWorld English
月薪 45,000元 以上
應徵人數:0-10 人
分析- 日班
- 5年工作經驗以上
- 大學以上
-負責班級、學生管理,養成班級讀書風氣,激發學生學習成效 -提供家長服務及密切的學生狀況分析回報 -依據教學目標,評估學生學習狀況以調整授課進度、批閱考卷 -協助教師處理教學上的行政事務 -接聽電話,回答來電者對於補習班的疑惑 -介紹補習班課程,協助補習班招生
橋譽英文 BridgeWorld English
月薪 32,000元 以上
應徵人數:0-10 人
分析- 週休二日
- 日班
- 2年工作經驗以上
- 學歷不拘
1.管理公司人員異動或資料異動 2.處理人員加、退勞健保與團保 3.人員出勤管理,輸入匯入每日出勤表,了解人員實際出勤狀況 4.協助主管製作各類表單,及提供人事行政作業流程 5.人力資源盤點並製作員工職務工作說明書 6.薪酬計算
橋譽英文 BridgeWorld English
月薪 45,000元 以上
應徵人數:0-10 人
分析- 日班
- 5年工作經驗以上
- 大學以上
-分析業界最新資訊,留意日後產業市場變化 -規劃及審核公司各項管理制度,以符合經營管理之需求 -規劃公司人才開發、及教育訓練課程 -塑造公司組織氣候及企業文化,以符合發展需要,引導各部門經營方向與公司營運目標方向一致 -協助公司推動改革創新之策略及經營目標至各部門 -定期召開經營會議並落實、督促和協調各部門的工作進展 -危機處理 -行銷企劃,產品開發,人員培訓,銷售活動企劃,業績目標設定 -針對當前市場景氣形態調整行銷策略及作法.策動所有人員達成目標
橋譽英文 BridgeWorld English
時薪 183 至 250元
應徵人數:0-10 人
分析- 日班
- 工作經驗不拘
- 學歷不拘
協助老師下課學生秩序 輔導學生作業 主管交辦事項 個性外向活潑,配合度高者佳
橋譽英文 BridgeWorld English
月薪 30,000 至 36,000元
應徵人數:0-10 人
分析- 日班
- 工作經驗不拘
- 專科以上
1. 學生管理 2. 學生接待 3. 課程解說 4. 行政工作及學務事項處理 5. 具補習班經驗者佳
補習班工讀生 (16:30~21:00)
橋譽英文 BridgeWorld English
時薪 183 至 200元
應徵人數:0-10 人
分析- 日班
- 工作經驗不拘
- 學歷不拘
協助老師下課學生秩序 主管交辦事項 個性外向活潑,配合度高者佳
櫃台行政人員 (鼓山分校)
橋譽英文 BridgeWorld English
月薪 28,000元 以上
應徵人數:0-10 人
分析- 週休二日
- 日班
- 2年工作經驗以上
- 專科以上
1. 學生管理 2. 學生接待 3. 行政工作及學務事項處理 4. 一般櫃檯事務與基本會計 5. 課程解說 6. 維護環境整潔 7. 協助招生活動行銷 8 .執行主任交辦事項
兒童美語教師 (鼓山分校)
橋譽英文 BridgeWorld English
面議(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上)
We are seeking creative, energetic and responsible English teachers to join our team. You should also have patience and genuinely enjoy teaching younger children. You should be able to make learning fun to students.
橋譽英文 BridgeWorld English
時薪 500元 以上
應徵人數:0-10 人
分析- 日班
- 工作經驗不拘
- 專科以上
We are seeking creative, energetic and responsible English teachers to join our team. You should also have patience and genuinely enjoy teaching younger children. You should be able to make learning fun to students. 10-15 teaching hour per week