







The International Cooperation and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF) is dedicated to boosting socio-economic development, enhancing human resources and promoting economic relations in a range of developing partner countries. We also offer humanitarian assistance and provide aid in the event of natural disasters or international refugee crises.

To carry out our mission, we offer a range of assistance that centers on four core operations: lending and investment, technical cooperation, humanitarian assistance, and international education and training. Our Fund is used to make direct or indirect investments and to finance lending operations. Revenues generated by the Fund are used to support our bilateral or multilateral technical cooperation projects, humanitarian assistance operations and education and training.

Every new project from the TaiwanICDF proceeds according to a rigorous project cycle and is backed by mutual covenants signed in cooperation with relevant stakeholders. Our projects are designed to address the strategic development goals of each of our partner countries, pay due consideration to associated regional trends, and maximize results by employing the right combination of capital and technical cooperation.

Ultimately, our work is tailor-made to the local needs of each partner country. Our assistance covers a variety of contemporary development issues such as agriculture, public health and medicine, education, information and communications technology, environment and small and medium enterprises.

We are also acting to improve human resources and build institutional capacity at the TaiwanICDF itself. We believe that as a stronger, more professional organization, we will be better placed to advise decision-making bodies within our government. Efforts to improve our own organization will also help us to deepen the coverage of our projects and transfer technological know-how on to our partners. We aspire to making the most effective use of manpower and resources, and replicating and adapting successful experiences from one partner country to another.

The TaiwanICDF is headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan. As of December 31, 2020, we have 110 domestic employees and 151 staff working at overseas missions.






國合會執行之各項計畫,均在兼顧財務及技術之可行範圍內,首須評估需求,並以計畫為導向進行資源配置,再循計畫流程作業模式,從訂定計畫目標開始,依據計畫之選定、評估、磋商、執行及後評估等階段明定階段性工作指標及執行時程。 計畫執行期間尤須加強監督評估,以提高計畫執行效率,確保執行品質及發揮計畫效益;所指的效益,廣義來說包括社會效益、經濟效益或財務效益等。為落實計畫的效益,任何計畫的執行應具持續性;並在推動之際,確實掌握時效及進度,使計畫按預定時程完成,俾在最優先之時效內嘉惠計畫受援對象並彰顯計畫成效。

Agriculture, Public Health and Medicine, Education, Information and Communication Technology, Environment, Small and Medium Enterprises

At the TaiwanICDF, all of our work develops from cooperation and dialogue with our partner countries, from an understanding of regional issues influencing development among these partners, and from a keen focus on international development trends. Our project work targets the needs of our partners in accordance with a rigorous set of operational principles.

TaiwanICDF activities focus on four core areas of operations: lending and investment, technical cooperation, humanitarian assistance, and international education and training. Each of these areas of operation is represented by a department within our organization.

Project Methodologies and the Project Cycle

We understand that development work yields the greatest benefits when projects are delivered efficiently and effectively throughout the full length of the project cycle.

Each of our projects goes through identification, preparation and appraisal phases before any physical work begins in earnest. During these stages, we work with stakeholders to agree on a set of specific development goals for a project. We also plan forthcoming implementation and evaluation phases by setting realistic timetables and specifying inputs expected of relevant local stakeholders.

Once a project has been implemented, evaluation remains an essential part of the process. Proper evaluation allows us to recognize the benefits and drawbacks of our methods and informs our work on future projects. At the TaiwanICDF, projects are judged on the basis of their social, economic and financial success. As clearly as possible, we also assess what did or did not work in the initial stages of project design and weigh up whether the project schedule made the most efficient use of resources. These measures have the ultimate effect of benefiting partner countries by improving future projects.





獎金類: 年終獎金
保險類: 員工團保
設備類: 書報室、交誼廳
補助類: 員工國內、外進修補助、國內、外旅遊補助
其他類: 員工在職教育訓練、良好升遷制度







應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 大學以上

1.年度財務收入預估與管理追蹤。 2.資金配置規劃、財務操作與管理。 3.投融資計畫撥款審核與資金管理。 4.其他專案或主管交辦事項。

應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 大學以上
英文編輯 TaiwanICDF English Editor
應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 大學以上

◆ JOB TITLE: English Editor (Full-Time; Contract) ◆ JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: - Compose, revise, edit and translate the TaiwanICDF’s English printed and digital publications (e.g. annual reports, videos, press releases and promotional materials, etc.). - Maintain and edit the TaiwanICDF’s English website content. - Revise, edit and translate the TaiwanICDF’s English letters, reports, and related documents. - Other duties as assigned. ※本職缺為約聘人員,非本會編制內人員 ※工作內容: 1.本會英文平面及數位出版品(例如年報、影片等)、新聞稿、文宣品等編譯/撰稿。 2.英文網站資料、文字審潤確認。 3.全會各處室英文書信、報告及業務相關文稿之修潤。 4.其他交辦事項。

應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 大學以上
應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 日班
  • 需外派
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 大學以上

※工作內容: 1.強化在地輔導單位機構能力 2.協助重點產業輔導機構培訓企業,並導入關鍵技術 3.整合輔導針對重點/潛力產業個案輔導方法及經驗 4.協助巴國推動SBDC 框架以強化產官學輔導資源整合 5.協助計畫庶務及行政工作 ※年度預訂目標: 1.培育個重點潛力產業輔導顧問計12 人 2.協助重點潛力產業輔導機構完成關鍵項目改善達8 家 3.協助重點潛力產業輔導機構培訓150 家企業 4.協助10 家紡織廠商開發新產品各一式 5.辦理紡織產業貿洽會(B2B)1 場,每場至少40 家廠商參與,協助廠商取得訂單 6.編撰微中小企業輔導作業流程手冊

應徵人數:1 ~ 5人
  • 日班
  • 需外派
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 大學以上
