- 傳真
- 公司網址 http://www.srs-bike.com/
- 公司位置
- 產業類別 自行車╱零件製造
- 產業說明 自行車及零配件相關業
台灣素有自行車王國的美譽,SRS BIKE成立於1973年,30多年來從零售店面到製造經銷,我們始終本著客戶優先、品質完善、交貨迅速為原則,每位客戶所訂購之自行車,我們都會全力以赴,追求完善,亦贏得台灣消費者普遍認同,分別受到電視新聞( EBC NEWS 2003.9 )、報紙( CHINA TIMES 2005.7 )、雜誌( MarKeting2005.6 )報導與肯定!
SRS BIKE was established in 1973. In earlier period, we transformed our company from traditional bike retailer to manufacturer. Our company has several years of experience in providing all style of bikes OEM service, SRS brand bike distribution, we have much pleasant experience cooperation with many well-known store and media in Taiwan, such as OPEL Car Taiwan, SYM motorcycles. TVBS magazine. TV shopping channel, wine importer co, and so on. For all these years, our mission and committed to serve each customer all around the world to the best of our capacity. We will apply our success experience in Taiwan with the same energy and spirit in the international community to best serve our customers like a best friend. Whenever you need a bicycle, we will serve you with utmost sincerity.Welcome people who love learning, full of enthusiasm , and are interested in E-commerce work to join our SRS big family~
台灣素有自行車王國的美譽,SRS BIKE成立於1973年,30多年來從零售店面到製造經銷,我們始終本著客戶優先、品質完善、交貨迅速為原則,每位客戶所訂購之自行車,我們都會全力以赴,追求完善,亦贏得台灣消費者普遍認同,分別受到電視新聞( EBC NEWS 2003.9 )、報紙( CHINA TIMES 2005.7 )、雜誌( MarKeting2005.6 )報導與肯定!
SRS BIKE was established in 1973. In earlier period, we transformed our company from traditional bike retailer to manufacturer. Our company has several years of experience in providing all style of bikes OEM service, SRS brand bike distribution, we have much pleasant experience cooperation with many well-known store and media in Taiwan, such as OPEL Car Taiwan, SYM motorcycles. TVBS magazine. TV shopping channel, wine importer co, and so on. For all these years, our mission and committed to serve each customer all around the world to the best of our capacity. We will apply our success experience in Taiwan with the same energy and spirit in the international community to best serve our customers like a best friend. Whenever you need a bicycle, we will serve you with utmost sincerity.Welcome people who love learning, full of enthusiasm , and are interested in E-commerce work to join our SRS big family~
- 勞保
- 健保
- 週休二日
- 全勤獎金
- 年終獎金
- ◆中秋節、端午節禮金
- ◆ 年終績效獎金
- ◆飲料津貼