- 員工人數 30人
- 電話
- 傳真
- 公司網址 http://www.jdforging.com
- 公司位置
- 產業類別 其他金屬相關製造
- 產業說明 各種钛、鋁、銅、鐵材質之鍛造CNC商品
本公司自一九九二年大陸設至廠房,由精密鍛造表殼,從而應市場需求,慢慢轉變爲精密鍛造各種钛、鋁、銅、鐵材質之鍛造品,于二零零四年又投資1500萬人民币,在深圳設立占地20000平方米新廠,已于2005年6月5日盛大舉行開幕儀式,目前已正式運作,将頂科技深圳新廠采用先進的機器設備,其有精密鍛造機1600頓,1000噸,600噸,400噸等等及動壓機和無數精密機器,生産能力以及品質都全面提升到最優質水平,統計員工人數約300人,目前主要産品爲汽車、機車及運動器材,自行車等鍛造及動壓件,除了鎖定中國大陸廣大的市場外,目标亦瞄準國際外銷市場。 本公司具備自行開發的競争優勢,從模具制造一直到産品完成交件和最後的品質保證全于廠内完成,并自備精加工CNC銑床數台加強開發能力,都爲要提供客戶最貼心的段質服務及工作需求,又請所有客戶對于公司産品皆具有高度信心。 秉持着[榮譽與分享]的最高經營理念,将頂穩紮穩打的邁向國際化的未來,積極拓展市場版圖.
JIANG-DING TECHONOLOGY CO. LTD established in China (1981). In early stage, we were producing steel forged watchcase. In 1992, JIANG-DING expanded product line to Titanium, Aluminum, Copper and Iron forged products. In 2008, we increased our capital, and established a second factory in Tainan, Taiwan. To keep up with marketing trends, in 2001, we started to devote enormous effort on developing electronic products parts. We own rich experiences in forging metals and provide customization for customers. We offer the high quality of forging presses; including 400 ton, 600 ton, 1000 ton, and 1600 ton forging press. These equipments greatly improved our production capacity and quality. In order to bring our company to a higher level in every aspect, JIANG DING now R&D and manufacture automotive, motorcycle, fitness equipment and bicycle accessories fro China and global market. All of our products are completely developed and produced in our factory, from the mould to shipment. We purchase precision CNC equipments for promote R&D’s capability. Therefore, we could provide our customers with best service and product! We devoted spirit for the work with high efficiency and conception of trustworthiness. In order to satisfy customer’s request, we have been making great contribution to this business by pouring into the cultivation of talents and operating superior management on each transaction. To appreciate highly support & cooperation from all the customers, we are developing more innovative items each coming season; to create more business profitability & making benefit for all buyers will be our first goal to fulfill. Your comments and enthusiasm to us are welcome.
本公司自一九九二年大陸設至廠房,由精密鍛造表殼,從而應市場需求,慢慢轉變爲精密鍛造各種钛、鋁、銅、鐵材質之鍛造品,于二零零四年又投資1500萬人民币,在深圳設立占地20000平方米新廠,已于2005年6月5日盛大舉行開幕儀式,目前已正式運作,将頂科技深圳新廠采用先進的機器設備,其有精密鍛造機1600頓,1000噸,600噸,400噸等等及動壓機和無數精密機器,生産能力以及品質都全面提升到最優質水平,統計員工人數約300人,目前主要産品爲汽車、機車及運動器材,自行車等鍛造及動壓件,除了鎖定中國大陸廣大的市場外,目标亦瞄準國際外銷市場。 本公司具備自行開發的競争優勢,從模具制造一直到産品完成交件和最後的品質保證全于廠内完成,并自備精加工CNC銑床數台加強開發能力,都爲要提供客戶最貼心的段質服務及工作需求,又請所有客戶對于公司産品皆具有高度信心。 秉持着[榮譽與分享]的最高經營理念,将頂穩紮穩打的邁向國際化的未來,積極拓展市場版圖.
JIANG-DING TECHONOLOGY CO. LTD established in China (1981). In early stage, we were producing steel forged watchcase. In 1992, JIANG-DING expanded product line to Titanium, Aluminum, Copper and Iron forged products. In 2008, we increased our capital, and established a second factory in Tainan, Taiwan. To keep up with marketing trends, in 2001, we started to devote enormous effort on developing electronic products parts. We own rich experiences in forging metals and provide customization for customers. We offer the high quality of forging presses; including 400 ton, 600 ton, 1000 ton, and 1600 ton forging press. These equipments greatly improved our production capacity and quality. In order to bring our company to a higher level in every aspect, JIANG DING now R&D and manufacture automotive, motorcycle, fitness equipment and bicycle accessories fro China and global market. All of our products are completely developed and produced in our factory, from the mould to shipment. We purchase precision CNC equipments for promote R&D’s capability. Therefore, we could provide our customers with best service and product! We devoted spirit for the work with high efficiency and conception of trustworthiness. In order to satisfy customer’s request, we have been making great contribution to this business by pouring into the cultivation of talents and operating superior management on each transaction. To appreciate highly support & cooperation from all the customers, we are developing more innovative items each coming season; to create more business profitability & making benefit for all buyers will be our first goal to fulfill. Your comments and enthusiasm to us are welcome.
- 勞保
- 健保
- 加班費
- 週休二日
- 陪產檢及陪產假
- 育嬰假
- 特別休假
- 勞退提繳金
- 職災保險
- 年終獎金
- 員工團保
- 伙食津貼
- 員工宿舍
- 員工餐廳
- 員工聚餐
- 需穿著員工制服
- 良好升遷制度
- 1.婚喪喜慶補助
- 2.享勞健保/團保
- 3.加班費
- 4.週休二日制度
- 5.特休假
- 6.員工制服
- 7.午餐津貼
- 8.如加班超過晚上8點半免費有晚餐
Jobs工作機會 ( 共 3 個職缺 )
月薪 27,470元 以上
應徵人數:0-10 人
分析- 週休二日
- 日班
- 工作經驗不拘
- 學歷不拘
1.線上包裝作業及機台操作 2.依工作能力調薪 3.需要加班,加班費另計
月薪 28,000 至 38,000元
應徵人數:0-10 人
分析- 週休二日
- 日班
- 1年工作經驗以上
- 高中職以上
1.製造過程中之製程巡檢並解決問題 2.原物料、半成品,成品、包裝、出廠之品質檢驗 3.教導作業員品質觀念 4.依工作能力調薪