
CC Tech was founded in 2016. Extraordinary elites specialized in game development have gathered together to create over one hundred online games .

In this fast-growing industry we utilize our own professional techniques to gain a foothold with just a glimpse of time. We proactively participate in different international entertainment exhibitions. We have become the most competitive gaming content provider in Asia.

We embrace changes, enjoy challenges and leave no stone unturned while facing competitions. We enjoy adventures, innovations, serendipities, and dare to face any frustrations. These are all nutrients for us to thrive. Challenges emerge every day, however, we strike out for pursuing higher qualities of our products, and work at the zenith of our power to do what we can't.

We learn from each professional. Together, we spark creativity. CC Tech recruits all the talents from software industry.

長青自許為遊戲開發的領頭羊,而『人才』就是長青的核心資產。 我們重視每一位夥伴的專業技能與人格特質,規劃多項課程來加強新知並強化專業, 在巨人的肩膀上,長青扶持你茁壯。
Talents are the most important assets of CC Tech. We ranked front among all game developers. We cherish and value the expertise and personalities of every employee. A great Variety of training are also being provided for not only increasing professionalism but broadening horizons. Standing on the shoulder of a giant, CC Tech will let you see farther than you think.

千里馬很多,而長青看到了你。 你準備好加入長青一展長才了嗎?
There are numerous talents out there but few wise headhunters. We see great values in you. Are you ready to spread your wings with CC Tech?


CC Tech was founded in 2016. Extraordinary elites specialized in game development have gathered together to create over one hundred online games .

In this fast-growing industry we utilize our own professional techniques to gain a foothold with just a glimpse of time. We proactively participate in different international entertainment exhibitions. We have become the most competitive gaming content provider in Asia.

We embrace changes, enjoy challenges and leave no stone unturned while facing competitions. We enjoy adventures, innovations, serendipities, and dare to face any frustrations. These are all nutrients for us to thrive. Challenges emerge every day, however, we strike out for pursuing higher qualities of our products, and work at the zenith of our power to do what we can't.

We learn from each professional. Together, we spark creativity. CC Tech recruits all the talents from software industry.

長青自許為遊戲開發的領頭羊,而『人才』就是長青的核心資產。 我們重視每一位夥伴的專業技能與人格特質,規劃多項課程來加強新知並強化專業, 在巨人的肩膀上,長青扶持你茁壯。
Talents are the most important assets of CC Tech. We ranked front among all game developers. We cherish and value the expertise and personalities of every employee. A great Variety of training are also being provided for not only increasing professionalism but broadening horizons. Standing on the shoulder of a giant, CC Tech will let you see farther than you think.

千里馬很多,而長青看到了你。 你準備好加入長青一展長才了嗎?
There are numerous talents out there but few wise headhunters. We see great values in you. Are you ready to spread your wings with CC Tech?






Main Product and Service

CC Tech focuses on developing online games with originality. We furnish our clients worldwide with miscellaneous internationalized game products along with operation forums. We cooperate with business partners located in Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines and other Asian countries. Currently, we are also actively expanding our territory to the United States and European countries.

【遊戲製作 Game Development】
CC Tech specializes in creating new games. The interfaces of our game products combine 2D with 3D graphical design, showing eastern and western styles; war of hegemony: the three kingdoms, Sherlock Holmes, and medieval vampire duke can be taken as the best examples of our game themes.
The delicate visual effects win warm praise from great variety of users. In addition to the exquisite gaming effects, we also develop diversified products as per the habits and needs of Asian users.

【技術支援 Technical Support】
1. Programming
 -Linux、Docker、JavaScript、C#、SQL、MySQL、HTML5、CSS3、Golang、java spring
2. Environment
 - Database (MariaDB、MongoDB、MySQL)
 - Networking
 i. Cisco L2/L3 Switch - Routing / VTP / STP / PBR
ii. FortiGate 、 Paloalto 、 Access Policy / Security Policy / SSL-VPN / Packet Capture
iii. F5 LTM/GTM 、 Load-Balance / Dns Base Load-Balance
ix. CDN
x. OpenStack – Neutron

【客戶服務 Customer Service】
CC Tech always put our clients first. Solving problems for our customers is our priority. In order to rise onto international stage and show our respect to customers, we provide in-time multi-lingual assistance.


  • 勞保
  • 健保
  • 週休二日
  • 陪產檢及陪產假
  • 育嬰假
  • 生理假
  • 特別休假
  • 產假
  • 員工體檢
  • 勞退提繳金
  • 職災保險
  • 全勤獎金
  • 年節獎金
  • 員工生日禮金
  • 年終獎金
  • 三節獎金
  • 禮品
  • 激勵獎金
  • 績效獎金
  • 意外險
  • 員工團保
  • 伙食津貼
  • 員工餐廳
  • 員工電影
  • 國外旅遊
  • 員工聚餐
  • 慶生會
  • 尾牙
  • 下午茶
  • 員工在職教育訓練
  • 良好升遷制度
  • 【福利制度 Welfare Policy】
  • - 長久、健康、快樂是長青深信不疑的企業之道。
  • CC Tech believes that longevity, prosperity and happiness are the most important elements for business success.
  • - 長青資訊位於台中七期市政核心,辦公室位在國際頂級商辦大樓,環境舒適且遠眺市容View極佳~
  • CC Tech is located at the core of Taichung’s 7th Redevelopment Zone. The office is in a luxurious business building with comfortable environment and a beautiful landscape of the city.
  • - 午休也拉長至1.5小時,放鬆用餐愜意午覺,讓你睡得飽精神好!
  • Your lunch hour is the perfect time to recharge. 1.5-hour long lunch break will make you more productive for the whole afternoon.
  • - 具競爭力的薪資水平,年薪上看15個月,長青比你更肯定你自己!
  • CC Tech offers competitive salary, and it's the way we appreciate our employees' excellent performances.
  • - 一年一度的升遷調薪機會,員工的辛勤付出長青都知道!
  • Salary review and promotion chances are guaranteed once a year. We value your hard work beyond all things.
  • - 不定期聚餐與下午茶,還有部門輪流享用員工餐,一起化身吃貨幸福肥!
  • In addition to banquets and noon tea are held and offered on irregular basis, all CC Tech departments take turns having free employee meals. Come join us and become foodaholic just like the others in your office.
  • - 辦公室備有咖啡機、微波爐、冰箱還都只是基本款,取之不盡的零食飲料讓你身心靈都被寵壞<3
  • Coffee machine, microwave and refrigerator are just basic. We spoil you with inexhaustible snacks and drinks.
  • - 不定期福委活動,下班後的休閒運動、唱歌、看電影,長青包辦幫助你壓力退散!!
  • Irregular recreational activities like karaoke and movies help you let off steam after work.
  • - 補助員工旅遊及健康檢查,長青的愛護讓親親哈尼也羨慕!
  • Subsidy for employee travel and physical examination. We treat you like family.
  • - 節日不定期的驚喜禮品,對員工視如己出,讓你感受長青大家庭的溫暖。
  • Unexpected surprises for National holiday Day. CC Tech treats you just like our family.
  • - 勞健保、勞退提撥與團體保險就不必多說,484感受到滿滿的愛:-*
  • No worries about the insurances. Labor insurance, retirement benefits and group insurance are all included in our welfare package It is our responsibilities to make you feel safe and loved.
  • 【經營理念 Corporate Culture】
  • 企業之道:長久、健康、快樂。
  • Philosophy: longevity, prosperity and happiness.
  • 企業使命:為所有遊戲開發者賺錢。
  • Mission: Generate profits for all game developers.
  • 價值觀:產品第一,團隊合作,擁抱變化,誠信,激情,敬業。
  • Values: Quality of the product is our first priority. We also encourage team work, embrace changes. We advocate integrity, passion and dedication to work.
  • 企業理念/人才觀:鼓勵年輕人創業,也支持員工「創業」。
  • Perspectives: Encourage young people and employees to start a business.
  • 公司秉持『客戶第一,員工第二,股東第三』的原則。
  • The company upholds the "customer first, employee second, and shareholder third" principle.


