
瑞健集團(SHL)成立於1989年,目標以西方管理模式在亞洲打造具有國際水準的生產中心。如今,在全球製藥及生物科技領域,SHL已成為藥物輸送系統的OEM/ODM領導製造商,如自動安全注射器。除此之外,SHL還擴展許多產品線,像是軟性結構類醫療產品、醫療氣墊床、醫療床、腦神經手術器具、工業 設備和醫療用吊昇設備等,目標市場為北美、歐洲及亞洲。

SHL (Scandinavian Health Ltd) is currently the world‘s largest privately-owned designer, developer and manufacturer of advanced drug delivery systems. The organization was established in 1989 by Swedish entrepreneurs Roger Samuelsson and Martin Jelf with the goal of combining world-class manufacturing in Asia with the strengths of Western Management practices.
SHL manufactures devices including pen injectors, auto injectors and inhaler systems. We also manufacture a range of other products including pressure mattress systems, patient lifting slings, medical soft goods, beds, neurosurgical devices, catheters and industrial equipment.

* 承諾 Commitment
Commitment to our customer is one of the cornerstones of our success. SHL strives to provide solutions that have been fully customized to meet individual customer requirements.
* 品質 Quality
品質保證是我們的基本原則,也是生產製程的核心部分,高品質的產品是SHL Group對客戶的保證。
Quality at SHL is a fundamental part of our organization and is built into the core of processes. This ensures that the products we manufacture meet customer requirements without compromise.
* 專業 Professionalism
我們在各階段的商業合作關係中皆秉持一貫的專業性,此為SHL Group在亞洲成為國際級製造商的主因。
Professionalism throughout every stage of our business relationships is one of the primary reasons that SHL has such a strong reputation as a world-class manufacturer in Asia.


瑞健集團(SHL)成立於1989年,目標以西方管理模式在亞洲打造具有國際水準的生產中心。如今,在全球製藥及生物科技領域,SHL已成為藥物輸送系統的OEM/ODM領導製造商,如自動安全注射器。除此之外,SHL還擴展許多產品線,像是軟性結構類醫療產品、醫療氣墊床、醫療床、腦神經手術器具、工業 設備和醫療用吊昇設備等,目標市場為北美、歐洲及亞洲。

SHL (Scandinavian Health Ltd) is currently the world‘s largest privately-owned designer, developer and manufacturer of advanced drug delivery systems. The organization was established in 1989 by Swedish entrepreneurs Roger Samuelsson and Martin Jelf with the goal of combining world-class manufacturing in Asia with the strengths of Western Management practices.
SHL manufactures devices including pen injectors, auto injectors and inhaler systems. We also manufacture a range of other products including pressure mattress systems, patient lifting slings, medical soft goods, beds, neurosurgical devices, catheters and industrial equipment.

* 承諾 Commitment
Commitment to our customer is one of the cornerstones of our success. SHL strives to provide solutions that have been fully customized to meet individual customer requirements.
* 品質 Quality
品質保證是我們的基本原則,也是生產製程的核心部分,高品質的產品是SHL Group對客戶的保證。
Quality at SHL is a fundamental part of our organization and is built into the core of processes. This ensures that the products we manufacture meet customer requirements without compromise.
* 專業 Professionalism
我們在各階段的商業合作關係中皆秉持一貫的專業性,此為SHL Group在亞洲成為國際級製造商的主因。
Professionalism throughout every stage of our business relationships is one of the primary reasons that SHL has such a strong reputation as a world-class manufacturer in Asia.






1. 藥品注射器材 Drug Delivery Systems
2. 醫療科技及工業製造 Med-Tech & Industrial OEM Manufacturing
3. 醫院/家庭護理器材之設計製造 OEM/ODM Rehabilitation Equipment for home health care and hospital environment
4. 模具設計/製造 Tooling Design & Manufacturing


  • 勞保
  • 健保
  • 加班費
  • 週休二日
  • 陪產檢及陪產假
  • 育嬰假
  • 生理假
  • 特別休假
  • 產假
  • 員工體檢
  • 勞退提繳金
  • 職災保險
  • 哺乳室
  • 有合作托兒中心
  • 年節獎金
  • 員工生日禮金
  • 年終獎金
  • 三節獎金
  • 績效獎金
  • 員工團保
  • 伙食津貼
  • 上下班交通車
  • 員工停車位或停車補助
  • 員工餐廳
  • 按摩室
  • 國內旅遊
  • 國外旅遊
  • 員工聚餐
  • 尾牙
  • 家庭日
  • 員工結婚補助
  • 生育補助
  • 子女教育補助
  • 員工國內、外進修補助
  • 員工退休規劃(包括退休金及退休後之福利等)
  • 員工及眷屬喪葬補助
  • 員工購物優惠
  • 國內、外旅遊補助
  • 社團補助
  • 員工在職教育訓練
  • 良好升遷制度
  • 1. 提供完善的薪資及福利制度(含三節、年終、績效獎金與員工酬勞等) Comprehensive salary and benefits
  • 2. 年度員工健康檢查 Annual health check program
  • 3. 員工團體保險(含意外險、防癌險、醫療險) Group insurance program
  • 4. 優於勞基法特休天數Better package in annual leave with pay
  • 5. 彈性工作時間 Flexible working hours
  • 6. 生育、婚喪補助金、旅遊津貼 Subsidies of travel, birth, marriage and funeral grants etc.
  • 7. 教育訓練(新進同仁訓練、OJT訓練、證照訓練、語文訓練、管理訓練等) Training programs (New employee orientation, OJT, licensing, language and management training etc.)
  • 8. 多元開放的工作環境 Diverse and open working environment


Jobs工作機會 ( 共 47 個職缺 )

FCTY - 夜班廠務工程師(六福/南崁廠)



面議(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上)

應徵人數:0-10 人

  • 排休
  • 晚班、大夜班
  • 1年工作經驗以上
  • 國小/國中、高中職、專科、大學、碩士

【Job Overview】 負責廠務系統夜間輪班及緊急應變任務,並執行廠房簡易維修工作。In charge of the night-shift job of facility system operation and work order of maintenance. 【Main Responsibilities】 1. 廠區系統夜間抄表與巡檢System operation data collect and safety check 2. 廠區異常狀況現場判定、初步處理與協助廠區系統復原Primary check the abnormal of systems and take action to control the situation, then support the system engineer to recover the operation. 3. 廠區緊急應變待命、通報發送、復歸程序執行與產線支援Emergency response, communicate with the action team, take recover procedure and support product line 4. 監控系統狀態確認與異常反應Monitor the supply status of utility systems and reply any abnormal signal 5. 日班與常日班工作延續性支援Support daily works of Day-shift engineer and system engineers 6. 協助系統工程師進行系統運作資料收集Support system engineer to collect the operation data 7. 簡易維修工委單執行Execute the support request application from other departments

應徵人數:0-10 人

  • 排休
  • 晚班、大夜班
  • 1年工作經驗以上
  • 國小/國中、高中職、專科、大學、碩士

QC - 品檢員



月薪 33,000元

應徵人數:0-10 人

  • 排休
  • 日班、晚班、中班
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 高中職以上

工作內容 *薪資不含津貼與獎金,加班另計* 津貼/獎金/加班發放方式依公司規定辦理 【關於瑞健】 瑞健醫療 ( SHL Medical ) 為領航全球的藥物輸送解決方案供應商, 在設計、研發及製造先進藥物輸送系統上居龍頭地位, 產品含括自動注射器、筆型注射器與穿戴式藥物輸送系統等。 【工作內容】 •依據相關檢驗規範完成進料、製程、最終成品及出貨 •檢驗設備、量具、檢具、治具及零件切削工具 •設備等的日常維護保養 •正確、及時完成各項檢驗DHR報表 / 報告 •參與機台與製程提升與改善活動 •完成主管交辦有關生產產品、程序事宜 【人才需求】 •8小時,排班制(早班 0800-1600 / 中班 1600-2400 / 夜班0000-0800) •可配合排休(公司排班制,固定班不須輪班) •具品管經驗一年以上 •具識圖能力 / 3D量測經驗尤佳 •需具備高度細心謹慎特質、且穩定度佳 •可配合多元學習,願學習不同QC技能 •需要時需配合南崁廠間的調度(支援性質非常態性) •中 / 夜班有班別津貼 •視力及辨色力正常(裸視 0.6以上 / 矯正後視力 0.8以上)及標準樣本之製作 4.製程管制,掌握品質變異狀況,解決問題,負責產品品質水準之穩定 5.灌輸作業員品質觀念,教導其使用簡易品管技術 6.不合格品原因之追查、分析、報告以及處理 7.溝通協調及人員培訓

應徵人數:0-10 人

  • 排休
  • 日班、晚班、中班
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 高中職以上

FCTY - 公司警衛組組長



月薪 35,000元

應徵人數:0-10 人

  • 排休
  • 日班、大夜班、中班
  • 2年工作經驗以上
  • 專科、大學、碩士

1.公司內門禁管制、車輛進出指揮及停車場管理。 2.訪客進出登記、換證並連繫相關單位及引導。 3.廠區巡視確保廠區公共安全,避免交通意外、火災、竊盜及其他危害。 4.廠區警衛人員管理與指導,以確保警衛人員的良好工作與出勤。 5.每月班表排定。 6.定期對警衛人員進行在職訓練、現場異常情況排除。 7.各項警衛勤務所需設施的管理。 8.勤務相關文書作業暨檢查。 9.其他緊急應援暨臨時主管交辦事項。

應徵人數:0-10 人

  • 排休
  • 日班、大夜班、中班
  • 2年工作經驗以上
  • 專科、大學、碩士

Tooling (模具部門)-模具組立技術師-量產模具異常及保養



月薪 38,000元 以上

應徵人數:0-10 人

  • 排休、輪休
  • 日班、晚班、大夜班、輪班
  • 2年工作經驗以上
  • 國小/國中、高中職、專科、大學

【關於瑞健】 瑞健醫療 ( SHL Medical ) 為領航全球的藥物輸送解決方案供應商,最主要的產品為自動注射器,筆型注射器。台灣為瑞健最大的營運據點,共三個廠區坐落於桃園。瑞健醫療提供給客人一條龍的服務,包含設計、研發、量產、組裝、驗證、確校,客戶來自全球前25名的藥廠。 【部門簡介】 瑞健自行設計、製作自動主注射器的模具,而模具部門歷經15年的蛻變,奠定了瑞健邁向世界級射出成型製造水準的基礎。身為模具部的一員,你需要跟各部門協同合作,打造自動注射筆各塑膠零件的模具。 【工作內容】 1. 量產模具試模打樣 2. 模具維修及保養。 3. 模具機上故障排除,及異常狀況反應。 4. 成品毛邊查修。 5. 工作進度管控,及模具修模照片資料彙整。 【人才需求】 1. 具模具塑膠經驗2年以上。 2. 具備模具組立、拆裝、維修等經驗,並能獨立作業。 3. 具備基礎量具使用經驗及能力 (分離卡,高度規),以及2D/3D圖視圖能力, 4. 具熱膠道、雙射及轉牙模具經驗尤佳。 5. 熟天車與推高機操作, 並具備相關執照。 6. 可配合輪班。

應徵人數:0-10 人

  • 排休、輪休
  • 日班、晚班、大夜班、輪班
  • 2年工作經驗以上
  • 國小/國中、高中職、專科、大學

Tooling (模具部門)-模具組立技術師



月薪 38,000元 以上

應徵人數:0-10 人

  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 2年工作經驗以上
  • 國小/國中、高中職、專科、大學

【關於瑞健】 瑞健醫療 ( SHL Medical ) 為領航全球的藥物輸送解決方案供應商,最主要的產品為自動注射器,筆型注射器。台灣為瑞健最大的營運據點,共三個廠區坐落於桃園。瑞健醫療提供給客人一條龍的服務,包含設計、研發、量產、組裝、驗證、確校,客戶來自全球前25名的藥廠。 【部門簡介】 瑞健自行設計、製作自動主注射器的模具,而模具部門歷經15年的蛻變,奠定了瑞健邁向世界級射出成型製造水準的基礎。身為模具部的一員,你需要跟各部門協同合作,打造自動注射筆各塑膠零件的模具。 【工作內容】 1. 新模組立。 2. 模具機上故障排除,及異常狀況反應。 3. 成品毛邊查修。 4. 工作進度管控,及模具修模照片資料彙整。 5. 需支援量產模具異常及保養工作。 【工作內容】 1. 新模組立。 2. 模具機上故障排除,及異常狀況反應。 3. 成品毛邊查修。 4. 工作進度管控,及模具修模照片資料彙整。 5. 需支援量產模具異常及保養工作。 【人才需求】 1. 具模具塑膠經驗2年以上。 2. 具備新模組立、鉗工與磨床技能。 3. 具備模具拆裝、維修能力,並能獨立作業。 4. 具備基礎量具使用經驗及能力 (分離卡,高度規),以及2D/3D圖視圖能力, 5. 具熱膠道、雙射及轉牙模具經驗尤佳。 6. 熟天車與推高機操作, 並具備相關執照。

應徵人數:0-10 人

  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 2年工作經驗以上
  • 國小/國中、高中職、專科、大學

MFMC-SPG_南崁廠 - 金屬量產技術師



月薪 35,000元

應徵人數:0-10 人

  • 排休
  • 日班、大夜班、輪班
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 學歷不拘

工作內容- 01. 操作與維護生產設備,並確保其功能能夠正常生產 02. 負責並參與設備、生產技術及流程改善 03. 主管交辦事項

應徵人數:0-10 人

  • 排休
  • 日班、大夜班、輪班
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Tooling - EDM Manager



面議(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上)

應徵人數:0-10 人

  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 5年工作經驗以上
  • 專科以上

Job Overview Our department consists of 8 fully automated sink EDM, 2 wire EDM and 3 5axis electrode milling machines and 1 CMM machine. We use the Erowa holder and automation system and arrange jobs with JMS Pro. We produce mold inserts for tool up to 48 cavities and tolerances +/- 0.010 Main Responsibilities • Manage team of 20 staff • Cross training of staff to ensure all positions have a substitute • Ensure timely job completion in required quality • Optimize current sink EDM machining strategy and parameters • Evaluate fully automated set up for sink erosion (electrode 5axis CNC+QC+EDM) • Implement offline work piece set up for wire EDM • Work with existing capacity planning system • Keep all machines and equipment in perfect condition • Communicate with machine and equipment suppliers Required Skills & Qualifications • Completed apprenticeship in relevant field (mechanic/toolmaking) • No less than 5 years of hands-on operation of sink EDM machines • Preferably certified trainer (“Meister”) • Preferably experience in leadership (EDM or CNC department manager) • Mandarin language skills are beneficial

應徵人數:0-10 人

  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 5年工作經驗以上
  • 專科以上

IT - Senior MS Power BI / Analytics and Reporting Expert



面議(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上)

應徵人數:0-10 人

  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 5年工作經驗以上
  • 大學以上

【About us】 SHL Medical is a world-leading solution provider in the design, development and manufacturing of advanced drug delivery systems with more than 5000 employees worldwide. Our customers include top pharmaceutical and biotech companies from around the globe that require innovative devices such as auto injectors or pen injectors to effectively deliver their drugs. Headquartered in Switzerland since late 2018. 【Job Overview】 We are looking for a Senior MS Power BI / Analytics and Reporting Expert who can turn raw data into valuable insights for the business. In this role, you will help realizing our analytics and reporting needs using MS Power BI and design state of the art dashboard, reports and analytics capabilities for better process performance and process. You shall analyse and articulate business needs (IT’s internal customers) and architect / implement solutions based on MS Power BI in accordance with the requests and in coordination with the SHL data strategy and its data models. You will be a member of the global Data / Analytics and Reporting team. Before realising a request, a thorough analysis should be made if MS Power BI or SAP SAC should be used to satisfy the individual demand. Finally, you shall provide trainings and second level support to the key users. 【Main Responsibilities】 。Architect, design, and implement the solution along the global enterprise business intelligence strategy and architecture based on MS Power BI. In tight cooperation with the business stakeholder, the application teams and the data/analytics and reporting team members, globally. 。Transform requirements, functional specifications and use cases into ETL/ELT processes, data models, reports and dashboard with MS Power BI. 。Support, coach and train the business departments in growing their Power BI self service capabilities. 。Partner with the different IT teams to further enhance the analytics and reporting capabilities within SHL utilizing also new technologies and innovations. 。Be an integrated member to increase data-quality, -governance and -security within SHL. 。Collaborate with data engineers, data scientist and other stakeholders to ensure data availability and quality of the solutions. 。Coordinate and manage the MS Power BI demand according to the SHL project mgmt. standards. 。Cooperate with the IT architecture team in constantly reviewing the analytics and reporting solutions footprint to lower complexity, improve efficiency and operational reliability. 。Maintenance and support of Power BI reports and dashboards 【Required Skills & Qualifications】 。BS or MS degree in computer science, management information system, statistics, or related fields (or equivalent experience). 。Experience in MS Power BI, Analysis for Office, and good working knowledge. Other reporting and data analytics capabilities, especially SAP are beneficial. 。5+ years of hands-on experience in BI development based on MS Power BI. 。Expert knowledge of ETL/ELT and data modeling. 。5+ years of experience with Microsoft SQL. DBA experience is an advantage. 。Experience in SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC), SAP BW4/HANA and good working knowledge on other reporting and data analytics is an advantage. 。Experience with Azure platform with the following services: Azure SQL, Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Lake, Azure Synapse is an advantage. Motivation to develop further in these areas. 。Excellent interpersonal and facilitation skills, with a proven ability to work with diverse professionals from multiple disciplines across all levels of seniority. 。Project management skills 。Excellent organizational skills with great attention to detail. 。Experience working in multi-cultural team. 。Fluent in both mandarin Chinese and English. Sound communication and presentation skills.

應徵人數:0-10 人

  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 5年工作經驗以上
  • 大學以上

Internship – Factory Planning and Logistics – Operations



面議(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上)

應徵人數:0-10 人

  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 大學以上

SHL Medical is the world-leading solution provider in the design, development, and manufacturing of advanced drug delivery systems with more than 5000 employees worldwide. Our customers include top pharmaceutical and biotech companies from around the globe that require innovative devices such as auto injectors or pen injectors to effectively deliver their drugs. Headquartered in Switzerland since late 2018, with sites in Sweden, Taiwan, and the Unites States. This role is embedded in the Factory Development & Projects team within our Global Operations Engineering group in Taiwan. You are · Student in Engineering, Applied Sciences or other equivalent education · Independent thinker who is willing to discover new solutions off the beaten tracks · Interest in advanced high-volume production technologies, process automation / robotics, control engineering, equipment design and medical manufacturing · Knowledge and/or previous experience in one or more of the following fields: Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma methodologies, Process Automation, Digital Manufacturing/I4.0, Factory planning, Logistics, Plant simulation · Strong intercultural and interdisciplinary communication skills in English (spoken/written) · Diligent, reliable and target oriented team player · Knowledge of JavaScript, Python or VBA is a plus We offer · A variety of challenging internship opportunities across multiple products and disciplines within our Global Operations Engineering Team · The opportunity to solve real-world problems in a growing, future-proof industry · Competitive compensation, Labor and group insurance · Local HR support (Relocation and Accommodation as applicable) · Dedicated on-site senior mentor guidance · Asia-experience in a highly innovative, international company · Flexible work-from-home policy · Start date: flexible upon agreement

應徵人數:0-10 人

  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 大學以上

Internship – Metal Forming Technology - Operations



面議(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上)

應徵人數:0-10 人

  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 大學以上

SHL Medical is the world-leading solution provider in the design, development, and manufacturing of advanced drug delivery systems with more than 5000 employees worldwide. Our customers include top pharmaceutical and biotech companies from around the globe that require innovative devices such as auto injectors or pen injectors to effectively deliver their drugs. Headquartered in Switzerland since late 2018, with sites in Sweden, Taiwan, and the Unites States. This role is embedded in the Packaging and Forming Technology Group within our Global Operations Engineering team in Taiwan. Possible location for this position: Taiwan You are · Student in Engineering, Applied Sciences or other equivalent education · Independent thinker who is willing to discover new solutions off the beaten tracks · Interest in advanced high-volume production technologies, process improvement and medical manufacturing · Knowledge and/or previous experience in one or more of the following fields: Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma methodologies, Engineering components (springs, screws, etc.), Metal cold forming processes, Chemical cleaning processes · Strong intercultural and interdisciplinary communication skills in English (spoken/written) · Diligent, reliable and target oriented team player We offer · A variety of challenging internship opportunities across multiple products and disciplines within our Global Operations Engineering Team · The opportunity to solve real-world problems in a growing, future-proof industry · Competitive compensation, Labor and group insurance · Local HR support (Relocation and Accommodation as applicable) · Dedicated on-site senior mentor guidance · Asia-experience in a highly innovative, international company · Flexible work-from-home policy · Start date: flexible upon agreement

應徵人數:0-10 人

  • 週休二日
  • 日班
  • 工作經驗不拘
  • 大學以上