- 電話
- 公司網址 http://www.appliedmaterials.com
- 公司位置
- 產業類別 半導體製造
- 產業說明 H-0半導體相關業
- 獲獎紀錄
應用材料公司(Applied Materials, Inc.)是世界最大半導體及顯示器設備領導廠商,名列全球前五百大公司之一。成立於1967年,總部設於美國加州矽谷聖塔克拉拉 (Santa Clara),在美國、歐洲、以色列、台灣以及新加坡等地設有技術研發與製造中心,>120個服務據點廣布於全球24個國家,員工人數超過33,000位。
台灣應用材料公司(Applied Materials Taiwan)為在台子公司,服務據點包括林口、新竹、台中、台南與高雄,獨一無二的設施為新竹的全球技術培訓中心(GTLC)、台南顯示器設備製造中心與研發實驗室,以及8吋半導體設備製造中心,位於桃園的亞洲設備零件物流中心, 發貨全亞洲客戶。
應用材料公司是提供材料工程解決方案的領導者,我們的設備用來製造幾近世界上每顆新式晶片與先進顯示器。我們以工業規模在原子層級進行材料改質的專業,協助客戶將可能轉化成真。 在應用材料公司,我們以創新實現更美好未來。
榮獲多項殊榮及客戶肯定:Fortune雜誌《全球最受推崇企業》、Forbes雜誌《全球最佳雇主》、BARRON’S評選《Most Sustainable Companies》、人權運動基金會評為《平等友好 LGBTQ 的最佳工作場所》、應材台南顯示器設備製造中心黃金級綠建築認證、台積優良供應商卓越表現獎《卓越技術合作》、聯電《傑出合作夥伴獎》、英特爾《首選優質供應商獎》;台灣應材榮獲天下雜誌《2023天下永續公民獎》、《2023天下人才永續獎》、《Best Workplaces in Taiwan™ 2023》、HR Asia《2021年亞洲最佳企業雇主獎》、國家人才發展獎、Best Workplaces in Taiwan加入認證單位Great Place to Work、台灣應材2023年榮獲天下雜誌《天下永續公民獎》、《天下人才永續獎》雙冠、多次獲文化部文馨獎等。
Our innovations make possible a better future
To lead the world with materials engineering solutions that enable customers to transform possibilities into reality
∎ Most Valued Partner
∎ Winning Team
∎ Responsibility & Integrity
∎ World Class Performance
應用材料公司(Applied Materials, Inc.)是世界最大半導體及顯示器設備領導廠商,名列全球前五百大公司之一。成立於1967年,總部設於美國加州矽谷聖塔克拉拉 (Santa Clara),在美國、歐洲、以色列、台灣以及新加坡等地設有技術研發與製造中心,>120個服務據點廣布於全球24個國家,員工人數超過33,000位。
台灣應用材料公司(Applied Materials Taiwan)為在台子公司,服務據點包括林口、新竹、台中、台南與高雄,獨一無二的設施為新竹的全球技術培訓中心(GTLC)、台南顯示器設備製造中心與研發實驗室,以及8吋半導體設備製造中心,位於桃園的亞洲設備零件物流中心, 發貨全亞洲客戶。
應用材料公司是提供材料工程解決方案的領導者,我們的設備用來製造幾近世界上每顆新式晶片與先進顯示器。我們以工業規模在原子層級進行材料改質的專業,協助客戶將可能轉化成真。 在應用材料公司,我們以創新實現更美好未來。
榮獲多項殊榮及客戶肯定:Fortune雜誌《全球最受推崇企業》、Forbes雜誌《全球最佳雇主》、BARRON’S評選《Most Sustainable Companies》、人權運動基金會評為《平等友好 LGBTQ 的最佳工作場所》、應材台南顯示器設備製造中心黃金級綠建築認證、台積優良供應商卓越表現獎《卓越技術合作》、聯電《傑出合作夥伴獎》、英特爾《首選優質供應商獎》;台灣應材榮獲天下雜誌《2023天下永續公民獎》、《2023天下人才永續獎》、《Best Workplaces in Taiwan™ 2023》、HR Asia《2021年亞洲最佳企業雇主獎》、國家人才發展獎、Best Workplaces in Taiwan加入認證單位Great Place to Work、台灣應材2023年榮獲天下雜誌《天下永續公民獎》、《天下人才永續獎》雙冠、多次獲文化部文馨獎等。
Our innovations make possible a better future
To lead the world with materials engineering solutions that enable customers to transform possibilities into reality
∎ Most Valued Partner
∎ Winning Team
∎ Responsibility & Integrity
∎ World Class Performance
1. 半導體設備
ALD, CMP, CVD, ECD, Epitaxy, Etch, Ion Implant, Metrology and Inspection, PVD, Rapid Thermal Processing
2. 顯示器設備及相關產業事業群
Display Technology: Array Test, CVD, PVD
Solar Technology: Wafering and Inspection, Cell manufacturing, Ion Implantation, Screen Printing
3. 全球服務
Fab Services, FabVantage, Components, Equipment, Software etc.
- 1. 豐厚薪資最實際- 年薪14個月,另有績效獎金及股票
- 2. 優惠福利享不完-
- ∎ 每年10-30天的特別休假,全薪事假5天及全薪病假12天
- ∎ 國內外旅遊津貼6萬元
- ∎ 員工價認購美國總公司股票
- ∎ 36萬免息汽車貸款
- ∎ 另有生育補助、結婚津貼、三節禮金、生日禮金、特約廠商優惠等
- 3. 外商環境高自主-
- ∎ 寬廣職涯:全球24個國家職缺開放轉職,多元產品線可深可廣。
- ∎ 專屬客製化培訓:全方位的個人發展計畫,出國受訓地點包括韓國、美國德州、中國大陸西安、以色列、美國波士頓等
- ∎ 智能工作:上下班彈性工時,公務手機配iPhone
- ∎ 差旅禮遇:出差安排高檔星級飯店,設有差旅緊急協助計畫
- 4. 精采生活好平衡-
- ∎ 飲食照顧:免費早餐,中西式、素食午晚餐優惠補助,專屬烘培師定時提供餅乾,全天候供應研磨咖啡與茶包、智慧零食機,氣泡水無限暢飲
- ∎ 健康把關:員工健康檢查、健康方案、專業心理諮商及健康講座
- ∎ 紓壓設施:設有健身房、韻律教室及籃球場,專業教練提供有氧、瑜珈課程;免費預約肩頸按摩服務
- ∎ 友善職場:給薪生理假、孕婦專屬車位、舒適且私密集乳空間、同仁陪產假和生育補助
- ∎ 多元包容:尊重多元文化,女性員工自發性組成女性Network,全力支持女性同仁身心成長
- ∎ 豐富活動:定期舉辦青山活動、家庭日、春秋季一日旅行、戶外活動及70個社團包羅萬象任你選
- 我們提倡多元與包容,提供友善、平等的職場環境與就業機會。公司福利族繁不及備載,我們非常樂意與你見面聊聊職缺內容!
Jobs工作機會 ( 共 3 個職缺 )
Customer Engineer 客戶支援設備工程師 - 林口/新竹/台中/台南/高雄
面議(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上)
應徵人數:11-30 人
分析- 日班
- 需出差
- 工作經驗不拘
- 大學、碩士
Location: Linkou / Hsinchu / Taichung / Tainan / Kaohsiung 【本職缺優先審核至應用材料公司官網投遞人選】請至應材官網上傳履歷表: https://careers.appliedmaterials.com/careers?pid=790298881222&domain=appliedmaterials.com&sort_by=relevance 【Talents who apply job through Applied Materials Career Website will be reviewed and considered as top priority】Please apply job here: https://careers.appliedmaterials.com/careers?pid=790298881222&domain=appliedmaterials.com&sort_by=relevance If you like to troubleshoot hardware, solve complex problems, and make equipment work better, this is the role for you. As a Customer Engineer, you’ll work in our state-of-the-art facility and at customer sites around the globe, where you are the face of Applied Materials and an integral part of a vibrant and diverse team. We train our Customer Engineers to create and support the technology that the world relies on to manufacture semiconductor chips and related materials, every day. You’ll work beside global customers to install, maintain and upgrade their Applied Materials equipment, delivering world-class support for multimillion-dollar production systems. ■ You will: • Assist senior engineers with installing leading-edge customer equipment, performing scheduled preventative maintenance and corrective maintenance, and upgrading equipment • Performs all standard service activities through Tier I unassisted. Performs standard Tier II with assistance. Able to perform routine preventative maintenance within established timeframes. Completes quality repairs. • Responds to fab issues by communicating with other engineers and participating in escalation conference calls. May participate in projects to reduce costs and increase uptime. • Follow procedures you learn during your training, as well as published task plans, to test equipment and to diagnose and resolve technical problems • Complete required job documentation, safety training and procedures for processing parts • Professionally represent Applied Materials to the customer, using your “customer first” mindset • Satisfy the company’s and customer’s on-site requirements, including safety, environmental and COVID-19 guidelines ■ You’ll need: • Bachelor or master’s degree in engineering related (Hardware related preferred), 社會新鮮人 are welcome • Ability to read electrical and mechanical schematics • Clear and effective written/verbal communications skills, with an emphasis on documenting details • Proficiency in the Microsoft Office suite (Excel, Word, and PowerPoint) • Basic mechanical aptitude and knowledge in any of the following: pneumatics, hydraulics, electronics, vacuum, or thermodynamics • Knowledge of hand tools and proper usage, including a digital multimeter ■ What to expect: • FSO (Field Service Organization) CE: Relocation within Country based on business needs. Also, in general, you’ll work with Applied Materials Taiwan AGS on-call model to provide ongoing technical support for our customers. Some product field service teams may need to work in shifts depending on business needs. • Your job requires the ability to: ○ lift at least10~20kg. ○ work in a clean room environment wearing coveralls, hood, booties, safety glasses, and gloves ○ sit, stoop, kneel, crouch, twist, reach and stretch to reach equipment when needed, and stand for extended periods of time ○ determine differences in colors • Global Relocation Opportunities: Based on Applied Materials AGS (Applied Global Service) organization business needs, there will be global Relocation Opportunities released for employees to apply. Following on Applied internal transfer eligibility, you are welcome to relocate to other regions including but not limited to US, Europe, etc. within Applied to develop career further.
Order Management 中/日文客服人員 - Location: Hsinchu (四班二輪,做二休二,需輪夜班)
面議(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上)
請務必【本職缺優先審核至應用材料公司官網投遞人選】請至應材官網上傳履歷表: https://careers.appliedmaterials.com/careers/job/790296004189 【Talents who apply job through Applied Materials Career Website will be reviewed and considered as top priority】Please apply job here: https://careers.appliedmaterials.com/careers/job/790296004189 ■ Key Responsibilities 1. Customer parts, return, repair, service requests interaction and processing 2. Quote, part# inquiry, problem parts, pricing issue follow up and update 3. Order management incl. book, bill, tracking, update, change and troubleshoot 4. Entitlement checks 5. Service dispatch 6. Part expedite, fulfillment and delivery coordination 7. Customer escalation follow up and update 8. Multi-regions support for the above scope 輪班說明: 1. 採四班二輪制並支付輪班津貼: 大夜班(每月NTD 15,000),大日班(每月NTD 7,500) 2. 大夜班(晚上七點至隔天上午七點)與大日班(上午七點至當日下午七點) 3. 每一班表十二小時,實際工作時間十小時,休息兩小時 4. 每三個月調換日、夜班表
Engineering Technician (Display Fab)/測試助理工程師(顯示器製造中心) - Location: Tainan
面議(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上)
【本職缺優先審核至應用材料公司官網投遞人選】請至應材官網上傳履歷表: Talents who apply job through Applied Materials Career Website will be reviewed and considered as top priority Please apply job here:https://careers.appliedmaterials.com/careers/job/790294586037 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 台灣應用材料公司,台南顯示器製造中心,因訂單需求,徵求多位測試助理工程師 ■ Key Responsibilities 1. Utilize basic electrical/mechanical assembly skills in assigned assembly tasks of display tools 2. Perform simple writing, soldering and/or calibration tasks as assigned. 3. Perform other duties and/or completes training as requested by Supervisor. ■ 測試工作內容 1. 依電路 & 機械組立圖執行設備測試與系統整合工作 2. 機台功能確認、真空測漏、保壓測試、設備通電前檢查 3. 依文件要求執行生產相關作業和填寫執行紀錄 4. 依要求完成訓練、部門工作與主管指派任務