- 資本額1 億 5,000 萬
- 統一編號70567886
- 員工人數220 人
- 電話(02)23453020
- 傳真(02)27228931
- 公司網址careers.synopsys.com
- 公司位置
- 產業類別
美商新思科技公司(Synopsys)為落實其深耕台灣、永續經營的企業理念,正式宣佈Synopsys在台成立「VDSM (Very Deep Sub-Micron) EDA R&D CENTER」,充分表達Synopsys總部對於在台成立研發中心之重視。新思科技的研發中心將成為台灣第一個具備先進設計技術的EDA (Electronic Design Automation)軟體研發中心。
1.公司成立 – 1986年總公司成立於美國加州Mountain View. 目前擁有全世界積體電路 (Integrated Circuit) 設計自動化工具軟體市場最大佔有率。1991年台灣分公司成立, 目前為全台灣最大的EDA tools and System-on-Chip (系統單晶片) solution provider, 每年營業額成長率高達70%以上,目前員工約210人,為一非常強而有力的經營團隊;
2.公司定位 – World-Wide System-on-Chip (SoC) Solution Provider & Leader;
3.企業核心價值 - Integrity, Execution Excellence, and Leadership;
Synopsys, Inc. (Nasdaq:SNPS) is the world leader in semiconductor design software and also develops software that companies use to design systems-on-chips (SoCs) and electronic systems. The company sells its products to semiconductor, computer, communications, consumer electronics, aerospace and other companies that develop electronic products.
If you are serious about being an integral part of important innovation, and a partner in the global vision of the EDA leader, come join Synopsys and be the next great member of our global team.
1.公司成立 – 1986年總公司成立於美國加州Mountain View. 目前擁有全世界積體電路 (Integrated Circuit) 設計自動化工具軟體市場最大佔有率。1991年台灣分公司成立, 目前為全台灣最大的EDA tools and System-on-Chip (系統單晶片) solution provider, 每年營業額成長率高達70%以上,目前員工約210人,為一非常強而有力的經營團隊;
2.公司定位 – World-Wide System-on-Chip (SoC) Solution Provider & Leader;
3.企業核心價值 - Integrity, Execution Excellence, and Leadership;
Synopsys, Inc. (Nasdaq:SNPS) is the world leader in semiconductor design software and also develops software that companies use to design systems-on-chips (SoCs) and electronic systems. The company sells its products to semiconductor, computer, communications, consumer electronics, aerospace and other companies that develop electronic products.
If you are serious about being an integral part of important innovation, and a partner in the global vision of the EDA leader, come join Synopsys and be the next great member of our global team.
-包括設計自動化工具如System Level Design, Simulation, Synthesis, Test, Design Reuse, Place & Route 等Verification and Implementation related products;
-Library and IP Modelers;
-TCAD, OPC (Optical Proximity Correction) and RET (Reticle Enhancement Technology);
-Packaging related products etc
-系統單晶片 (System on Chip) 整體解決方案;
-技術顧問服務業務包括Design Service, Design Assistance, Methodology and Flow Consultation.
3.主要客戶 - 半導體廠,通訊業,電子業,電腦業及航太科技業
Synopsys full suite of best-in-class tools enables designers to create and verify complex IC (integrated circuit), ASIC (application-specific IC), FPGA (field-programmable gate array) and SoC designs from concept to silicon. Synopsys provides system-level to silicon-level verification, a complete front-to-back design and test environment, design reuse technology, and professional services to help its customers get their silicon working quickly and accurately. Synopsys products improve its customers designs in virtually every metric, including performance, complexity, silicon area, cost, power consumption and time-to-market.
-包括設計自動化工具如System Level Design, Simulation, Synthesis, Test, Design Reuse, Place & Route 等Verification and Implementation related products;
-Library and IP Modelers;
-TCAD, OPC (Optical Proximity Correction) and RET (Reticle Enhancement Technology);
-Packaging related products etc
-系統單晶片 (System on Chip) 整體解決方案;
-技術顧問服務業務包括Design Service, Design Assistance, Methodology and Flow Consultation.
3.主要客戶 - 半導體廠,通訊業,電子業,電腦業及航太科技業
Synopsys full suite of best-in-class tools enables designers to create and verify complex IC (integrated circuit), ASIC (application-specific IC), FPGA (field-programmable gate array) and SoC designs from concept to silicon. Synopsys provides system-level to silicon-level verification, a complete front-to-back design and test environment, design reuse technology, and professional services to help its customers get their silicon working quickly and accurately. Synopsys products improve its customers designs in virtually every metric, including performance, complexity, silicon area, cost, power consumption and time-to-market.
1.保險福利 - 公司全額補助勞保, 健保, 團保, 海外出差平安保險、意外及醫療險等
2.福利活動 – 福委會社團活動, 公司旅遊補助, 生日/三節禮券, 婚喪喜慶及生育補助, 定期健康檢查
3.教育訓練制度 – 鼓勵不斷的學習及自我成長,創造活潑的學習環境,配合個人的長短期生涯規劃,提供完善的教育訓練制度,包括內訓及外訓,技術性及非技術性訓練
台灣新思科技有限公司(Synopsys Taiwan)(02)23453020