1111找工作 APP



1.執行採購材料詢價. 比價. 訪價 2. 以公司需採購之廠商類別進行 廠商開發. 並建立廠商名冊分類 存檔. 及採購品質管理 3. 依文中ERP系統為業務準則執行業務 4.車輛需求調派 5. 每星期產銷會議提報業務檢討 6. 要求各供應商提供銷貨履歷 7. 每年ISO追評及經濟部標檢局查核 8. 公司各項採購流程 1.各部門提出需求單. 採購要確認庫存 2. 採購提出詢價單經簽核廠商 3. 下採購單. 確認交期. 品質. 規格 9. 回覆需求部門及倉管採購狀況 10輕型機車

應徵人數|6-10 人


1、供應商開發、資料建檔、維護管理。 2、開立採購單、發票憑證驗收、核對與請款等作業。 3、採購發包、詢、比、議價等作業。 4、物料交期追蹤。 5、ERP系統操作。 6、主管交辨事項。輕型機車

應徵人數|1-5 人

1. 熟悉機械加工製程及費用。 2. 知悉機械製圖並熟悉材料特性、成本。 3. 熟悉產品各種處理方式及費用。 4. 尋找合適供應商,評估產品及成本分析。 5. 掌握庫存數量並做產品需求規劃(MRP)。 6. 了解新產品開發流程、追蹤進度、問題處理。 7. 了解ISO作業流程並具產品品質意識。

應徵人數|1-5 人

★★★熟悉機電工程 水電材料/管線/五金另件尤佳★★★ 1.與工地及廠商聯繫每日進料事宜.追蹤。 2.設備材料處理採購訂貨.詢價.退換貨...等相關聯繫及追蹤。 3.工程標單填寫 4.廠商資料建檔 5.開發供應商及維護建檔。 6.送審型錄整理 7.其他主管辦事交項。輕型機車,普通重機車輕型機車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


應徵人數|1-5 人

1. 協助進、出貨、KEY 單 2. 進銷存管理(需操作ERP系統),其本文書軟體 3. 追蹤訂單、交期、送貨、調度安排等相關工作。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1..營業稅申報作業及調節表、各類所得扣繳申報作業及 配合國稅局等主管機關來函處理 2.協助主管制定採購流程及相關作業表單 3.盤點公司存貨 4.處理主管交待事務輕型機車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人

1.協力廠商:產品物料追蹤、產能、交期控管跟催 2.進度資料整理

應徵人數|1-5 人

1.報價單等文書資料處理,整理、核對、及輸入進貨帳單 2.接聽電話及人員接待事務 3.送審資料、協助竣工資料製作及發票開立相關事宜。 4.協助工程相關文書資料整合、合約報表追蹤、續約及請款、排程規劃 5.保持與客戶間之聯繫,回覆e-mail,並確認交貨期 6.準備會議議程,參與會議並撰寫會議記錄 7.協助主管處理業務相關之公司內部行政作業 8.協助採購相關事宜 9.拜拜事物處理 10.其他主管交辦事項輕型機車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人

1.生產排程進度、品質、成本管控,及進度跟催 2.撰寫產線安排報告、及紀錄生產流程之規劃 3.根據物品的庫存量,及過去使用量,決定是否訂購 4.供應商維護及管理,與良好供應商維持良好關係

應徵人數|1-5 人

1. 新供應商開發、供應商管理。 2. 執行RFQ材料報價(含詢比議價)。 3. 成本分析、計劃及執行降低公司採購成本。 4. 公司內部採購作業。 5. 請款作業。 6. 其他主管交辦事項。商業及管理學門,工程學門,工業技藝及機械學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


【About DBS】 星展銀行總部位於新加坡,是亞洲最大的金融集團之一。 2023 年購入台灣花旗消費金融業務後,星展即成為台灣最大外商銀行。目前已蟬聯五年「世界最佳銀行」的獎項,以及「全球最佳數碼銀行獎 」,打破傳統金融銀行的框架,持續發展數位創新,集團文化也鼓勵員工個人發展,提供豐富的資源和福利。 目前我們正在召集一群優秀的 Taiwan Tech Talents,與我們一起成為 Best Bank for a Better World! 【Job Purpose】 GPS Non-IT sourcing, annual Non-IT project review and preparation, Non-IT financial analysis, Non-IT sourcing contract. 【Job Duties & responsibilities】 1. Vender selection and management. 2. Products / models selection and analysis. 3. Price Negotiation for Non-IT procurement and contract. 3. PO and contractual process. 4. Monthly analysis report for purchased goods. 5. Monitor and assist Non-IT procurement process. 6. Ad-hoc project support財務金融學類,行銷與流通學類,經濟學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 依據前端請購需求,經詢/比/議價作業,進行採購作業。 2. 請款作業。 3. 配合各單位找尋新物料或設備,Second Source(廠商、製程、材料)開發等 (Sales/RD co-working)。 4. 主管交辦事項。

應徵人數|6-10 人



1. 詢價、比價、議價、交期跟催 2. 庫存管理與報表製作 3. 供應商維護、管理與關係維持 3. 各項相關報表彙總、統計與製作 4. ERP系統資料維護 5. 主管交辦事項 **須能獨立作業**商業及管理學門普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.定期進行請款作業,並整理相關表單(如:請款單、驗收單、訂購單)。 2.到貨追蹤、驗收作業。 3.庫存管理。 4.文件收發。 5.主管交辦事項。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.採購詢比議價 2.供應商管理.評鑑.開發與搜尋 3.交期掌控與訂單跟催 4.樣品、承認書與採購合約 5.ERP系統操作 6.退貨(不良)處理 7.付款條件與扣款事宜的協調

應徵人數|1-5 人


The Category Buyer is responsible for assigned category or region/country within APAC. Responsibilities include supplier scouting, selection, supplier management, price & contract negotiation and working capital management. The Category Buyer will develop and deploy sub-category strategy in specified region/country. She/He will be the owner of assigned category or region/country cost reduction goals. Key Responsibilities:  As sub-category owner, develop category strategy for the responsible categories  As supplier owner, manage the relationship with suppliers properly and perform as the single contact window of supplier in region  As operation Buyer, do daily operation (PR to PO) in compliance with regional or country wise category strategy requirements  Negotiate the long term and spot time contract with suppliers, manage the contract lifecycle and update before contract expired  Manage supplier performance, including project-based cost, on time delivery, quality and service  Drive year-over-year improvement in field spend through supplier negotiation  Drive year-over-year improvement in working capital through supplier DPO management  Drive solution standardization and significantly drive repeat buy percentage increase  Implement E2E process from procurement perspective  Ensure pre-bid support and execution with high efficiency to serve business delivery and growth  Monitor and support procurement productivity improvement projects complete on schedule Qualifications:  Bachelor degree in Engineering, Supply Chain Management or related Business Degree.  5 years sourcing/procurement experience, preferred in manufacturing industrial  Excellent negotiation skills, familiar with contracting  Familiar with cost reduction methods and tools  Good interpersonal skills to enable and manage relationships internally and externally  Adaptable towards a rapidly changing environment  Experience in working in multi-cultural teams  Experience in working in multifunctional development teams  Preferably experience in an innovative but also cost-driven environment  Honest and Integrity  Good at Mandarin, English, Japanese, Korean, both writing and reading  Willing to travel

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.依內外部客戶需求執行採購訂購處理作業 2.遵循採購標準作業流程,維護系統相關採購與供應商資訊,歸檔相關作業文件,以確保作業品質 3.廠商生產進度掌控,廠商產能掌控/接單負荷確認,以確保符合交期入料 4.供應商供貨溝通與供應商管理作業(關係維護及扶值、定期稽核/評估、盤點) 5.處理與控管應付帳款與請款作業,以確保作業正確性與及時性 6.成本控制/成本Cost saving 總成本概念(Total Cost of Ownership) 做為決定考量因素機械工程學類,商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.根據物品的庫存量,及過去使用量,決定是否訂購 2.根據需求人員提出之需求做採購 3.供應商維護及管理,與良好供應商維持良好關係 4.供應商蒐集,找尋品質好、成本低、配合度高之供應商提供需求人員選擇 5.提供緊急措施,使需求人員可做緊急採購 6.處理貨品遺失及延遲等問題 7.協助主管制定採購流程及相關作業表單,供同仁依循提出採購需求 8.定期清點物料,並將物料標示並放於正確位置,必要對相關人員解說,使其容易使用 9.定期追蹤複查庫存與紀錄是否相輔有無損壞,如不符合找出原因 10.定期清潔庫存、工具、設備或貯藏室,以確保符合安全規章及存貨安全 11.將進貨紀錄在帳冊或卡片 12.倉庫物品、物料進出管理品,與請購單、發票及其他憑證是否相符 13.貨品的輸送與成品包裝 14.發放物品並且對於不足的貨品申請補充 15.外務管理 16.協助主管制定採購流程及相關作業表單 17.供應商維護及管理,與良好供應商維持良好關係 18.協助採購單據的查詢及下單的工作 19.追蹤樣品 20.協助成本分析及存貨控管 21.安排工廠進貨和出口作業輕型機車輕型機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


此職務需求用於桃園機場第三航站土建工程 (Samsung C&T Corporation-榮工工程股份有限公司 JV) 1、工程發包採購作業(詢價、比價、議價)。 2、採購流程之建立及優化。 3、現場及廠商之間溝通與協調。 4、開發新廠商、資料庫建立與維護。 5、主管交辦事項。

應徵人數|1-5 人


* 具相關食品產業原物料經驗者 * * 10年以上大型企業採購工作經驗/ 5年以上主管管理經驗 * 1. 採購預算編列與年度供應計劃制定,每月檢討預算達成與分析差異原因 2. 監督原料價格與供應商採購分配比例合理性;執行非原物料採購議價程式與服務 3. 確保新原物料開發符合內控流程,合法合規,符合公司品質標準 4. 市場情報、國際貿易相關資訊收集,分析對公司經營影響與提議解決辦法 5. 採購相關專案與認證所需資料提供與申辦 6. 支援產銷計劃,跨組織工作配合及協調 7. 協同作業流程改造、系統化工程、人才培養

應徵人數|1-5 人


<Summary> Manager Locate in Bade Lead Rack team and Cable team 1. TWN, BV Rack/Cable demand overview and schedule management. 2. To be in charge all of Rack/Cable parts including rack accessories parts. 3. Support TWN PM for Sample /NIR 4. Mass production for regular FCST planning. 5. Well Forecast review, safety plan with inventory control 6. PO management with CM make sure delivery on time. 7. Close work with PM, Sales to move SLM, E&O and Refurbish. 8. 2nd source qualification <Essential Duties and Responsibilities> *Plans, manages and monitors the movement of material through the production cycle *Balances current and future demand requirements with manufacturing and supplier capabilities/ capacities to ensure on-time completion of customer requirements. *Oversees the planning and release of production orders to meet customer orders while maintaining optimum lead time and inventory levels. *Drives resolution to materials issues which includes evaluating material shortages, performing root cause analysis, and replenishing to the appropriate inventory levels *Analyzes and manages inventory levels in relation to customer requirements to meet profit and inventory targets and goals *Supports cost reduction projects and improvement initiatives to achieve overall business objectives *Develops and maintains a supply chain strategic plan to understand key analytics, and risks to the companies supply chain. Pressure tests supply chain for areas of improvement *Provides communication and visibility to the company of ongoing performance of key supply chain metrics and works with the team to reduce costs and improve service levels *Manages ordering of all materials and components as well as to research new technologies on Rack and Cable components. *Manages supplier contracts and works on contract negotiation and de-risking the supply base *Monitors overall production schedules, raw material inventory levels and shipments to advise of any issues in the supply chain. *Maintains visibility to company strategies as well as developing and achieving strategies to meet business and inventory objectives. *Supports audit efforts both regulatory and financial in nature. *Complies with plant safety procedures to ensure a safe environment. *Support new business opportunities *Manage and oversee the staff involved in procurement activities that occur in all field operations’ office. *May know with various departments in aspects of purchasing and acts as a liaison between departments and vendors. <Qualifications> • Bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering, Computer engineering, Supply Chain or Operation is preferred • Minimum of 10 years’ experience in Material planning, Sourcing, Project Management, Program Management • Expert knowledge and experience with MRP/SAP systems • Extended Experience and knowledge of Computer Rack and Cable Components • Expertise in statistical analysis and problem-solving techniques • Excellent oral and written communication and time management skills • Must work independently and be able to manage tight timelines and changing priorities電算機學門,電子工程學類,數學統計學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


NB電機模組類採購管理工作(EM Sourcing): 熟散熱模組, 線材, 連接器,影像聲學模組,etc (1)NB 模組類材料成本估算。 (2)製程開發/導入。 (3)供應鏈開發與管理。 (4)產業分析, 原物料與價格趨勢。 ※依學經歷、工作年資敘薪機械工程學類,工業工程學類,電機工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


(1) NB 主件採購 (Key Part Sourcer) (2) 詢價/比價/議價,成本分析與控管 (3) 開發與管理供應商,維持供應商關係 (4) 與Sales/RD合作導入料件 (5) 產業分析與價格趨勢 ※依學經歷、工作年資敘薪

應徵人數|1-5 人


(1) NB機構及包裝相關的材料採購。 (2) NB統購,詢價/比價/議價、成本策略佈局、成本分析、設計成本控管 (3) Sales/RD co-working。 (4) 製程開發/導入。 (5) 供應鏈開發與管理。 (6) 產業分析, 原物料與價格趨勢。 (7) NB機殼成本估算, 熟塑膠成型, 金屬沖壓及外觀處理製程 ※依學經歷、工作年資敘薪

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 根據物品的庫存量,及過去使用量,根據需求人員提出之需求進行詢價.比價 後做採購 2. 供應商維護及管理,與良好供應商維持良好關係 3. 供應商蒐集,找尋品質好、成本低、配合度高之供應商提供需求人員選擇 4. 依據緊急狀況,做緊急採購 5. 處理貨品遺失及延遲等問題 6. 定時庫存管理、盤點 7. 需配合緊急狀況時間調整採購採買普通小型車普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Includes the following essential duties and responsibilities (other duties may also be assigned): • *Responsible to increase business on key components MEM, SSD, HDD and other related components • *Suggest and promote the best key components configuration and optimization to high end visualization. • *Support both Pre-sales and Post-sales as well as training to SMC PMs, Sales and VARs. • *Fulfill sales order, control inventory stock level • *Promote main stream products and slow movings • *Source best supply, issue POs, monitor promised delivery time. • *Maintain/improve good relationship with vendor and gain overall support Qualifications: • *Minimum Bachelor degree, major in Electronic Engineering is a plus • *1+ years related key components PM or Sales positions or Purchasing working experience • *Competent in reading, writing and speaking in English and Chinese. • *SAP working experience, or training and promotion experience is a plus • *Strong communication and negotiation skill, high sense of accuracy, responsibility and could demonstrate strong ownership • *Ability to work in dynamic, high pressure working environment and perform fast and proper action • *Humble attitude, willing to keep learning and contribution to business growth • *Team spirit, working with motivation, flexibility, and passion • *Valid working permit in Netherlands is a must.電機工程學類,其他工程學類,電子工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Utilizing strategic sourcing process to identify, negotiate and implement packaging materials, indirect materials, procurement initiatives to drive cost savings. 2. Align with sourcing team to provide local business requirements and market information to support effective collaborative regional strategy creation and execution 3. Partnering with RD / RA/ NPL, and other Functional groups (Executives, Quality, R&D, Regulatory Affairs, Finance, Legal, Engineering….) in discovery, contract negotiation, optimizing economic value, on-time delivery of product & services, cost management & reduction, supplier & partner risk mitigation, and scope of work development. 4. Develop and implement forward thinking procurement strategies to both optimize spending and minimize risk. 5. Creation of effective preferred supplier program and instillation of organizational discipline on onboarding new vendors. 6. Development of KPIs for strategic sourcing with cyclical delivery which drives continuous improvement.

應徵人數|1-5 人


Purchasing personnel for thermal solutions should possess the following skills and qualities: 1. **Understanding of Thermal Technology:** Basic knowledge of thermal technology and products, able to comprehend the advantages and features of different thermal solutions. 2. **Supplier Assessment:** Ability to evaluate thermal product suppliers, considering factors such as product quality, delivery times, and costs. 3. **Material Selection:** Familiarity with the characteristics of various thermal materials, capable of selecting the most suitable material based on specific requirements. 4. **Cost Analysis:** Proficiency in conducting cost analyses, including unit prices, transportation costs, and storage expenses, to devise cost-effective thermal solutions. 5. **Quality Control:** Ensuring that procured thermal products meet relevant quality standards and specifications. 6. **Market Awareness:** Monitoring trends in the thermal product market, staying informed about the latest technologies and industry trends. 7. **Negotiation Skills:** Possessing effective negotiation skills to secure favorable trade terms. 8. **Collaboration and Coordination:** Ability to collaborate effectively with internal engineers and manufacturing teams to ensure procured thermal solutions meet requirements. 9. **Risk Management:** Identifying and evaluating risks in the procurement process of thermal products and devising appropriate mitigation measures. 10. **Communication Skills:** Strong communication skills, capable of clearly conveying requirements, expectations, and conditions to suppliers. These skills and qualities will contribute to the successful management of the procurement process for thermal-related products. ※依學經歷、工作年資敘薪機械工程學類,工業工程學類,電機工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


【About Company】 SHL Medical is a global leader in designing, developing, and manufacturing advanced drug delivery systems. With over 5000 employees worldwide, we provide innovative devices like auto injectors and pen injectors to top pharmaceutical and biotech companies globally. Headquartered in Switzerland since late 2018. Taiwan has been SHL’s starting ground in our bid for global mobility in the fields of drug delivery and medical technology. Our diverse and ambitious team shares a common goal of delivering the right drug devices for modern precision medicine. 【Department Introduction】 The Supply Chain department at SHL Medical consists of five teams: demand planning, procurement, logistics, shipping, and intelligence. We build a strong supply chain that prioritizes customer and supplier relationships across the entire value chain to meet customer demands effectively. 【Job Overview】 As part of the Procurement team at SHL, your responsibilities will include supplier management, sourcing strategy, price negotiation, contract management, and purchase management. You will oversee indirect procurement categories. 【Main Responsibilities】 1. Indirect Material Management: Oversee the procurement of indirect materials, including equipments, constructions, components and other factory or office supplies. 採購範疇:負責設備、工程、耗材及其它間接材料之採購。 2. Supplier Relationship Development and Management: Manage and cultivate relationships with suppliers to ensure effective collaboration and partnership. 開發及管理國內、外供應商。 3. Contract Negotiation: Negotiate with suppliers to secure favorable contract terms that align with organizational objectives. 與供應商協議採購之價格、折扣、出貨及付款等之最佳條件。 4. Contract Execution and Cost Savings: Implement and monitor agreed-upon contract terms with suppliers to achieve cost savings and optimize procurement outcomes. 根據合約執行採購條件以達成本效益。 5. Customer Requirement Alignment: Collaborate with other departments to align procurement activities with customer product requirements and ensure customer satisfaction. 與相關部門合作滿足客戶產品需求。 6. Sourcing Process Management: Lead the sourcing process for assigned commodities, including market analysis, supply strategy development, and supplier evaluation based on spend data analysis. 執行採購物件的市場資訊蒐集、供貨策略研究、供應商調查及歷史資料分析等採購流程。 7. Cross-Functional Collaboration: Collaborate with other departments to identify and implement improvement initiatives aimed at providing enhanced services across the organization. 根據改進的需求與其他部門合作,以提供更好的服務予整個集團。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.制定年度採購計畫。 2.具備飯店生鮮、一般物品採購經驗,能進行溝通協調相關作業。 3.建立、更新供應商資料(價格、規格和到貨時間),以選擇最佳供應商。 4.供貨商評鑑及合約簽定 5.具備採購管理辦法制度規章修訂實務經驗佳 6.定期更新系統與維護供應商資料 7.提供貨物樣品和規格給品檢驗收人員,進行驗收作業 8.其他主管交代事項財務金融學類,觀光休閒學類普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 執行供應商開發計畫、評鑑、管理及詢價議價。 2. 成本評估、交期準確性管控及市場趨勢分析。 3. 採購策略計劃之訂定,並適時調整。 4. 制定、修訂及遵循採購標準作業流程規範。 5. 擬訂年度策略性採購及執行。 6. 各項報表彙整分析及定期檢討對策。企業管理學類,行銷與流通學類,貿易學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.負責配合與執行公司各部門相關採購作業 2.其他主管交辦事項 3.有飯店採購經驗尤佳輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.機械設備工程發包維護修護作業 2.零件物料耗材詢比議購料 3.開發供應商 4.文具清潔用品印刷物料採買 5.歡迎無經驗願意接受培訓者輕型機車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人



應徵人數|1-5 人


【About DBS】 星展銀行總部位於新加坡,是亞洲最大的金融集團之一。 2023 年購入台灣花旗消費金融業務後,星展即成為台灣最大外商銀行。目前已蟬聯五年「世界最佳銀行」的獎項,以及「全球最佳數碼銀行獎 」,打破傳統金融銀行的框架,持續發展數位創新,集團文化也鼓勵員工個人發展,提供豐富的資源和福利。 目前我們正在召集一群優秀的 Taiwan Tech Talents,與我們一起成為 Best Bank for a Better World! 【Responsibilities】 • Developing innovative and cost-effective procurement strategies to meet organizational needs. • Identifying and engaging reliable suppliers and vendors to meet procurement requirements. • Skillfully negotiating with suppliers and vendors to secure favorable terms and conditions. • Thoroughly reviewing and evaluating existing supplier contracts for ongoing feasibility. • Cultivating and nurturing long-term relationships with suppliers and vendors. • Approving purchase orders and meticulously coordinating timely delivery of goods and services. • Conducting comprehensive risk assessments on potential contracts and agreements. • Exercising prudent control over the procurement budget and fostering a culture of sustainable cost savings. • Effectively overseeing IT/non-IT/service providers, ensuring vendor quality and delivery excellence. 【Requirements】 • Bachelor’s degree in supply chain management, logistics, business administration, or a related field. • Demonstrated expertise in managing suppliers across diverse categories, including IT and non-IT/Services. • Profound knowledge of contract preparation, review, invoicing processes, and negotiation tactics. • Strong leadership and management skills to guide procurement initiatives. • Exceptional multitasking and time-management abilities, with a keen sense of task prioritization. • Outstanding organizational skills, coupled with a meticulous attention to detail. • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English.財務金融學類,行銷與流通學類,經濟學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.採購、發包、詢價、採發比較表製作、議價、合約製作及簽約 2.數量計算、詢價單製作 3.其他主管交辦事項

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.協助主管制定採購流程及相關作業表單,供同仁依循提出採購需求 2.根據物品的庫存量,及過去使用量,決定是否訂購 3.根據需求人員提出之需求做採購 4.供應商維護及管理,與良好供應商維持良好關係 5.供應商蒐集,找尋品質好、成本低、配合度高之供應商提供需求人員選擇 6.提供緊急措施,使需求人員可做緊急採購 7.處理貨品遺失及延遲等問題輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|6-10 人



1.協助處理採購作業、開立表單與系統操作、物料跟催。 2.協助物料開發與供應商管理、稽核。 3.協助成本控制與品質控制。 4.協助不良品處理與追蹤。 5.協助其它採購相關事項。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.衛耗材訂購。 2.協助新進骨衛材採購流程。 3.協助非例行性請購案評估、詢比議價、訂購、交期跟催。商業及管理學門輕型機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


協助主管制定採購流程及相關作業表單,供同仁依循提出採購需求 根據需求人員提出之需求做採購 供應商維護及管理,與良好供應商維持良好關係 供應商蒐集,找尋品質好、成本低、配合度高之供應商提供需求人員選擇商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人



1.協助主管制定採購流程及相關作業表單,供同仁依循提出採購需求 2.根據物品的庫存量,及過去使用量,決定是否訂購 3.根據需求人員提出之需求做採購 4.供應商維護及管理,與良好供應商維持良好關係 5.供應商蒐集,找尋品質好、成本低、配合度高之供應商提供需求人員選擇 6.提供緊急措施,使需求人員可做緊急採購 7.處理貨品遺失及延遲等問題

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.協助採購原輔料,安排出口海外工廠, 有紡織品經驗者佳 2.供應商維護及管理,與良好供應商維持良好關係 3.供應商蒐集,找尋品質好、成本低、配合度高之供應商提供需求人員選擇 4.提供緊急措施,使需求人員可做緊急採購紡織工程學類,一般商業學類,工業管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.協助主管制定採購流程及相關作業表單,供同仁依循提出採購需求 2.根據物品的庫存量,及過去使用量,決定是否訂購 3.根據需求人員提出之需求做採購 4.供應商維護及管理,與良好供應商維持良好關係 5.供應商蒐集,找尋品質好、成本低、配合度高之供應商提供需求人員選擇 6.提供緊急措施,使需求人員可做緊急採購 7.處理貨品遺失及延遲等問題 8.合理控制庫存掌握安全庫存量,加快庫存周轉 9.正常供應生產,滿足生產對物料的需求 10.物料保存管理,確保品質 11.減少庫存資金積壓,加速現金流動率 12.定期追蹤複查庫存與紀錄是否相輔有無損壞,如不符合找出原因 13.倉庫物品、物料進出管理品,與請購單、發票及其他憑證是否相符 14.將進貨紀錄在帳冊或卡片一般商業學類,資訊管理學類,工業管理學類普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.採購流程及相關作業表單 2.供應商維護及管理 3.追蹤到貨相關訊息 4.行政文書處理 5.熟電腦作業系統 6.有相關五金配件及材料採購經驗尤佳

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.協助主管制定採購流程及相關作業表單,供同仁依循提出採購需求 2.根據物品的庫存量,及過去使用量,決定是否訂購 3.根據需求人員提出之需求做採購 4.供應商維護及管理,與良好供應商維持良好關係 5.供應商蒐集,找尋品質好、成本低、配合度高之供應商提供需求人員選擇 6.提供緊急措施,使需求人員可做緊急採購 7.處理貨品遺失及延遲等問題輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 貨品採購 2. 樣品試吃安排及拍照存檔 3. 電腦系統輸入 1. 熟 excell 運用操作. 2. 具服務熱誠. 有責任感及上進的企圖心.

應徵人數|1-5 人


有經驗者優先錄用! 薪水可面議~ 1.協助主管制定採購流程及相關作業表單,供同仁依循提出採購需求 2.根據需求人員提出之需求做採購 3.供應商維護及管理,與良好供應商維持良好關係 4.供應商蒐集,找尋品質好、成本低、配合度高之供應商提供需求人員選擇 5.提供緊急措施,使需求人員可做緊急採購 6.處理貨品遺失及延遲等問題 ※面試需自行攜帶 a.個人履歷表 b.相片(2吋)*1商業及管理學門普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


王品集團 誠徵【採購部-採購管理師】 工作內容: 1. 供應商開發及產品應用提案 2. 熟悉供應鏈生產製造流程 3. 國際趨勢分析及了解貿易條件 4. 產品議價及交期協調 5. 供應商管理及品質異常處理輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人



應徵人數|1-5 人

