1111找工作 APP



嗨!你是不是致力於成為業績王?我們正在找尋充滿活力、喜愛與人往來的課務人員,一起為學員提供最優質的課程服務,展現我們公司的績優價值! 如果你是我們尋找的活力之星,快點擊申請按鈕加入我們的狂歡大家庭!讓我們一起認真工作,認真玩樂,打造屬於我們的燦爛明天! ●股文觀指是什麼● 股文觀指矢志打破傳統,以一群充滿活力、熱情四溢的年輕交易贏家為核心,攜手具有豐富實戰經驗的專業管理團隊,打造全新的投資理財學習體驗。我們深融於市場脈動,擁抱挑戰,經歷風雨洗禮,始終保持年輕、創新的態度。 我們不僅是交易贏家,更是教育經營的先驅。透過結合實戰經驗與前瞻思維,我們致力於提供最具前瞻性、實用性的投資理財、個人規劃以及命理學相關課程產品。我們不僅為您提供投資的技術,更關注您個人的成長與規劃。 股文觀指,不僅是一個金融服務提供者,更是一個年輕、充滿活力的社群! 我們追求創新,鼓勵團隊成員不斷突破自我,激發潛能。無論您是尋求投資智慧還是個人成長,股文觀指將是您最信賴的夥伴,陪伴您攜手邁向成功的財富之路。 《不僅只是工作,還要創造人生卓越》 Work Hard, Play Hard 不只是口號,更是我們的生活態度!在工作中,我們全情投入,追求專業與卓越;在玩樂時,我們更是無所畏懼,敢於挑戰極限。這不只是工作,更是一場充滿激情的冒險! 這份工作除了日常的簡易行政作業需要你的細心處理,更多的是現場以及線上與學員互動,提供最親切的服務,推廣最合適的課程幫助學員一起成長。 公司會將你視為儲備幹部來培養,歡迎喜歡與人互動,樂於挑戰,有著業務體質的你加入我們! ▼工作內容▼ ★學員資訊之蒐集、彙整與報表製作。 ★課程相關行政作業。 ★維護、更新管理學員資訊,學員關係維繫。 ★完成課務主管交辦任務。 ★課程講座推廣、課程相關客服工作 ★學員需求釐清與溝通 ★執行課程相關行銷活動 ▼我們期待你有▼ ★積極樂觀,勇於接受挑戰,敢於突破自己的極限 ★不拘一格的想法,善於與不同領域的人合作 ★樂於與人互動,了解客戶需求,達成業績目標 ▼夥伴大大福利▼ ★神奇的冰箱與零食櫃,找靈感時隨手一抓都能有飲品食物 ★活動供餐,跟著團隊、講師一起享用優質餐點 ★開放、自由、充滿活力的工作環境 ★團隊氛圍歡樂,定期舉辦各式活動,打破傳統企業框架 ★邊工作邊學理財,不知不覺成為理財達人

應徵人數|1-5 人

1. 個別及團體幼兒OT課程:排定課程計畫與執行,並與家屬討論與衛教。 2. 自費系列課程設計、推廣及執行 3. 提供諮詢與建議 4. 參與公司內部會議 5. 參與公司接洽合作之外部服務(校園講座/拜訪行程等) 6. 因應課程對象和家屬需求,需能配合假日出勤及輪班復健醫學學類高考職能治療師

應徵人數|1-5 人


■職缺單位:電機工程系 ■職缺名稱:專任助理教授(含)以上 ■名額:1名 ■希望到職日期:113年8月1日 ■學歷條件:博士 ■專長條件:電力電子專長優先 ■任教科目: ◇電力電子學 ◇電力電子檢定實務 ◇電機機械 ■其他條件: ◇有指導學生參加專題競賽經驗者佳 ◇具備招生經驗者佳 ◇具備英文授課能力者佳 ■準備文件: ◇​履歷表 ◇學經歷證明文件 ◇可任教科目課程綱要 ◇其他有利於聘任之證明文件 ■技術及職業教育法:第 25 條 技職校院專業科目或技術科目之教師,應具備一年以上與任教領域相關之業界實務工作經驗。但本法施行前已在職之專任合格教師,不在此限。 前項與任教領域相關之業界實務工作經驗之認定標準,由中央主管機關定之。 ■收件截止日期:113年5月31日下午3時前紙本送達本校,請註明應徵「電機工程系教師」。 ■聯絡人:彭小姐 電話:(02)77388000分機1152 ■收件地址:220303新北市板橋區四川路2段58號 亞東科技大學人事室 收(應徵封面檔案),錄取與否均不退件。

應徵人數|1-5 人


Job Summary: Prepare food and serve our customers to ensure our food service department runs smoothly. 準備食物並為顧客提供服務,以確保餐廳部營運順利 Key Responsibilities: Complete kitchen work as per the instructions of our chefs and FSD management。 完成餐廳主廚們與主管們的指派廚房相關工作 Serve customers to ensure our food service dept. runs smoothly。 服務顧客以確保餐廳部營運順利 Prepare food for sale and monitor food quantity to ensure it is ample. 準備食物供銷售並監控食物數量以確保充足 Prepare and replenish food and beverages when necessary. 食物及飲料之準備及適時補貨 Complete work associated with opening and closing the snack bar. 餐廳小吃部之開關店營運準備工作 Clean designated areas. 清理指派區域 Provide help wherever needed. 支援餐廳其他人員及區域之工作 Qualifications: High School graduate 高中畢業 At least one year of restaurant experience 至少一年相關餐飲工作經驗 Native Mandarin Speaker; Intermediate level of English 流利中文並具備中等英文能力 Class C Technician Certificate for Chinese/Western Cuisine Cookery or Food Baking 具丙級中/西餐烹調技術士證照或烘焙西點蛋糕證照其中一項 Knowledge and concept of sanitation 具備餐飲衛生之相關知識 Hardworking, flexible, fast and accurate in completing designated work 工作認真、配合度高並能有效率的完成指派之任務 Attention to detail, especially food quality and sanitation 能謹慎小心以確保食物之品質及衛生 Friendly, patient and have a good rapport with customers 良好工作態度並能維持良好顧客關係 Communication skill & Time Management 具備溝通及時間管理能力丙級中餐烹調技術士,丙級西餐烹調技術士,丙級烘焙西點蛋糕,丙級烘焙食品技術士

應徵人數|1-5 人


(一)全校學生生生活輔導、校園安全維護及突發事件處理。 (二)全校學生請假、獎懲、校園霸凌防制相關業務。 (三)辦理兵役業務、國防教育、品德及人權與法治教育相關活動。 (四)協助學務處相關行政業務及活動與業務支援。 (五)主管臨時交辦事項。

應徵人數|1-5 人


It‘s an on-call position for substituting Lower School Teaching Assistant. To assist classroom teachers with the delivery of instruction and support classroom activities to ensure a well-run and well-managed classroom. Qualifications: 1. College graduate in early childhood education, elementary education, family studies or related field preferred 2. Early childhood experience or three years full-time working experience in a similar environment 3. Strong English & Mandarin speaking skills 4. Communication skills 5. Technology skills 6. Interpersonal skills 7. Strong understanding of behavior management strategies effective for young children 8. Enjoys working with children 9. Ability to accomplish a variety of daily tasks/responsibilities in an efficient & effective manner

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 內部資料整理 2. 回覆客戶問題 3. 其他主管交辦事項

應徵人數|1-5 人


It is a project based for Korean translation to assist with meetings/papers within every school year. We won‘t be able to guarantee the working hours per month. It‘s based on the demand and schedule for some specific projects or meeting we might have every school year.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.透過電訪邀約關懷家長與學生學習狀況 2.了解目前國小高年級制高中升學制度 3.不須電銷商品,邀約成功即有高獎金制度! 4.工作時間短,高績效高報酬

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 個別及團體幼兒OT課程:排定課程計畫與執行,並與家屬討論與衛教。 2. 自費系列課程設計、推廣及執行 3. 提供諮詢與建議 4. 參與公司內部會議 5. 參與公司接洽合作之外部服務(校園講座/拜訪行程等) 6. 因應課程對象和家屬需求,需能配合假日出勤及輪班復健醫學學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


Job Summary: Organize, circulate and direct delivery of library service to patrons, development of digital resources, administrative duties and supervision of students. Key Responsibilities: - Independently open and close the library on time and carry out daily operations, at times with no librarian present, including Saturdays and Summer Academy. - Organize and circulate books and other materials to student and adult patrons to ensure they have access during library open hours to quality resources on a daily basis. - Assist patrons to effectively use online catalog and identify appropriate materials to support classroom learning and leisure reading. Monitor patron behavior to ensure respectful use of the facility, a quality learning environment, and student safety. - Assist librarians with classes (manage student behavior, assist with instruction as needed) to ensure that students learn essential library skills. - Manage records and patron accounts in online catalog to ensure accuracy and availability of materials. Catalog and process new and old library materials (receiving, cataloging, repairing and/or processing for discard). - Manage and monitor library budget expenditures. Communicate with local vendors. Create purchase orders and process petty cash reimbursements. Communicate with the accounting dept to support library orders.

應徵人數|1-5 人



1.公司文件檔案的建立及管理 2.負責辦公室用品採購發放 3.協助會議、活動籌備、準備統計報表、書面報告、簡報等資料 4.協助行政人員處理主管所交辦的其他事項 5.資料處理、影像掃描及目錄建檔 6.檢查整理檔案

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 個別及團體幼兒OT課程:排定課程計畫與執行,並與家屬討論與衛教。 2. 自費系列課程設計、推廣及執行 3. 提供諮詢與建議 4. 參與公司內部會議 5. 參與公司接洽合作之外部服務(校園講座/拜訪行程等) 6. 因應課程對象和家屬需求,需能配合假日出勤及輪班復健醫學學類,醫學技術及檢驗學類,學前教育學類高考職能治療師

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 協助親子律動/.幼兒體操課程執行 2. 教室內環境維持 3. 教室相關行銷及行政活動配合參與學前教育學類,競技運動學類,運動休閒及休閒管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


Candidates must hold current Swim Teaching, First Aid & CPR certifications (in ROC or from another country) • Swim school instructor experience preferred • Work hours: Required for most Wednesday August to Oct, 2024. Wednesday - from 2:40 to 4:40 PM All Season 2 hours 2:40pm-4:40pm Swimzone dates for the fall season SY2425 are planned as per below: August 21 & 26; Sept 4, 11, 18, 25; Oct 2 • English language at an intermediate level preferredCPR証照,CTSA-游泳教練-C級,CTSA-游泳教練-B級,STAT-游泳教練-C級,STAT-游泳教練-B級,CMSAED-丙級游泳教練

應徵人數|1-5 人


<KUMON公文式教育加盟教室以下簡稱KUMON教室> 1.貫徹KUMON教室營運模式 2.掌握區域市場脈動、協助KUMON教室實踐發展計畫 3.輔導KUMON教室使用教材、關注學生學習成效 4.KUMON教室各項數據分析及策略規劃 5.新設立KUMON教室開業支援 6.協助公司及營業所活動業務辦理

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.透過電訪邀約關懷家長與學生學習狀況 2.了解目前國小高年級至高中升學制度 3.不須電銷商品,邀約成功即有高獎金制度! 4.工作時間短,高績效高報酬

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 協助親子律動/.幼兒體操課程執行 2. 教室內環境維持 3. 教室相關行銷及行政活動配合參與學前教育學類,競技運動學類,運動休閒及休閒管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.推動與實施學校年度特殊教育工作計畫與方案。 2.特殊教育學生鑑定、教學與生活之支持服務。 3.其他特殊教育相關業務。 4.學務處相關活動與業務支援。 5.主管臨時交辦事項。特殊教育學類,社會工作學類,綜合教育學類

應徵人數|1-5 人



應徵人數|1-5 人


Job Summary: The primary role of the IT/AV Technician is to oversee a consistency of service in supporting the use of AV equipment during teaching, student learning, presentations, meetings, and events. A key aspect of this role is the collaboration with end users and stakeholders, focusing on providing AV solutions that meet the school’s educational, programmatic, and communication needs. The AV technician is also responsible for the overall management of AV-related equipment, which includes supervising/conducting repairs and regular maintenance, ensuring equipment reliability and effectiveness, and maintaining a catalog of AV inventory. Key Responsibilities: - Supervises the IT/AV assistants to ensure that daily support is prioritized and that they have clear and consistent information to complete tasks/projects assigned. - Leads the issuing of all AV equipment and maintains the asset database documenting loans, technical tasks, and repairs. - In collaboration with the IT team provides schoolwide classroom support of all AV resources. Documents procedures and independently develops instructional materials. - Supervises and manages the consumable resources for all school wide AV systems and stakeholders to ensure that daily operation needs can be met.Provides budget data and analysis of consumable utilization. Acts as Office Manager for all AV operational items. - Serves as the primary anchor and liaison for project planning and communication — school wide. Responsibilities include booking external resources, budget awareness, and communication with the IT operational team. Makes recommendations to streamline workflow, setup, and equipment utilization. - Supervises, documents, and manages the preventative maintenance program of all AV resources to ensure system integrity and performance optimization (batteries, signage, replacement parts, etc.) - Collaborates with the Theater Office and Video Production Specialist to plan and set up the IT/AV system for school physical and virtual events. Utilizes judgment to ensure that schoolwide events utilizing AV resources are successful. - Collaborates with the IT office manager and works with local vendors to ensure repair and maintenance of all AV resources. Maintains budget overview of repairs, warranties, and maintenance coverage contracts. - Trains students/faculty/staff on the care and use of AV equipment.

應徵人數|1-5 人

