1111找工作 APP



(A) 櫃台交易處理 1. 處理現金、支票、國內外匯款及外匯交易。 2.為客戶提供櫃台服務。 3.處理開戶/ 銷戶、存款/ 放款相關程序。 4.得管理櫃檯現金運轉,通過對現金、貴重物品、金庫/鑰匙和密碼的有效監控和保管來實行分行交易運作。 (B) 推銷銀行產品/ 服務 1.在處理櫃台交易時,辨別潛在客戶並將其引薦給銷售人員,在適當情況下向客戶交叉銷售銀行產品。 (C) 客戶體驗管理 1.按照銀行要求的服務標準,為客戶提供優質的服務。 2.處理和跟進客戶的查詢、要求和交易,以確保客戶滿意度。 (D) 稽核和合規監控 1.遵守銀行的政策、標準、操作準則/ 規程、保安和內部控制及合規措施。 2.遵守政府和金管會制定的規則和規定。一般商業學類信託業業務人員信託業務專業測驗,金融市場常識與職業道德,衍生性金融商品銷售人員

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.訂定分行櫃台績效考核目標及成效分析 2.協助分行櫃台績效提升及激勵活動設計 3.規劃分行櫃台人力配置及人員訓練商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


【About DBS】 星展銀行總部位於新加坡,是亞洲最大的金融集團之一。 2023 年購入台灣花旗消費金融業務後,星展即成為台灣最大外商銀行。目前已蟬聯五年「世界最佳銀行」的獎項,以及「全球最佳數碼銀行獎 」,打破傳統金融銀行的框架,持續發展數位創新,集團文化也鼓勵員工個人發展,提供豐富的資源和福利。 目前我們正在召集一群優秀的 Taiwan Tech Talents,與我們一起成為 Best Bank for a Better World! 【職缺資訊】 • Network/Voice related project delivery and daily operation. • Ensure the Network/Voice infrastructure align with DBS policy and regulatory requirement. • Maintain network performance by performing network monitoring and analysis, and performance tuning, troubleshooting network problems. • Secure network by developing network access, monitoring, control, and evaluation; maintaining documentation. • Develop procedures to automate network operation. • Create and deploy innovation by leveraging new technology. 【您可能會想知道】 - 將有教育訓練以及內部輪調機制,歡迎想踏入金融業的 Young talent - 正職員工到職滿 6 個月後,可申請每周彈性在家工作 2 天,兼顧生活和工作平衡 - 入職即享年假最低 14 天+1 天 Birthday Holiday - 每年有四萬元以上的彈性補助金,可用於家族旅遊或多項生活津貼 - 將有許多與國外夥伴合作的機會,能累積國際溝通和商業英語能力 【面試流程】 - 1-2 場線上面談,每場約 1 小時 (部分主管職位為現場面談) - 個人專業經歷及職涯發展了解 - 簡短英文自我介紹,敢說敢表達即可資訊管理學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


< 注意事項 > 1. 請至JIM bot進行第一階段申請: Jim - 資深豐盛理財客戶經理 (https://dbs-prod.impress.ai/careers/icareers/html-widget/chat-widget/92e652f2-3ac7-450c-b36a-89cf9dbbd7b4/) - 2023的評估 (impress.ai) (建議用Google Chorme瀏覽器開啟) 2. 請至DBS官方網站,註冊帳號密碼後,點選「線上應徵」進行第二階段申請 資深豐盛理財客戶經理 (https://careers.dbs.com/careersection/dbs_professional_hires_career_section/jobdetail.ftl?job=21000002&lang=zh_TW) e-JD(透過影片可更了解DBS RM的實際工作樣貌): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhKNH4M2a-o 1.透過卓越的客戶服務及專業的財務解決方案,增加/強化客戶及其家人的財富 2.依據客戶的資產組合/財務需求,提供全方位的理財規劃建議,確保產品的風險在客戶的承受範圍內並使客戶滿意本行的售後服務 3.透過緊密的團隊合作,提供客戶專業、客製化的服務體驗,滿足其所有銀行相關的需求(含銀行一般業務、借貸及投資) 4.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhKNH4M2a-o

應徵人數|1-5 人


工作內容: 1. 外撥電話聯繫客戶,協助處理線上申請信用卡未完成案件,說明並輔導客戶完成申辦。 2. 透過電話為客戶提供解決方案,確保案件得到妥善處理,必要時將案件轉交給相關單位協助處理。 3. 配合團隊合作,可機動性配合任務部署。銀行內部控制人員

應徵人數|1-5 人


放款業務專員: 1.個人信用貸款 2.原車融資、回復車貸

應徵人數|1-5 人


Business Function Group Technology and Operations (T&O) enables and empowers the bank with an efficient, nimble and resilient infrastructure through a strategic focus on productivity, quality & control, technology, people capability and innovation. In Group T&O, we manage the majority of the Bank‘s operational processes and inspire to delight our business partners through our multiple banking delivery channels. Responsibilities 1. Manage and deliver Network services both for BAU and project, scope covers entire Network services in TW (branch network, building network and Data Center network). 2. Ensure the infrastructure service align with DBS policy and regulatory requirement. 3. Troubleshoot and rescue systems during failure. 4. Configuring and installing various networking devices and services. 5. Support and coordinate End User services/projects. Requirements 1. Five years of working experience in IT operations and support. 2. Knowledge and experience skills in network administration. 3. Experience in network design, implementation, and troubleshooting. 4. Network certificate CCNP is required, and CCIE is a plus. 5. Ability of network automation is a plus. 請用以下聯結進入官網投遞履歷,並完成履歷填寫(請用Google瀏覽器開啟) 網址:請用以下聯結進入官網投遞履歷,並完成履歷填寫(請用Google瀏覽器開啟) 網址: Job Description - Associate, Infrastructure Senior Engineer, T&O (WD57243) (dbs.com)資訊管理學類,資訊工程學類,數學統計學門CCNP

應徵人數|1-5 人


【About DBS】 星展銀行總部位於新加坡,是全洲最大的金融集團之一,2023 年購入台灣花旗消費金融業務後,星展即成為台灣最大外商銀行。目前已蟬聯五年「世界最佳銀行」的獎項,以及「全球最佳數碼銀行獎 」,打破傳統金融銀行的框架,持續發展數位創新,集團文化也鼓勵員工個人發展,提供豐富的資源和福利,非常希望邀請您加入我們的行列! 【您可能會想知道】 • 正職員工到職滿 6 個月後,即可申請每周彈性在家工作 2 天,兼顧生活和工作平衡 (實際情況依各部門安排另有不同)) • 入職即享年假最低 14 天+1 天 Birthday Holiday • 到職即享萬元的彈性補助金,可用於家族旅遊或多項生活津貼 • 將有許多與國外夥伴合作的機會,能累積國際溝通和商業英語能力 【職缺資訊】 1. Support new enhancement (Customization) – Project / UR - UR impact analysis - Requirement design - System Performance - Provide development cost and timeline to Scrum Master 2. Practice PRIDE behavior in daily activity 3. Working with BAU L2 team/ BA for incident fixing and Critical Parameter setup 4. Regular training for coding process or lesson learn with DAH2 team member 5. Increase Customer Satisfaction by providing a dedicated support. 6. Improve Risk Controls/ Compliance資訊工程學類,資訊管理學類,財務金融學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 金控數位轉型策略分析、規劃與執行。 2. 國內外數位金融、新興科技分與創新商模趨勢調查研究。 3. 金控數位轉型專案執行與成效管理。 4. 金融科技與新創業者策略合作規劃與管理。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.經紀業務會計帳務處理 2.月結報表及各項業務申報 3.營業稅、代扣稅款等相關稅務申報 4.固定資產維護及帳務處理 5.資本適足比率申報作業 6.其他主管交辦事項一般商業學類,會計學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


【About DBS】 星展銀行總部位於新加坡,是全洲最大的金融集團之一,2023 年購入台灣花旗消費金融業務後,星展即成為台灣最大外商銀行。目前已蟬聯五年「世界最佳銀行」的獎項,以及「全球最佳數碼銀行獎 」,打破傳統金融銀行的框架,持續發展數位創新,集團文化也鼓勵員工個人發展,提供豐富的資源和福利,非常希望邀請您加入我們的行列! 【您可能會想知道】 • 正職員工到職滿 6 個月後,即可申請每周彈性在家工作 2 天,兼顧生活和工作平衡 (實際情況依各部門安排另有不同)) • 入職即享年假最低 14 天+1 天 Birthday Holiday • 到職即享萬元的彈性補助金,可用於家族旅遊或多項生活津貼 • 將有許多與國外夥伴合作的機會,能累積國際溝通和商業英語能力 【Key Responsibilities】 1. Working with Developers -UR impact analysis -Requirement design 2. Support SIT Tester for question clarification. 3. Support Business for new enhancement. -Requirement detail discussion -Document and progress update -UAT / LV support 4. BAU Support -Issue fixing ( IDM, Interface, functional, and so on) , Product Patch, System Infra Upgrade: -Critical Parameter setup -Document and progress update -Clarify the issue root cause to Business -UAT / LV support財務金融學類,資訊管理學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


應徵者可先提供履歷表參考,謝謝~ 1.業務拓展能力 2.開發新車及中古車商,提供車貸產品,負責車商及客戶維護 3.汽車貸款相關作業普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.人員到離職、差勤管理、年度考核等人事行政作業。 2.其他主管交辦事項。商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


Business Function Group Technology and Operations (T&O) enables and empowers the bank with an efficient, nimble and resilient infrastructure through a strategic focus on productivity, quality & control, technology, people capability and innovation. In Group T&O, we manage the majority of the Bank‘s operational processes and inspire to delight our business partners through our multiple banking delivery channels. Responsibilities: • Developing innovative and cost-effective procurement strategies to meet organizational needs. • Identifying and engaging reliable suppliers and vendors to meet procurement requirements. • Skillfully negotiating with suppliers and vendors to secure favorable terms and conditions. • Thoroughly reviewing and evaluating existing supplier contracts for ongoing feasibility. • Cultivating and nurturing long-term relationships with suppliers and vendors. • Approving purchase orders and meticulously coordinating timely delivery of goods and services. • Conducting comprehensive risk assessments on potential contracts and agreements. • Exercising prudent control over the procurement budget and fostering a culture of sustainable cost savings. • Effectively overseeing IT/non-IT/service providers, ensuring vendor quality and delivery excellence. Requirements: • Bachelor’s degree in supply chain management, logistics, business administration, or a related field. • Demonstrated expertise in managing suppliers across diverse categories, including IT and non-IT/Services. • Profound knowledge of contract preparation, review, invoicing processes, and negotiation tactics. • Strong leadership and management skills to guide procurement initiatives. • Exceptional multitasking and time-management abilities, with a keen sense of task prioritization. • Outstanding organizational skills, coupled with a meticulous attention to detail. • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English. 請用以下聯結進入官網投遞履歷,並完成履歷填寫(請用Google瀏覽器開啟) 網址: https://dbs.taleo.net/careersection/dbs_professional_hires_career_section/jobdetail.ftl?job=WD57630&lang=zh_TW

應徵人數|1-5 人


1、處理複委託海外商品結算交割作業。 2、處理複委託海外商品股務作業。 3、處理期貨自營、自營買賣外國有價證券及代銷基金等業務證券商業務員,證券商高級業務員,期貨商業務員

應徵人數|1-5 人


Job Purpose Responsible for developing & enhancing OAT products to meet ARP/SCF customers’ requirements in the country with the ultimate objective to expand our trade franchise and grow the revenues. Job Duties & responsibilities • Work with Sales to obtain competitive information from customers / market with regard to product functionalities, capabilities and features of competitors’ product and services. • Identify product gaps & new ARP/SCF opportunities and structure solutions for complicated transactions or new programs. • Responsible for all new products & services launched in the country • Work with T&O – IT on all the system related initiatives • Work with T&O - Operations on: (a) unit costing, service turnarounds, cut-off time and other service standards; (b) resolving & streamlining operational issues. • Work with Sales & RMs to ensure our products / services are competitive and meeting customer’s requirements. • Obtain external recognition of trade capabilities and win accolades. • Provide trade trainings or events for internal stakeholders and external customers. • Review and develop standard terms and conditions of all related ARP /SCF documents.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Responsible for the Product Profitability. 2. Develop Product Plans for GTS Products that will encompass market analysis, product definition, competitive scan, pricing, costing and revenue strategies, customers’ buying behaviour etc. 3. Develop business plan to promote/market the sale to targeted clients. 4. Develop new products, enhance and repackage existing products and always balancing both the product revenue and risk aspects of the equation at all times. 5. Develop and standardise Policies and Procedures. 6. Work with GTS Sales to obtain competitive information from customers / market with regard to product functionalities, capabilities and features of competitors’ product and services. 7. Identify product gaps & new opportunities and develop new products / programs. 8. Develop Marketing Collaterals & Training Materials 9. Responsible for NPA for all new products & services launched in the country

應徵人數|1-5 人


Business Function Group Human Resources has the important role of attracting, retaining, and nurturing talent to ensure that DBS continues to be a competitive employer in Asia. With a well-established team of HR partners, we support and deliver effective people-based solutions and services across businesses. Our goal is to build a high-performance organisation by empowering and engaging our employees. Because we believe that banking is about people. The role is to provide HR advice to Business & Support Units (BUs/SUs) on all HR issues to achieve business goals. It includes planning, developing & implementing HR strategies within & across units on Reward Management, Talent Acquisition & Development and HR Strategy & Management. Key Accountability: • Engage and proactively partner the Business Unit Heads in understanding their business needs and provide strategic advice and initiatives to achieve the business goals • Provide the strategic interface to senior managers / stakeholders through the provision of high quality guidance and support in developing and progressing people management solutions to achieve business objectives • Drive and support the development and delivery of cultural change plans and interventions • Coach, support, mentor and challenge managers in the application of HR policies and practices, provide advice and guidance on complex HR issues in order to minimize Risk and financial exposure • Work in partnership with specialists Human Resources to ensure coordination in project / policy development and the enhancement of information provision and services to employees • Plan, develop & organize communication sessions for staff on all programs while addressing specific business requirements and employee engagement topics. • Work with Group HR on possible regional initiatives to drive change across the BUs/SUs in Taiwan; ensure that all programs & activities roll out are aligned with group policies & local statutory requirements.

應徵人數|1-5 人


【About DBS】 星展銀行總部位於新加坡,是亞洲最大的金融集團之一。 2023 年購入台灣花旗消費金融業務後,星展即成為台灣最大外商銀行。目前已蟬聯五年「世界最佳銀行」的獎項,以及「全球最佳數碼銀行獎 」,打破傳統金融銀行的框架,持續發展數位創新,集團文化也鼓勵員工個人發展,提供豐富的資源和福利。 目前我們正在召集一群優秀的 Taiwan Tech Talents,與我們一起成為 Best Bank for a Better World! 【Job Purpose】 GPS Non-IT sourcing, annual Non-IT project review and preparation, Non-IT financial analysis, Non-IT sourcing contract. 【Job Duties & responsibilities】 1. Vender selection and management. 2. Products / models selection and analysis. 3. Price Negotiation for Non-IT procurement and contract. 3. PO and contractual process. 4. Monthly analysis report for purchased goods. 5. Monitor and assist Non-IT procurement process. 6. Ad-hoc project support財務金融學類,行銷與流通學類,經濟學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


• Partner with Franchise, Customer Management team and also Product Team to formulate business strategies and using data insights to drive Treasures Acquisition, Engagement and Transaction • Develop and maintain Control Tower, utilize Data Driven Operation Model (DDOM) to maximize value from data and drive strategies deliver business outcomes. • Create visualizations and present clear, concise, and actionable insights to the key stakeholders, lead discussions on analytics and interpretation of results • Develop models and data insights to plan and drive the customer interactions

應徵人數|1-5 人
