1111找工作 APP



・Lead the project through effective cross-departmental communication. ・Promote and develop brand projects within Fast Retailing Group (Uniqlo/GU) regarding store design, construction and facility management operations. ・Conduct store creation and store operation based on global design guidelines and integrate with local regulations. ・Execute existing store maintenance plan and budget management. ・Conduct existing partnership management and quality control. ・Manage procurement materials and facilities imported from abroad. ・Monitor and manage monthly maintenance costs ・Handle emergency maintenance.(e.g. water leakage / iron rolling door repair). ・Complete database statistics and analysis for quarterly report.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 零售/不動產市場資訊收集及商圈調查作為出店評估依據。 2. 新店開發包含商場及店面開發評估、洽談、審批報告製作、經營層/董事會核准報告、合約談判、簽約及後續追蹤。 3. 店舖資產管理包含租賃關係維護、續約談判、相關物業管理事宜。 4. 各部門間合作事宜,與設計部、營業部、財務部及行銷部門緊密合作,以取得店舖及公司最大利益。 5. 其他事件處理包含店舖漏水、商損談判、客訴解決、緊急事件處理。 6. 定期製作相關報告及分析。 7. 必須喜歡品牌, 能將品牌精神傳達出去。商業及管理學門,建築學類,都巿規劃學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


◎工作內容 美式賣場商品行銷與會員服務 食品展售:行銷商品、提供試吃品及使用方式教學 非食品展售:行銷商品、提供商品體驗及使用方式教學 ◎工作時段 日班 09:00~16:00 晚班 13:00~20:00 頭尾班 09:00-13:00+16:00-20:00 (實際工作時間會依賣場作息有所調整) ◎休假日 周休二日 ◎薪資福利: 1. 此為正職職缺,依時薪計薪,時薪$220(到職起薪$220) 2. 正職就業身分,享有法規福利、年資累積 3. 每年依公司營運狀況、考績調薪1-2次 4. 享勞/健/團保 及勞退(6~7%退休金),及福委會補助等各項福利 5. 商品資訊、職能等教育訓練 6. 升遷管道透明暢通,總公司或賣場職缺優先開放給內部員工 此職缺年紀、學歷不拘 歡迎具備服務熱忱、開朗活潑、親和力佳、有責任感、配合度佳的你/妳加入我們的服務團隊! 全省賣場熱情招募中!

應徵人數|1-5 人


★每位UNIQLO員工都是一起創造美好的LifeWear生活場景的夥伴★ .以專業提供服務,擁有日式職人的定位。 .提供給顧客的服務是你的穿搭知識、見解與款待。 .UNIQLO希望能改變服裝、常識與世界,帶給顧客良好的購物體驗及美好的生活場景。 【工作介紹】 1.商品介紹銷售、收銀台與試衣間應對…等顧客服務,以此滿足顧客最基礎的需要 2.維持門市環境,給顧客良好的購物體驗及美好的生活場景 3.依季節需求調整商品陳列與設計,提供顧客符合當季的穿搭提案 4.商品進貨管理以確保貨架商品充足,能隨時滿足顧客購物需求 【薪資獎金】 正職:月薪34,000元 起 ★加班費以分計算 ★每半年根據評價結果發放獎金(平均1.6個月、一年合計平均3.2個月)。※符合年資者 ★無個人業績負擔 【教育訓練&升遷制度&未來發展】 1.無經驗也OK!完整育成計畫、配屬培訓員制度讓你一步步成為LifeWear專業顧問 2.不論正/兼職人員,達成階段性指定業務技能標準三個月一次升遷調薪機會 ●新進員工NT$34,000元/月起 ●進階夥伴NT$39,000元/月起 ●資深夥伴NT$43,000元/月起 3.透過升遷考核可晉升管理職,進而派駐海外或調動至總部工作 【排班&休假方式】 週休2天(輪班制,休假日為各店調整安排、遇國定假日皆可擇日排休)JLPTN1

應徵人數|1-5 人


< 注意事項 > 1. 請至JIM bot進行第一階段申請: Jim - 資深豐盛理財客戶經理 (https://dbs-prod.impress.ai/careers/icareers/html-widget/chat-widget/92e652f2-3ac7-450c-b36a-89cf9dbbd7b4/) - 2023的評估 (impress.ai) (建議用Google Chorme瀏覽器開啟) 2. 請至DBS官方網站,註冊帳號密碼後,點選「線上應徵」進行第二階段申請 資深豐盛理財客戶經理 (https://careers.dbs.com/careersection/dbs_professional_hires_career_section/jobdetail.ftl?job=21000002&lang=zh_TW) 1.透過卓越的客戶服務及專業的財務解決方案,增加/強化客戶及其家人的財富 2.依據客戶的資產組合/財務需求,提供全方位的理財規劃建議,確保產品的風險在客戶的承受範圍內並使客戶滿意本行的售後服務 3.透過緊密的團隊合作,提供客戶專業、客製化的服務體驗,滿足其所有銀行相關的需求(含銀行一般業務、借貸及投資) 4.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhKNH4M2a-o

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.開關/驱動電源產品研發工作經驗,及管理團隊經验,熟悉開關/驱動電源研發流程管理。 2.英文讀寫能力強,熟悉各國安規標準, 開關/動電源研發 3.具有高度的工作熱情,较强的管理能力、判斷和決策能力,開拓創新能力 及團隊合作精神,並且有较強的溝通能力與執行力。 4.能配合長期外派者優

應徵人數|1-5 人


接受【二廚】管理與監督,主要的工作項目包括但不僅止於以下項目: 1.食品衛生安全 - 依ISO22000/HACCP標準 執行準備食物材料、食品清洗及清潔。 2.技能(產品) -執行生產項目並學習獨立作業。(技能:抹面、蛋糕裝飾)。 -熟悉生產項目(包含:蛋糕、月餅) 3.工廠營運 -負責原物料、食材盤點確保庫存符合生產需求。 -現場工作環境清潔、維護。 -協助每月及每年倉存點數。 4.其他主管交辦事項。 非排班制,見紅就休

應徵人數|1-5 人


SuperMicro is seeking an program manager (PM) to pro-actively introduce cable solutions into various SuperMicro’s servers and storage systems, based on market opportunities, manage firmware running on a boot device, and help software and firmware engineers to debug reported issues. The PM will provide product support from an electrical, mechanical, thermal aspect, and troubleshoot as needed for cable and boot device related concerns. The PM must be able to articulate technology and product positioning to both business and technical users. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Responsibility include, but not limited to: • Participate in cross-functional operations activities, including Engineering, Commodity Management, Supply Chain, and Quality teams. • Partner closely with hardware, software, or firmware design engineering and operation‘s technical teams to assess and drive all program risks. • Plan and drive execution of engineering development builds through ramp up. • Review and monitor data accurately from a variety of sources into the company’s database systems. • Support Sales, Engineering, and Procurement teams on customer reported cable and boot device issues. • Manage development in road map of power cable solutions and help development in boot device firmware. • The PM will spend about 60% to 70% time in managing cables and 30% to 40% time in firmware and system debugging and help manage firmware release for boot device controller.

應徵人數|1-5 人


Summary: As a global leader for networking solution innovation, Super Micro Computer‘s mission is to develop and provide the market with end-to end computing solution and high performance networking products. The candidate will play a key role in the development process of in-house server motherboards, by working collaboratively with cross-functional engineering team as well as outside partners to ensure the robust design of the boards. As a Sr. Hardware Design Engineer, you are expected to be self-motivated and possess a strong will to do great things, with result-driven mindset to develop the most competitive and endurance board products. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Includes the following essential duties and responsibilities (other duties may also be assigned): • Responsible for schematics capture, layout checking, BOM generating, and debugging and testing of server motherboards / add-on cards / backplane products • Collaborate with layout engineers, validation engineers, software engineers, firmware engineers, product engineers and other teams to discover and solve any engineering issues in early stage to ensure and enhance the quality of the products • Prepare technical documentation including product specifications, layout instructions, test procedures, etc. • Accomplish the products to conform to engineering specifications, EMC and energy regulations, and customer performance expectations • Provide the clear documents and strong technical supports to the contract manufacturers and production department during the product sample and production stages

應徵人數|1-5 人


【Summary】: OEM Program manager is responsible for delivering great customer engagement and satisfaction. The idea candidate will coordinate and manage all internal procurement, production, engineering, and shipping activities to fulfill customer demands. The OEM Program manager must be able to communicate the operational requirements and topics, and resolve related obstacles with external and internal customers, such as demands due date, material status, delivery plan, and E&O disposition. 【Essential Duties and Responsibilities】 1. OEM/Channel Program manager is responsible for the success of projects. 2. Plan, coordinate, and control progress of projects, help to escalate and track abnormality, and drive deliverables with defined time frame. 3. Responsible for program developments, executions, communications, trainings. 4. Coordinate material readiness with procurement team. 5. Coordinate demand delivery plans with production and PM teams and communicate delivery with customers. Track On-Time delivery performance. 6. Hold meetings with cross-functional teams to go over KPI performance, which may include forecast/back order status, material status, On-Time delivery, and Excessive/Obsolete materials. 7. Develop necessary processes to support business models.工程學門,商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


工作職責: 專案管理: 負責制定、執行和監督公司各項專案,確保按時交付高質量的結果。 報表與追蹤: 協助業務團隊製作並追蹤相關報表,提供即時的數據支持。 進度管控: 積極參與並掌握專案進度,有效管控風險,確保目標的實現。 資料收集整理: 負責收集、整理和分析相關資料,以支持公司決策和業務優化。 期待具備: 專業能力: 具有卓越的專案管理技能,熟練運用相關工具和方法。 溝通能力: 優秀的溝通和協調能力,能夠與團隊成員、客戶和其他利害關係人有效溝通。 英文能力: 良好的英文溝通能力,尤其在書寫和閱讀方面。 工具操作: 熟練使用Microsoft Office等辦公軟體。 我們提供: 學習機會: 參與歐美參展機會,不斷擴展您的專業視野。 獎勵制度: 對於您的辛勤工作,我們有完善的獎勵制度。 舒適環境: 提供開放、舒適的工作環境,以確保您的工作效率和快樂度。 休閑小確幸:咖啡茶水零食區,彈性上下班。 ESG建置參與機會: 未來有機會參與公司ESG建置,與時代趨勢同步。

應徵人數|6-10 人



Summary: We are seeking a Hardware/Software expert with extensive experience in server platform performance tuning. You will be joining our team to analyze and optimize system performance, debug, VRM tuning and power measurement. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: You will be responsible for troubleshooting, and developing performance improvement features to reach the required performance targets.電機工程學類,電子工程學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


Essential Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Understanding client requirements and how they translate to new application features. 2. Collaborating with development team and other developer to set specifications for new applications. 3. Design creative prototypes according to specifications. 4. Troubleshoot and debug applications. 5. Evaluate existing applications to reprogram, update and add new features. Qualifications: 1. 3+ years’ experience in front-end development. 2. TypeScript, Angular, AngularJS. 3. Excellent front-end animation/user interface/layout skills. 4. Back-end .NET experience (for data passes) would be a big plus. 5. Skilled in verbal and written communication.

應徵人數|1-5 人


Summary: The candidate for this role will join the Automation System development using software skills to support various departments in the company for consolidating product design and quality. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Develop Linux and UEFI in-house utilities with Python, C or Script languages in Automation Systems. 2. Integrate various vendor debug and validation software in Automation Systems. 3. Coordinate with BIOS, IPMI, System or Production engineers to clarify issues or test failures. 4. Understand Linux operation and configuration 5. Use bug tracking system to fix in-house software bugs for improvement of software quality. 6. Use revision control system to handle software quality.電機工程學類,電子工程學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


Job Duties: 1. Evaluate possible hardware design and Placement to minimize total BOM cost and design risk. 2. Review schematic, layout, BOM. 3. Complete the new project independently or in cooperation. 4. Help/work with team number to research, analyze and recommend new project. Requirements: 1. Familiar with x86 system architechture. 2. Well known the knowledge of Allegro & Orcad design tool. 3. Knowledge of system debug. 4. Experienced in UP/DP mother board hardware design of high speed signals, high current, high power design. 5. Patient and Excellent organizational skills. 6. Self-motivated, team player with ability to work in fast-paced environment.

應徵人數|1-5 人


Supermicro is seeking an experienced Firmware Engineer to work on PCIe, NVMe, SAS/SATA and other HW related areas of storage and server products. 1. AOC firmware development. 2. Backplane firmware development. 3. Motherboard firmware development. 4. Testing utilities development. 5. New and enhanced feature development.

應徵人數|1-5 人


[Summary] Our (Sr.) Financial Analyst will primarily be responsible to manage the finance and accounting for SMC in Taiwan to provide the timely and accurate month end closing, financial reporting and daily assignment. Furthermore, he or she is also accountable to review new product request (NIR/NPR) and Credit Note to ensure data accuracy. And he or she is able to present the financial information in fluent English. The ideal candidate will be a hands-on team player possessing solid organizational and communication skills. [Essential Duties and Responsibilities] The responsibilities will include, but not limited to: 1. Taiwan Reporting function month-end entry, flux analysis, and GL reconciliations 2. Validate and Issue RMA Credit Note 3. Validate New Product Request (NIR/NPR) master data accuracy 4. Coordinate SMC Group Related Party information 5. Be the contact window of local statuary requirement for annual audit 6. Comply with Internal & External audit 7. Support Taiwan closing job 8. Ad-hoc requests assigned [Qualifications] 1. Bachelor degree or above in Accounting or Business related 2. At least 4 years relevant accounting experience or 2 years Big 4 Accounting Firm experience. 3. Strong knowledge of U.S. GAAP, IFRS, and TW EAS. 4. Able to prepare financial narrative, deliver presentation and attend business meeting in fluent English 5. ERP experience is a plus, SAP preferred. 6. Disciplined and self-motivated, willing to solve problem under time pressure 7. Thoughtful in communication, pleasant interpersonal skill 8. Attention on details and knowledge behind the numbers商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


Job Summary: Super Micro Computer, Inc. is currently seeking a (Sr.) Cost Analyst who will primarily be responsible for inventory & COST for SMC in Taiwan and overseas subsidiaries to provide the timely and accurate month end closing reports、 daily assignment and support business strategy related to inventory flow, lead project assignments. Good knowledge of U.S. GAAP、TW IFRS as well as organizational and communication skills, and fluent English are required. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: *Be responsible for month-end closing with deadline in inventory related matter, including Rebate、E&O 、Warranty etc. *Prepare inventory & COGS report and variance analysis. *Ensure inventory accuracy and prepare inventory reconciliations if any * Process cost accounting related matter:goods receipt and debit note, and other inventory movements or adjustments. *Be responsible for Inventory physical count process *Lead project assignments, new reporting requirement, support operating objectives etc. *Comply with local statuary、Internal & External audit and requirement for the assigned entities, be the contact window for the requirement. *Ad-hoc requests assigned Qualifications: *Bachelor degree or above in accounting or finance. *At least 5 years relevant accounting experience *Experienced with more than 3 years working in Public manufacturing industry is preferred *Big 4 Accounting Firm experience is preferred *Good knowledge of U.S. GAAP, IFRS. *Able to prepare presentation and attend business meeting in fluent English, be thoughtful in communication, strong attention to detail, goal oriented. *Ability to work under time pressure and deadlines. *Familiar with SAP is a plus.會計學類,財務金融學類,企業管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


Summary: Request a position opening for Senior Hardware Design Engineer. The candidate is required to have at least 7 year board-level design experience which is related to schematics capture, layout checking, BOM generating, and debugging and testing of server mother boards/add-on cards/backplane products. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for schematics capture, layout checking, BOM generating, and debugging and testing of server mother boards/ add-on cards/ backplane products. 2. Collaborate with layout engineers, validation engineers, software engineers, firmware engineers, product engineers and other teams to discover and solve any quality-related issues of designs in early stage to ensure and enhance the quality of the products. 3. Prepare technical documentation including product specifications, layout instructions, test procedures, etc.. 4. Accomplish the products to conform to engineering specifications, layout instructions, test procedures, etc. 5. Provide the clear documents and strong technical supports to the contract manufactures and production department during the product sample and production stages. 6. Perform other duties as assigned.

應徵人數|1-5 人


工作內容: 1.商品上架陳列、排面整理 2.協助收銀結帳 3.賣場環境管理及清潔 4.倉庫商品入倉及整倉 5.顧客服務 工作時段說明【固定班別】: 日班 08:30-17:30 晚班 15:00-24:00 工作時段依據工作彈性調整(需配合假日排班、排休)。

應徵人數|1-5 人
