1111找工作 APP



導入專案就像磨刀,可以是單一功能專用刀(獨立系統),也可以是多功能萬用刀(跨系統串接),可力求單位時間內最大產出(效率),也能是深度、廣度的擴及與多系統關聯性(效能),都需要運用既有資源,輔以經驗,用心加上時間淬煉才能產出 大樹醫藥有線下實體藥局通路、線上健康購物網站、跨境電商、跨產業實體寵物門市、物流、供應鏈、海外發展等多種經營面向,您面對的專案不是單一面向也非單一部門,是更廣泛的多元系統、跨系統串接、APP開發、對外網站規劃及系統整合,如果您具備相關產業歷練及豐富系統淬煉經驗,亦或者您期許有更大的發揮舞台,歡迎您來挑戰,讓我們見面聊聊 [工作內容] 1. 專案時程規劃、進度管控與追蹤 2. 跨部門需求討論與溝通、人員訪談,整理需求並分析可行性 3. 撰寫需求規格書與相關文件 4. 專案完成後的項目測試驗收,結案後資料整理 5. 跨部門溝通能力、對內團隊合作與獨立作業的戰力 6. 規劃及協調專案工作事項 7. 與專案人員協同執行案件,尋求最適解決方案 [加分項] 1.領導大型專案經驗 2.零售業實務經驗 [必備技能] 1.word操作自如、excel函數運用、ppt簡報力 2.擅用draw.io、xmind、wireframe [補充] ※依職能敘薪 ※面試時請攜帶您最滿意作品(可去識別化)

應徵人數|1-5 人


【工作內容】 1. 能以 Swift 開發新功能 2. 能夠制定 API 規格,並具備與後端工程師溝通的能力 3. 能夠設計出易於單元測試的程式架構 4. 能與PM/UI/UX 共同協作,討論畫面呈現與使用者體驗 【具備條件】 1.熟悉swift程式語言及IOS生態系統運作 2.理解 MVC / MVVM 開發框架 3.熟悉 CocoPods / Carthage 等套件管理工具 4.熟悉 GIT / GitFlow操作 5.了解如何使 APNS 及 RESful API 6.熟悉 Auto Layout

應徵人數|1-5 人



| About the role | 艾立運能是一間科技賦能的物流運輸公司。我們成員來自各大軟體科技公司,希望用技術去挑戰傳統的物流行業。在這裡,我們用軟體產品規劃的方式去設計運輸服務,我們沒有包袱,反而有需多機會去嘗試過去物流公司不敢碰觸,或是一般新創沒有資源挑戰的問題。 | What we are doing | 艾立運能提供了一個 B2B 運能調度平台,我們與各地的中小運輸商合作,除了給予免費的系統使用以外,我們也將接到的運輸需求做最妥善的調配,幫助運輸商能最大化車隊的利用率。而對於貨主,艾立運能提供的是一致流暢的運輸體驗,貨態追蹤不僅即時也能做到跨車行追蹤,不會斷在層層轉包的運輸系統內。 | What you will do | ▸ 從使用者及商業的視角去驗證假設,並將假設落地成可執行的計畫 ▸ 與研究員一起進行訪談,並分析使用數據後,找出優化產品的方式 ▸ 與業務拜訪客戶或是合作夥伴,了解產業趨勢及客戶需求 ▸ 撰寫產品需求文件 (PRD) 並進行跨部門的溝通 ▸ 管理專案時程、測試、產品上線後的成效追蹤 ▸ 與不同部門的角色互動,建立合作方式並讓產品幫助到各個部門 ▸ 與工程師針對不同的解決方案討論技術的可能性及複雜度 ▸ 與設計師針對使用者的習慣討論不同的呈現方式 ▸ 與內部團隊溝通討論產品表現對公司財務的影響、法律上可能的風險 ▸ 與營運同仁討論產品優化的方向,並宣導教育產品使用方式 ▸ 實地參與並觀察第一線的作業流程,定期了解倉庫及運輸的實際運作情形 ▸ 與開發團隊了解最新的市場走向,並實際拜訪客戶 | What we are looking for | ▸ 具備清晰的邏輯思考能力,能拆解複雜問題,並對問題的本質充滿好奇心及熱情 ▸ 具備良好的表達能力,能將想法、目標或是願景讓其他成員清楚了解 ▸ 富有同理心,了解不同使用者的使用情境,也能與團隊成員正向互動合作 ▸ 針對事情的重要程度及緊急程度能排列出合理順序 ▸ 不會受限於問題的框架,能大膽提出極具創意的解決方法,並證明其可行性 ▸ 3年以上完整的產品經理經驗,對於開發流程 (ex: scrum) 以及工具都有一定程度的理解 | Bonus points if you have | ▸ 具有產品管理外的另一個專長背景 (ex: 程式開發、心理學),能帶給團隊不一樣的思考角度 ▸ 對某一項事物充滿熱情,並持續不斷鑽研精進 (ex: 抱石, 電玩, 投資, 煮飯) ▸ 樂於研究新的技術突破或是商業模型 | More about us | ▸ 艾立運能以估值5.7億元完成A輪募資,搶攻冷鏈運輸商機 https://pse.is/4us99z普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.發展符合公司目標及顧客滿意度的行銷或品牌策略。 2.根據公司目標、市場特性和成本及利潤的考量,來發展和評估銷售或推廣策略。 3.評估產品開發的行銷預算及計劃(如:分派預算額度、預測投資報酬及損益情形)。 4.使用銷售預測和策略性計畫來確保產品、生產線或服務的銷售及可獲利性,分析商業發展並監控市場趨勢。 5.與開發業者、廣告業者以及業務、廣告、行銷經理共同規劃、指導和協調行銷活動及策略,以促銷產品和服務。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 市場趨勢分析 2. 電池產品開發 3. 生產計劃規劃協調 4. 國際客戶聯繫 5. 行銷活動規畫工程學門,企業管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


Summary: This Product Manager is responsible for promoting and growing our Single Processor Server Motherboards and related market share and revenue in APAC region. Individual contributor will work closely with Sales and Extended Teams to ensure overall product proposal meets customer requirements. This position will have in-depth and hands-on experience and knowledge of IT industry (server-related products are preferred) as well as the market trend, and the ability to present, communicate and deliver those solutions to Customers and Partners. The ultimate goal of this role is to help increase our market share, revenue and brand awareness in APAC region through best customer services, efficient technical support, timely product promotions & trainings, and effective new business development. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: • Execute company’s market expansion strategy under the guidance and leadership of direct reporting supervisor as well as UP server motherboard product management team. • Report work plans, working status and any unexpected events or incidents to supervisor on weekly and monthly basis. • Establish and maintain a good communication and relationship with Sales/FAE team and customers. • Work closely with the sales and extended teams to map customer business and partner requirements • Provide timely & quality Technical Support services to customers to resolve their technical issues related to motherboard and systems by phone, by emails, and/or by on-site visit. • Work cross-department to ensure customer satisfaction and timely resolution of issues. • Manage and leads teams during investigation and resolution of problems in the field. • Escalate critical issues to management for issue awareness and for management support. • Regular business travels and customer visits are required. • Facilitate plans and strategies based on product plans and roadmaps. • Keep updated with the latest computer technologies and UP motherboard product knowledge through various trainings.電機工程學類,電子工程學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


a. Debug and troubleshooting in terms of software and hardware along side with R&D team. b. Co-working with multi-apartments (PM, Hardware, BIOS and IPMI) and support sales needs. c. Regularly communicate to resolve technical issues and update product information to customer and internal teams. d. Validate and deploy new applications or enhancements to existing server, hardware, and operating systems.工程學門,自然科學學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


Summary: Supermicro is seeking an Embedded Product Manager who can lead the development and integration of chassis products for automotive embedded system. This is key product management role focused on Embedded product solution where communication among remote teams and on-site product leadership for our development teams is critical to develop and enable operations to fulfill roadmap expectation. In addition to developing new top-of-the-line systems, product manager is expected to collaborate with marketing and sales department to promote products and interact with customers directly to sell these products. As a product manager, you will use strong technical and communication skills towards product definition strategy for Supermicro’s core product family including research into vertical-based customer solutions and creation of aggressive go-to market plan. Ultimately, Product Manager will become a core member of the Server Product Management team and engage in technical, product development, marketing, and pre/post-sales support activities. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Develop and manage the product life cycle of Embedded chassis products, including product development phase: product conception, specification, scheduling, prototyping, tooling; as well as mass production phase: product support and maintenance of the entire product life cycle Create and present chassis product roadmap. Closely work with engineering teams to review the product specification and design of chassis mechanical, thermal, system architecture to enable competitive, high quality embedded chassis product. Lead cross-functional team to ensure time-to-market product launch and on-time delivery Closely work with oversea ODM vendor on server chassis product design and development, design review, chassis parts tooling fabrication and production ramp-up, set-up Work with marketing & sales on new chassis products launch and promotion電機工程學類,電子工程學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.Drive product quality improvement during design and manufacturing stages 2.Responsibilities Create positioning statements, marketing and sales training materials, product specifications 3.Present training materials to internal sales force as well as externally 4.Travel periodically to visit customers and attend trade shows 5. Conduct competitive analysis and develop ecosystem with partners in the industry 6.Drive technical issues to closure by arranging resources and engaging with other engineering teams to duplicate and debug 7.Serve as third level technical support and provide pre/post-sales support 8. Manage critical support situations電機工程學類,電子工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


• Execute in-depth research about customer applications and work with engineering teams to optimize products. • Manage products through their entire life cycle until product EOL • Create product roadmaps and develop strategies for successful product deployments based on deep understanding of customer requirements • Coordinate operational activities from product kick-off to product launch; Ensure TTM launches with strong project management skills • Drive product quality improvement during design and manufacturing stages • Create positioning statements, marketing and sales training materials, product specifications • Present training materials to internal sales force as well as externally • Travel periodically to visit customers and attend trade shows • Conduct competitive analysis and develop ecosystem with partners in the industry • Drive technical issues to closure by arranging resources and engaging with other engineering teams to duplicate and debug • Serve as third level technical support and provide pre/post-sales support • Manage critical support situations資訊工程學類,電機工程學類,電子工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Manage products through entire life cycle until product EOL. 2. Perform in-depth research into customer application and feedback to engineering teams on how to optimize products. 3. Create product roadmaps and develop strategy for successful product development. 4. Manage development of OEM/ODM products to fulfill customer’s requirement. 5. Coordinate operational activities from product kick-off to product launch. Ensure TTM launches with strong project management skills. 6. Drive technical issues to closure by arranging resources and engaging with other engineering team to duplicate and debug.

應徵人數|1-5 人


Lead and deliver the entire product lifecycle from conceptualization, requirements gathering, product specification, implementation review and release. - Collaborate closely with engineering, validation, production, marketing, and sales teams on the development, and release of products and balance of resources to ensure success for the entire organization. - Engage with existing or new partners to grow and expand business. - Support sales teams in technical fields of server system business practices. - Develop effective training materials and present to internal sales force as well as externally.工程學門,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


* Work with Sales team to maintain business relationship with major customers. Enhance customer satisfaction. * Support Customer, FAE and Sales for new products and technologies. * Improve Server System Quality. * Support other teams and PM members to growth business. * Coordinate, Plan, Prompt and Develop new server products in Taiwan. * Lead project to design win projects by implement SuperServer building block solutions.l電機工程學類,電子工程學類,其他工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1- Need to understand and have a detail knwoledge of storage hardware and software technologies and life cycle. 2- Need to provide solutions to TS/FAE/sales on all products (SAS/SATA and NVMe) 3- Ability to work w/ all related teams productivley 4- Schedule control is a must 5- Must provide training to all teams (Sales, tech support ,etc..) 6- Work w/ Vendor, sales, purchaser, CM for your product. 7- Handel multiple products工程學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


• Drive product analytics to measure our success, define product capabilities, and present valuable product feedback • Translate our customers’ needs into clearly defined technical requirements backed by data and comprehensive industry knowledge • Evaluate the market opportunities, define product roadmap, and launch/roll-out strategy to scale our solutions • Work with different customers to achieve success goals at different stages • Engage closely with the engineering and operations teams to inform decisions that balance timing, cost, features, and performance, while staying true to the product strategy and vision • Serve as a cross-functional liaison that bridges engineering, business, operations, and regulatory considerations to drive product decisions • Measure our success and improve our products using principled methods and metrics • Find innovative ways to accelerate our development, reduce risk, and improve the overall product experience; work with the company to implement these initiatives and fully realize the

應徵人數|1-5 人


- Drive the definition, planning, and feature prioritization for BIOS. - Support and grow relations with Enterprise customers using technical presentations. - Drive features around BIOS & Dependent firmware and software. - Co-work with peer HW Product Management teams, designers and other development team to define our product strategy. - Work across different HW, FW and SW departments/groups to identify and resolve technical issues. - Establish and manage a schedule to activities, milestones and deliverable for our products. - Monitor progress across the groups responsibility for the feature area. - Work with Sales and marketing to develop and maintain a customer/partner product promotion programs. - Evangelize and work with 3rd party deveiopers/partners/customers in developing out Software, acting as the primary point of contact. - Perform other tasks as needed within the business.工程學門,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


• Drive product strategies and long-term vision to build best in class web properties. • Conduct user research and usability studies, collaborating with designers, developers and research teams from end to end of the process. • Translates features and business requirements into documented solutions, including user stories and enhancement requests • Collaborates with Development team on release plans, delivery of functional enhancements, management of backlog, and support of production systems • Facilitates solution definition and design with business and development team stakeholders • Supports the development process. Own user story/feature acceptance, data analysis, and test data creation. • Advise on situation-specific configuration needs • Manage the investigation of user-reported and internally identified system issues to determine causes and propose solutions工程學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


Includes the following essential duties and responsibilities (other duties may also be assigned): • Develop product roadmap and lead the development and integration of server/storage system products • Develop and deliver a clear go-to market strategy and partner closely with marketing, engineering, and business development to provide complete storage solutions to customers • Leverage strong technical background to create technical product requirements for cloud/data center infrastructure solutions based on customer requirements, industry trends and business requirements • Engage with customers at various levels including senior executives, engineering, and product marketing to convey our capabilities and vision, and understand their challenges and requirements • Provide product training to internal teams, sales teams and external customers and partners. • Provide 3rd level customer support to both internal and external as needed.工程學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.OEM PM 專案管理或相關工作 2.配合工作需要出差 3.協調、抗壓力佳 4.英語能力具備 5.相關自行車經驗 +plus 6.喜愛運動者

應徵人數|1-5 人


Essential Duties: • Support Sales Team in technical fields of server system business practices. Support to define customer requirements, develop and drive localized/customized server product; • Define and release product planning and design to product development teams. • New Product Introduction (NPI) management of server system or OEM Business. • Drive the products from design to EOL • Solicit and collect new requirements needed for Supermicro server product; • Leverage existing resources and coordinate them for customization on OEM products and meeting customer’s development schedule. • Lead cross-function teams for sustaining supports like production issue , RMA, Failure Analysis, ECO implementations,…etc. • Provide documentation and technical know-how to support server /OEM system production lines. • Focus more on interactions with Taiwan Production.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.熟悉筆電專案流程. 2.協助管理SW(BIOS/EC/Drivers/OS) 相關,對內及對外(客戶)溝通協調處理SW事務性問題。 3.工作待遇/職稱:將依學經歷進行敘薪資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.視行業而定,跟隨師父學習專業的技能,並且處理該行業最基礎的工作 2.清洗食材 3.將食材依照廚師要求進行切片、切塊或切末等備料的工作 4.組合沙拉或冷盤 5.工作區域和設備的清潔以及保養 6.生鮮產品的庫存管理以及製程檢驗 7.生鮮食品區域清潔、倉庫整理、商品管理

應徵人數|1-5 人
