1111找工作 APP



1.製作、安裝、與維修相關板金產品 2.金屬板片之剪切、成形 3.鋁、銅、鐵之用品機件製造機械工程學類,其他工程學類普通重機車普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


工作內容說明: 1. 辦公室自動化數位商品:數位複合事務機、3D印表機、震旦辦公雲、圖文資料解決方案等銷售與服務。   2. 主要為B2B方式,開發區域內潛在客戶開拓市場,以達成業績目標。 3. 轄區開發與顧客經營,穩定維繫客戶關係。 4. 傳達及說明公司業務相關之重大訊息活動。 5. 每半年考核,人事升遷透明快速肯定人才,升遷不用等排隊! 6. 報到日起三個滿月,保障薪資40,000元整。 想要實現你的理想成就未來,在職場上出類拔萃,成為耀眼的明日之星! 震旦集團有最佳的舞台提供給您! 完善的教育訓練制度,僅需秉持熱情、努力的態度,其餘的交給震旦行!輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.雷射、折床工作人員 2.製作、安裝、與維修相關板金產品 3.金屬板片之剪切、成形 4.鋁、銅、鐵之用品機件製造 5.可獨立作業,具有盡職態度、善溝通、能負責完成任務的操作員金屬加工學類,機械工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.依照工作圖或實樣準備材料 2.從事簡易機件製作與加工修配工作 3.金屬板片之剪切、成形 4.製作、安裝、與維修相關板金產品 5.鋁、銅、鐵之用品機件製造 6.幫助師傅處理各項雜事機械工程學類輕型機車輕型機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.開發潛在客戶,拓展市場,以達成業績目標。 2.定期拜訪經銷客戶,維繫穩定客戶關係。 3.負責國內業務接洽及訂單處理。 4.負責產品報價及產品展示,並處理帳款回收相關事宜。 5.負責業務推展,傳達及說明公司各項業務重大訊息、活動及產品 6.陌生開發能力需求 / 積極且熱忱態度需求 7.負責業務經營維護範圍主要為北北基區域 8.需自備交通工具 9.業績獎金15%~30% 歡迎挑戰高獎金 10.試用期後可依工作能力再次議薪 11.目前全區業務團隊月薪平均為60K~110K 12. 油資/交際費等執行公務費用,依單據實報實銷。 13.享有勞健保/退休金提撥/年終分紅/員工旅遊/部門福利金/個人意外保險等 14. 完善升遷及加薪管道輕型機車,普通重機車輕型機車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.客戶拜訪開發並推銷產品 2.依顧客需求做報價及簽約 3.定期與主管做業績、績效檢討,回報進度 4.顧客售後滿意度維持 (如: 顧客抱怨及問題反應處理、維持顧客對公司及業務員信賴度) ***另有業績獎金***

應徵人數|1-5 人


Summary: A system debug engineer in HW debug team is responsible for researching, debugging, supporting, and testing server system products at Supermicro. Support customers and other internal departments for solving server system issues. Work closely with other departments to provide solution for the issues and product quality improvement as well. HW debug team was a strong team with efficiency teamwork. Welcome for export of Linux OS to join with us. The debug job not limited to HW/ SW/ FW area. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Analysis of the failure logs or data from customer returned. Quickly response to complex server system issues understanding/ narrow down/ collect data/ analysis and find the issue source. Use conclusion to guide the field side engineer for next steps. 2. Flexible support production line for any unexpected problem. Roughly know all the manufacture process from PCB to the end system. 3. Analysis of the failure product from the customer returned. Sort out RMA data to figure out high failure rate/high-risk failure cases or production issues. Continuous follow and study the solution or patch to improve the design. Keep tracking the following impact after solution/ patch implemented 4. Support AE/ FAE for the customer feedback issue or question in the technical area. Duplicate and debug the issue to dig out the root cause. 5. Keep work across departments. Include but not limit to PM/ HW/ SW/ IPMI... Make all the debug process continuously. until finding the well solution or root cause. 6. Strong Linux software skills to fix the issue at Linux OS was the highest priority to handle this job.電機工程學類,電子工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人



應徵人數|1-5 人


1.物料進貨、出貨、貨品上架整理、盤點、工單備料出貨領料等倉庫工作 2.儲位管理,規劃及倉儲環境之維護。

應徵人數|6-10 人




應徵人數|1-5 人


Summary: In this job position , To validate the Rack system on cluster testing or solutions. Skills required that need Rack system design concepts and troubleshooting Rack system solutions problems and can identify and distinguish issues relate to hardware , firmware , software or drivers. Good communication and coordinate interpersonal and well schedule control are also required. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Support Rack System PM / Rack System Integration Engineer on Rack system solutions sample build. 2. Co-work with production team on Rack system integration process. 3. Independent OEM/ODM Rack system validation and HPC testing operation. 4. Support Open Box Testing 5. Provide on site support Rack system integration service in Taiwan / Asia areas if need. 6. Support System PM / FAE on Rack system solutions business development.工程學門,數學統計學門,電算機學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.提供客戶即時性的技術支援(對應國外客戶) 2.協助客戶產品服務及問題排除 3.處理其他上級主管相關交辦事項 4. 提供客戶端的技術文件,產品規格書與手冊。 5. 協助業務人員在產品上的基礎知識訓練,以及提供客戶教育訓練。 6. 協助業務人員處理客訴,以及提供售後服務,進而提昇客戶滿意度。 7. 提供客戶產品喜好給業務人員銷售產品作參考。 8.須配合國內出差 9.完成主管交辦任務工程學門,電算機學門,資訊科學學門普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 個人端軟、硬體檢修及測試安裝。 2. 保固、維護、維修設備。 3. 熟PC、Server、網路、Printer等。 4. 協助客戶相關事務。 5. Helpdesk。MCSE,MCSA,MCITP,CCNA,丙級電腦硬體裝修技術士

應徵人數|1-5 人


1、操作裁線及鍍錫機器 2、剝線、裁線、理線基本處理 3、線材鍍錫 4、有時工作中需搬動較重貨物 5、完成主管交辦工作

應徵人數|1-5 人


Summary This person will use the Adobe CS platform to write, revise, and create Intel motherboard user manuals, quick reference guides, and other product-related user guides as assigned. This person will maintain documentation detailing the revision history of each manual and user guide. Essential Duties and Responsibilities The duties and responsibilities for this position include, but are not limited to, the following: • Interacting with engineers and other tech writers to obtain technical data, schematics, and drawings for manual production • Writing, revising, completing user manuals, quick reference guides, and user guides as assigned • Using graphics tools to create/modify illustration drawings, product images, and technical graphics to be used in technical documentation • Providing assistance and support to a senior technical writer in maintaining user manuals for Intel motherboard and other hardware-related projects • Keeping records that document revisions of all manuals and user documents • Submitting daily report, weekly status report, and weekly team project update report for review • Providing support to other technical writers, engineers, and sales when needed • Following instructions and carrying out duties as instructed by product managers, engineers, and the team manager. **Only applicants with English resume will be considered, please submit/attach your English resume when applying this job. ** This vacancy is located at Taoyuan Bade District.英美語文學類,新聞學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 雲端伺服器、網路、儲存設備及虛擬環境, 以網路管理維運的技術進行整合與相容性驗證 2. 雲端伺服器、網路、儲存設備及虛擬環境管理、應用與解決方案認證 3. 雲端伺服器、網路與儲存設備整體效能分析, 以提供網路管理維運之評估資訊管理學類,數學統計學門,電算機學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.定期做生產設備之維護,使機器運作順利 2.生產設備除錯,製程問題進行分析,檢視錯誤原因,如: 負擔過重、溫度過高等並找尋解決辦法 3.評估新設備之整體效能,並將其導入產線 4.規劃生產設備操作流程,降低製造成本,使人員正確使用機器及降低故障率 5.設備進度報告工程學門,資訊科學學門輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.執行結構數值分析提供設計風險評估 2.執行結構模擬分析,提供機構更改設計 3.執行震動衝擊試驗, 問題分析並提供解決方案 4.帶領團隊成員, 分析並解決專案的問題 ※依學經歷、工作年資敘薪機械工程學類,土木工程及水利學類,航太工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


Summary: This Software Engineer position is responsible for automating IPMI security testing. This position should be able to do work with US IPMI test automation team to build testing environment in Taiwan and automate IPMI security test cases. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Create test automation plan including infrastructure setup. 2. Setup Robot Framework test environment in Taiwan site. 3. Create essential software tools and scripts for test automation. 4. Analyze existing IPMI security test cases and automate them. 5. Automate vulnerability scanning and integrate them with existing IPMI test automation framework. 6. Integrate all test results generated from vulnerability scanners, penetration testing, and reverse engineering to create thorough test reports. 7. Collect security test information and create security knowledge base for IPMI. #自動化測試 #資訊安全資訊工程學類,其他工程學類,資訊管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.具備高度產品及技術專業知識,協助業務訂單締結 2.針對公司銷售產品進行技術方案之話術編寫 3.對業務部門做相關銷售產品的技術培訓 4.熟悉公司作業流程、產品或業務上所需之相關工程知識,及每期推動之優惠活動相關內容、辦法 (工作內容依雇用公司不同) 5.進行例行性售後服務(如:客戶拜訪、產品狀況了解及客訴處理) 6.回覆顧客應用技術的問題、回饋給相關單位 ,並提供產品技術諮詢 7.對客戶提出的技術問題及時回應並給予解決方案 8.客戶電話接聽與一般性客戶服務與接待事宜 、其他與客服業務相關的諮詢服務 ***另有業績獎金***工程學門,資訊科學學門

應徵人數|1-5 人
