1111找工作 APP




1.規劃排程工作分派 2.工作負荷均一化 3.進度控制 4.專案計劃與管控 5.問題分析與改善

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.規劃生產作業程序中的人員、物料、設備、製程、時間等,並能提升效率與管控安全 2.生產線的動線規劃,並監督管理生產製程 3.依使用之生產方法、材料與設備,訂定適當之生產作業順序及時間控制 ★★無相關產業經驗或相關職務經驗勿應徵★★工業管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.加工/組裝製程作業改善與流程改善 2.相關新製程工作標準化與規畫工業工程學類,工業管理學類輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.生產線規劃:量產前各工程的作業、檢查、搬運、儲存等細節設計規劃,熟製程模擬尤佳 2.精實生產-合理化改善推動:連結工廠生產資訊透過大數據分析,優化人、機作業效率 3.智慧工廠、智能製造:少量多樣、大量客製化相關專案規劃、執行與推動 4.製造成本估算、管理與分析改善PDCA工業工程學類,工業管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.製造廠各課生產效率改善統籌及統計 2.製造廠生產改善協助及問題分析 3.製造廠各課產能效率、成本計算 4.製造廠成本下降改善統計及統籌 5.製造廠LAYOUT規劃及跨部門協助,專案執行與追蹤 6.成本估算及生產產能規劃工業工程學類,工業管理學類普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.產能評估,持續優化改善生產效率,發揮最大生產效能。 2.制訂標準工時,人員定額,作爲生產效率改善及成本評估之依據。 3. 優化流水線,平衡工站使產線發揮最大生產效能。 4. 標準化分析研究(MOD操作分析,流程分析),確定標準化流程,提高管理效率。機械工程學類,電子工程學類,電機工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


一般無塵室工程之規劃,設計,施工,以及空調,電力各系統之擴充,及機台二次配等之規劃‧發包‧監造‧試車‧驗收等工作。能與客戶及包商協調工程內容並控管進度,有電子廠施工經驗及熟Auto CAD者佳。工業工程學類,電機工程學類,電子工程學類輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.需穿無塵衣 2.檢查管線異常是否有洩漏或封口不實的問題 3.處理管線問題 4.無相關經驗或無相關科系亦可 5.有提供宿舍 **滿一年者享年終獎金二個月,中秋禮金半個月,未滿一年者依比例發放**

應徵人數|1-5 人


• Assist in developing inflatable products (Basketball/ American football, Volleyball, Soccer Ball) and innovation pipeline. • Assist in managing day to day sample development with suppliers. • Coordinate with vendors on new inflate prototype product/project. • Product testing result analysis. • Occasional travel to Asia countries is required.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.樣品製程設定及估價並管理樣品交期事務 2.協助主管做製程異常原因分析、及產品改善研討對策 3.協助生產線異常分析,並協助技術人員做排除改善進度追蹤紀錄 4.委外供應商技術討論及製程串聯輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Proceed Product Process Analysis with Product Design Team to design the aligned equipment and production line 2. Use Related Tool to describe the requirement from product design and production team to communicate well to finalize the production line design for the optimized smart manufacture features. 3. Select and decide the related process equipment requirement to meet smart production line’s strategic goal 4. Define system specification of the related equipment and production line meeting Delta DSM strategic goals and proceed the system design 5. Coordinate related design team such as smart machine design team, related smart production line design team including mechanical design & Electromechanical team, Electrical/Electronics Team, Software Design Team, and Information management team) to complete the smart production line to meet the requirement and validated together with users well 6. Leading the technology transfer for the production line POC to Diligent Team for duplication and to keep the solution keeping the excelsior. 7. Leading OT Team project members to coordinate with IoT Team and IT Team with production line well parameters and data collected for AI intelligent self-learning for continuous optimization for production line built-in, edge-computing, mist, and/or cloud computing for the optimized smart manufacturing.工程學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Proceed Product Process Analysis with Product Design Team to design the aligned equipment and production line 2. Use Related Tool to describe the requirement from product design and production team to communicate well to finalize the production line design for the optimized smart manufacture features. 3. Select and decide the related process equipment requirement to meet smart production line’s strategic goal 4. Define system specification of the related equipment and production line meeting Delta DSM strategic goals and proceed the system design 5. Coordinate related design team such as smart machine design team, related smart production line design team including mechanical design & Electromechanical team, Electrical/Electronics Team, Software Design Team, and Information management team) to complete the smart production line to meet the requirement and validated together with users well 6. Leading the technology transfer for the production line POC to Diligent Team for duplication and to keep the solution keeping the excelsior. 7. Coordinate with IoT Team and IT Team with production line well parameters and data collected for AI intelligent self-learning for continuous optimization for production line built-in, edge-computing, mist, and/or cloud computing for the optimized smart manufacturing.工程學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.進出貨及廠內工作安排 2.完成主管交辦事項 **懂電腦文書處理**

應徵人數|11-30 人



1.監督作業員作業,維持作業品質以及進度 2.檢查管理工作環境 3.解決、協調作業員在作業時發生的問題 4.檢查工件藍圖及其規格。 5.使用螺栓、夾板等夾具,將工件固定於機器平台上。 6.選擇、裝配刀具。 7.選定切削速度並起動試銑。 8.操縱手輪或以自動進刀機構進行加工。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. JDA/SAP Planning 2. Supplier capacity monitoring to assure the continuous supply and timely delivery of materials 3. Monitor demand changes and production schedule attainment to minimize supply challenges, as well as discover, resolve, good communication with DC/ demand planner for action plan and recovery 4. Make recommendations to improve performance (KPI) and work with the appropriate functional managers and teams to ensure metrics are achieved 5. Manage plant inventory to support working capital turn goals 6. Demand forecast review, plant/DC inventory reporting and root cause analysis.商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.協助生產流程動線規劃 2.評估製程,訂出最適化的製造流程。 3.製程改善與產能分析

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.協助主管進行工作 2.現場人員工作績效 3.設備檢查、故障排除、模具檢查 4.出貨協助 5.倉管代理人

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.現場作業管理 2.訂單交期與排程 3.生產相關流程分析與建議 4.主管交辦事項普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 負責製造生產、原物料庫儲等廠務之統籌。 2. 管控廠內之生產排程、交期及產量。 3. 負責產線作業之規劃與管理,以提升產能降低成本。 4. 確實執行生產目標,並達成各項生產指標。 5. 負責所管轄人員的工作監督與績效考核。 6.依學經歷敘薪。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Proceed Product Process Analysis with Product Design Team to design the aligned equipment and production line 2. Use Related Tool to describe the requirement from product design and production team to communicate well to finalize the production line design for the optimized smart manufacture features. 3. Select and decide the related process equipment requirement to meet smart production line’s strategic goal 4. Define system specification of the related equipment and production line meeting Delta DSM strategic goals and proceed the system design 5. Coordinate related design team such as smart machine design team, related smart production line design team including mechanical design & Electromechanical team, Electrical/Electronics Team, Software Design Team, and Information management team) to complete the smart production line to meet the requirement and validated together with users well 6. Leading the technology transfer for the production line POC to Diligent Team for duplication and to keep the solution keeping the excelsior. 7. Coordinate with IoT Team and IT Team with production line well parameters and data collected for AI intelligent self-learning for continuous optimization for production line built-in, edge-computing, mist, and/or cloud computing for the optimized smart manufacturing.工程學門

應徵人數|1-5 人
