1111找工作 APP



公司簡介 9 瓶酒排出城堡的輪廓,並另外命名為「 9 city 」。一方面, 9 取其諧音為「酒」,更有長長久久、豐盛數大之意。「 9 city 」:意為美酒與城市,代表我們希望將更多的美酒推廣至客戶心中、推廣至城市都市之中。藉由美酒的交流拉近與客戶的距離;藉由美酒的交流提昇城市品味與生活。 職務說明 1. 接受顧客詢問或主動提供諮商建議給顧客 2. 陳列商品、清潔櫥窗、維持營業場所的整潔與美觀 3. 向顧客說明貨品的性質、特徵、品質與價格 4. 業績目標分配與績效達成 5. 業務銷售能力 6. 顧客售後滿意度維持 7. 顧客意見回饋以供公司改善參考 8. 在成交後,包裝商品、收取款項、交付商品、開發票或收據,完成交易手續 9. 在當天結束營業前,統計銷售情形、盤點貨品存量及撰寫當日業務報表 10. 客訴案件處理 福利制度 1. 符合勞基法項目,勞、健保、勞退制度、周休二日....... 2. 年終獎金、三節禮金 3. 特殊節日獎金或禮品 4. 員工聚餐、部門聚餐、生日會 5. 教育訓練、品酒會 6. 國內(外)旅遊 或 補助 7. 員工優惠、員工員購 8. 員工晉升、員工獎勵 9. 員工認股、員工紅利 10. 員工社團補助、教育進修補助輕型機車,普通重機車輕型機車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 經營辦公室AIOT自動化商品:數位影印機、雲端HR系統、大圖機、溫感體測儀、3D印表機等商品。   2. 主要為B2B方式,開發轄區客戶,開拓新市場。 3. 顧客經營與維繫,發掘顧客需求,提供系統性規劃顧問式銷售。 4. 傳達及說明公司訊息活動。 5. 每半年考核,人事升遷透明快速肯定人才,升遷不用等排隊! 6. 報到日起三個滿月,保障薪資35,000元整。 7. 工作待遇為新人平均月薪資,另有高額獎金等著你來挑戰。 想要實現理想成就未來,在職場上出類拔萃,成為耀眼的明日之星,金儀提供您最佳舞台! 完善的教育訓練制度,僅需秉持熱情、努力的態度,其餘的交給金儀公司! http://www.oa-world.com.tw普通小型車,普通重機車普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


保障底薪+業績獎金月結制 銷售各類保健/美容 商品,商品回購率高高,獎金穩定長期效益佳。  具企業福委會經營與團購通路開發經驗 熟悉網路電商平台銷售模式尤佳

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 經營辦公室AIOT自動化商品:數位影印機、雲端HR系統、大圖機、溫感體測儀、3D印表機等商品。   2. 主要為B2B方式,開發轄區客戶,開拓新市場。 3. 顧客經營與維繫,發掘顧客需求,提供系統性規劃顧問式銷售。 4. 傳達及說明公司訊息活動。 *保障薪資40,000元整(3+3個月),讓您有充足的學習成長時間 *工作待遇為新人平均月薪資,另有高額獎金等著你來挑戰 *提供完整教育訓練,包括商品專業知識與行銷課程 *每半年考核,人事升遷透明快速肯定人才,升遷不用等排隊! 想要實現理想成就未來,在職場上出類拔萃,成為耀眼的明日之星,金儀提供您最佳舞台! 完善的教育訓練制度,僅需秉持熱情、努力的態度,其餘的交給金儀公司! http://www.oa-world.com.tw普通小型車,普通重機車普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


公司簡介 9 瓶酒排出城堡的輪廓,並另外命名為「 9 city 」。一方面, 9 取其諧音為「酒」,更有長長久久、豐盛數大之意。「 9 city 」:意為美酒與城市,代表我們希望將更多的美酒推廣至客戶心中、推廣至城市都市之中。藉由美酒的交流拉近與客戶的距離;藉由美酒的交流提昇城市品味與生活。 職務說明 1. 管理門市營業業績、人事、進出貨事宜 2. 維持場所的整潔與美觀 3. 門市╱賣場營運計畫與經營管理 4. 業績目標分配與績效達成 5. 業務或通路開發 6. 業務銷售能力 7. 商品銷售與流程品質控管、決定商品議價空間 8. 解決較複雜的顧客抱怨,規範門市人員 9. 計劃和監督人員相關的訓練,績效的評估 10. 店舖行政工作管理與帳務處理 11. 員工績效考核以及升遷的判定 12. 廣告活動規劃、協調及促銷宣傳、商圈市場調查 福利制度 1. 符合勞基法項目,勞、健保、勞退制度、周休二日....... 2. 年終獎金、三節禮金 3. 特殊節日獎金或禮品 4. 員工聚餐、部門聚餐、生日會 5. 教育訓練、品酒會 6. 國內(外)旅遊 或 補助 7. 員工優惠、員工員購 8. 員工晉升、員工獎勵 9. 員工認股、員工紅利 10. 員工社團補助、教育進修補助輕型機車,普通重機車輕型機車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


【工作內容】 1. 顧客關係維護與優化 2. 各平台訂單追蹤 3. 紀錄顧客諮詢意見與反饋建議(會需要電話聯繫) 4. 適時提供產品或活動相關資訊等 5. 主動發現問題提供意見 6. 網路庶務與主管交代事項

應徵人數|6-10 人




應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 經營辦公室AIOT自動化商品:數位影印機、3D印表機、大圖機、溫感體測儀、雲端HR系統商品。 2. 轄區客情維繫管理。 3. 商品維修與顧客服務。 3. 提供客戶各項產品規劃與需求。 4. 傳達及說明公司訊息及活動。 *保障薪資35,000元整(3+3個月),讓您有充足的學習成長時間 *工作待遇為新人平均月薪資,另有高額獎金等著你來挑戰 *提供完整教育訓練,包括商品專業知識與行銷課程 *每半年考核,人事升遷透明快速肯定人才,升遷不用等排隊! 想要實現理想成就未來,在職場上出類拔萃,成為耀眼的明日之星,金儀提供您最佳舞台! 完善的教育訓練制度,僅需秉持熱情、努力的態度,其餘的交給金儀公司! http://www.oa-world.com.tw電機工程學類,電機工程學類,資訊工程學類普通小型車,普通重機車普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.熟悉公司規章及客服作業流程 2.傾聽並能迅速回覆顧客問題解決客戶疑問 3.接受顧客詢問或主動提供諮商建議給顧客 4.陳列商品、清潔櫥窗、維持營業場所的整潔與美觀 5.向顧客說明貨品的性質、特徵、品質與價格 6.在成交後,包裝商品、收取款項、交付商品、開發票或收據,完成交易手續 7.向客戶示範操作方法,顯示商品的優點,以協助顧客選擇 8.以電子掃瞄或手動輸入方式,將商品價格輸入收銀機或銷售系統進行收費,最後開立統一發票交付顧客 9.POS系統收銀機操作、結帳

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.接聽電話 2.協助主管交辦事項 3.客戶維修資料key in

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.顧客服務 2.商品銷售 3.包裝商品,櫃台、店內物品陳列擺放 4.清點商品,進、退貨及管理庫存 5.維護店舖及商品清潔 ***有經驗者,薪資另於面試時洽談***

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 經營辦公室AIOT自動化商品:數位影印機、雲端HR系統、大圖機、溫感體測儀、3D印表機等商品。   2. 主要為B2B方式,開發轄區客戶,開拓新市場。 3. 顧客經營與維繫,發掘顧客需求,提供系統性規劃顧問式銷售。 4. 傳達及說明公司訊息活動。 *保障薪資40,000元整(3+3個月),讓您有充足的學習成長時間 *工作待遇為新人平均月薪資,另有高額獎金等著你來挑戰 *提供完整教育訓練,包括商品專業知識與行銷課程 *每半年考核,人事升遷透明快速肯定人才,升遷不用等排隊! 想要實現理想成就未來,在職場上出類拔萃,成為耀眼的明日之星,金儀提供您最佳舞台! 完善的教育訓練制度,僅需秉持熱情、努力的態度,其餘的交給金儀公司! http://www.oa-world.com.tw普通小型車,普通重機車普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


【工作內容】 1.負責台灣地區以外的商品採購。 2.國際商品的系統進貨與調出(ERP系統)。 3.分析商品銷量來管理庫存。 4.付款帳務管理。 5.尋找適合TA的商品。 6.與廠商議價談判。 7.營運台灣區外的批發業務。 8.主管交辦事項。 ★採購經驗2年以上★ ★商品為成人玩具★

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.顧客服務 2.商品銷售 3.包裝商品,櫃台、店內物品陳列擺放 4.清點商品,進、退貨及管理庫存 5.維護店舖及商品清潔 6.當日銷售業績結算及製作報表

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 經營辦公室AIOT自動化商品:數位影印機、雲端HR系統、大圖機、溫感體測儀、3D印表機等商品。   2. 主要為B2B方式,開發轄區客戶,開拓新市場。 3. 顧客經營與維繫,發掘顧客需求,提供系統性規劃顧問式銷售。 4. 傳達及說明公司訊息活動。 *保障薪資40,000元整(3+3個月),讓您有充足的學習成長時間 *工作待遇為新人平均月薪資,另有高額獎金等著你來挑戰 *提供完整教育訓練,包括商品專業知識與行銷課程 *每半年考核,人事升遷透明快速肯定人才,升遷不用等排隊! 想要實現理想成就未來,在職場上出類拔萃,成為耀眼的明日之星,金儀提供您最佳舞台! 完善的教育訓練制度,僅需秉持熱情、努力的態度,其餘的交給金儀公司! http://www.oa-world.com.tw輕型機車,普通重機車輕型機車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 經營辦公室AIOT自動化商品:數位影印機、3D印表機、大圖機、溫感體測儀、雲端HR系統商品。 2. 轄區客情維繫管理。 3. 商品維修與顧客服務。 3. 提供客戶各項產品規劃與需求。 4. 傳達及說明公司訊息及活動。 5. 報到日起三個滿月,保障薪資35,000元整。 6. 工作待遇為新人平均月薪資,另有高額獎金等著你來挑戰。 想要實現理想成就未來,在職場上出類拔萃,成為耀眼的明日之星,金儀提供您最佳舞台! 完善的教育訓練制度,僅需秉持熱情、努力的態度,其餘的交給金儀公司! http://www.oa-world.com.tw電機工程學類,電機工程學類,資訊工程學類普通小型車,普通重機車普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


What You Will Do - Identify and develop new business opportunities with existing clients by understanding their specific needs and providing tailored solutions. - Build and maintain strong relationships with key clients by regularly communicating with them, listening to their concerns, and providing support. - Create and execute account strategies that increase revenue and improve market share. - Collaborate with internal teams such as marketing, product, and operations to ensure client satisfaction and success. - Analyze sales data, market trends, and competitor activities to identify opportunities and make data-driven decisions. - Forecast revenue and provide accurate reporting on account activity and progress. - Collaborate with senior management to optimize account strategies and identify areas for improvement. Qualifications: - Bachelor‘s degree in marketing, business, or related field. - Minimum of 3 years of experience in key account management within the retail or e-commerce industry. -FMCG Buyer experience will be a big plus. - Proven track record of success developing and implementing account strategies that drive revenue growth. - Excellent communication, negotiation, and relationship-building skills. - Ability to analyze sales data and market trends to make data-driven decisions. - Experience working collaboratively with internal teams such as product, marketing, and operations. - Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and manage multiple priorities. - Strong time management and organizational skills. - Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite. Recruitment Process - Application Review - Phone Interview - Onsite (or Virtual Onsite) Interview – Offer - The exact nature of the recruitment process may vary according to the specific job and may be changed due to scheduling or other circumstances. - Interview schedules and the results will be informed to the applicant via the e-mail address submitted at the application stage. Things to Consider - This job posting may be closed prior to the stated end date for application if all openings are filled. - Coupang has the right to rescind an offer of employment if a candidate is found to have submitted false information as part of the application process. - Coupang does not discriminate against disabled applicants or those with veteran status. We are proud to offer equal opportunities for all applicants.

應徵人數|1-5 人


We exist to wow our customers. We know we’re doing the right thing when we hear our customers say, “How did we ever live without Coupang?” Born out of an obsession to make shopping, eating, and living easier than ever, we’re collectively disrupting the multi-billion-dollar e-commerce industry from the ground up. We are one of the fastest-growing e-commerce companies that established an unparalleled reputation for being a dominant and reliable force in South Korean commerce. We are proud to have the best of both worlds — a startup culture with the resources of a large global public company. This fuels us to continue our growth and launch new services at the speed we have been since our inception. We are all entrepreneurial surrounded by opportunities to drive new initiatives and innovations. At our core, we are bold and ambitious people that like to get our hands dirty and make a hands-on impact. At Coupang, you will see yourself, your colleagues, your team, and the company grow every day. Our mission to build the future of commerce is real. We push the boundaries of what’s possible to solve problems and break traditional tradeoffs. Join Coupang now to create an epic experience in this always-on, high-tech, and hyper-connected world. Key Responsibilities: · Source and identify vendors, finish all documentation, put a planning and KPI management structure to drive performance. · Sourcing and merchandising products of non-impulse categories, focus on FMCG products. · Pricing and supplier negotiation. · Supplier and assortment management. · Developing an effective and accurate system for monitoring purchase orders . Delivering a weekly purchase order report to supervisors that indicates the invoice number for all closed orders . Working within the management team to ensure that all deliveries satisfy the assigned orders and report any back ordered or missing products . Effectively communicating with the management team to ensure all orders are accurate. Basic qualifications: · 7+ years of related experience · Retail,FMCG background are preferred with proven ability to drive change · Experiences in working with cross-functional, cross market shareholders · Ability to prioritize work and to find a way in a complex, fast-paced environment · Proven analytical skills and ability to influence people both internally and externally · English ability is nice to have.

應徵人數|1-5 人


Customer Service Operation Manager We exist to wow our customers. We know we’re doing the right thing when we hear our customers say, “How did we ever live without Coupang?” Born out of an obsession to make shopping, eating, and living easier than ever, we’re collectively disrupting the multi-billion-dollar e-commerce industry from the ground up. We are one of the fastest-growing e-commerce companies that established an unparalleled reputation for being a dominant and reliable force in South Korean commerce. We are proud to have the best of both worlds — a startup culture with the resources of a large global public company. This fuels us to continue our growth and launch new services at the speed we have been since our inception. We are all entrepreneurial surrounded by opportunities to drive new initiatives and innovations. At our core, we are bold and ambitious people that like to get our hands dirty and make a hands-on impact. At Coupang, you will see yourself, your colleagues, your team, and the company grow every day. Our mission to build the future of commerce is real. We push the boundaries of what’s possible to solve problems and break traditional tradeoffs. Join Coupang now to create an epic experience in this always-on, high-tech, and hyper-connected world. As part of our exciting expansion plan, we are hiring for a Customer Service Operation Manager . Responsibilities: - Responsible for managing the CS Escalation team and ensuring the efficient operation of our customer service team. - Manage the CS Escalation team, including support to other departments, issue and incident management, complaint handling, and resolution of complex customer inquiries. - Develop and maintain Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to ensure consistency and efficiency in our customer service operations. - Monitor and analyze CS operational metrics and other relevant KPIs, to identify areas for improvement and drive changes to improve customer satisfaction. - Provide guidance to communicate with customers to resolve issues, handle complaints, and provide exceptional customer service. Requirements: - Fluent in Korean (At least TOPIK level 6) and Mandarin, working level proficiency in English - Minimum of 5 years of experience in customer service operations management. - Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to use data to drive decisions and optimize processes. - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to effectively communicate with both customers and internal stakeholders. - Ability to work independently and manage multiple priorities in a fast-paced environment. - Highly motivated and experienced customer service operations professional with a passion for driving customer satisfaction. Recruitment Process -Application Review - Phone Interview - Onsite (or Virtual Onsite) Interview – Offer -The exact nature of the recruitment process may vary according to the specific job and may be changed due to scheduling or other circumstances. - Interview schedules and the results will be informed to the applicant via the e-mail address submitted at the application stage. Things to Consider -This job posting may be closed prior to the stated end date for application if all openings are filled. -Coupang has the right to rescind an offer of employment if a candidate is found to have submitted false information as part of the application process. -Coupang does not discriminate against disabled applicants or those with veteran status. We are proud to offer equal opportunities for all applicants.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 經營辦公室AIOT自動化商品:數位影印機、雲端HR系統、大圖機、溫感體測儀、3D印表機等商品。   2. 主要為B2B方式,開發轄區客戶,開拓新市場。 3. 顧客經營與維繫,發掘顧客需求,提供系統性規劃顧問式銷售。 4. 傳達及說明公司訊息活動。 *保障薪資40,000元整(3+3個月),讓您有充足的學習成長時間 *工作待遇為新人平均月薪資,另有高額獎金等著你來挑戰 *提供完整教育訓練,包括商品專業知識與行銷課程 *每半年考核,人事升遷透明快速肯定人才,升遷不用等排隊! 想要實現理想成就未來,在職場上出類拔萃,成為耀眼的明日之星,金儀提供您最佳舞台! 完善的教育訓練制度,僅需秉持熱情、努力的態度,其餘的交給金儀公司! http://www.oa-world.com.tw普通小型車,普通重機車普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人
