1111找工作 APP



1. 需有CISCO CCNA 技術證書。 2. 負責IP網路架構劃、Small Cell/CPE產品測試。 3. 不定期國內外出差(日本、美國、歐洲)。CCNA

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 醫療產品國際銷售與代工製造商機開發 2. 醫療產品市場定位分析與行銷策略規劃及執行 3. 根據產品的屬性分析潛力客戶,並進行市場拓展,建立商業模式 4. 國內外代理商管理,提供產品教育訓練,與國外客戶關係建立並擔任產品銷售之聯繫工作

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.客戶開發與維持客戶關係,蒐集市場訊息,擬定產品開發計畫與成效評估 2.ODM、OEM效益評估及訂單接洽 3.擬定市場推廣計劃及展覽計畫與成果分析 4.專案開發管理流程,確保上市時程 5.年度業績成果分析與未來業績推展計劃 6.重大產品客訴問題及解決成效追蹤普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.報價管理,包括蒐集相關成本、價格管理,客戶溝通及相關工作 2.訂單管理,包含產銷、出貨數量、出貨條款、退貨銷折、信用額度申請/控管等相關工作 3.應收帳款管理 4.Business case整合 5.年度預算做成與分析 6.營業管理分析 7.接待客戶來訪之相關工作 8.其他主管交辦事項

應徵人數|1-5 人


• Develop a growth strategy focused both on financial gain and customer satisfaction • Conduct research to identify new markets and customer needs • Arrange business meetings with prospective clients • Promote the company’s products/services addressing or predicting clients’ objectives • Prepare sales contracts ensuring adherence to law-established rules and guidelines • Keep records of sales, revenue, invoices etc. • Provide trustworthy feedback and after-sales support • Build long-term relationships with new and existing customers • Develop entry level staff into valuable salespeople一般商業學類,貿易學類,企業管理學類輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


工作職責: 專案管理: 負責制定、執行和監督公司各項專案,確保按時交付高質量的結果。 報表與追蹤: 協助業務團隊製作並追蹤相關報表,提供即時的數據支持。 進度管控: 積極參與並掌握專案進度,有效管控風險,確保目標的實現。 資料收集整理: 負責收集、整理和分析相關資料,以支持公司決策和業務優化。 期待具備: 專業能力: 具有卓越的專案管理技能,熟練運用相關工具和方法。 溝通能力: 優秀的溝通和協調能力,能夠與團隊成員、客戶和其他利害關係人有效溝通。 英文能力: 良好的英文溝通能力,尤其在書寫和閱讀方面。 工具操作: 熟練使用Microsoft Office等辦公軟體。 我們提供: 學習機會: 參與歐美參展機會,不斷擴展您的專業視野。 獎勵制度: 對於您的辛勤工作,我們有完善的獎勵制度。 舒適環境: 提供開放、舒適的工作環境,以確保您的工作效率和快樂度。 休閑小確幸:咖啡茶水零食區,彈性上下班。 ESG建置參與機會: 未來有機會參與公司ESG建置,與時代趨勢同步。

應徵人數|6-10 人



●公司產品: 網路線、影音傳輸用線、醫療線、高頻通訊電纜等. ●工作內容: 1.【客戶開發】負責國內外業務市場開發、新客戶開發與追蹤。 2.【客戶管理】獨立負責主要客戶、處理並回覆客戶需求、維護客戶關係、推廣新產品並提供報價。 3.【專案管理】開發新專案並協調專案所需資源。 4.【市場研究】市場情報蒐集,分析市場趨勢並擬定策略。 5.【行銷參展】支援EDM英文文案撰寫及國內/外參展籌備工作。 6.其他主管交辦事項。 ●完善的員工制度與相關福利: ◆定期調薪評鑑◆三節與開工禮金◆免費供餐/伙食津貼◆生日禮品禮券◆年終獎金、季獎金、新進員工保障獎金◆尾牙抽獎及參加獎◆結婚生育禮金◆免費員工制服◆免費停車位◆護理師駐廠諮詢◆哺乳室及托兒措施◆免費定期健檢◆聚餐補助◆特約商店優惠◆員工介紹獎金◆優於法令的10周產假與14天陪產(檢)假◆彈性上下班時間

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.開發國內外市場、提高市場佔有率。 2.現有客戶訂單管理、追蹤交期。 3.協助報價,處理客訴相關問題。 4.規劃國內以及國際展、具備展覽籌備、英文溝通、安排行程等能力。普通小型車普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.處理客戶訂購零件下單、詢價、交期追蹤與寄出 2.製作進出口文件與快遞文件,以及零件包裝 3.協助業務與工廠確認機台依客戶需求規格完成 4.客戶零件管理 5.協助主管與各業務處理外貿相關事項 6. 協助規劃市場開發、蒐集市場情報及整合 7. 產品EDM發送及協助產品型錄製作聯繫 8. 公司網站、Line官方管理維護 有相關經驗者視經歷核薪TOEIC Bridge輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.負責國外客戶維護,以達預訂之業績目標,並掌握出貨狀況,追蹤產品交期,帳款維護及催收。 2.客戶與工廠端之溝通橋樑,客戶產品經理,熟悉各項資訊設備與客戶及所屬工廠相關同溝通,有電子製造業相關經驗者優先。 3.需服務客戶並掌握客戶需求,以建立長期之夥伴關係。 4.精通英文,國外客戶對應及英文書信往來 (有第二外語者優先) 5.積極有企圖心,勇於接受挑戰連絡爭取訂單 7.主管交辦事項完成

應徵人數|1-5 人


線材暨連接器業務開發及銷售 1. 諳英文或日文,具業務開發能力或客戶基礎。 2. 客戶拜訪聯繫與產品介紹。 3. 處理追蹤客戶訂單,掌握出貨進度,目標導向。 4. 願意常駐海外且接受長期培訓者為佳。 ◎工作地點:菲律賓、印度 ◎其他福利: 1.供食宿 2.返台假(每隔兩個月享有一次)

應徵人數|1-5 人


-Work closely with cross-functional engineering/business development/operation/marketing and FAE teams to ensure the products meet the expectation of external clients. -Lead customer engagement in early stage to ensure the product specifications meet customers expectation -Work closely with customers and internal teams to represent voice of the customer and field in planning by leveraging comprehensive OEM account management experience. - Be representing Supermicro in major trade shows and conferences to network and meet with customers

應徵人數|1-5 人


The Sales Manager is responsible for driving existing customers, developing new business directly/indirectly and expanding business with key accounts in SEA. He/she needs to work closely with PM/FAE/BD/Service teams to identify business opportunity and offer the right solutions to win major projects on data center, cloud computing, enterprise IT, big data, HPC, 5G telco and embedded/IoT. 1. Manage distributors and key accounts. Expand business with them to reach the targets and revenue growth. 2. Direct engage and develop new business & customers in SEA. 3. Independently handle sales leads and close orders for identified business opportunities. 4. Execute the company sales strategies and design the sales plan to meet the sales quota. 5. Organize the business and solution proposal to customer needs. 6. Perform other duties as required.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.國際市場拓展,營銷策略制定,客戶服務及維持,年度目標達成。 2.獨立進行專案,與廠內各部門溝通協調。 3.評估廠內產能成本,進行客戶端報價與跟案。 ※組織擴大徵才,歡迎加入兆利充滿熱情和專業技能與知識的國際性團隊,讓我們一起為共創永續佳績。普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


Job Summary As a NPI/RFQ Business Program Manager, he or she will have business engagement and competitor info collection, services, and working with the sourcing, PM, RD teams. The responsibility extends to driving and achieving business & financial results for the products/programs in which he or she oversees. Responsibilities include: developing and executing system and solution-level program plans, working cross-functionally to deliver products and services to meet or exceed customers‘ needs. The NPI/RFQ Business Program Manager will focus on managing programs and or products through coordination of various internal and/or external functional groups. This requires confidence in implementing complex project schedules and meeting deadlines and deliverables within a structured Time to Market process. Ultimately, the NPI/RFQ Business Program Manager will be the end-to-end owner of the business account he or she manages. Essential job Functions: 1. Performs NRE cost/quote updates and proposals. 2.Conducts RFQ s.trategies to get the business award 3.Develops Customer and Partner Relationship and/or Sponsorship 4.Understands manufacturing processes and requirements for cost analysis 5.Communicates and resolves issues between factories and customers. 6.Exercises overall ownership of the managed accounts. 7.Be the bridge among customers and Factory, R&D, Supports, Suppliers etc. 8.Oversee production/delivery schedules to meet customer requirements 9.Material risk buying quotes for manufacturing sites and customers. 10.Consider customers’ needs in development of products/solutions 11.Perform other duties as assigned. 12.Contract and pricing negotiation. Required Qualification: 1.Ability to show critical thinking and decision making 2.Experience with OEM/ODM 3.Understands and have experience in cloud platform business and working with Tier 1 customer experience 4.Ability to multitask in a fast-paced environment 5.High level of flexibility, discretion, professionalism, and integrity. 6.Proactive and professional with a lot of patience. 7.Must be detail oriented with superb time management, organizational and executional skills to meet deadlines 8.Excellent verbal and written communication skills, as well as listening and interpersonal skills 9.Proven ability to work on a team collaboratively, as well as independently on multiple high priority projects 10.Willing to travel. (Approximately 25% business travel)

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 熟悉電子產業/家電產業/車用產業,相關經驗者佳,無經驗亦可。 2. 大學/大專以上學歷。 3. 英語 聽.説流利。 4. 可配合長期派駐海外至中國昆山工廠。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Familiarize with the products intended for sale and the company‘s regulations and operational procedures. 2. Develop customer markets and promote products in languages familiar to the customers. 3. Collect and analyze market information, and plan and execute customer sales strategies. 4. Provide quotes and sign contracts based on customer needs, and maintain customer relationships and service satisfaction. 5. Maintain customer post-sale satisfaction (e.g., handle customer complaints and feedback, maintain customers‘ trust in the company and sales personnel). 6. Regularly review performance and achievements with the supervisor, and report progress. 7. Complete tasks assigned by the company and supervisor.TOEIC 多益(Gold860-990分)

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 定期拜訪已成交客戶,維繫穩定客戶關係 2. 負責國內、外業務接洽及訂單處理 3. 負責產品報價及送樣 4. 業務推廣及產品行銷普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


● Collect market information and conduct price & cost, and portfolio analysis ● Manage key accounts and related sales opportunities on a daily basis ● Lead and work with internal team to win RFQ and manage projects till MP ● Coordinate with PMs, PDs, acoustic teams, and production teams to ensure commitments of delivering qualified results to customers ● Demonstrate success in interacting and establishing strong professional relationship internally and externally with customers of all levels ● Passionate about delivering best support to customer in establishing stronger corporate reputation ●Regularly travel ro existing customers and potential customers‘ site and trade shows for networking and relationship menegement ●Cold call and other business development skills (experience user of LinkedIn, etc.) to develop new and potenial customers

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 產品銷售。 2. 國際巿場企劃及行銷(英文/西文/阿拉伯語都可)。 3. 熟悉產品規格與功能應用相關資訊、規格說明與技術文件撰寫。 4. 支援國外客戶端產品技術及教育訓練,跨廠商及跨界系統整合技術溝通。 5. 產品系統規劃、應用測試及技術問題分析。 6. 客訴案件處理、提供問題分析並解決回覆 。

應徵人數|1-5 人
