1111找工作 APP



1.零售通路營運策略規劃 2.通路門市營運分析與發展(實體/OMO) 3.通路行銷企劃與銷售資源整合 4.年度預算目標規劃與達成管理 5.通路業務獎金辦法規劃與管理 6.通路人員規章與考核管理(選育用留) 7.作業品質管理、流程優化與系統需求統籌 8.店格策略與櫃位坪效管理 9.新展店/原址優化/移閉點管理 10.門店店務/庶務管理規範與統籌 加分條件: 1.具同業經驗佳 2.具數據分析/跨部門溝通能力 3.熟Office文書作業軟體 4.大學畢業/多益400分以上尤佳 5.具邏輯能力、市場敏感度及快速反應能力企業管理學類,運輸管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


報名網址:https://rmis.cht.com.tw/portal/hrims/prelogin.jsp ■工作內容: 1. 公雲/私雲/混合雲業務推廣銷售工作,包括專案管理、產品優惠包裝、加值服務合作洽談、申供裝系統受理執行、及廣宣作業執行等。 2. IDC業務推廣銷售工作,包括專案管理、產品優惠包裝、申供裝系統受理執行、及廣宣作業執行等。 3. 針對客戶需求提供解決方案,進行跨部門協作養攻案、客戶諮詢、障礙處理、支援教育訓練及研討會活動等。 4. 售前、售中及售後:報價、受理、申裝、帳務處理。 ■專長及相關工作經驗: 1. 具備公雲產品推廣、行銷、企業客戶服務工作經驗。 2. 具備業務行銷推廣經驗、簡報撰寫、口頭簡報能力。 ■具備下列經驗能力尤佳: 1. 工作經驗2年(含)以上。 2. 熟悉或曾從事AWS、Azure、Microsoft 365、GCP等產品執行或業務推廣工作。 3. 具AWS、Azure或Microsoft 365或GCP相關證照。 4. 具英文聽/說/讀/寫/能力,TOEIC分數至少750分以上或其他英檢同等等級以上。 工作地點:台北地區資訊管理學類,一般商業學類,行銷與流通學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


【全球智慧製造】 你知道Garmin的智慧工廠嗎? 你知道火星上出現過Garmin的產品嗎? 你知道飛行員總是配戴Garmin的手錶上天空嗎? 全球智慧製造服務計畫(GSMS)透過AI、機構、電控、資料科學、IoT、大數據等技術,將智慧製造系統,即時控制與調整全球生產系統,且在地化支援亞洲、美洲、歐洲多個國家 如果你想體驗不同的文化,綻放自己的光芒! 現在就投遞履歷,讓我們見識你的獨特潛力! 【Introduction】 Data Engineering Team is part of Garmin‘s Process Integration Department, we are looking for engineer to join our data infrastructure team. Cooperate with Data Engineer to build, maintain and optimize data platform and data pipeline. Our mission is to drive stability, scalability and efficiency for the PI data ecosystem and build a manufacturing data center in Garmin. 【Responsibilities】 1. Achieve stability of the entire data infrastructure 2. Create monitoring and alerting processes for the data infrastructure team 3. Manage access control to data infrastructure 4. Proven work ability, including implementation, operation and troubleshooting 5. Create automation tasks / self-services / documentations to reduce manual operation tasks 6. Continuously improve and evolve our data platform architecture for future challenges 【Requirements】 1. Skilled in setting up, upgrading, maintaining and monitoring data platform services such as Kafka, Hadoop HDP/CDP/Apache, ElasticSearch, Cassandra, Redis. etc 2. Experience in building up feasible and generic monitoring architecture using solutions like Prometheus/Grafana or zabbix 3. Proficient in Python or Java programming language 4. Familiar with Linux operating system and shell script 5. Hands-on experience with container (Docker composes, Docker swarm or Kubernetes) 【Bonus Points】 1. Familiar with IaC tools (Ansible) and CI/CD pipeline (Gitlab, Jenkins) 2. Experience in deploying data pipeline with NoSQL databases(Cassandra, Elasticsearch or Redis) 3. Knowledgeable in designing monitoring and alerting mechanism for data pipeline工程學門,資訊管理學類,數學統計學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


歡迎有志於Oracle ERP上精進與學習的夥伴共事,您將可參與大型全通路 (Omnichannel) 營運系統的開發/測試/維運,包含電商、零售、電信、產險、倉儲、物流、維修、財務等相關系統商業流程規劃、透過各項工具搭配(ex.API、中介軟體…等)使系統設計有彈性,符合商務需求。還能與時並進優化資訊系統架構,使系統強大而精簡。 主要職責 1.Oracle EBS系統財務、配銷模組規劃、訪談、開發設計。 2.配合集團營運各面向之需求規劃、協調與系統建置 3.與團隊合作共同解決問題,持續優化系統與商業流程。 4.跨部門溝通協調、資訊整合與組織執行力 5.主管交辦事項 *部門將不定期舉辦技術分享讀書會,鼓勵同仁互相學習討論* 其他條件 (1)3年以上Oracle ERP/EBS模組維護經驗,具相關產業經驗尤佳。 (2)熟悉PL/SQL、Oracle Reports/Forms。 (3)對資訊具熱忱,願意學習探索與挑戰, 擁有產業顧問與導入的高價值能力 (4)主動積極並樂於團隊溝通合作, 具問題分析與解決能力 工具: Oracle ERP開發工具(Form, Report)、Web ADI、XML Report 工作技能:軟體程式設計, 資料庫軟體應用, 流程分析

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.產品包裝、文宣、海報、DM、美編設計製圖,需會使用Illustrator、photoshop 2.視覺設計、美編設計、文字編排 3.短影音創作 4.產品拍攝、影片剪輯、圖像編輯 5.各網路購物平台的維護(商品上架與資訊更新) 6.協助官網、FB等網路平台素材製作、維護 7.其他主管交辦事項

應徵人數|1-5 人


Overview We seek a full-time Marine Business Analyst in Taiwan, New Taipei City. In this role, you will be responsible for data analysis and discovering insights, the business analyst collaborates with multiple teams such as sales, marketing, and other segments. With a passion for integrating various business intelligence sources and proposing insights, analysis reports, and strategic recommendations. Helping explore new opportunities as well as enhance sales performance. Essential Functions  Data analysis, production of business analysis reports, data forecasting, and strategy recommendations.  Monitoring and interpreting product performance and identifying macro trends affecting sales focus.  Leveraging consumer behaviors, activity trends, and market & competitor intelligence to identify marketing trends and provide top-down market insights.  Assist the Marketing and Sales departments in analyzing data and creating patterns to identify the business problem.  Become knowledgeable in the specifications, capabilities, and operation of Garmin products  Accurate and timely completion of tasks and/or projects of basic complexity within a defined process  Thoroughly document work in an organized and timely manner  Work a consistent and reliable schedule as identified by management. Basic Qualifications • Bachelor’s Degree • Demonstrates a customer service focus with proven experience in relationship building and providing quality customer service experiences. • Demonstrates strong and effective verbal, written, and interpersonal communication skills and must be an articulate/fluent communicator who is at ease with public speaking. • Must exhibit professionalism, be team-oriented, possess a positive attitude, work well with others, and have excellent time management and data analysis. Desired Qualifications • Excellent product knowledge of communication and navigation systems • Demonstrates initiative in suggesting/executing individual, team, and strategic objectives. • Demonstrates a proficient fundamental understanding of the sales division’s products and segment’s industry. • Extensive personal experience in fishing and boating • Business to Business sales experience

應徵人數|1-5 人


您將會參與零售通路業的大型電子商務的架構設計、規劃、開發、管理並持續優化。 如果您對程式開發工作有熱情、對技術整合有深度渴望、想挑戰自己的程式能服務高流量的用戶、或是想投入電子商務轉型者,歡迎加入我們的行列! 技能條件: 1.熟悉Java Framework:Spring MVC、SpringBoot,具MVC開發實務經驗 2.熟悉SQL語法,具Oracle、PostgreSQL等關聯式資料庫設計、開發經驗,有StoredProcedure經驗尤佳 3.具版本控制觀念,及軟體實務運用、團隊協作經驗,如Bitbucket、Git等 4.熟悉MyBatis、Hibernate等ORM操作 5.跨系統API開發串接實務經驗 加分條件: 1.具電子商務系統(EC)、倉儲/物流系統(WMS)、門市零售系統(POS)、維修系統(Repair)等商業Know-how系統分析、開發經驗者佳 2.具分析、歸納問題能力,不放棄追蹤,並由根本解決 3.具有CI/CD規劃經驗、勇於改善團隊開發及工作流程 4.對於任務,持續保有熱情,甚至提出最佳建議、反饋,不受限於現況 5.勇於挑戰現有系統架構、框架、機制,提出優化、改善方向,並具體實現 6.具2年以上Java/JSP開發經驗

應徵人數|1-5 人


※此職務須出差到各地門市執行現場營業查核※ 1.門市現場各項標準服務流程與作業品質查核規劃與執行 2.數位影音檢核與電訪門市執行差異輔導 3.專案查核活動規劃與執行 4.門市查核結果報告與差異問題分析 5.門市業務執行與作業品質問題回饋與改善建議 6.服務與作業品質流程輔導商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.電商平台生活日用商品與美食票券商品活動規劃、執行與成效追蹤 2.供應商與商品開發/管理/價格維護(促案設定)與曝光資源安排 3.品類活動促案設定及商品進銷存管理 4.業績達成檢視,品類績效達成管理 5.商品請購、採購作業 6.電商平台賣場銷售規劃,商品建檔/上下架與庫存管理 7.其他主管交辦事項

應徵人數|1-5 人


【全球智慧製造】 你知道Garmin的智慧工廠嗎? 你知道火星上出現過Garmin的產品嗎? 你知道飛行員總是配戴Garmin的手錶上天空嗎? 全球智慧製造服務計畫(GSMS)透過AI、機構、電控、資料科學、IoT、大數據等技術,將智慧製造系統,即時控制與調整全球生產系統,且在地化支援亞洲、美洲、歐洲多個國家 如果你想體驗不同的文化,綻放自己的光芒! 現在就投遞履歷,讓我們見識你的獨特潛力! 【Introduction】 With increasing velocities, varieties and complexity of data at Garmin, the PI Data Engineering Team becomes the important role supporting data projects using big data techniques to manipulate large streaming/batch dataset with various format on highly efficient way. However, with the substantial amount of data at Garmin, we have embarked on efforts to enhance the quality and standards of our data, aiming to unlock the true value of data. As a PI Data Governance Specialist, we sincerely invite you to participate in various aspects of the data governance project, including the selection of diverse DG tools, conducting PoCs, and formulating processes, all aimed at achieving a significant improvement in Garmin‘s data quality. 【Responsibilities】 -Develop and implement data governance standards, frameworks, workflows, and tools to enhance the data value at Garmin. -Assist the team in promoting awareness of Data Governance by providing internal consulting and training support. 【Requirements】 -Experienced in working on Data Governance-related projects. -Familiar with at least one programming language, such as Python, Java, or Scala -Knowledgeable in Data Modeling, including 3NF and Dimensional designs for OLTP and OLAP usage. 【Preferences】 -Prior experience in launching and introducing data governance from inception to implementation (including process flow and tools) is a significant advantage. -Prior experience in MDM (Master Data Management) and Data Mesh projects is an advantage -Experience in integrating Data Governance projects and solutions with Data Platforms.工程學門,資訊管理學類,數學統計學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


*負責區域為新竹以北* 1.資通相關產品之行銷業務推廣。 2.定期拜訪經銷客戶並輔導銷售。 3.經銷通路潛在客戶開發及探詢。 4.資通產品市場分析及情報蒐集。普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.神腦生活本站整合行銷通路活動規畫 2.導購平台操作 3.電商商品類/通路/原廠活動執行 4.GA4數據、活動與結案報告撰寫 5.異業行銷活動執行

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.電信業務門號開通相關帳務處理及結算作業 2.電信代收付帳務資料正確性比對及異常處理 3.門市受理障礙判定/反應/追蹤/回饋 4.系統測試/回饋

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.Discover and prioritize customer use cases and requirements 2.Price benchmark 3.Define product strategy, roadmap, positioning, and pricing for networking products 4.Planning and preparing/updating presentations, updating CRM 5.Serve as a technical resource and key strategic advisor for salesperson for networking products 6.Communicating product developments towards Headquarter / R&D Department 7.Carry out product testing for new networking products (WiFi, Switch, Gateway, etc) 8.Provide feedback on results of product testing 9.Liaise with other departments such as inside and outside sales, marketing, and logistics.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.零售通路商品績效管理 2.通路行銷資源規劃與整合 3.通路行銷方案成效分析 4.通路會員經營與行銷管理 5.商品SPI上下架進銷存管理 6.門店促銷方案規劃與整合 7.商圈/社群/團購促銷方案規劃與整合 8.專案活動/專案商品行銷管理 9.商品獎金預算規劃與執行 10.商品輔銷資源規劃 加分條件: 1.具同業經驗佳 2.具數據分析/跨部門溝通能力 3.熟Office文書作業軟體 4.大學畢業/多益400分以上尤佳 5.具邏輯能力、市場敏感度及快速反應能力商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.電商平台手機類商品與通訊周邊商品活動規劃、執行與成效追蹤 2.供應商商品開發/管理/價格維護(促案設定)與曝光資源安排 3.品類活動促案設定及商品進銷存管理 4.業績達成檢視,品類績效達成管理 5.電商平台賣場銷售規劃,商品建檔/上下架與庫存管理 6.其他主管交辦事項

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.電信業務營運策略規劃 2.直營/經銷/企客通路電信業務管理 3.年度電信業務指標達成管理(行動/固網) 4.終端商品銷售規劃與管理(綑綁/空機) 5.通路佣金/獎勵/帳務規劃與管理 6.原廠/系統商例行業務對接與維繫 7.申裝品質管理與業務支援 8.新業務發展執行能力(5G/IOT) 9.各項電信業務代理合約管理 10.電銷業務管理與佣獎規劃 加分條件: 1.具同業經驗佳 2.具數據分析/跨部門溝通能力 3.熟Office文書作業軟體 4.大學畢業/多益400分以上尤佳 5.具邏輯能力、市場敏感度及快速反應能力企業管理學類,運輸管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


(一)零售業務獎金規劃/分析/控管: 1.負責零售業務人員獎金架構設計/調整。 2.負責統整&規劃每月門號與各項產品線獎金辦法,包含KPI指標規劃/商品台獎/競賽規劃等。 3.針對每月獎金辦法調整的部門內部會議溝通與跨部門溝通協調。 4.負責獎金目標管理,包含制定KPI目標與成果追蹤。 5.定期執行門市月會獎金辦法溝通/公告事宜。 6.分析零售獎金相關資訊與費用控管,包括各商品類營收獎金率、門市獎金分分佈、原廠支援獎金比。 (二)績效達成追蹤與分析報表管理: 1.協助每月產銷會議資料彙整與簡報製作。 2.協助每周零售業務部例行性商品績效報表製作。 (三)分析工具建置&優化: 負責零售業務部商品績效系統報表的優化,包含欄位需求提案、新分析工具的介接、報表欄位資訊正確性檢核等。 (四)其他主管交辦工作事項: 1.協助零售業務部門會議召開、簡報彙整及進度追蹤等作業。 2.其他專案支援。商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


At Garmin, we strive to develop innovative high-quality, state-of-the-art products that inspire our customers with a more active lifestyle. Our vision is to become the global leader in every market we serve- Aviation, Outdoor, Marine, Fitness, Automotive and Sports. The foundation of Garmin culture is honesty, integrity, and respect for associates, customers, and business partners. Each associate is fully committed to serving customers and fellow associates through outstanding performance and accomplishing what we say we will do. [ Planning ] - Gaining a deep understanding of customer experience, identify and fill product gaps and generate new ideas that grow market share, improve customer experience and drive growth. - Developing and executing comprehensive integrated communication plans to increase awareness, accelerate the sales cycle, grow advocacy, and increase sales in support of sales priorities and revenue goals. - Developing program and campaign scorecards, tracking results and providing updates; using campaign and pipeline data to identify trends and opportunities. - Advertise upcoming sporting events. - Research marketing trends and innovations. [ Execution ] - Managing marketing priorities and programs to ensure alignment with broader Marketing and organization launches; ensuring campaigns are being delivered in conjunction with account strategy and business unit objectives. - Build and maintain positive relationships with brand representatives ( Athletes / KOLs / Sports Association). - Secure and ensure brand logo are printed on kits, banners, and posters at the event. [Requirement] - University Degree or above. Preferably in marketing, communications, kinesiology or sports management. - Relevant working experience for 4+ years marketing/communication/sports agency or association /brand communication department. - Understanding of media/communication/sports industry in Taiwan, especially in communication, bike, golf. - Previous experience in communication and offline event in Taiwan. - Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. - Ability to develop product and marketing strategies and effectively communicate recommendations to executive management. - Ability to juggle multiple priorities to meet deadlines in a dynamic environment. - Ability to translate market knowledge and strategy into compelling stories and tools for the sales team. - Enthusiastic about golf or bike and familiar with Garmin products are preferred.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.零售專案設立規劃與時程進度控制 2.使用者需求瞭解、整合與跨單位溝通 3.專案資源配置及預算控制 4.專案評估分析與成效檢視 5.成員工作任務協調及管理 6.其他交辦事項

應徵人數|1-5 人
