1111找工作 APP



工作職責: 專案管理: 負責制定、執行和監督公司各項專案,確保按時交付高質量的結果。 報表與追蹤: 協助業務團隊製作並追蹤相關報表,提供即時的數據支持。 進度管控: 積極參與並掌握專案進度,有效管控風險,確保目標的實現。 資料收集整理: 負責收集、整理和分析相關資料,以支持公司決策和業務優化。 期待具備: 專業能力: 具有卓越的專案管理技能,熟練運用相關工具和方法。 溝通能力: 優秀的溝通和協調能力,能夠與團隊成員、客戶和其他利害關係人有效溝通。 英文能力: 良好的英文溝通能力,尤其在書寫和閱讀方面。 工具操作: 熟練使用Microsoft Office等辦公軟體。 我們提供: 學習機會: 參與歐美參展機會,不斷擴展您的專業視野。 獎勵制度: 對於您的辛勤工作,我們有完善的獎勵制度。 舒適環境: 提供開放、舒適的工作環境,以確保您的工作效率和快樂度。 休閑小確幸:咖啡茶水零食區,彈性上下班。 ESG建置參與機會: 未來有機會參與公司ESG建置,與時代趨勢同步。

應徵人數|6-10 人



Garmin 致力成為 GPS 的領航者,以「垂直整合」為產品開發的營運策略,兼納多元化人才的加入。 我們在汽車、航空、航海、戶外休閒以及運動等五大領域深耕,並提供人才多樣化的舞台。 人力資源招募部門秉持Garmin企業經營之核心理念協助廣納優秀人才,跟隨公司商業發展之策略與之俱進。 1. 根據公司發展,協助發展年度招募策略與計畫之專案 2. 根據公司發展,規劃且執行雇主品牌專案,提升外部雇主品牌聲量 3. 經營線上及線下在亞洲的雇主品牌,包含校園徵才活動、國際人才引入、實習生計畫、校園課程、大型面試活動等 4. 經營線上及線下在亞洲的雇主品牌合作關係,包含校園關係、企業參訪、產學合作等 5. 招募流程及系統改善與優化 6. 其他主管交辦事項人力資源學類,企業管理學類,行銷與流通學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.市場策略規劃與執行、業務團隊領導; 2.具OEM/ODM或區域市場開發能力; 3.客戶以及業務團隊管理; 4.跨部門溝通與團隊合作; 5 訂單處理作業及跟單; 6. 樣品處理作業; 7. 反應靈敏,有效的工作。 平均月薪 1600-1800美金一般商業學類,企業管理學類,貿易學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


日本雅瑪多運輸在台子公司-台灣雅瑪多國際物流,誠徵資安管理師1名。 1.制定資安政策與相關規範、修訂與執行成效檢核 2.資安法規遵循,維持資安國際認證有效性 3.協助資安組織運作,與相關單位協調溝通 4.資訊專案風險評估,資安專案規劃與執行 5.內外部資安稽核協調,委外資安管理與查核 6.上班地點:台北市 or 桃園市資訊管理學類CISSP

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 依據目標規劃年度人力招募計劃、提出招募甄選策略之建議、面談甄選流程執行、任用意 見提供與討論。 a.生產作業人員招募。 b.研發與後勤人員招募。 2. 支援大型招募活動、產學實習合作、校園徵才及HR部門相關專案活動。 3. 協助優化招募甄選作業流程。 4. 內部跨部門溝通及問題協助。 5. 其他主管交辦事項。心理學類,人力資源學類,企業管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 依據目標規劃年度人力招募計劃、提出招募甄選策略之建議、面談甄選流程執行、任用意 見提供與討論。 a.生產作業人員招募。 b.研發與後勤人員招募。 2. 支援大型招募活動、產學實習合作、校園徵才及HR部門相關專案活動。 3. 協助優化招募甄選作業流程。 4. 內部跨部門溝通及問題協助。 5. 其他主管交辦事項。企業管理學類,人力資源學類,心理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.依公司方針方策及教育訓練需求,協助制定公司訓練發展體系與制度,並訂定教育訓練計畫 2.依照上述計畫,統籌規劃與執行各階層訓練發展 3.進行訓練發展需求分析,規劃、執行公司訓練發展計畫,並評估訓練發展之成效 4.執行及修正各項教育訓練專案、人才發展專案 5.建立及發展核心職能及管理職能,並支援各單位發展專業職能 6.其他主管交辦事項經濟社會及心理學門,教育學門,人力資源學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


你知道Garmin的智慧工廠嗎? 你知道火星上出現過Garmin的產品嗎? 你知道飛行員總是配戴Garmin的手錶上天空嗎? 全球智慧製造服務計畫(GSMS)透過AI、機構、電控、資料科學、IoT、大數據等技術,將智慧製造系統,即時控制與調整全球生產系統,且在地化支援亞洲、美洲、歐洲多個國家 如果你想體驗不同的文化,綻放自己的光芒! 現在就投遞履歷,讓我們見識你的獨特潛力! <工作內容> - 與國際團隊合作 - 專案需求釐清及現場問題確認 - 製程改善規畫及自動化工程評估 - 專案進度推動及實際風險管控 - 資源整合及國內外團隊溝通協調 - 當地場域導入及問題追蹤分析工程學門,工業管理學類普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 資料整合,結合鞋面材料入貨時間,技術轉移時間,鞋底供貨時間,安排可執行的生產計劃,並能滿足客人出貨需求時間。 2. 與客人/工廠溝通協調生產計畫與出貨時間,規劃出工廠可以執行之計畫,又能滿足客人端的市場上市需求。 **一開始從最簡單的開始做起, 再依個人能力給予適度的工作責任範疇 **本單位屬於整集團各工廠的產能生產規劃單位,既是業務人員,能言善道,需與客戶打好關係,又是各工廠的總產能生產規劃,需要謹慎評估,懂得自身管轄工廠的優缺點。 科系要求:不拘(企業管理相關、工業工程相關 優先)企業管理學類,工業管理學類,貿易學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


Role Organizes and controls the overall document management system for the project site in accordance with project-specific correspondence and document management procedures. Major Tasks • Receives, distributes, scans, stores, controls, monitors and sends all types of project documents such as correspondence, technical drawings, procedures, etc. for both, hard and soft copies • Distributes hard copies of technical drawings to the discipline users, subcontractors and customer to maintains document status and tracking logs and controls retrieval of documents • Archives inactive records in accordance with the records retention schedule • Receives Quality Surveillance Reports (QSR), Requests for Information (RFI), Non Conformance Reports (NCR) and similar from site management staff, vendors, subcontractors, partners and customer and processes and tracks requests / reports via corresponding tracking logs • Processes all in/out site correspondences and maintains correspondence log • Tracks drawing revisions, records and updates drawing control log • Performs any other tasks as delegated or requested by line or project superior

應徵人數|1-5 人


【部門說明】 Automotive electronics has become a global trend in the technology field. Being one of the leaders in the field, Garmin aims to become a superior supplier for international Automotive manufacturers with various products and professional services. We welcome you to join the team. In this position, you will learn to- 1. Gain an exclusive insight of the Automotive industry, including the market status, supply chain and future trend 2. Become familiar with Automotive systems of in Europe, America, China, Japan and their requirements in product development, quality and service 3. Understand cutting edge technology, product realization and manufacture process of Garmin’s Automotive electronics projects 4. Grasp the latest market information of Automotive electronics and practice strategic thinking to realize customer satisfaction 5. Work alongside multinational clients and Garmin associates to expand global horizons 【工作範圍】 1. 負責車輛/車用電子產品 (汽車車用多媒體影音系統、行車記錄器、汽機車之導航系統等)開發設計階段之系統軟體品質 2. 主導專案系統軟體品質策略及活動,包含:驗證計劃、驗證時程控管,與客戶協同測試相關活動、系統軟體品質問題追蹤及風險控管 3. 掌握各車廠客戶需求、產品系統架構設與計邏輯,設計對應的測試用例、測試方法 (台架/自動化/實車驗證),導入至驗證活動執行並持續思考優化方案 4. 跨團隊及客戶溝通,主導品質相關會議,密切追蹤各項系統軟體問題並掌握解法及進度,確保產品於量產前達到品質目標工程學門,數學統計學門,資訊管理學類普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


【招募】 1. 依據目標規劃年度人力招募計劃、提出招募甄選策略之建議、面談甄選流程執行、任用意見提供與討論。  a. 生產作業人員招募  b. 研發與後勤人員招募 2. 支援大型招募活動、產學實習合作、校園徵才及HR部門相關專案活動 3. 協助優化招募甄選作業流程 4. 內部跨部門溝通及問題協助 【教育訓練】 1. 依公司方針方策及教育訓練需求,協助制定公司訓練發展體系與制度,並訂定教育訓練計畫 2. 依照上述計畫,統籌規劃與執行各階層訓練發展 3. 進行訓練發展需求分析,規劃、執行公司訓練發展計畫,並評估訓練發展之成效 4. 執行及修正各項教育訓練專案、人才發展專案 ※約聘期間:半年經濟社會及心理學門,教育學門,人力資源學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


Role: Provides overall administration support and documentation up keeping Major Tasks and Responsibilities: • Basic technical translation • Retrieve relevant document from data base. • Assist in Audit Document and tracking • Documents management for Shop inspection • Assist documentation during Final Document handover. • Follow up close out inspection report from PPCO. • Managing all submittals documentation from all MC Factory • Assist in other administrative and coordination support to team 角色: 執行部門行政事務與文件管理 主要任務和職責: • 基礎技術性內容翻譯 • 從資料庫中檢索需求文件 • 協助審核文件和狀態追踪 • 出廠檢驗報告的文件管理 • 在最終文件移交期間協助文件編制 • 跟進來自業主的關閉檢驗報告 • 管理所有廠商所提交文件 • 在需要時協助團隊提供其他行政和協調支持

應徵人數|1-5 人


【部門說明】 Automotive electronics has become a global trend in the technology field. Being one of the leaders in the field, Garmin aims to become a superior supplier for international Automotive manufacturers with various products and professional services. We welcome you to join the team. In this position, you will learn to- 1. Gain an exclusive insight of the Automotive industry, including the market status, supply chain and future trend 2. Become familiar with Automotive systems of in Europe, America, China, Japan and their requirements in product development, quality and service 3. Understand cutting edge technology, product realization and manufacture process of Garmin’s Automotive electronics projects 4. Grasp the latest market information of Automotive electronics and practice strategic thinking to realize customer satisfaction 5. Work alongside multinational clients and Garmin associates to expand global horizons 【工作範圍】 1. 負責車用產品 (車用多媒體系統、行車記錄器、汽機車之導航系統等)開發設計階段之系統軟體品質 2. 主導系統軟體品質策略及活動,包含:驗證計劃、驗證時程控管,與客戶協同測試相關活動、系統軟體品質問題追蹤及風險控管 3. 掌握各車廠客戶需求、產品系統架構設與計邏輯,設計對應的測試用例、測試方法 (台架/自動化/實車驗證),導入至驗證活動執行並持續思考優化方案 4. 跨團隊及客戶溝通,主導品質相關會議,密切追蹤各項系統軟體問題並掌握解法及進度,確保產品於量產前達到品質目標資訊管理學類,工程學門,電算機學門普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.客戶對應 2.內部溝通協調 3.相關情報收集 4.營業相關活動(營收/市佔管理) 5.專案管理與新產品推進日本語文學類,貿易學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


車両メーカ様の多様な要望に対応するデザインと製品を提供し、チームメンバーをリードするグローバルなチームプレイヤーを求めています。 仕事内容 1. RFQの見積もり、新規顧客開拓のサポート 2. プロジェクト管理及びプロジェクト目標の達成 3. 開発のプロセスを通して、プロジェクトに関するスケジュール計画、コスト管理、品質管理、リソースの調整、全般的にモニタリングの実施 4. 顧客対応とチームを統括し、開発と市場のリスクを把握し及び問題を効率的に解決すること 5. プロジェクト状況をマネージメントへ報告 応募資格 1. 開発実務経験2年以上 2. 日本語力、英語力、中国語力ビジネスレベル 3. 顧客折衝の経験あり 4. 思考能力と学習能力 5. 高い交渉力とチーム統括力 6. 海外でのまたは海外のチームとの職務経験 (あれば望ましい) ※挑戦意欲を重視します!必ずしも全ての経験があり、精通している必要はありません。 ※学歴は不問です。 Automotive electronics has become a global trend in the technology field. Being one of the leaders in the field, Garmin is a superior partner for international Automotive manufacturers with various products and professional services. We welcome you to join the team. In this position, you will gain experience and contribute to- 1. Gain an exclusive insight of the Automotive industry, including the market status, supply chain and future trend 2. Become familiar with Automotive systems of in Europe, America, China, Japan and their requirements in product development, quality and service 3. Understand cutting edge technology, product realization and manufacture process of Garmin’s Automotive electronics projects 4. Grasp the latest market information of Automotive electronics and practice strategic thinking to realize customer satisfaction 5. Work alongside multinational clients and Garmin associates to expand global horizons Job Description 1. Support RFQ and Bidding activity 2. Project management for AOEM product to lead cross-functional activities from NPI phases into Mass Production 3. Develop a plan for project completion that effectively allocates the resources to the activities and avoid the risk 4. As a bridge to communicate between AOEM customer and cross function team 5. Stay on top of project technical issue tracking and problem solving 6. Develop the sustain strategy and arrange resources to bring the best support to customers 7. Collect all Voice of Customers, from 0km to the field failure, drive failure analysis initiatives for continuous improvement 8. Utilize strong account management skills to build effective customer relationship and to achieve high customer satisfaction 9. Act as the change management expert to review, challenge and approve internal technical/cost estimations for customer change requests (CCR) Qualification 1. Bachelor or above degree in engineering, science or management field 2. Excellent speaking and writing in English. Capable of handling cross-site meeting independently 3. Quick learner on new knowledge. Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills 4. 2 years or above Project Development/Management experience in electronic product. 5. Well demonstrate good coordination and communication skill 6. Practical experience in root cause analysis using tools, 8D or any similar approach 7. Working experience in Automotive/Vehicle Engineering is a plus 8. Willing to travel abroad

應徵人數|1-5 人


·Gathers sales, marketing, internal, customer, carrier, and regulatory requirements and capture in a standardized requirements tool ·Serves in leadership capacity for developing baseline scope and RFI/RFQ responses ·Works with engineering groups throughout Garmin to discuss requirements and compromise as needed ·Effectively generates well written and testable requirements ·Creates system level architecture documentation, perform design and development activities ·Evaluates new technologies as they apply to existing functions ·Participates in project leadership and/or program planning including providing technical input to product development plans and concept documents ·Contributes to advanced technical research on new technologies ·Independently determines general approach and specific solutions to technical problems ·Offers process improvement suggestions and authors new procedures as appropriate ·Plan and develop experimental test programs to verify compliance to all applicable regulations and quality guidelines ·Provides reliable solutions to a wide range of difficult problems using sound problem solving techniques ·Provides technical input to product development plans and concept documents ·Demonstrated strong and effective verbal, written and interpersonal communication skills工程學門,工業技藝及機械學門,運輸服務學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


【Job Description】 1. Manage project execution to ensure adherence to cost, schedule, and scope- Coordinate & update project plans for projects 2. Monitor or track project milestones and deliverables 3. Confer with project personnel to identify and resolve problems 4. Submit project deliverables, ensuring adherence to quality standards 5. Schedule and facilitate meetings related to projects 6. Understanding of production and operations issues as they relate to engineering project management, including the ability to successfully identify and mitigate risks 7. Demonstrate a sense of urgency, commitment, and focus on the right priorities in developing solutions in a timely fashion 【Qualification】 1. Ability to perform as a project leader who drives the overall progress of assigned projects towards completion 2. Quick learner for new knowledge with good analysis ability 3. Good understanding and communication with cross function team members 4. Demonstrate a sense of urgency, commitment, and focus on the right priorities in developing solutions in a timely fashion 5. Experience in Consumer Electronic project management is preferred 6. Fluent in English and can handle cross-site meeting independently -TOEIC 860 and above -TOEFL 94 and above -IELTS 7.0 and above工程學門,資訊管理學類,工業管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


We are currently seeking an experienced Service Planning Manager who has expertise in call center or RMA process planning and management. The successful candidate will be responsible for managing Asia service provider‘s KPIs and related B2B support, as well as developing and implementing Asia service strategies and introducing new system tools to ensure efficient and high-quality service. (https://youtu.be/NQ66l7SB3UM) Key Responsibilities: • Design, implement, and improve call center and RMA service processes to enhance service quality and efficiency. • Manage Asia service provider‘s KPIs to ensure service objectives are met. • Develop and execute Asia service strategies to meet customer needs and company goals. • Introduce new system tools to improve service efficiency and quality. • Communicate and collaborate across departments with Sales, Marketing, and Supply Chain to ensure service objectives are met. • Monitor and evaluate service performance, and make improvement recommendations. Qualifications: • At least 1 years of experience in service process planning or management, particularly in call center or RMA. • Experience in managing Asia service provider‘s KPIs. • Experience in developing Asia service strategies. • Excellent English proficiency, with a TOEIC score of 800 or above. Intermediate level in Korean. • Strong cross-departmental communication and coordination skills. • High efficiency, attention to detail, goal-oriented, and ability to multitask under pressure.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Execute accurate, objective and high-quality assessments by implementing all requirements indicated in the client specific procedures, auditor training and audit scope. 2. Prepare in advance by downloading and reading audit documents and protocols related to upcoming audits. 3. Document and report the audit findings/observations. 4. Submit audit reports and communicate audit results to facility management in a professional, objective, and clear manner. 5. Verify the effectiveness of corrective actions taken as a result of audit. 6. Cooperate with and supporting other auditors and staff. 7. Promptly address any clarification queries from the reviewing team and respond to all emails in a timely manner. 8. Complete all assigned training activities and actively participate in training sessions. 9. Apply feedback from reviewers, training specialist, quality manager, program managers and client facing team to future work for continuous improvement. 10. Treat privileged information with discretion and ensuring all audit related documents and results remain confidential and well-guarded. 11. Update country law profiles for assigned country/region in support of the audit process & advisory services and update appropriate tracking tools. 12. Conduct specialized audits where a higher level of auditing skills and methodology is required (such as RBA, RJC, SMETA, Environmental, Capacity Building and Continuous Improvement, etc.). 13. Mentor role with trainees, team and lead auditors. 14. Partner with training team, program managers, and client facing groups to establish valuable programs. 15. Read and follow the Underwriters Laboratories Code of Conduct and follow all physical and digital security practices. 16. Performs other duties as directed.普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人
