1111找工作 APP



1.HR full function相關制度建立、優化與執行 2.人才招募(含校園招募) 3.符合法令定期人事規章制訂、檢視與修訂 4.參與公司發展計劃,與單位主管維持良好溝通關係與前線問題需求反應;定期檢視公司組織、人力合理性與招募/任用執行 5.績效與獎酬管理(考核/核敘/年度調薪 / 市場薪資調查 / 獎金規劃與計算) 6.C&B薪資結算 7.HR專案活動規劃與執行 8.主管交辦事項人力資源學類,一般商業學類,企業管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


【關於立可人事】 ◆ 隸屬於HRnetGroup集團,1996年成立於新加坡,2017年公開上市 ◆ 集團在亞太地區擁有14個海外據點,超過10,000名員工及1,000名以上顧問 ◆ 旗下擁有三大品牌:Recruit Express、SearchAsia和Recruit Legal ◇ Recurit Express: 分為高科技暨製造事業部、軟體科技事業部、消費性暨通路事業部和銀行暨金融事業部,提供客戶正職/約聘/RPO招募服務、薪資流程管理服務和人力資源相關服務 ◇ SearchAsia: 中高階事業部,提供客戶中高階主管獵才服務、中高階專業技術人才招募服務和專案招募服務 ◇ Recruit Legal: 法律事業部,提供客戶法務相關職位招募服務 ◆ 目前台灣團隊積極擴編中,歡迎想踏入人資招募/業務開發/顧問諮詢產業的你加入! 【人資招募專員】 ◆ 內部招募:為組織內部人才招募,優化招募流程 ◆ 教育訓練:策畫及執行公司內部教育訓練,制定戰略性人力資源願景,並培養高績效文化 ◆ 促進組織成長:成為領導層和顧問的合作夥伴,增進團隊黏著度與凝聚力 ◆ 績效管理與人資規章制度訂定、優化與執行 【需求條件】 ◆ 樂於與陌生人溝通、建立關係 ◆ 積極主動,愛挑戰、對自己有高要求 ◆ 學習力強,對於招募以及目標導向工作有熱忱 ◆ 善於說服 ◆ 喜愛團隊合作 【更多我們】 ◆ Instagram- www.instagram.com/recruitexpress_tw ◆ Podcast (立可職場文化)- https://reurl.cc/kLqWV3 ◆ Medium(顧問心得分享)-https://medium.com/@talent-recruitexpress ◆ Recruit Express官網- https://www.recruitexpress.com.tw/ ◆ SearchAsia官網- https://www.searchasia.com.sg/

應徵人數|1-5 人


Essential Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for attendance and leave management aligned with Company‘s policies (20%) 2. Responsible for factory efficiency bonus calculation (20%) 3.Handle termination and leave of absence procedures and related documents (20%) 4.Responsible for employee relationship management (10%) 3. Maintain employee records in HRMS and personnel file (10%) 4. Generate HR reports on a regular basis (10%) 5. Support for HR activities or other works as assignments (10%) Qualifications: 1.Bachelor or above in human resources or relevant field 2.Min. 3 years of successful work experience as a HR 3.Must be proficient in English, and other language is a plus 4.Commitment to staying current on the understanding of labor laws and disciplinary procedures 5.Proficient in Microsoft Office Excel 6.Good communication and interpersonal skills 7.Aptitude for critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision making一般商業學類,人力資源學類,企業管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


Summary: Supermicro is currently seeking an Human Resources Specialist who can evaluate HR systems and applications to improve the efficiency and solve the pain points of users. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Plan and detail new HRIS function and process. 2. Creates plan for system testing, communication, and supporting model after go-live. 3. Maintain HR records in compliance with the law and monitor HR data accuracy in HR system. 4. Achieve key deliverables and project milestones. 5. Identify issues through data analysis and proposes resolution 6. Improve user experience by collecting feedback and providing optimizing direction Qualifications: • Bachelor’s Degree above • Minimum 3 years relevant working experience in HRIS field. • Demonstrated ability to manage and resolve complex client situations in an effective manner. • Strong organizational, analytical, and problem-solving abilities. • Experience with Microsoft Word and Excel

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.員工任用相關作業管理 2.員工出缺勤管理及薪資作業管理 3.勞健保、勞退作業管理 4.人力資源相關數據分析 5.員工關係及勞資爭議協助處理 6.其他主管交辦事項

應徵人數|1-5 人



1. 招募及面試時間安排 2. 人員報到/離職作業 2. 人員出勤管理 3. 薪酬計算及所得稅申報 4. 勞健保加退保作業,每月保費核對,及相關給付申請 5. 各項報表製作及資料統整分析 6. 追蹤人事相關法規修法異動及調整方案提案 7. 教育訓練規劃及執行 8. 其他主管交辦之業務.其他商業及管理學類,會計學類,一般法律學類普通小型車

應徵人數|6-10 人



1、人事行政員工出勤、招募等相關人事作業執行與管理,行政庶務性採購。 2、熟電腦文書作業(word、excel等office軟體),中文輸入每分鐘30個字以上。 3、熟勞保、健保作業及相關勞工法規。 4、安排教育訓練及新進人員引導相關作業。 5、配合主管工作交辦事項。商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.考​勤管理作業(須熟悉變形工時、輪班與排班作業)。 ​2.薪資​、獎金​及調薪等​計算​及相關報表製作​分析​​。 ​3.維護人員相關紀錄​(如:員工​個人基本資料、輪調紀錄、獎懲紀錄、​出缺勤、績效​評核​記錄等​)。 ​4.年度​各類所得​稅申報業務(​含外籍人員稅務扣繳及中途申報​作業)。 5.協助人事成本預算編列 ​6.​各項保險業務(勞​保/健保​/勞退​/二代健保等),每月帳單核對​、投保級距調整​、年度申報等​。 7.​熟悉勞工相關法規​,跟進法令變更及配合勞工局各類檢查及相關作業​。 8.人事​各項制度的​推行、​維護​管理、及改善優化​提案​​。 9.​協助其他行政相關業務,及主管交辦事項​。 我們需要你: 1.須具備​人​力​資源​​相關知識、至少三年以上薪酬相關經驗。 2.須熟悉勞工相關法規。 ​3.須​熟悉人事系統操作​(會使用飛騰系統​者佳​) ​​4.須熟悉Office文書處理(Excel函數運用、Word、PPT排版製作​等) ​5.有日商工作經驗者佳

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 永續報告書/企業社會責任報告書/永續活動之相關確信與查證作業 2. 溫室氣體/碳水足跡等相關查證作業 3. 永續經營相關(TCFD/綠色金融/SBT…)及新國際標準查驗證產品之協助開發與專案管理普通小型車普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


我們是提供SGS客戶在全球各地大型工程專案中專業技術人才的服務團隊,如果您喜愛招募工作,希望深耕招募領域的發展,並且期待接受來自不同產業領域與多元招募職位的挑戰,歡迎您加入我們! 工作內容如下: 1. 執行人才招募工作,包含履歷搜尋、邀約面談、人才面談與評估,以及與客戶之必要溝通 2. 維護與拓展人才資料庫 3. 維護與開發招募管道 4. 執行與業務相關之行政工作 5. 部門專案執行之協助

應徵人數|6-10 人



1. 人員招募、甄選與任用,解決公司的人力需求問題。 2. 各項招募管道建立與執行追蹤。 3. 招募數據分析與彙整。 4. 徵才活動參與。 5. 其他主管交辦事項。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.管理公司人員異動或資料異動 2.處理人員加、退勞健保與團保 3.人員出勤管理,輸入匯入每日出勤表,了解人員實際出勤狀況 4.協助主管製作各類表單,及提供人事行政作業流程 5.人力資源盤點並製作員工職務工作說明書 6.協助公司各部門招募及安排各項教育訓練課程 7.採購員工上班必需品(制服,識別證等) 8.行政總務支援輕型機車,普通重機車普通重機車

應徵人數|11-30 人



【招募】 1. 依據目標規劃年度人力招募計劃、提出招募甄選策略之建議、面談甄選流程執行、任用意見提供與討論。  a. 生產作業人員招募  b. 研發與後勤人員招募 2. 支援大型招募活動、產學實習合作、校園徵才及HR部門相關專案活動 3. 協助優化招募甄選作業流程 4. 內部跨部門溝通及問題協助 【教育訓練】 1. 依公司方針方策及教育訓練需求,協助制定公司訓練發展體系與制度,並訂定教育訓練計畫 2. 依照上述計畫,統籌規劃與執行各階層訓練發展 3. 進行訓練發展需求分析,規劃、執行公司訓練發展計畫,並評估訓練發展之成效 4. 執行及修正各項教育訓練專案、人才發展專案 ※約聘期間:半年經濟社會及心理學門,教育學門,人力資源學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


Job Summary: To provide high quality HR office administrative support covering general HR inquiries, personnel files and employee records maintenance, school-wide events and visitation programs and HR office daily routines to ensure Taipei American School HR operations are not interrupted or delayed by the failure of routine support systems. Key Responsibilities: HR Helpdesk Support - Provide effective HR helpdesk supports to all employees, including but not limited to taking and answering general HR service inquiries, meet and greet HR visitors. - Assist HR Officer – employee support with any ad hoc check-in/check-out administrative tasks and visa/ARC/work permit related questions as required. - Assist with the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) by handling initial inquiries and providing administrative support for database management and organization of relevant materials, ensuring timely updates according to the assigned timeline. HR Office Administrative Support - Provide HR office routine and administrative support including but not limited to daily HR inbox checking and distribution, HR office mailings and postal services, postal/parcel collection and distribution, HR office equipment/facilities vendor communication and service maintenance, administer HR Office petty cash and office supplies, manage stock for approved HR materials and forms in HR filing room to ensure all HR forms are most current and up-to-date and have sufficient copies for use at all times. - Assist with work permit, ARC application, ROC criminal record & eligible documentation preparation and actual submissions to the required government authorities and agencies. - Assist with employee annual contract renewal distribution and collection tasks per the agreed process and schedule. - Provide administrative support to Assistant HR Director as required. Personnel files and HR database management - HR personnel files (including physical file and digital file folders) are created upon hiring, and employee contract/confidential/employment materials (hard copies and digital copies) are filed in a timely manner and maintained secure and up-to-date to school policy standards. - Assist with the organization of HR filing rooms and act as key personnel to access HR personnel files/profiles based on approved requests. - Maintain and update HRM employee and dependent data as soon as the documentation/data are submitted to HR to ensure all employee data on HRM is - kept up to date and accurate that meet HR data audit requirement at all times. HR-hosted school-wide events and visitation programs -Plan, prepare end-of-year recognition list and organize programs, communicate and manage logistics, and supervise HR-hosted school-wide events to ensure the success of the event including but not limited to: error-free program and timely coordination and communication with the award recipients, presenters and participants a. awards, food and beverage orders are planned, prepared and submitted in a timely manner b. effective coordination with event presenters/performers to ensure required equipment and facilities are prepared, reserved and set-up per the agreed requirement & schedule c. effective coordination with Facilities department for facilities set-up/clean up before/after the event - Provide administrative & logistics support for HR visitation programs including the relevant ID card processes, New Teacher Orientation program and new faculty survey to ensure the required preparation are completed in a timely manner as per agreed requirements. Faculty and staff reimbursement requests - Process faculty and support staff annual physical reimbursement requests and other personnel expenses reimbursement requests. Other HR initiatives and projects as assigned by Assistant HR Director and HR Director

應徵人數|1-5 人


工作內容 1、與日本母公司溝通商量 2、審查公司財務收支文件及憑證 3、報表編寫如: 資產負債表、利潤表、利潤分配表、現金流量表等 4、公司一般現金收付作業、出納科目資料登入等 5、計算安排薪資發放等工作 6、各類所得扣繳申報作業及 配合國稅局等主管機關來函處理 7、管理公司人員異動或資料異動 8、處理人員加、退勞健保與團保 9、人員出勤管理,輸入匯入每日出勤表,了解人員實際出勤狀況 10、製作各類表單,及提供人事行政作業流程 11、協助公司各部門招募 12、行政庶務支援

應徵人數|1-5 人


[關於我們] World Gym 是台灣最大型的健身品牌,據點遍布全台各地,致力於「將健康推展到世界的每一個角落」,持續追求企業永續經營及穩定獲利成長。 World Gym除整體營運穩定外,身為健身產業龍頭也相當照顧員工,坐落在台中七期高樓層的舒適辦公環境、咖啡機無限喝、每年健康檢查追蹤、免費會籍下班運動去,是值得您長期發展職涯的優良企業,歡迎有志一同的您加入! 工作內容 1.策劃與執行年度教育訓練計劃及課程活動 2.進行訓練成效的統計分析與持續追蹤 3.管理E-Learning平台、維護訓練記錄並製作線上課程 4.拍攝與剪輯訓練教材影片,並彙整相關課程設計 5.協調、申請與執行各項訓練專案(如青年就業領航計劃,TTQS) 6.完成主管交辦的其他重要事項

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.人事行政:建立與維護人事相關文件,包含員工基本資料、出缺勤紀錄、休假紀錄等,並定期更新、發行、審核相關文件。 2.薪資福利:負責組織薪酬政策及福利制度,規劃、核定員工薪資、員工保險、退休撫卹等薪酬福利項目。 3.勞動法令遵循:掌握勞動法規的更新與修訂,即時調整作業內容、訂定工作規則與管理手冊,以符合政策規範,確保組織營運不會涉及勞動法律風險事務。 4.其他主管交辦事務。企業管理學類,人力資源學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 制定公司的年度教育訓練計劃。 2. 課程報名、聯繫、進度追蹤。 3. 編制教育訓練報表單、紀錄課程內容、相關資料維護管理。 4. 培訓成效評估、分析學員反饋及課程優化。 5. 課程費用申請、預算分析及評估 6. 其他主管交辦事項。 (具備日文溝通能力者優先錄取)人力資源學類,綜合教育學類,企業管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人



Business Function Group Human Resources has the important role of attracting, retaining, and nurturing talent to ensure that DBS continues to be a competitive employer in Asia. With a well-established team of HR partners, we support and deliver effective people-based solutions and services across businesses. Our goal is to build a high-performance organisation by empowering and engaging our employees. Because we believe that banking is about people. The role is to provide HR advice to Business & Support Units (BUs/SUs) on all HR issues to achieve business goals. It includes planning, developing & implementing HR strategies within & across units on Reward Management, Talent Acquisition & Development and HR Strategy & Management. Key Accountability: • Engage and proactively partner the Business Unit Heads in understanding their business needs and provide strategic advice and initiatives to achieve the business goals • Provide the strategic interface to senior managers / stakeholders through the provision of high quality guidance and support in developing and progressing people management solutions to achieve business objectives • Drive and support the development and delivery of cultural change plans and interventions • Coach, support, mentor and challenge managers in the application of HR policies and practices, provide advice and guidance on complex HR issues in order to minimize Risk and financial exposure • Work in partnership with specialists Human Resources to ensure coordination in project / policy development and the enhancement of information provision and services to employees • Plan, develop & organize communication sessions for staff on all programs while addressing specific business requirements and employee engagement topics. • Work with Group HR on possible regional initiatives to drive change across the BUs/SUs in Taiwan; ensure that all programs & activities roll out are aligned with group policies & local statutory requirements.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.每日加班出勤資料輸入及核對 2.人事資料維護 3.每月薪酬計算/所得稅扣繳申報 4.勞退新/舊制相關事宜 5.每年薪資扣繳憑單製作及申報 6.二代健保補充保費資料製作及申報(公司及個人) 7.車輛/話機管理 8.福委會預算作業 9.績效考核作業 10.請款/行政作業 11.郵件收發事宜 12.主管交辦事項

應徵人數|6-10 人

