1111找工作 APP



1.異常行為風險案件分析、調查與規劃 。 2.行為風險監控查核 。 3.金流查核之規劃與執行。 4.查核意見反饋及貼標 。商業及管理學門,數學統計學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


Job Purpose: 1. To support the profitable growth of the Secured Lending products (Mortgage Loan & Trust Lending) in the Consumer Banking business. 2. To frame the lending policy, Risk Appetite framework; bureau and score use strategies, portfolio analysis in TW. 3. To ensure controls over implementation of policy. Ensure that the adequate infrastructure (scorecards, systems, validations, MIS etc) is in place to manage portfolio properly. 4. To design and execute tests that will enable future growth, strategy optimization, expense savings, or process enhancements. 5. To ensure compliance with Regional/Group Policy and relevant risk related regulations; ensure compliance with local regulation. Key Accountabilities: 1. To roll-out/enhance the credit lending framework including policies, processes, MIS, controls, etc for the Secured Lending business in TW. 2. Monitor and validate credit policies, processes, MIS, controls across program and customer lifecycle. Develop tracking standards and review actual results versus benchmark/target with full analyses of any variances. 3. Working with the Group/Regional Risk teams in evaluating policy change requests and further implement and execute policy strategies. 4. Identify opportunities to enable digitalization and innovation in credit cycle management processes in acquisition, data analytics and portfolio management. 5. Support strategic vision for a new operating model in CBG Credit, focusing on innovation, analytics and future-skilling. Job Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Manage policy / processes for Secured Products (Mortgage Loan & Trusting Lending) 2. Co-work with BU in the preparation & implementation of product programs for Secured Products. 3. Facilitate regular asset quality reviews with provision of analytics insights to identify risks/ opportunities and recommend relevant actions 4. Ensure credit policies and program risk acceptance criteria are reviewed regularly, with timely updates for proactive adaptation to changes in legal /regulatory requirements, business strategies, market environment or portfolio performance 5. Drive portfolio management initiatives through the credit cycle management framework by working in partnership with product managers, credit systems team, credit operations team and collection team 6. Work in partnership with credit systems support team to implement key credit policy criteria in relevant credit acceptance & evaluation systems 7. Escalate on timely basis significant risk issues to business management and manager for taking appropriate remedial actions 8. Ensure timely completion of RCSAs including appropriate action plans to address identified control gaps 9. Ensure issues/action plans arising from Risk & Control Self-Assessments, risk events, KRIs, regulatory inspections or other risk issues are properly followed up. 10. Provide support to ongoing/pipeline digital lending projects including Ecosystem partnership initiatives.商業及管理學門,經濟學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Conduct audit planning and undertake audit engagements as assigned by Manager of IT Audit. 2. Plan, execute and complete all audits in accordance with departmental and professional standards. 3. Execute audits that primarily deal with technology in the areas of IT infrastructure, processes, applications, operations, security and emerging technologies. 4. Use data analytics to increase effectiveness and efficiency of audit coverage 5. Work on initiatives to increase the effectiveness, value and reputation of the audit department such as automation or risk assessments. 6. Advise and apprise promptly IT Audit Manager and / or Head of Audit for Taiwan of major risks, controls and regulatory issues arisen during the audit. 7. Maintain key relationships with middle level management and stakeholders, raise potential risk and control issues to audit management through continuous monitoring for areas designated by IT Audit Manager.數學統計學門,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


JD 1. Develop SOP to comply with regional policies and local regulations. 2. Responsible for driving sales monitoring report enhancement and control points/mechanism by working closely with stakeholders. 3. Conduct periodic SOP/Boundary list and training. 4.Timely complete sales surveillance related reports and sales healthy check 5. Support BIF revision, SCSA, internal/external audit on information request providing. 6. To support integration project 7. Sales new onboard training

應徵人數|1-5 人


Quick apply follow this link: https://ars2.equest.com/?response_id=4d479a73d9526713d5fea9b3ba7ef98d DESCRIPTION/RESPONSIBILITIES: Business Purpose This position exists to achieve the Group Audit’s mission on risk-based audits, by providing an independent appraisal of the adequacy and effectiveness of the risk management, control and governance processes in operation throughout the DBS Group. Job Description • Manage/conduct audit planning and undertake audit engagements as assigned by the team • Plan, execute and complete all audits in accordance with Audit Mandate and professional standards. • Execute audits that primarily deal with technology in the areas of IT infrastructure, processes, applications, operations, security and emerging technologies. • Use data analytics to increase effectiveness and efficiency of audit coverage • Work on initiatives to increase the effectiveness, value and reputation of the audit department such as automation or risk assessments. • Advise and apprise promptly on major risks, controls and regulatory issues arisen during the audit. • Maintain key relationships with audit teams and stakeholders, raise potential risk and control issues to audit management through continuous monitoring for areas, meanwhile, to design the audit framework for team to execute. Requirement • Experiences with relevant system management, system development or information security in a financial institution or IT / Information security auditing experience. • A financial institution audit or consultancy background is preferred though not mandatory. • Degree holder of Information Technology related field such as Computer Science or IT Management. • One or more relevant professional qualifications (e.g. CISA, CISM, CISSP, CIA, ISO27001 Lead Auditor, CEH, etc.). • Complete regulatory required training for Internal Auditors.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Conduct IBG TSU review to comply with Group framework. 2. To ensure the results are formally tracked and reported to management 3. Monthly report preparation including regional and location 4. Handle inspection matters in relation to TSU including regulatory audit, local audit and PWC etc. 5. TSU-RCSA , SCSA TSU-PDPA 6. EWSS system(transaction surveillance system) , re-platform, rule assessment , UAT, coordinate with group support team and prepare relevant material to committee as necessary. 7. Conduct training/education to TSU team members to comply with Group and local requirement 8. Group policy/procedure implementation , deviation, local addendum as appropriate and communication with Group TSU/local TSU colleagues 9. TSU local SOP maintenance ( new/update) and communication with TSU colleagues 10. Taking follow-up actions in accordance with policy , procedure once an STR has been submitted to and FIU. 11. Disseminating any relevant alerts, notices or reports received from the local FIUs to the appropriate BU/SU for their awareness and learning. 12. Assisting supervisor or other teams (where appropriate) with respect to suspicious transaction investigations, gathering financial intelligence. 13. Adhoc task support if necessary.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 追蹤作業風險通報單處理情形 2. 檢視關鍵風險指標有效性,掌握超逾之指標發生原因及控制情形 3. 依作業風險發展進程,持續進行系統化、自動化以優化作業風險管理機制商業及管理學門,數學統計學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


【電腦稽核】 1.稽核系統開發管理、稽核數據分析及主管交辦專案。 2.執行金控及子公司(銀行、證劵、投信、租貸、創投公司等)資訊、資安業務查核。 【業務稽核】 1.執行金控及子公司(銀行、證劵、投信、租貸、創投公司等)授信、投資、風險管理、防制洗錢等主要業務查核。 【共同職責】 1.對子公司內部稽核單位進行督導。 2.對金控及子公司內部控制制度之設計及執行提供適當建議。商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 依照企業或組織既定之政策或目標,研訂稽核工作計畫,並付之實施。 2. 決定稽核業務所需之資料,進行蒐集、保管、處理與流通使用。 3. 秉承經營者或上級決策者之指示,或發佈通知,或審核各部門之業務、財務預算及規章、法律遵辦情形並呈報建議。 4. 查知、協調及解決各部門間之流程或作業問題。 5. 指導稽核工作進行並培育所屬專精稽核相關技能。 6. 主導或協助內外部稽核工作的執行以及稽核報告之呈核與改善之追蹤。商業及管理學門,法律學門,資訊工程學類證券商高級業務員,期貨商業務員

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 協助督導金控子公司資安與個資管理作業 2. 制定金控公司資訊安全管理規範 3. 完成金控資安主管指派任務ISO 27001資訊安全管理系統主導稽核員,BS 10012個人資料管理系統主導稽核員

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.指導信用分析人員徵信案件分析及風險陳述等事宜 2.確保徵信報告及相關表單之正確、客觀及完整性 3.人才培育 4.專案管理

應徵人數|1-5 人



應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 法金客戶(CB/RMA)盡職調查文件覆核 2. 法金DBU/OBU客戶開戶暨定期審查文件審閱 3. 跨單位溝通協調與AML/KYC作業諮詢服務 4. 未認養客戶盡職調查及可疑交易申報 5. 專案及其他主管交辦事項商業及管理學門,法律學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.執行稽核工作(查核報告撰寫) 2.執行轄區稽核相關業務(授信業務相關風險彙整分析、場外風險評估及場外監控) 3.參與稽核管理部之專案性工作(手冊編制、辦法修訂、會簽會辦)一般商業學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


辦理銀行一般稽核檢查業務 ※本職缺歡迎身障人士主動投遞履歷應徵一般商業學類銀行內部控制與內部稽核測驗(一般金融)

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.執行國內個金財管/分行業務查核,確認內控及風險控管程序之有效性,並提供業務諮詢與參與專案。 2.執行場外監控並蒐集相關法令暨業務發展資訊,以評估各項內控作業控管之妥適性。 3.稽核輔助工具開發與數位作業流程提升。商業及管理學門,法律學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1、負責定期檢視資訊科技總處內部資訊安全管理作業項目,針對作業流程之工作瓶頸進行改善,優化流程以降低風險。 2、特權帳號管理維運作業。 3、協助內外部稽核人員查核作業,並追蹤查核發現事項改善進度。 4、協助新興資安專案之推動。資訊工程學類,資訊管理學類,其他商業及管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.部門內控與稽核管理窗口 依內外規修訂內部規範、辦理自行查核、法遵自評、個資驗證檢視部內流程均合規 擔任內外稽(含金檢、會計師)查核窗口,提供查核資料及溝通 2.客訴管理窗口: 協助各單位正確受理、轉派及掌控客訴案件處理時效 就客訴案件進行內外統計及通報 就客訴案件提供建議、文案及客訴處理訓練商業及管理學門,法律學門銀行內部控制與內部稽核測驗(一般金融)

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.辦理本行與子公司資訊查核,並追蹤內/外部查核意見之改善情形。 2.督導及審閱資訊單位辦理自行查核作業。 3.依據金融資訊法規以及內部資訊規範更新查核手冊。 4.監督資訊相關採購議價/驗收作業。 5.其他主管交辦事項。商業及管理學門,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.執行總行單位(財務金融、風險管理、財務作業、作業中心) 2.對前項單位之自行查核作業進行督導及審核。 3.對前項單位內部控制制度之設計及執行提供適當建議。 4.執行場外監控並蒐集相關法令暨業務發展資訊,以評估各項內控作業控管之妥適性。商業及管理學門證券商高級業務員,銀行內部控制與內部稽核測驗(一般金融),金融市場常識與職業道德,銀行內部控制與內部稽核測驗(消費金融)

應徵人數|1-5 人
