1111找工作 APP



1.健康食品品牌經營管理。 2.負責行銷預算規劃與掌控、行銷宣傳包含ATL、BTL規劃、執行與成效分析。熟悉數位行銷,包含數位廣告素材、投放管理及優化、數據分析、成效追蹤及檢討。可以獨立作業,與代理商溝通及執行。 3.執行媒體合作及行銷專案,熟悉KOL、KOC、媒體。 4.健康食品查驗登記相關作業,健康食品許可證管理。 5.專案活動的規劃、跨部門溝通協調與執行。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 邀約客戶投入社群廣告與行銷,與團隊分工合作,協力達成業績目標,維持並增加顧客滿意度。 2. 蒐集市場資訊,擬定產品或活動行銷企劃案,具簡報製作及報告能力。 3. 根據企劃策略及目標對象,規劃行銷及廣告活動,能活用及評估數位行銷工具效益,擬定預算及行動方案,並對其效益進行分析並給予建議。 4. 協助執行行銷企劃案,與客戶建立並維持良好關係。 5. 具備1至2年銷售經驗,有廣告相關行銷經驗、短影音社群創作/操作經驗及熟悉英語尤佳

應徵人數|1-5 人


歡迎你的加入~~ 我們需要活潑有創意勇於挑戰的你~ 有以下經驗專長請與我們聯繫 1.規劃網站內容及產品網路品牌推廣活動 2.規劃行銷活動網站、企業網站、電子報、EDM、企業部落格之網頁及各種宣傳文案的設計、製作 3.網站經營與管理、網路活動設計 4.網路廣告素材企劃維護及效益管理 5.後臺數據分析 6.能不斷創新有新穎的行銷方式 7.公司社群經營 網路業績一樣可以抽成,只要您肯努力,不再領死薪水!

應徵人數|1-5 人


[關於我們] World Gym 是台灣最大型的健身品牌,據點遍布全台各地,致力於「將健康推展到世界的每一個角落」,持續追求企業永續經營及穩定獲利成長。 World Gym除整體營運穩定外,身為健身產業龍頭也相當照顧員工,坐落在台中七期高樓層的舒適辦公環境、咖啡機無限喝、每年健康檢查追蹤、免費會籍下班運動去,是值得您長期發展職涯的優良企業,歡迎有志一同的您加入! [工作內容] 1.數位廣告投放(包含Facebook、Google、Line等) 2.廣告數據監控、成效分析、優化及建議 3.數位廣告成效追蹤及報表結案製作 4.圖片、文案及Landing Pages優化 5.設置廣告轉換追蹤 6.協助跨部門之活動溝通及執行 7.針對關鍵績效指標KPI進行分析、優化,並協助部門主管維護公司數位行銷相關之計劃 8.工作間積極提升專業能力與技能,開啟升遷及加薪的大門Google AdWords,Google Analytics,Google Ads 搜尋廣告認證,Google Ads 多媒體廣告認證

應徵人數|1-5 人


- 擬定品牌策略與年度行銷活動規劃執行 (包括形象操作/定位、擬定方案、預算控管、廣告 投放及優化、成效評估及分析,線上/下活動規畫...等) - 異業品牌合作洽談 執行、整合內外部資源 - 管理部門執行企劃及數位行銷整合發展,運用創意及策略推廣公司品牌 - 跨部門需求釐清,掌握資源、控管專案時程、品質、成效 - 與設計部門協作線上/線下行銷文宣、商品、製作物以符合品牌需求 - 市場資訊收集及分析 - 優化部門效率與統整邏輯的管理商業及管理學門,大眾傳播學門

應徵人數|6-10 人



1. 管理品牌粉絲專頁 2. 社群行銷活動規劃、經營與分析,及社群廣告投放 3. 進行資料分析及市場調查,為客戶制定企劃 4. 內、外部溝通與協調,及掌握專案流程與進度。 5. 具備創意及行銷企劃文案能力、邏輯性強、工作積極。 6. 其他主管交辦事項 7. 數位廣告投放操作及優化 (Facebook、Instagram、Google (SEM, GDN, YouTube), etc.)

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.參與台灣最大之國際專業健身團隊 2.負責內勤產品介紹;協助客戶參觀內部環境 3.將最新之健身專業資訊傳達客戶 4.高保障底薪,並享有高獎金之制度

應徵人數|1-5 人


-品牌年度及檔期行銷活動立案及推進。 -新商品導入作業執行及上市活動立案。 -行銷活動相關配備物使用計畫管理。 -對日本總公司協商溝通及對日主管報告。 -競品情報蒐集及訪察。JLPT第一級,JLPT第二級

應徵人數|1-5 人


At Garmin, we strive to develop innovative high-quality, state-of-the-art products that inspire our customers with a more active lifestyle. Our vision is to become the global leader in every market we serve- Aviation, Outdoor, Marine, Fitness, Automotive and Sports. The foundation of Garmin culture is honesty, integrity, and respect for associates, customers, and business partners. Each associate is fully committed to serving customers and fellow associates through outstanding performance and accomplishing what we say we will do. [ Planning ] - Gaining a deep understanding of customer experience, identify and fill product gaps and generate new ideas that grow market share, improve customer experience and drive growth. - Developing and executing comprehensive integrated communication plans to increase awareness, accelerate the sales cycle, grow advocacy, and increase sales in support of sales priorities and revenue goals. - Developing program and campaign scorecards, tracking results and providing updates; using campaign and pipeline data to identify trends and opportunities. - Advertise upcoming sporting events. - Research marketing trends and innovations. [ Execution ] - Managing marketing priorities and programs to ensure alignment with broader Marketing and organization launches; ensuring campaigns are being delivered in conjunction with account strategy and business unit objectives. - Build and maintain positive relationships with brand representatives ( Athletes / KOLs / Sports Association). - Secure and ensure brand logo are printed on kits, banners, and posters at the event. [Requirement] - University Degree or above. Preferably in marketing, communications, kinesiology or sports management. - Relevant working experience for 4+ years marketing/communication/sports agency or association /brand communication department. - Understanding of media/communication/sports industry in Taiwan, especially in communication, bike, golf. - Previous experience in communication and offline event in Taiwan. - Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. - Ability to develop product and marketing strategies and effectively communicate recommendations to executive management. - Ability to juggle multiple priorities to meet deadlines in a dynamic environment. - Ability to translate market knowledge and strategy into compelling stories and tools for the sales team. - Enthusiastic about golf or bike and familiar with Garmin products are preferred.

應徵人數|1-5 人


*主要企劃類別:動力商品之企劃 1、商品銷售企劃 2、銷售計畫規劃 3、年度預算規劃 【身心障礙專區職務】 ◆ 本專區歡迎身心障礙身分者投遞履歷 ◆ 本專區須具備身心障礙手冊作為依據普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


金車大塚推廣部主要的工作內容為:藉由活動推廣及企劃與消費者互動,增加消費者對產品的認同感,培育成為主要消費族群,藉此提升品牌力及銷售。推廣部站在品牌行銷最前線,持續以創意及專業知識進行深度渲染,只要勇於提案且活用品牌策略,整個南臺灣都是你的主場! 1.消費者培育講座 2.樣品策略發放 3.活動舉辦 4.規劃異業合作 5.協助營業單位 6.開發新客群 歡迎喜愛活動企劃、產品行銷之工作者加入我們的行列,如具有相關經驗者可敘薪。普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.工業蒸氣鍋爐的銷售。 2.定期拜訪客戶、維護穩定客戶關係。 3.開發潛在客戶,拓展新市場,配合主管需求做對應的市場調查。 3.負責業務接洽、訂單及合約處理。 4.針對客戶的需求做評估服務,進行設備節能規劃提案、訂購接單、工程發包到試車提供完整的服務。 5.不定期國內出差 (台北.台中.台南等據點) 6.公司提供教育訓練 (無鍋爐相關知識者另提供基礎教育訓練)普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


職務之內容及條件如下: (1) 有承攬業或倉儲業相關經驗者 (2) 跨國創新物流業務(B to B / B to C)之企劃及推廣 (3) 服務報價製作,利潤分析 (4) 專案簡報製作及客戶拜訪 (5) 溝通能力佳,對一元化國際物流舞台有興趣者加入。普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人



We are seeking a Consumer Insight Senior Specialist to understand shoppers’ perception of our brand, ensure customer satisfaction, and support marketing strategies. This role involves conducting quali and quanti research, social listening, and analyzing market share for valuable consumer insights. Main Responsibilities: 1.Consumer Perception and Satisfaction: Design and execute survey to gain insights into shoppers’ perception of our brand and services. Analyze data to assess customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. 2.Social Listening and Trend Analysis: Monitor social media platforms and online discussions to understand consumer sentiment, trends, and preferences related to our brand. Provide insights and recommendations based on social listening findings. 3.Market Share Analysis: Support category and product market share analysis by collecting and analyzing market data, including sales figures, competitor performance, and consumer preferences. 4.Insight Reporting: Prepare concise reports and presentations summarizing consumer insights, satisfaction levels, market share analysis, and recommendations for marketing strategies. 5.Collaboration: Collaborate with agency and cross-functional teams, including marketing, product development, and sales, to provide consumer insights that inform business strategies and decision-making.心理學類,社會學類,數理統計學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


Hi, we are Garmin Korea. The Marketing Community Manager(Sports Specialist) plays a crucial role in establishing positive relationships between the brand and sports communities such as cycling, golf and diving. This position requires a deep understanding of these sports and the ability to leverage this knowledge to develop community engagement initiatives, events and collaborate with key opinion leaders (KOLs). Welcome to join Garmin Korea, expand your career in Seoul!! 【Responsibilities】 1. Community Engagement : - Develop and implement interaction strategies with cycling, running, golf, and diving communities to enhance brand visibility and engagement. - Engage with community members on social media platforms and facilitate discussions to maintain a positive brand image. - Establish close connections with key community members, KOLs, and brand advocates to drive brand messaging and community participation. 2. Event Coordination : - Organize and participate in events related to cycling, running, golf, and diving, including races, experiential actives, and training courses. - Collaborate with community organizations, clubs, and venues to ensure smooth event execution and increased participation. 3. KOL Management : - Manage KOLs in the fields of cycling, running, golf, and diving, building partnerships with them to promote the brand and products. - Utilize the influence and expertise of KOLs to expand the brand‘s audience and enhance its reputation and trustworthiness. 4. Next Product Launch Plan : - Provide insights into the needs and trends of cycling, running, golf, and diving enthusiasts to develop new product launch plans. - Work closely with the community during new product launches, organizing special events or campaigns to attract the target audience‘s attention. 5. Partnerships with Other Brands : - Explore partnership opportunities with other relevant brands, such as sports equipment suppliers, sports service products, etc., to expand brand influence and market share. - Negotiate and establish strategic partnerships to co-host events, conduct promotional activities, etc, to enhance the exposure and value of both brands. 【Requirements】 - Deep understanding of cycling, running, golf, and diving sports, with active participation and experience in relevant communities. - Relevant work experience in communications, or related fields, with excellent communication and interpersonal skills. - Ability to organize and coordinate events effectively, and establish good working relationships with stakeholders at various levels. - Prior experience in KOL management and collaboration is preferred. - Willingness to actively engage in work, with a team-oriented spirit and the ability to proactively solve problems. - Ability to juggle multiple priorities to meet deadlines in a dynamic environment. - Good interpersonal and communication skill to pitch ideas and drive alignment with cross functions ; Good level of English (both listening and speaking) language proficiency.

應徵人數|1-5 人


線上線下行銷素材規劃與執行,將行銷概念融入文案及設計等素材。 維護品牌調性與形象。專案管理、進度掌握以及數據分析。 ・線上、線下廣告素材(形式涵蓋文字、圖像、影音)規劃、構成、校閱。 ・宣傳主題企劃發想。 ・門市輔銷品規劃、製作。 ・日本總社素材相關對應窗口。 ・SNS社群經營 : 貼文切角規劃、社群留言檢視、成效檢視。 ・數據追蹤、分析社群媒體上流量數據;專案成效,並持續優化。 ・合作洽談、採購執行。與合作廠商維持良好溝通與應對,共同達成廣告目標。 ・有效掌控專案時程與品質。 ・跨部門工作溝通與協調。 ・須直接向日籍主管報告、開會並以日文撰寫簡報。 ・可獨立企劃執行、製作結案報告。 ・預算管理,每月帳務的請購、驗收流程。 ・主管交辦事項,可接受不同類型工作任務。 我們需要你: ・行銷相關實務經驗3年以上 ・具文字敏銳度,新聞稿、企劃文案內容撰寫能力、提供文案切角能力 ・具美編、排版概念有美感意識,能適時給予修改建議 ・具備日語聽說讀寫能力 ・能持續學習新知、趨勢觀察、蒐集及分析,並樂於分享討論。 ・GA數據分析能力。 ・SEO觀念。 ・熟悉廣告/公關/社群/電商等領域尤佳。JLPTN1,JLPTN2,Google Analytics

應徵人數|1-5 人


《 Job Duties & responsibilities 》 1.掌握市場趨勢及競品動態、並透過數據分析等工具洞察客戶需求,協助規劃信用卡產品經營策略並落實,促動客戶辦卡並用卡。 2.獨立與外部廠商/跨組織洽談合作,爭取資源提升績效。 3.協助策劃活動並製作宣傳物等,提升客戶申辦及用卡誘因。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.Responsible for strategizing, coordination, creation, management & execution of member loyalty program. 2.Responsible for member data analytics for strategic and program planning. 3.Responsible for mass and target member programs performance analysis for focus areas improved and action taken. 4.Understand member needs and analyze member data to identify trends, patterns, and insights that can be used to improve member engagement and drive sales. 5.Collaborate with cross functional team to ensure all campaigns are aligned with our brand and business goals. 6.Responsible for coop project from group, supplier and alike partner in terms of member promotion ideation, planning activities, communication and post tracking report. 7.Track and report on key performance metrics related to our CRM KPI and marketing campaigns. 8.Stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices related to CRM and customer engagement.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Conduct annual marketing strategy with customer insight analysis which is in line with business KPI. Landed by: - Branding Campaign - Point collection (Character, endorser and premium selection) - Promotion driven activation. - Seasonal Category Focus & Festival engagement - OMO Marketing program 2. Lead Advertising Agency for Creativity, TVCF and KV development. 3. Lead marketing sections for a 360-degree communication across touch points, to reach different TA. From mass (TV/OTV, Store) to targeted (Digital/Member) communication. 4. Expand network via alike partnership building to recruit new as well as strengthening loyalty. Including payment (bank, mobile payment), cross-merchant collaboration and high-relevant government agencies. 5. Track campaign result to ensure expectation will be on-time in full.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 品牌年度行銷操作與廣宣策略規劃、提案、執行 2. 通路消費者活動、整合促銷活動規劃與執行 3. 品牌、競品活動與銷售狀況監控、分析與因應 4. POSM brief、修正溝通與進度掌控 5. 新產品: 產品標籤、產品資料、產品包裝彩盒,說明書審核 6. 新品上市策略制定(產品定位、發售策略),與新品上市推廣規劃、執行 7. 媒體策略規劃與執行 8. 工作文書行政作業管理 9. 協助主管處理其他交辦工作

應徵人數|1-5 人
