1111找工作 APP



電子工程師是Garmin各種產品能順利誕生的核心人物,舉凡新技術的開發設計、產品性能驗證、量產導入等,電子工程師都是不可或缺的重要角色! 1. 硬體電路開發,系統線路整合布局,電路除錯及產品之特性分析與驗證 2. 新技術開發與實現,包含市場情蒐、協定研讀、規格訂定、電器設計與規範認證 3. 產品量產導入,包括試產之準備、測試流程方法、電器治具設計與品質把關 4. 產品實測,近距離與市場接觸 5. 與世界各地的工程團隊交流與解決問題 -Good to have- 1. 電機電子相關背景,具電路分析與電路設計的能力 2. 熟習電子儀器及模擬軟體使用 3. 基礎資料分析與程式能力 4. 喜歡學習新知識與技術,保持開放積極的態度且富有好奇心 5. 樂於與人溝通合作,且有外語交流能力 6. 善於解決問題,且有責任感 -About location- 開發產品類別|車用產品/電氣技術支持/智慧穿戴/戶外與健身產品 ◇汐止廠 ‧ 車用產品:車用導航、行車紀錄器、內嵌式車載產品 ‧ 戶外產品:掌上型導航儀、自行車、潛水、高爾夫及棒球等產品 ‧ 健身產品:智慧穿戴、室內訓練等產品 ‧ 航海產品:聲納、雷達、船用多媒體及自動駕駛等全套的船用電子系統 ‧ 電氣技術支持:Iridium衛星產品。即時應變各項認證結果&除錯,跨團隊與Garmin各大類產品接觸 ◇汐止U-Town辦公室 ‧ 智慧穿戴:穿戴式裝置、新技術研究 *投遞履歷請詳閱下方【其他條件】欄位*將優先審核履歷電機工程學類,電子工程學類,通信學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Product development/sustaining management & ODM management for display products. 2. Design concept and requirement development. 3. Cost/competition/pricing analysis. 4. Design review for new product. 5. Managing market issue analysis after model launch.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 市場商品需求及趨勢資料收集分析,新品測試,異常狀況排除等 2. 協助設計符合市場需求及國際規定如: 安全認證規章等之商品 3. 依公司討論之結果決定日後舊有設計改善或提升方向,如:提升現有設計、設計降低生產成本、提升產品可靠性等方向 4. 撰寫設計報告,紀錄可行與不可行方法 5. 與試產人員溝通,協助順利產出設計之產品,並於生產中指導確保零件組裝過程與設計相同 6.產品開發與設計、產品測試除錯 7.樣品製作實驗、樣品承認、製作作業指導書、建BOM 8.善於學習與利用新科技及AI技術,提升技術品質,求新求變與時俱! 9.負責專案之進度督促與跟進,及時完成主管交辦。 有電源製造業經驗優先錄用。 此職務需長期外派至東南亞工作。機械工程學類,電機工程學類,電子工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 設備運轉維護/異常處理。 2. 支援維修/水電/冷凍空調。 3. 平日輪班,假日輪值。(津貼另計)電機工程學類,電子工程學類,機械工程學類輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 廠務設備維護。 2. 冷凍空調操作維修保養。 3. 廠房修繕(含水電)。 4. 平日輪班,假日輪值。(津貼另計)電機工程學類,電子工程學類,機械工程學類輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 生產設備自動控制維修電路查修。 2. 設備機械維修。 3. 設備優化改善。 4. 平日輪班,假日輪值。(津貼另計)電機工程學類,電子工程學類,機械工程學類輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1 .發想測試步驟優化與改善及執行及跨專案驗證. 2. 自動化測試環境搭建以並根據不同情境修改測試腳本 3. 異常問題反饋與跨部門問題釐清溝通 4. 實地測試支援,模擬使用者實際情況執行測試計畫. 汐止廠: 新北市汐止區樟樹二路68號 汐止遠雄U-town: 新北市汐止區新台五路一段97號37樓 中壢廠: 桃園市中壢區北園路24號 林口廠: 桃園市龜山區華亞二路270號 新店廠: 新北市新店區寶高路28號9樓 台南廠: 台南市新市區堤塘港路3號 【2024 實習生專區】 https://reurl.cc/Epb8ma資訊管理學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 針對新能源產品或工業器械產品進行各種相關之安規測試 2. 測試產品基本檢修及判定測試結果 3. 安規報告撰寫與審核 4. 協助客戶技術問題 5. 其他主管交辦事項工程學門

應徵人數|6-10 人



1. 審核及測試電池類產品 2. 相關安規要求與報告撰寫 3. 協助客戶技術問題與審核報告 4. 協助主管交辦相關事宜 ※薪資依能力經驗調整※工程學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


Summary: A system debug engineer in HW debug team is responsible for researching, debugging, supporting, and testing server system products at Supermicro. Support customers and other internal departments for solving server system issues. Work closely with other departments to provide solution for the issues and product quality improvement as well. HW debug team was a strong team with efficiency teamwork. Welcome for export of Linux OS to join with us. The debug job not limited to HW/ SW/ FW area. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Analysis of the failure logs or data from customer returned. Quickly response to complex server system issues understanding/ narrow down/ collect data/ analysis and find the issue source. Use conclusion to guide the field side engineer for next steps. 2. Flexible support production line for any unexpected problem. Roughly know all the manufacture process from PCB to the end system. 3. Analysis of the failure product from the customer returned. Sort out RMA data to figure out high failure rate/high-risk failure cases or production issues. Continuous follow and study the solution or patch to improve the design. Keep tracking the following impact after solution/ patch implemented 4. Support AE/ FAE for the customer feedback issue or question in the technical area. Duplicate and debug the issue to dig out the root cause. 5. Keep work across departments. Include but not limit to PM/ HW/ SW/ IPMI... Make all the debug process continuously. until finding the well solution or root cause. 6. Strong Linux software skills to fix the issue at Linux OS was the highest priority to handle this job.電機工程學類,電子工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


驗證計劃執行 1. 參與設計驗證,確保設計符合產品規格和品質標準。 2. 量測與問題排除,包括示波器、邏輯分析儀和其他測試儀器。 問題除錯 1. 與硬體設計團隊合作,提供改進設計的反饋。 2. 調查並解決測試中發現的硬體問題,並向硬體設計團隊提供反饋。 3. 協助複製問題,建立測試系統和環境。 自動化量測執行與開發 1. 制定新硬體設計的硬體驗證計劃、測試程式和測試項目。 2. 設計並實施自動化量測,以提高測試效率和覆蓋範圍。 汐止廠: 新北市汐止區樟樹二路68號 汐止遠雄U-town: 新北市汐止區新台五路一段97號37樓 中壢廠: 桃園市中壢區北園路24號 林口廠: 桃園市龜山區華亞二路270號 新店廠: 新北市新店區寶高路28號9樓 台南廠: 台南市新市區堤塘港路3號 【2024 實習生專區】 https://reurl.cc/Epb8ma電機工程學類,電子工程學類,資訊管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


Summary: As a global leader for networking solution innovation, Super Micro Computer‘s mission is to develop and provide the market with end-to end computing solution and high performance networking products. The candidate will play a key role in the development process of in-house server motherboards, by working collaboratively with cross-functional engineering team as well as outside partners to ensure the robust design of the boards. As a Sr. Hardware Design Engineer, you are expected to be self-motivated and possess a strong will to do great things, with result-driven mindset to develop the most competitive and endurance board products. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Includes the following essential duties and responsibilities (other duties may also be assigned): • Responsible for schematics capture, layout checking, BOM generating, and debugging and testing of server motherboards / add-on cards / backplane products • Collaborate with layout engineers, validation engineers, software engineers, firmware engineers, product engineers and other teams to discover and solve any engineering issues in early stage to ensure and enhance the quality of the products • Prepare technical documentation including product specifications, layout instructions, test procedures, etc. • Accomplish the products to conform to engineering specifications, EMC and energy regulations, and customer performance expectations • Provide the clear documents and strong technical supports to the contract manufacturers and production department during the product sample and production stages

應徵人數|1-5 人


【工作說明】 1. 負責各類產品之防爆安規案件 2. 研讀安規標準及熟知測試方法、撰寫產品報告 3. 支援業務及客戶端之技術問題,提供安全技術諮詢 4. 其他交辦事項 【參考資料】 防爆產業相關 https://taiwan.ul.com/ul-hazardous-locations-column/ UL 121201 標準 https://taiwan.ul.com/blog/201912-hazloc-ul121201-nonincendive/ 防爆外殼爆炸測試面面觀系列 | (一) UL 1203 爆炸測試 https://taiwan.ul.com/blog/202004-hazloc-newslens-explosiontesting-ul1203-tc/ 防爆外殼爆炸測試面面觀系列 | (二) IEC 60079-1 爆炸測試 https://taiwan.ul.com/blog/202005-hazloc-newslens-explosion-testing-iec60079-1-tc/機械工程學類,電子工程學類,電機工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.一般例行事務性工作  -各廠FA樣品/檢治具收寄件歸檔事務  -量具申購與校驗委送  -包裝材料FA驗證項目  -破壞性分析樣品製備  -實驗室儀器例行性保養  -實驗室例行性耗材管理  -簡易化學標準測試項目 2.專業相關實務工作  -電子零組件失效分析手法及原理  -實驗室精密儀器操作及原理  -化學實驗分析手法及原理  -專業尺寸量測(2.5D)  -首件承認檢治具實配  -線材類電性測試  -有害物質符合性文件審查 汐止廠: 新北市汐止區樟樹二路68號 汐止遠雄U-town: 新北市汐止區新台五路一段97號37樓 中壢廠: 桃園市中壢區北園路24號 林口廠: 桃園市龜山區華亞二路270號 新店廠: 新北市新店區寶高路28號9樓 台南廠: 台南市新市區堤塘港路3號 【2024 實習生專區】 https://reurl.cc/Epb8ma材料工程學類,化學工程學類,機械工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 協助現場客服人員進行設備問題查修與改善方案執行(主要針對 廢氣處理設備) 1. Support Field Service to perform the equipment trouble shooting and continue improvement project (abatement equipment). 2. 執行 PLC 與觸控面板的程式升級, 測試與問題查修排除 2. PLC and Touch screen program upgrade, test and trouble shooting. 3. 中央監控系統(CMS)的維護與問題查修排除 3. CMS maintenance and trouble shooting. 4. 海外客戶端支援設備安裝與調試 4. Oversea tool setup support普通小型車,普通重機車普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


【團隊工作描述】 測試製程部門主要工作內容為生產過程中, 營運, 開發, 維護產品所用到的測試程式, 達到提高產品品質, 及智慧自動化生產的目的. 部門成員組成有軟體、硬體等相關背景,藉由開發或使用各種工具,承接量產初期的測試程式優化調整, 以及營運產品量產時的測試流程改善. 最後並透過數據的收集與統計, 提供產品生產數據及流程, 為下一代產品提供更高品質的測試環境. 【工作內容】 (1) 維護測試程式, 即時應變各項測試問題及除錯. (2) 產品量產導入, 導入新產品的測試程式及新產品的系統整合. (3) 協助跨部門的智慧工廠流程專案的導入與優化. (4) 研究新型測試方法, 提高測試效率. (5) 生產品質、測試效率、產品產能等持續優化. 【工作技能】 (1) 工程和資訊相關背景, 新鮮人亦可. (2) 具備學習技術與知識,有開放的態度且積極進取的好奇心. (3) 喜於跨部門溝通合作, 且具備外語能力(多益600分). (4) 善於解決問題, 並具備責任感, 提出解決方案. (5) 主要分為兩個組別, 軟體組和硬體組  軟體組 : 基礎資料分析與程式能力(SQL/C#/C++/Python等等)  Visual Studio, MSSQL, git, Linux  硬體組 : 產品測試與開發、自動控制相關工作經驗者佳, 熟開發系統架構、電子電路設計、電源設計與電氣特性分析, 熟電子相關儀器使用  擅長工具 : 三用電表、示波器、電源供應器、頻譜分析儀 【加分項目】 (1) 具有處理測試流程整合的實務經驗. (2) 具備生產過程, 異常排除經驗. (3) 具備硬體電路開發,電路除錯經驗.資訊工程學類,電機工程學類,電子工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. USB、HDMI、Thunderbolt & DisplayPort 等相關認證測試 2. 電子訊號量測 (有示波器、誤碼儀BERT操作經驗者佳) 2. 撰寫測試報告 3. 提供安全技術諮詢 ‧Analyze project scope and determine project specification Establish test programs for product investigations; analyze test programs for adequacy and sequence ‧Examine samples for compliance with UL requirements ‧Communicates project status and results to clients through frequent contact and by preparing reports. ‧Resolve engineering issues by analyzing and reporting on the acceptability of the variations 請您瀏覽下述網站, 以獲得更多資訊: https://www.ul.com/services/data-sync-and-charger-cable-testing-certification-program電子工程學類,電機工程學類,機械工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 負責控制器及大型家電之安規案件 2. 研讀安規標準及熟知測試方法、撰寫產品報告 3. 支援業務及客戶端之技術問題,提供安全技術諮詢. 4. 其他交辦事項 (提供相關訓練) ‧Analyze project scope and determine project specification Establish test programs for product investigations; analyze test programs for adequacy and sequence ‧Examine samples for compliance with UL requirements ‧Communicates project status and results to clients through frequent contact and by preparing reports. ‧Work with the lab staff in the test specification and coordinate administrative aspects of project management ‧Resolve engineering issues by analyzing and reporting on the acceptability of the variations ‧Performs other duties as directed.電子工程學類,電機工程學類,光電工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


In the renewable energy sector, UL has more than 35 years of experience and more than 500 experts worldwide. We are active throughout the entire life cycle of a project, from the upstream development phases to the analysis of the extension of the life span of the parks. Our technical consulting services help stakeholders plan, design, finance, build, invest, operate, maintain, and manage renewable energy projects through a wide range of services such as measurement, production analysis, risk assessment, inspections, performance analysis and certification of materials, components, products, and systems. This role has flexibility to be based in one of the following UL Solutions offices: Singapore, Australia, Taiwan, and China. The Senior Project Engineer will lead the Energy Storage advisory service unit within the APAC region, under the overall direction of the ESS Team Leader, and in coordination with other service area teams, business development, regional and country managers, and support staff. • Ensure efficient and timely execution of quality work product by ESS teams. Coordinate work with other service areas and regions as needed. • Ensure conformance to established company methods and procedures. Support methods and procedures development and communities of practice. • Meet revenue goals. Manage contacts with ESS customers, ensure effective response to opportunities, and close sales. • Build and maintain positive relationships with customers to ensure repeat business, and support business development staff in acquiring new customers. Promote and coordinate team leaders and staff to support customer relationships and sales. • Manage staff assigned to ESS team to achieve a high level of motivation and performance, and recruit and train qualified staff to fill open positions. Prepare and execute staffing plans to meet expected workflow. Prepare and execute training plans for staff assigned to ESS team. Follow up and track progress. • Manage projects as needed. Lead or support the preparation of proposals detailing scope of work, team, budget, and schedule for completion. Identify project risks, barriers, and issues and propose possible solutions and mitigation strategies. Ensure timely completion to quality standards. • Manage costs to budget and identify and exploit potential cost savings and efficiency improvements. Track key performance indicators including project profitability, staff utilization, and staff retention, and report results monthly, quarterly, and annually. Identify and address any performance concerns. Select and manage sub-consultants, if required. • Coordinate with other services and regions on inter-departmental initiatives to include procedural development, protocol development, cross-training opportunities, and sharing of resources. • Represent UL and ESS team at tradeshows, technical conferences and workshops, and business development meetings, as needed.光電工程學類,電機工程學類,電子工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 生產線測試治具、設備的維護與架設。 2. 生產線測試問題的分析與處理。 3. 工程開發階段新產品測試治具與設備的開發、製作、驗證。 4. 主管指派任務 汐止廠: 新北市汐止區樟樹二路68號 汐止遠雄U-town: 新北市汐止區新台五路一段97號37樓 中壢廠: 桃園市中壢區北園路24號 林口廠: 桃園市龜山區華亞二路270號 新店廠: 新北市新店區寶高路28號9樓 台南廠: 台南市新市區堤塘港路3號 【2024 實習生專區】 https://reurl.cc/Epb8ma電機工程學類,電子工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人
