1111找工作 APP




1.Responsible for PR ideation, planning activities in the marketing calendar at all levels (cooperate & category promotion, CSR, local & regional initiatives, store specific campaign, supplier co-op campaign 2.Able to lead and make positive influence across cross-function teams involve marketing teammates Trading, Operation, People & external partner PR & Event agency to ensure each campaign deliver its KPI. 3.Able to take task brief from various sources. 4.Able to debrief to PR /Ad agency or other cross-functional team members with clear directions, timelines, and deliverable after absorbing and alignment of the brief given. 5.Ability to manage the media crisis and aligns Call Center, Operation and Buyers to prevent crisis happens. 6.Ability to do event management. 7.Ability to do media relationship management. 8.Able to manage the detailed and process-oriented logistics. 9.Your day to day management and main area of responsibilities are: (1) Daily Clipping & regular reports (2) Promotional/NPD communication (3) Media/Influencer Communication/Supplier Cooperation/Relationship Management (4) Work with People depart for Employee Branding Execution (5) Social listening and marketing climate tracking in terms of potential crisis, trends catching(6) media crisis management (7) media inquiry management (8) PR calendar management (9) store communication – for media requests (10) Group PR communication – regular reports 10.Work with Supervisor & PR Agency in terms of annual PR strategy

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 媒體關係溝通維護(採訪及接待事宜),增加品牌曝光及能見度。 2. 匯整資料、統計報表並分析效益及優化。 3. 專案行銷企劃發想、策略擬定、執行及管理。 4. 文字能力佳、善於文案撰寫、良好的溝通能力與組織能力。 5. FB、IG、LINE等數位媒體廣告維護與經營。 6. 其他專案執行與主管交付任務。

應徵人數|1-5 人


[關於我們] World Gym 是台灣最大型的健身品牌,據點遍布全台各地,致力於「將健康推展到世界的每一個角落」,持續追求企業永續經營及穩定獲利成長。 World Gym除整體營運穩定外,身為健身產業龍頭也相當照顧員工,坐落在台中七期高樓層的舒適辦公環境、咖啡機無限喝、每年健康檢查追蹤、免費會籍下班運動去,是值得您長期發展職涯的優良企業,歡迎有志一同的您加入! [工作內容] 1.品牌形象監控,每日新聞及競牌動態掌握。 2.新聞稿及部落格撰寫,影像拍攝與設計剪輯。 3.公益議題執行製作及年度獎項申請。 4.公關事務處理,媒體及相關議題監控操作。 5.品牌年度記者會籌劃與執行,協助活動新聞稿。 6.球隊.藝人.KOL...名人合作贊助事宜。 7.協助健身公會籌備事務,資料整理蒐集與送件。一般大眾傳播學類,運動科技學類GEPT全民英檢(中高級),TOEIC多益 (Brown220-465分)

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 企業品牌形象管理及維護,提升品牌知名度。 2. 負責公關議題及危機事件處理,包含產業議題操作、聯名話題行銷提案操作、輿情監測與策略規劃 。 3. 媒體公關經營: (1) 熟悉媒體生態並維繫良好關係。 (2) 協助規劃、執行公關及媒體活動,成效追蹤。  (3) 撰寫、發佈品牌檔期公關新聞稿。 (4) 媒體宣傳:名人贊助、KOL議題操作、傳統與數位廣告規劃、媒體採購、口碑行銷等。 4. 品牌社群經營: (1) 品牌社群經營策略規劃,社群話題趨勢分析,社群平台內容的發想與執行(Content Creator) 。 (2) 負責社群日常運營、維護及管理,提升社群活躍度與粉絲數。 (3) 社群平台網路流量追蹤與分析。 ※請參考AuntStella社群經營 FB:https://www.facebook.com/AuntStellas/?locale=zh_TW IG:https://www.instagram.com/auntstellaofficial/

應徵人數|1-5 人


[應徵前請至我們的臉書&IG認識我們的企業文化喔] Facebook- www.facebook.com/recruitexpresstaiwan Instagram-www.instagram.com/recruitexpress_tw 你喜歡每天都有新的挑戰,拓展人脈,又喜歡和人溝通的工作嗎? 你喜歡熱情活潑的環境,還能第一手接觸各類產業資訊的工作嗎? 如果你的答案是YES,獵頭名牌的立可是你的第一選擇! 新加坡商立可人事顧問公司Recruit Express是新加坡最大的招募顧問公司,在亞洲地區也有眾多分部,在這裡每個公關招募專員都代表公司的品牌,,歡迎喜歡接觸人群、熱愛與人互動的社會新鮮人加入!! 工作內容: 1.負責協助各大企業端進行人才的招募 2.與應徵者進行有效的面談並推薦給客戶 3.拜訪客戶,與企業客戶HR部門進行招募方案討論 4.了解產業市場的資訊及最新消息、提供企業徵才服務諮詢 職務需求 • 積極主動,學習能力強 • 溝通表達能力良好,具說服力 • 執行力強,目標導向 *無相關經驗可,我們有完整的導師制度,由資深顧問帶你累積經驗、傳授技巧 我們的企業文化: 1. 開放快速的工作節奏,透明流通的資訊交流環境 2. 一對一導師制,不怕你不會只怕你不學 3. 表現優秀者,將會年度調薪;每季至半年會進行晉升評估 4. 領導培養:帶領團隊的機會與職涯輔導 5. 五星級聚餐Workshop (東方文華、萬豪、君悅、喜來登...) 【同事訪談】 - 在立可當獵頭讓你每天都覺得充實無時無刻在進步,每個同事都年輕優秀且樂於分享,且工作氣氛活潑,我想這是立可最吸引我的地方。此外,我每天可以見到不同的求職者及客戶,聽他們分享產業中最新的技術及市場近況,這些都讓我在工作上每天都覺得能量滿滿。 - 一畢業就來立可,也經過好幾年了,但卻每天都有新的挑戰新的收穫,絕對不無聊! 我學習到許多關於人生和工作的價值觀,也見識到其他地方無法給予我的寬度和廣度。我十分慶幸剛出社會的我選擇加入獵頭,讓我不但認識了一群活潑開朗(顏值超高!)的同事,更在工作上獲得很高的成就感,讓我不停的渴望能夠更進步。 - 剛加入立可,最讓人安心的是有導師制,我的leader給我很大的空間讓我自己摸索出屬於我的方式,也協助我漸漸上手,整個部門都非常重視團隊合作,比起個人的績效公司更鼓勵大家一起合作。我非常喜歡外商活潑的職場氣氛,同事也都願意互相幫忙,讓我感覺非常溫暖! 更多關於立可人事: * blog- www.recruitexpresshr.pixnet.net/blog * 企業官網- www.recruitexpress.com.tw * 集團官網- www.hrnetgroup.com * 新加坡上市新聞- https://goo.gl/hqajDb 請投遞中英文履歷到helena@recruitexpress.com.tw

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Support PR Manager to develop brand and product communication strategies and 360゜communication plan 2. Support media plan and execution. 3. PR Activities planning and execution 4. Editorial preparation/ media request 5. Maintain strong relationship with the press/ KOL and achieve exposure targets and objectives 5. Digital PR plan and execution 6. Social media (FB & LINE O/A) management and execution. 7. Maintain the files of PR exposure / documents.大眾傳播學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


Whether you’re at the start of your career or looking to discover your next adventure, your story begins here. At Citi, you’ll have the opportunity to expand your skills and make a difference at one of the world’s most global banks. We’re fully committed to supporting your growth and development from the start with extensive on-the-job training and exposure to senior leaders, as well as more traditional learning. You’ll also have the chance to give back and make a positive impact where we live and work through volunteerism. Shape your Career with Citi Citi’s Enterprise Services and Public Affairs (ESPA) aims to enhance how our stakeholders perceive and experience Citi. We manage our reputation by engaging with our stakeholders and delivering great spaces and services to colleagues and clients. We’re currently looking for a high caliber professional to join our team as Officer, Senior Communication Specialist, Taiwan - Hybrid (Internal Job Title: Business & Corporate Comms Sr Coordinator - C11) based in Taipei, Taiwan. Being part of our team means that we’ll provide you with the resources to meet your unique needs, empower you to make healthy decision and manage your financial well-being to help plan for your future. For instance: • Citi provides programs and services for your physical and mental well-being including access to telehealth options, health advocates, confidential counseling and more. Coverage varies by country. • We believe all parents deserve time to adjust to parenthood and bond with the newest members of their families. That’s why in early 2020 we began rolling out our expanded Paid Parental Leave Policy to include Citi employees around the world. • We empower our employees to manage their financial well-being and help them plan for the future. • Citi provides access to an array of learning and development resources to help broaden and deepen your skills and knowledge as your career progresses. • We have a variety of programs that help employees balance their work and life, including generous paid time off packages. • We offer our employees resources and tools to volunteer in the communities in which they live and work. In 2019, Citi employee volunteers contributed more than 1 million volunteer hours around the world. In this role, you’re expected to: • The Senior Communication Specialist is a seasoned professional role. Applies in-depth disciplinary knowledge, contributing to the development of new techniques and the improvement of processes and work-flow for the area or function. • Integrates subject matter and industry expertise within a defined area. Requires in-depth understanding of how areas collectively integrate within the sub-function as well as coordinate and contribute to the objectives of the function and overall business. • Promotion of the key advantages of the company, its products and services with external and internal communication instruments among key external audiences and employees • Support and co-ordinate ESG/ TEFD/ net-zero transformation related strategy, action plans and projects to best serve company’s interest in terms of risk management and green finance opportunity exploring • Building and strengthening work with the key media pool, key audiences and their representatives. Influencing company’s reputation in the public sphere • Anti-crisis communication and mitigation of reputational risk • Development of the social media practice usage to strengthen company’s positioning and reputation. • Appropriately assess risk when business decisions are made, demonstrating particular consideration for the firm‘s reputation and safeguarding Citigroup, its clients and assets, by driving compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, adhering to Policy, applying sound ethical judgment regarding personal behavior, conduct and business practices, and escalating, managing and reporting control issues with transparency.商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


媒體廣報擔任職責: 1.媒體企劃及購買、媒體專案規劃與執行(含競社分析) 2.公關活動宣傳與危機處理對應 3.其他宣傳業務相關事宜大眾傳播學門TOEIC Bridge,JLPTN4

應徵人數|1-5 人


【品牌企劃】 因應公司策略與市場趨勢,策畫整合⾏銷傳播專案,定期執行成效追蹤,以促進品牌形象定位及知名度極大化。 【主題檔期活動策劃、執行】 - 電視廣告及影片拍攝企劃製作。 - 媒體宣傳、媒體採買策劃執行與效益評估。 - 廣告及主題商品活動宣傳創意素材(含DM/商品型錄等)發展製作。 - 依據主題活動製作發展視覺陳列。 - 大型品牌形象消費者活動 / 店頭集客活動策劃執行。 - 異業結盟、資源整合及資源交換企劃。 - 商品促銷活動策劃執行。

應徵人數|1-5 人


Job Summary: Supermicro is looking for an enthusiastic, and dedicated Corporate Communications Specialist. The ideal candidate will be responsible for providing overall day-to-day communications support to our external and internal communications. In addition, this individual will be responsible for promoting a positive public image of our company. The ideal candidate must have exceptional communication skills with the ability to multitask and adapt in a fast-paced environment. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Partner with teams including sales and marketing funnel. Develop, operationalize and institutionalize global co-op funding framework to accelerate adoption of successful marketing campaigns and programs. Develop GTM content including spreadsheets and verification documentation to drive adoption of best practices in global markets. Track adoption of co-op funding programs with several high-profile partners. Work in close partnership with cross-functional teams (PMs and Sales Representatives) to advance key business priorities Align incoming requests from multiple sales teams to maximize efficiencies for developing marketing tools and manage the development and delivery of supporting sales Provide support for local and international events, symposiums, trade shows, workshops and seminars Drive and/or support vendor co-innovative programs, defining milestones, aligning technical meetings, scheduling and project status工程學門,數學統計學門,電算機學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 專業相關實務工作: - 市場競品分析 - 數據資料分析 - 設計趨勢分析 - 介面視覺與動態設計、尺標、檢查 2. 一般事務性工作: - 協助執行部門team building活動 汐止廠: 新北市汐止區樟樹二路68號 汐止遠雄U-town: 新北市汐止區新台五路一段97號37樓 中壢廠: 桃園市中壢區北園路24號 林口廠: 桃園市龜山區華亞二路270號 新店廠: 新北市新店區寶高路28號9樓 台南廠: 台南市新市區堤塘港路3號 【2024 實習生專區】 https://reurl.cc/Epb8ma社會學類,語文及人文學門,藝術學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


•管理:分配、指導、激勵台灣區團隊,掌控進度實現有效目標 •規劃:與總公司配合, 規劃創意策略方案 •協作:領導部門與跨部門順暢合作設計學門,大眾傳播學門,藝術學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Apply Purchasing Request (PR) 2. Run ECO/EOL/Superforms 3. PSU and PDB material check 4. Follow up US and TW site PM assigned job 5. Annual inventory count 6. Team internal help/assist 7. Rework coordination 8. Document process and control 9. Open issue tracking工程學門,數學統計學門,電算機學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.Planning(work with team leader): -Watsons own/exclusive brand annual strategies and monthly campaign. -NPD launch plan. -360 marketing communication planning (BTL, ATL, digital media & social media), PR events and post-performance tracking and analysis. 2.Collaboration: #Internal -Work with cross-functional teams (Marketing, Trading OBE & SCD) to bring success to campaigns -Work with WIOB(Watsons International OB Marketing) in terms of brand marketing material review and integrated with local plan. #External: -Work with POSM supplier for brand POSM design &printing and develop artwork design of crossover project’s product package. -Work with agency (Advertising, PR, &Media Buy) on brand projects quality control to achieve objectives and goals and post-performance tracking. 3.Execution: -Annual strategies &monthly campaign implement. -Relevant POSM process and quality management. -Liaison with WIOB in terms of artwork design of crossover project’s product package and any artwork approval process. -Brand A&P management, monthly Promotion POP and EC banner rotational arrangement and execution. -Daily routine operation.商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.執行主管所交代的命令及專案 2.處理與主管相關的行政事務,例如:負責公共關係事務、跨公司及部門工作協調、協助專案計劃評估及執行與追蹤、主管會議記錄執行追蹤、董事長及主管交辦事務處理、協助部門預算編列 3.擔任部門之間或主管間的橋樑,專案的承接一般商業學類,企業管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.協助公司主管儲備幹部 協助公司主管處理工作上交辦的事務 協助主管計劃和指揮人員相關的訓練,績效的評估處理工作上交辦的事務 2.協助主管計劃和指揮人員相關的訓練,績效的評估 特別助理 執行主管所交代的命令及專案 處理與主管相關的行政事務,例如:負責公共關係事務、跨公司及部門工作協調、協助專案計劃評估及執行與追蹤、主管會議記錄執行追蹤、董事長及主管交辦事務處理、協助部門預算編列 擔任部門之間或主管間的橋樑,專案的承接 行程安排

應徵人數|6-10 人



1.一般例行事務性工作: -協助工程師例行事務執行(GPO、收發信件包裹) -協助PR採購 -協助廠商聯繫、收貨 -協助工程師將物料入庫 2. 專業相關實務工作: -協助工程師進行組配、簡易加工 -協助工程師進行驗機(例如重複性、壽命測試、量測驗證) -執行檢具進行IQC等 汐止廠: 新北市汐止區樟樹二路68號 汐止遠雄U-town: 新北市汐止區新台五路一段97號37樓 中壢廠: 桃園市中壢區北園路24號 林口廠: 桃園市龜山區華亞二路270號 新店廠: 新北市新店區寶高路28號9樓 台南廠: 台南市新市區堤塘港路3號 【2024 實習生專區】 https://reurl.cc/Epb8ma機械工程學類,工業技藝及機械學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.經銷零售通路開發及推廣 2.建築師、設計師產品推廣服務 2.定期拜訪責任區客戶,維繫穩定客戶關係 3.開發潛在客戶、拓展市場,以達業績目標 4.具良好形象及公關能力普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.經銷零售通路開發及推廣 2.建築師、設計師產品推廣服務 2.定期拜訪責任區客戶,維繫穩定客戶關係 3.開發潛在客戶、拓展市場,以達業績目標 4.具良好形象及公關能力普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1、租賃車事業企劃。 2、中古車營運管理。 3、車主活動執行與企劃。 4、公關活動執行與協助。 5、短期/長期販賣施策規劃。 6、店頭Event企劃與執行。 7、網路電商推動與執行。 8、網路銷售企劃(短期/中長期)。大型重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人
