1111找工作 APP




1.現場進度與勞工安全衛生管理。 2.工地現場監工、數量估算。 3.分包商施工監督。施工規劃, 4.具弱電、空調、消防、排水之工地或實務經驗佳。 5.需派駐工地

應徵人數|1-5 人

1. 協助客戶端空調設備或UPS維護等 2. 具備丙級室內配線士或丙空承裝技術士執照尤佳冷凍空調學類,電機工程學類丙級室內配線技術士,丙級冷凍空調裝修技術士輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人

1.疫苗及其他藥品調劑作業 2.疫苗及其他藥品充填、包裝作業 3.確效執行、疫苗生產儀器設備驗證及預防保養 4.作業環境無菌相關準備維護 5.原物料、設備等製程相關請領作業 6.制定GMP規範相關文件與定期審閱 7.其他主管交辦事項 *另有其他獎金、津貼並依實際工作狀況另計 1.排班津貼 2.夜班津貼 3.連續夜班津貼 4.職場津貼 上述獎金、津貼依公司規範章程現況為主

應徵人數|1-5 人

1、CNC車床機台操作,包含架刀、夾治具 2、CNC車床機台的維護包含故障排除、保養等 3、負責產品測試與量測,協助改善製程品質與追蹤 4、使用Mastercam程式撰寫、設計夾治具普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人

無經驗可,樂於接受訓練佳 能良性溝通,學習意願強 優先 .Python3 .維護現有的內部系統 .OLTP規劃及操作 .RestfulAPI串接 .數據分析 .Crawler

應徵人數|6-10 人


【職務內容】 ▶ 工作說明 我們在找尋積極且負責的夥伴,協助南部區域的產品銷售與客戶關係的聯繫 1. 客戶經營:維護現有客戶,開發新客戶,客製化服務與解決方案 2. 業務拓展:產品推廣、報價、議價、送樣、銷售、及買賣合約簽訂 3. 專案跟進:執行現有專案,定期回報進度,完成專案目標 4. 技術回覆:回覆顧客技術問題、回饋給相關單位 ,並提供產品技術諮詢 5. 主管交辦事項:確實理解、並妥善完成交辦事項,落實公司SOP *業績獎金另計,配公務車、公務機及筆電 ▶ 我們要找的夥伴 1. 積極且具強烈企圖心,自我要求高 2. 邏輯清楚,自我表達能力佳 3. 非應徵業務職務者請勿投遞 歡迎對自我成長有強烈意願的夥伴加入日澤大家庭!工程學門,自然科學學門,生命科學學門普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人

1.製前與工單設計 2.具PCB製前經驗者佳 3.審核客戶文件&導入EZ-Plan系統;廠內工單 4.阻抗修改相關作業 5.主管交辦事項

應徵人數|1-5 人

工作地點:按公司分派。桃園市全區:桃園區/八德區/大園區/中壢區 1.現場配水配電相關作業施作 2.繪製機電/給排水/電氣/消防工程施工圖、竣工圖 3.指揮並監督工人,以控制工程的執行進度與施工品質。 4. 計劃、組織及指揮有關建造的活動與維護結構設施與系統。 5. 與所有人、承包商及設計師共同商量,討論及解決現場事務。 6. 審查與檢閱專案的規劃,以監控是否遵守建築、安全法規和其他章程。 7. 預先檢查分包廠商施工前之準備工作。 8.確實填寫監工日報表,以留下詳實工程進行的記錄資料。 9. 進行進場材料品質之點收、存放、使用查驗及結算。 10. 依據施工狀況向分包廠商協商提出各項建議及監督,並視狀況採取各項措施。輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人

1.現場配水配電相關作業施作 2.繪製機電/給排水/電氣/消防工程施工圖、竣工圖 3.指揮並監督工人,以控制工程的執行進度與施工品質。 4. 計劃、組織及指揮有關建造的活動與維護結構設施與系統。 5. 與所有人、承包商及設計師共同商量,討論及解決現場事務。 6. 審查與檢閱專案的規劃,以監控是否遵守建築、安全法規和其他章程。 7. 預先檢查分包廠商施工前之準備工作。 8.確實填寫監工日報表,以留下詳實工程進行的記錄資料。 9. 進行進場材料品質之點收、存放、使用查驗及結算。 10. 依據施工狀況向分包廠商協商提出各項建議及監督,並視狀況採取各項措施。輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人

1.現場配水配電相關作業施作 2.繪製機電/給排水/電氣/消防工程施工圖、竣工圖 3.指揮並監督工人,以控制工程的執行進度與施工品質。 4. 計劃、組織及指揮有關建造的活動與維護結構設施與系統。 5. 與所有人、承包商及設計師共同商量,討論及解決現場事務。 6. 審查與檢閱專案的規劃,以監控是否遵守建築、安全法規和其他章程。 7. 預先檢查分包廠商施工前之準備工作。 8.確實填寫監工日報表,以留下詳實工程進行的記錄資料。 9. 進行進場材料品質之點收、存放、使用查驗及結算。 10. 依據施工狀況向分包廠商協商提出各項建議及監督,並視狀況採取各項措施。輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人

1. PCB 設備相關(機械鑽孔/成型機,雷射鑽孔/成型機,MDI等)的保養、安裝、調校及問題排除。 2. 設備專案協助。 3. 相關標準文件的製作及更新。 4. 客戶關係的維持。工業技藝及機械學門,機械工程學類,電機工程學類普通小型車,普通重機車普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.產品技術支援及問題解決 2.協助客戶端及客訴問題處理 3.撰寫FAQ等相關文件 4.內部技術溝通協調 5.配合海外出差資訊工程學類,電機工程學類,電子工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.產品設計造型提案、原型模型與3D數位模型工業化量產掌控、未來趨勢探討。 2.設計前調查與分析、協助擬定產品開發策略。 3.根據設計需求及開發策略完成相關產品外觀造型設計,包括設計草圖、模型製作、試作檢討。 4.與廠商溝通生產細節及相關技術可行性評估。 5.配合機構工程師及電子工程師進行造型討論與結構建議。 6.對於提案設計圖、模型造型及數位模型能有效確保品質直至量產。 Main tasks at E-lead to industrial designer will be: 1. We need you to proposal design to client in the form of prototype mock-up build and 3D digitalize model. And control the design quality at the mass production level. Also need you to discover the latest trend of design style/technique of the current market. 2. You need to investigate and analyze possibility and potential risks before actual design procedure begin, and assist product development strategies internally. 3.We need you to using design tools to complete the cosmetic design products according to the design requirement and development strategies, which including design sketches, mock-up sample making, review after trial production. 4. You need to communicate and barging with suppliers about production details and relevant technical feasibility assessment. 5. You will Co-Work with mechanism engineer and electronic engineer to discuss cosmetic design and propose structure advice for better meeting the products requirement. 6. Regarding the proposal, we need you can effectively ensure the quality until mass production with the tools like design drawings, mock-up modeling and CAD data.其他設計學類,美術工藝學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 協助設備的安裝、調校及問題排除。 2. 相關標準文件的製作及更新。 3. 客戶關係的維持。電機工程學類,電子工程學類,機械工程學類丙種勞工安全衛生業務主管

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 建置元件 CI/CD flow 2. 檢查k8s server狀態 3. 檢查部署到開發、測試環境狀態 4. 檢查資料庫、相關元件k8s狀態 5. 產品監控系統的建置 6. 產品上版

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 負責伺服器與機櫃佈線規劃與cable設計開發。 2. 伺服器與機櫃系統整合、組裝與可操作性評估。 3. 提供產品生產相關文件(組裝文件, BOM...)並解決工廠組裝製造問題。 4. 負責伺服器與機櫃上的相關label設計。 ********** 1. Design Server internal cable. 2. Server and Rack cabling evaluation and design. 3. Server and Rack manufacturing assembly processes and serviceability evaluation. 4. Release manufacture document and solve DFx problem. 5. Design label for server and rack system.工程學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.數據治理實施,包括資料模型、資料定義、元數據、資料品質等 2.建構數據工作流(Data Pipeline)、導入數據工程自動化和敏捷實踐(DataOps) 3.熟悉數據架構規劃、數據源開發、數據蒐集與處理、數據探勘與加值 4.數據建模 : 依主題挑選適當模型方法與參數處理進行多類型建模與冠軍模型挑選,與商業分析師合作進行統計分析模型及最佳化的研究與開發。 5.視覺化應用 : 善用視覺化工具(PowerBI)溝通特徵值與模型分析結果。 6.具備跨單位的大型專案管理實務 7.具備良善的溝通技巧及專案團隊協作能力其他數學及統計學類,其他電算機學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.具電子產品機構設計或塑膠模具、汽車音響或家電產品設計經驗者佳 2.負責產品機構設計與結構評估 3.負責機構材料的測試與選用,繪製機構設計圖面機械工程學類,汽車汽修學類,航太工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


SHORT DESCRIPTION: The Network Engineer will be responsible for designing, implementing, and managing the network systems to ensure high availability, security, and performance. RESPONSIBILITIES: • Network Design and Implementation Design, configure, and implement network solutions based on business requirements Deploy, manage, and troubleshoot Cisco IOS, Cato SD-WAN, Meraki, and Wireless 802.11ax technologies Ensure network security and compliance with industry standards and best practices • Network Optimization and Performance Monitor network performance and optimize it for maximum efficiency and reliability Identify and resolve network issues, bottlenecks, and vulnerabilities Implement network upgrades and improvements to enhance overall performance • Documentation and Reporting Maintain accurate network documentation, including network diagrams, configurations, and procedures Generate reports on network performance, security, and other relevant metrics • Collaboration and Support Collaborate with cross-functional teams and vendors to support business initiatives Provide technical support and mentorship to junior staff members SKILLS/COMPETENCIES • Bachelor‘s degree in computer science, Information Technology, or a related field, preferred • Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) or Cisco Certified Internetwork (CCIE) equivalent certification is a plus • Minimum 3+ years proven experience in designing, implementing, automating, and managing complex network infrastructures • Hands-on experience with Cisco IOS, Network Automation, Cato SD-WAN, Meraki, and Wireless 802.11ax technologies • In-depth knowledge of routing, switching, firewall, and VPN technologies • Proficiency in configuring and troubleshooting Cisco routers, switches, WAP, and firewalls • Experience with cloud-managed networking solutions • Strong understanding of Wireless 802.11ax standards and deployment best practices • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills • Ability to convey complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders clearly • Ability to work effectively in a collaborative team environment • Willingness to learn and adapt to new technologies and industry trends • Ability to thrive in a fast-paced, dynamic work environment • Knowledge and/or hands on experience with SDWAN and Network Automation is a plus Must Have: • Network Design and Implementation • Network Optimization and Performance • Hands-on experience with Cisco IOS, Meraki, and Wireless 802.11ax technologies • Mandarin Chinese資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


Infosys is looking for Data Engineers in Taiwan. RESPONSIBILITIES: • Develop and maintain a perfect data pipeline design. • Improve internal processes by identifying, planning, and putting them into practice. Examples include automating manual operations, improving data delivery, re-designing infrastructure for increased scalability, etc. • Create the infrastructure essential for effective data extraction, conversion, and loading from a wide range of data sources. • Create data lineage to track and visualize the data flow of source and target datasets. • Create massive, complicated data sets that satisfy both functional and non-functional business objectives. • Construct analytics solutions that utilize the data funnel to offer actionable insights into gaining new customers, improving operational effectiveness, and other crucial company performance indicators. • Assist stakeholders, such as the Executive, Product, Data, and Design teams, with technical data-related challenges and provide for their data infrastructure requirements. • Maintain the privacy and security of data • Develop data tools • Work with cross teams to improve the operation of our data systems. SKILLS/COMPETENCIES • Degree in Computer Science, IT, or similar field • 5+ years of experience • Previous experience as a data engineer or in a similar role • Technical expertise with, data mining, analysis and API • Familiar with Tableau or Power BI • Great numerical and analytical skills Additional Skills: • Proficient in Mandarin Chinese • Strong attention to detail • Ability to take responsibility for action and outcomes • Ability to stay informed of current industry trends and learn new concepts • Good problem solving skills • Requires knowledge and experience in own discipline; still acquiring higher level knowledge and skills • Builds knowledge of the organization, processes and customers • Solves a range of straightforward problems • Analyzes possible solutions using standard procedures • Receives a moderate level of guidance and direction MUST Have: • Java and/or Python • ETL/ELT tool: Informatica • Advanced SQL or PLSQL • Deep understanding of relational database(Oracle) • Experience in handling structured/semi-structured data • Familiar with Big data tools and Cloud data solutions. All aspects of employment at Infosys are based on merit, competence and performance. We are committed to embracing diversity and creating an inclusive environment for all employees. Infosys is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. Please note in order to protect the interest of all parties involved in the recruitment process, Infosys does not accept any unsolicited resumes from third party vendors. In the absence of a signed agreement any submission will be deemed as non-binding and Infosys explicitly reserves the right to pursue and hire the submitted profile. All recruitment activity must be coordinated through the Talent Acquisition department.資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 專案管理,進度管控及追蹤檢討,確保各專案符合時程規劃。 2. 跨部門溝通協調及資料整合,以利專案之執行。 3. .專案評估與工作項目展開。 4. 專案成本規劃與風險管理。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.進行例行性售後服務(如:客戶拜訪、產品狀況了解及客訴處理) 2.處理並改善客戶遇到的異常狀況,進而提昇客戶滿意度 3.教導及協助客戶使用產品、問題排除及交換意見 4.將顧客反應之問題,促成產品規格修正或服務流程之改進 5.客戶品質問題處理,並參加客戶品質會議 6.客戶來訪、稽核等相關服務工作及後續改善報告追蹤 < Perform equipment setup, troubleshooting and maintenance of precision positioning systems < Perform in-house repair of precision positioning systems and electronic equipment < Provide 1st line desktop and on-site support to customers in the Asia Pacific region as part of a regional service team < Build strong rapport with customers and internal associates < Conduct technical training to customers and team members for new products < Prepare detailed technical reports for work done on assigned service cases < Update technical information on assigned service tickets in the ERP system < Works with regional service team to schedule and prepare execution plan for service jobs < Support the Sales team on the technical aspects of all products < Research, develop and recommend new product or services that meet customer’s needs and preferences < Sell service contracts to customers < Provide service / spare parts quotation to customer’s enquiries < Ensure compliance of workplace safety rules化學學類,物理學類,機械工程學類輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


• Design and implement software systems and tools for internal process automation based on data mining and machine learning techniques. • Design, implement, and operate data analytics platforms for business intelligence analysis. • Provide data insights and develop data intelligence solutions/reports for business decisions. • Work with other teams to assist with data-related technical issues and support their data infrastructure needs. • Evaluate and identify the use of new or existing software products and technologies. • Perform other duties as necessary.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1、設備安裝、驗收、維護、保養、維修、校正等工作. 2、客戶設備異常查修及升級改善 3、協助客戶產品測試 4、專案帶領或協助 5、協助業務部門 6、客戶關係之維護 7、新進人員教育訓練 8、主管交辦事項電機工程學類,電子工程學類,機械工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. PCBA、PCB、2nd Source 2. 2nd Source Library 3. Release PCBA BOM 4. Maintain SKU BOM 5. Release PCBA BOM(PST) 6. CIS 零件審核電機工程學類,電子工程學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


*協助工程師彙整文件、整理及維護相關文件與檔案。 *能運用文書技能(如excel, word, powerpoint等),協助工程師處理IT相關文書作業。 *協助IT部門執行專案時程及工作會議相關事宜。 *協助製作IT部門例行性報表及簡報。 *協助安排IT部門訓練課程及各項活動。 *其他主管交辦事項。資訊管理學類,企業管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 辦公環境水電及機電空調等設施維護 2. 廠務主管交辦專案 3. 緊急事故處理乙級工業配線技術士,丙級工業配線技術士,乙級室內配線技術士,丙級室內配線技術士,乙種電匠,甲種電匠普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


此職務需求用於桃園機場第三航站土建工程 (Samsung C&T Corporation-榮工工程股份有限公司 JV) 1. Perform structural analysis & design calculations of steel and concrete structure. 鋼構及混凝土之結構分析與設計計算。 2. Preparing design report & sketches for approval of consultant and client. 提供設計報告及草稿審核。 3. Preparing engineering sketches and reviewing shop detail drawing to meet all relevant codes, standards and specifications. 確保結構圖面皆滿足相關規範及標準。 4. Review and check subcontractor structural design calculation, design report and shop & fabrication drawings. 審查承包商之結構設計、報告、圖面等。 5. Review and design temporary structures. 設計與審查臨時結構。

應徵人數|1-5 人


【你要做甚麼?】 1. 與設計部門緊密合作,得到UIUX的設計稿後,運用你的網頁專長把它轉化成網頁、手機板的各種排版與元件的操作。 2. 跟後端夥伴進行溝通,做數據串接與解決各種大小疑難雜症。 3. 希望透過你的好奇心與決心,維護與優化現有產品內容;特別是理解常見的跨瀏覽器兼容性問題與如何解決,找出問題點並快速修覆和漏洞,並針對現有問題進行跨部門溝通,共同設計解決方案。 【期待你的技術職能】 1. 具有 Web的基礎知識,如 HTML、JavaScript 和 CSS。 2. CSS 預處理器,如 Sass、Scss 或 LESS。 3. 有Vue.js、React等JavaScript框架經驗。 4. 有jQuery或Backbone.js等庫的經驗。 5. 有響應式網頁設計經驗。 6. 熟悉Git。 【如果有以下的經驗或特質,那就太加分】 1. 有Vuex、Vue router、Vue i18n等Vue生態系統經驗。 2. 有Javascript(ES6+)、HTML5、CSS3經驗。 3. 有Webpack經驗。 4. 持續學習,自我精進的計畫安排;面對未知的挑戰不害怕!資訊管理學類,資訊工程學類,其他數學及統計學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


此職務需求用於桃園機場第三航站土建工程 (Samsung C&T Corporation-榮工工程股份有限公司 JV) 1. Creates and reviews Requests for Information and Requests for Proposal and Change Orders. 建置及審查提案及變更之需求。 2. Guarantees that all work is performed in accordance with approved manuals and procedures. 確保所有工作皆按照流程進行。 3. Manage the construction plan and site inspection for piling work and earthwork. 結構與土木工程之施工計畫管理及現場監督。 4. Coordinates subcontractor labor supervision and craft distribution. 承包商之溝通協調與工作分配。 5. Material fabrication and delivery monitoring. 原料之交期及施工監督。 6. Reports daily resource report (Manpower and Equipment) to site engineer and tracking actual productivity of field labor against estimate. 人力與設備狀況每日報告,追蹤及評估現場之施工狀況。 7. Optimizes the use of construction equipment and tools on the project. 設備及工具之優化專案。土木工程及水利學類,建築學類

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