1111找工作 APP




We are currently increasing our staff complement in order to accommodate expansion of our business. We seek to recruit responsible, confident and motivated individuals who have appropriate academic qualifications. Experienced ESL instructors interested in all ages students welcomed to apply.輕型機車輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


We are currently increasing our staff complement in order to accommodate expansion of our business. We seek to recruit responsible, confident and motivated individuals who have appropriate academic qualifications. Experienced ESL instructors interested in all ages students welcomed to apply.輕型機車輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


We are currently increasing our staff complement in order to accommodate expansion of our business. We seek to recruit responsible, confident and motivated individuals who have appropriate academic qualifications. Experienced ESL instructors interested in all ages students welcomed to apply.輕型機車輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


Teach English for elementary students, junior high students and GEPT class.

應徵人數|1-5 人


We are seeking creative, energetic and responsible English teachers to join our team. You should also have patience and genuinely enjoy teaching younger children. You should be able to make learning fun to students. 10-15 teaching hour per week

應徵人數|1-5 人


◆Native English teachers ◆Flexible teaching schedule ◆Work from home ◆Interactive lessons and teaching guides are provided. ◆Small group(1-6 learners) or one-on-one classes ◆Class training provided

應徵人數|1-5 人


We are seeking creative, energetic and responsible English teachers to join our team. You should also have patience and genuinely enjoy teaching younger children. You should be able to make learning fun to students. 10-15 teaching hour per week

應徵人數|1-5 人


【Job Responsibilities】 1.線上英語課程教學(每堂課50分鐘,1~6人線上小團班)。 2.上課教材內容編輯PPT檔。 3.學員錄音作業、作業批改。 4.教學品質優化與課表安排。 5. VIP學員客製化授課。 【全職老師的優質福利】 ※ 週休二日(過試用期後排休) ※ 通過試用期即可提前使用特休3天(優於勞基法) ※ 訓練期後可不定期在家上班(依公司規章辦法) ※ 員工團體意外保險 ※ 教學培訓進修 註: 薪資依老師學經歷而有所不同 英文,是打開通往世界大門的鑰匙;FUNDAY的教學團隊,則是將這把鑰匙打造給學員的關鍵人物!若您對語言學習有著極高的興趣,若您對線上教育事業充滿熱忱,快加入智擎這個充滿活力且創意無限的團隊吧! 公司目前正在快速的成長,歡迎對教育有理想有熱忱的教師一起打拼! 全球華人專業線上英語學習平台:http://funday.asia英美語文學類,語言學類TOEIC Bridge,IELTS國際英語測驗,TESOL,TOEFL

應徵人數|1-5 人


英語專任教師 1.負責教學活動規劃與執行。 2.訂定教學目標、課程範圍、授課內容。 3.準備課程教材、課程資料以及課後作業、落後加強等。 4.依據教學目標授課,並評估學生學習狀況以調整授課進度。 5.批改作業及測驗輔導 工作地點:台中市梧棲鎮中興路67巷56號英美語文學類,其他外國語文學類GEPT全民英檢(中級),TOEIC多益 (Blue730-855分)

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.負責教學活動規劃與執行。 2.教案編寫、日程規劃與編寫。 3.準備課程教材、課程資料以及課後作業等。 4.依據教學目標授課,並評估學生學習狀況家聯與調整。 5.批改作業及測驗輔導。 6.主題活動設計與活動舉辦。

應徵人數|1-5 人


Centenaire Academy is looking for full-time and part-time teachers for the coming semester! Applicants must be absolutely dependable and reliable with a passion to work with young children from ages 2-5 years old, and should preferably have teaching experience in Taiwan. We welcome APRC or spousal visa holders, a competitive salary, and a happy environment to teach in and be a part of. Also, our teachers enjoy paid holidays and breaks throughout the year. Please kindly send your CV to capreschool2019@gmail.com We are looking forward to hearing from you!

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.負責協助教學活動規劃與執行。 2.協助教案編寫、日程規劃與編寫。 3.協助準備課程教材、課程資料以及課後作業等。 4.主題活動設計與活動舉辦。 5.批改作業及測驗輔導。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 語言教學 2. 設計相關課程及開發課程 3. 上課講義編寫 4. 配合補習班活動 5. 學員成果評估 Our criteria for a Foreign English Teacher is as follows: 1. Native English Speaker that is a citizen from a country listed by the MOE as an English Speaking country. 2. The Teacher must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree. 3. The Teacher must possess a valid Teaching license from their home country. 4. The Teacher must possess at least one of the following teaching certificates: TEFL, TESOL, CELTA 5. The Teacher is expected to have at least 2 years of teaching experience.

應徵人數|1-5 人


現有分校:德忠分校、德光分校、九份子分校、安平分校 本補習班開始擴大營業,招聘1~3名職缺, 將在中西區,北區,東區,安南區...等,知名學區開佈新校, 歡迎社會新鮮人,無經驗可、具有熱忱、教育初衷、事業心強、有經驗者尤佳 *誠摯歡迎二度就業,或中年轉職,再執教鞭、發揮社會職場經驗、本公司是你(妳)的港灣,不是你的驛站! 1. 負責〝國小兒美〝教學活動之規劃與執行及培訓。 2. 訂定教學目標、課程範圍、授課內容。 3. 準備&編寫課程教材、課程資料以及課後作業等。 4. 依據教學目標授課,並評估學生學習狀況以調整授課進度。 5. 批改作業並檢定學員學習成效,透過評量結果發現學員問題並給予協助。 6. 與家長聯絡,討論孩子學習狀況。 7. 值班日:櫃檯接待、電話轉接、學生到班及放學、點名、登記成績。 8. 協助主管各項行政、管理、打掃環境。 9. 進行電話招生/分發傳單/來店問班/跑校...等等 招生事項。 升遷管道:成為正式人員後經過考核未來可晉升組長和主任 補習班制度&薪資福利: (1)保險:勞健保,團保,僱補險,僱主險,公共意外險 (2)獎金:成績獎金,招生獎金,競賽獎金(有機會挑戰無上限的薪資) (3)休假:每月休假(符合一例一休),當月未休完的假,會直接給付加班費.每年都有特休假,及其他種類的假(依照勞基法規定) (4)工時:每天工作8小時,中間休息1小時,每週工時40小時 (5)授課獎金:多開授課班,國中每小時600元/國小每小時500元給付授課報酬費 (6)聚餐:每季固定聚餐吃大餐 (7)旅遊:年度業績達標,補習班會辦理員工旅遊 (8)薪資:底薪30000元起 (9)職場氛圍:同事相處融洽,工作認真努力,注重團隊合作精神 (10)挑戰無上限的招生獎金 (11)上班前提早10分鐘到班,準備當天補習班工作事務. 我們誠心希望能找到對教育和補教業 有理想,熱誠,抱負的工作夥伴!

應徵人數|1-5 人


SHOPLINE 全球智慧開店平台,創立於 2013 年,2014 年獲選加入矽谷 500 Startups 加速器計劃,是香港多年來第二間加入的團隊,2015 年正式進入台灣市場。SHOPLINE 是致力於協助品牌一舉創建、管理線上與線下商店的一站式智慧開店服務,提供包含網路開店、跨境電商、社群購物、 POS 系統以及 OMO 虛實整合等全通路解決方案。此外,亦有專業的顧問團隊協助品牌執行廣告投遞、市場策略建議、行銷企劃以及商店代營運等全方位的開店解決方案,助力各種規模的品牌都能扎根本地,放眼世界,實現全通路零售的版圖佈局。 目前,SHOPLINE 已協助全球超過 50萬品牌開店,包含 RELOVE、林果良品、海邊走走、京盛宇、綠藤生機、美珍香、葡吉食品、古典玫瑰園等知名品牌選用。於 2022 年度,SHOPLINE 更成功協助所有品牌用戶接觸累計超過 15 億人次的消費者,讓 SHOPLINE 成為亞太市場的行業領軍者。 發展至今,SHOPLINE 全球人數逾二千人,是橫跨香港、台北、吉隆坡、胡志明市、深圳、廣州、杭州、上海、北京、新加坡、雅加達等 11 大亞洲城市的國際化團隊,而 SHOPLINE 創新的服務與頂尖的團隊專注為品牌打造最好的產品。 SHOPLINE 保有外商的制度福利與新創公司的發展彈性,你還等什麼!歡迎對 Startup、對電商產業有熱誠的人才加入我們的頂尖團隊! 【What you will be doing】 At SHOPLINE, we are actively searching for highly talented writers who possess the ability to harness the power of language and employ SHOPLINE‘s content style guide to its fullest potential. In this role, you will be responsible for crafting meticulously detailed and merchant-friendly instruction manuals, educational handbooks, and FAQ materials that revolve around our diverse range of innovative SHOPLINE products and features. - Responsible for creating user-friendly instructions and materials. - Focus on providing clear and straightforward guidance to SHOPLINE merchants. - Ensure materials are easy to comprehend and follow. - Adhere to SHOPLINE‘s content style guide for consistent tone and coherence. - Condense complex technical concepts into concise and accessible instructions. - Understand the needs and preferences of the merchant community. - Create engaging and accessible materials that connect with a wide range of audiences. - Collaborating with various teams in different regions such as Engineering, Product Management, Merchant Success, and other teams to establish best practices and provide comprehensive guidance. - Engaging in cross-functional collaboration with internal stakeholders from different regions to create region-specific instruction manuals and well-crafted FAQ documents that address specific scenarios and meet the unique needs of each region. Join our dynamic team and make a significant impact by empowering our merchants with the guidance they need to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Together, we can ensure that SHOPLINE remains the go-to platform for seamless and successful e-commerce experiences. 【What you will be doing】 我們正在積極尋找具備運用語言能力並能夠充分運用 SHOPLINE 產品知識的團隊成員。這個角色,將負責詳細編寫對店家易讀、易懂的 SHOPLINE 產品以及功能的教學指南和常見問題等等內容。 - 負責建立 User-friednly 的說明以及資訊等文件。 - 專注為 SHOPLINE 的店家提供清晰明確的常見問題指南。 - 確保資料容易理解和遵循。 - 遵循已建立的 Guildline 並確保語調一致和連貫。 - 將複雜的技術概念編寫為簡明易懂的內容。 - 了解店家需求和偏好。 - 創作引人入勝且易於理解的資料,能夠與各種受眾建立聯繫。 - 與不同區域的各種團隊合作,包括工程、產品管理、客戶成功和其他團隊。 - 參與跨部門合作,創建特定區域的教學指南和常見問題等文件,以應對特定情景並滿足每個區域需求。 我們的目標是確保 SHOPLINE 成為成功的電子商務首選服務。透過提供商家所需的指導,為他們在不斷變化的數位環境中實現蓬勃發展,這是一個不斷進步和創新的行業,我們鼓勵團隊成員積極學習和發展自己的專業能力。無論你是剛起步或是已經有相關經驗,相信在這個充滿活力的團隊中,我們可以一起實現店家的成長和成功。 【Who we are looking for】 - Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience in marketing or communications. - Excellent skills in technical writing, translation, writing, proofreading, and editing from Mandarin to English. - Professional copywriting and editing experience. - Proficient in online content strategy and creation. - Strong familiarity with B2B and B2B2C SaaS product concepts is highly desirable. - Previous experience in Product Marketing will be a plus. - Prior experience using Intercom or Zendesk will be advantageous. 【Who we are looking for】 - 具備市場營銷或傳播相關的學士學位或對等經驗。 - 擁有優秀的技術寫作、翻譯、寫作、校對和編輯技能,能夠將中文內容翻譯至英文。 - 具有專業的文案編寫和編輯經驗。 - 熟練掌握內容策略和創作。 - 優先考慮對於 B2B 和 B2B2C SaaS 產品熟悉者。 - 具備 Product Marketing 的相關經驗將被視為加分項。 - 具備使用 Intercom 或 Zendesk 的經驗亦為加分項。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.負責教學活動規劃與執行。 2.訂定教學目標、課程範圍、授課內容。 3.需要有耐心、教學能力強的英文老師. 4.可全美教學

應徵人數|1-5 人


We are looking for a native English speaker to teach school students, mainly elementary ones, and help them improve English skills in a fun way. We offer a friendly, comfortable working environment and competitive salaries. (depending on the experience) Part-time or Full-time: to be discussed Requirements: 1. Bachelor’s degree or above 2. Applicants with teaching experience is preferred. 3. American English accent is preferred. 4. A teaching demonstration is required at the job interview. 5. A TESOL or TEFL certificate is preferred. Details: • Student age: Mainly elementary school (First grade to Sixth grade) • Working Hours: to be discussed • Location: No. 1, Zhongyong W. St., Bade Dist., Taoyuan City 1. We provide English materials and plans for you, but you still need to plan activities for students if necessary. 2. A whole English learning environment for students is a MUST. 3. Teachers must be patient, responsible and passionate about teaching. 4. Teachers need to attend training courses if necessary. Responsibility: 1. Teach students with our English materials. 2. Come up with game ideas or plan activities for class. 3. Build good relationship with students and other staff. 4. Assist the school with student recruitment-related business. 5. Deal with other things assigned by the school director. If you are interested, please send your resume via 1111 website or email us at ntugavin@gmail.com, we’ll arrange the interview for you if you are qualified. Thank you very much!

應徵人數|1-5 人


JOY ENGLISH The Best You Can Be 佳音成就最好的你 如果你擁有想要「變革」的熱忱,以及做出「突破」的渴求,相信佳音英語會是讓你盡情發揮的舞台! 從目前的職缺中找不到適合的,但又喜歡我們積極變革、勇於突破的精神,正在尋找對從事兒童英語教學有興趣的人才,不論您是社會新鮮人,或是在職一陣子想轉換跑道嘗試英語教學的人,佳音都很歡迎。歡迎與我們聯繫,讓我們了解你過往的經驗可以如何在佳音的舞台發揮,實踐自我價值。

應徵人數|1-5 人


Job Opening::Teachers of Art、Physical Fitness and Early Childhood Rhythm and Movement Job Description: 1.Teaching 0-4 years old children and their parents 2.To plan, prepare and deliver instructional activities that facilitate active learning experiences 3.To observe and evaluate children‘s performance and development 4.Designing teach plan Working place:Taoyuan Working Time:Saturday 10:40-11:20, 11:30-12:10 or Sunday 10:40-11:20,11:30-12:10 depends on curriculum Requirements: 1. Native English Speakers 2. Ability to work as part of a team with responsibility 3. No Criminal Record 4. A minimum of Bachelors degree in any field(TESL/FL or Education majors are preferred) 5.Experience of teaching pre school students is needed.

應徵人數|1-5 人


Native English teacher:ESL and EFL/ elementary school students, part-time five hours per week. For the details of the hours and wage please call. or email your resume to washedusch1993@gmail.com M~F about 17~20 hours per week job is available from Feb~April 1st. For more details please come for an interview.英美語文學類,其他學門

應徵人數|1-5 人
