1111找工作 APP



1.制定年度採購計畫.建立原物料管理系統. 2.進行供應商開發評鑑. 3.研擬與執行降低營運成本策略.. 4.採購合約及相關資料保存與管理. 5.負責部門人員訓練及績效評估一般商業學類,資訊管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人

★★一年晉升店長,百萬年薪等您來挑戰★★ 想要有舞台發揮嗎? 想要有晉升機會嗎 ? 有夢想要追尋嗎 ? 我們正在尋找渴望展現自我、實現夢想的同仁,並希望朝經營管理發展, 而非一般的工作者的您,只要您對餐飲有著強烈熱情,您所投入的所有努力與忙碌, 都將距離夢想更近一步,6~12個月密集培訓讓你學習、晉升、成長, 學習改變命運,請不要猶豫,快加入我們的行列 !! ★ 歡迎具熱忱及積極主動的您加入我們的行列, 通過考核發展為儲備幹部或經營管理職主管, 若欲應徵此職,請先投遞履歷需附照片(個人正面清晰照片)並詳填基本資料, 第一階段審核通過欲安排初試時,將以電話通知安排面試日期時間與地點, 合適者將於3~5個工作天內主動聯繫,不合適者將不另行通知。謝謝!! ◪ 儲備幹部 培訓/薪資待遇: ★ 錄取任用薪資:34,500~38,000元/月,每天排班8+1小時,中間有空班時間。 通過考核後一年內,有機會晉升店長職級,薪資上看42,000~47,000元/月。 ★ 優質福利:享有員工餐、三節獎金、目標達成獎金。 ◪ 儲備店長 培訓/薪資待遇: ★ 錄取任用薪資:36,500~40,000元/月,每天排班8+1小時,中間有空班時間。 通過考核後一年內,有機會晉升店長職級,薪資上看42,000~47,000元/月。 ★ 優質福利:享有員工餐、三節獎金、目標達成獎金。 — 工作時段 — 10:00-22:00 分 早、晚班,每個班別視排班需求每日排8小時 ※ 視營運需求加班另計加班薪資 ※ 依營運需求彈性排班,工作時間面試詳洽 — 培訓地點X工作地點 — 1. 培訓地點:依居住地分派至鄰近營業據點培訓 全台各營業據點: https://banjiouwoo.com/location/ 2. 工作地點:依照實際居住地為主,有晉升意願者未來將配合展店做調任發展。 — 展店訊息 — ★預計招新~113年第二季新北市新店店

應徵人數|1-5 人

本公司為濕紙巾及濕式衛生紙製造廠, OEM代工、ODM客製化。 1.熟機械操作及故障排除。 2.生產線進度的排定與管理。 3.人員的督導調配、教育管理。 4.指揮有關產品製造、監控產品生產過程。 5.確實執行生產目標,並達成各項生產指標。 6.負責廠務管理(設備保養、廠區規劃管理、各式製表等)。 7.需有擔任主管並有管理人員工作經驗五年以上。 ※具堆高機證照佳。 ※具有以上相關經驗者,薪資可面議。機械工程學類,電機工程學類堆高機操作技術士(單一級)輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人

1.依據餐單準備相關的食材 2.將食材清洗並做簡單的處理備用 3.根據顧客的點單進行烹調 4.清理以及保養設備

應徵人數|1-5 人

1. 核對出貨單(訂單),撿貨、驗貨及包裝。 2. 進貨收貨紀錄在帳冊或卡片,並keyin在系統內。 3. 定期追蹤複查庫存與紀錄商品是否相輔有無損壞,如不符合找出原因。 4. 定期清點物料,並將物料標示並放於正確位置,必要對相關人員解說,使其容易使用。 5. 定期清潔庫存、工具、設備或貯藏室,以確保符合安全規章及存貨安全。 6. 倉庫物品、物料進出管理品,與請購單、發票及其他憑證是否相符。 7. 發放物品並且對於不足的貨品申請補充。 8. 檢查貨物是否有瑕疵判斷,瑕疵物品的加工處理與教學。 9. 安排工讀生加工品項及數量。 10. 門市庫存調動與配送。 11. 人力調度安排,收送貨車趟安排。 12. 定期安排倉庫人力盤點(季、年)。 13. 管理第三方物流庫存與車趟運送。 14. 主管交辦事項。 15. 上班時間10:00~19:00。 16. 有露營經驗者(加分)。輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人

需具有餐飲業熱誠,熱愛服務工作,工作分配.有吃到飽餐廳經驗尤佳,想要往上爬,月薪38000起,獎金另計.月休8天,享勞健保,勞退, 【職涯規劃】 正職人員(36000元/月起)→副店長(38000元/月起)→店長(44000元/月起,獎金另計) 【工作地點】 台南市永康區永大路二段842號 請電洽潘經理 0931780848

應徵人數|1-5 人

1.具備妥善處理客訴、協商談判..等能力 2.具跨部門之間溝通協調能力者。 3.負責客人帶位、介紹餐點、點餐、桌邊服務、跑單、送餐及聯繫內外場之工作。 4.每月績效目標之達成。 5.具備領導統御能力,班表編排,管理外場人員及工作之調配。 5.財務、設備維護及管理,物料盤點、訂貨之控管。 6.餐廳清潔維護管理。 7.協助主管相關教育訊練。 8.不爭功諉過,面對過錯勇於承擔,虛心檢討並改善。 9.熟悉餐廳整體運作及成本控制。 (正式店長具入股及每月分紅機制)輕型機車

應徵人數|1-5 人

1.現場配水配電相關作業施作 2.繪製機電/給排水/電氣/消防工程施工圖、竣工圖 3.指揮並監督工人,以控制工程的執行進度與施工品質。 4. 計劃、組織及指揮有關建造的活動與維護結構設施與系統。 5. 與所有人、承包商及設計師共同商量,討論及解決現場事務。 6. 審查與檢閱專案的規劃,以監控是否遵守建築、安全法規和其他章程。 7. 預先檢查分包廠商施工前之準備工作。 8.確實填寫監工日報表,以留下詳實工程進行的記錄資料。 9. 進行進場材料品質之點收、存放、使用查驗及結算。 10. 依據施工狀況向分包廠商協商提出各項建議及監督,並視狀況採取各項措施。輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人

工作地點:按公司分派。新北市全區:新莊區/五股區/土城區 1.現場配水配電相關作業施作 2.繪製機電/給排水/電氣/消防工程施工圖、竣工圖 3.指揮並監督工人,以控制工程的執行進度與施工品質。 4. 計劃、組織及指揮有關建造的活動與維護結構設施與系統。 5. 與所有人、承包商及設計師共同商量,討論及解決現場事務。 6. 審查與檢閱專案的規劃,以監控是否遵守建築、安全法規和其他章程。 7. 預先檢查分包廠商施工前之準備工作。 8.確實填寫監工日報表,以留下詳實工程進行的記錄資料。 9. 進行進場材料品質之點收、存放、使用查驗及結算。 10. 依據施工狀況向分包廠商協商提出各項建議及監督,並視狀況採取各項措施。輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人

1.現場配水配電相關作業施作 2.繪製機電/給排水/電氣/消防工程施工圖、竣工圖 3.指揮並監督工人,以控制工程的執行進度與施工品質。 4. 計劃、組織及指揮有關建造的活動與維護結構設施與系統。 5. 與所有人、承包商及設計師共同商量,討論及解決現場事務。 6. 審查與檢閱專案的規劃,以監控是否遵守建築、安全法規和其他章程。 7. 預先檢查分包廠商施工前之準備工作。 8.確實填寫監工日報表,以留下詳實工程進行的記錄資料。 9. 進行進場材料品質之點收、存放、使用查驗及結算。 10. 依據施工狀況向分包廠商協商提出各項建議及監督,並視狀況採取各項措施。輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人

工作內容: 1. 新市場產品策略分析(New Market Product Strategy Analysis): - 研究新市場,評估消費者需求和趨勢,制定產品策略。 - 分析競業的產品組合和市場定位,提出有效的競爭策略。 2. 產品規劃設計(Menu Development): - 負責設計、開發產品,包括口味調配和食材使用。 - 參與研發過程,確保產品符合品牌形象和新市場的口味需求。 3. 定價模組及策略(Pricing Module Strategy): - 制定定價策略,考慮成本、市場需求和競爭情況,確保價格設定合理且具競爭力。 必備條件: - 具有食品科學科系背景,了解食品製程和原料特性,能夠應用於菜單研發和食品生產。 - 英文精通 Responsibilities: 1. New Market Product Strategy Analysis: - Research new markets, assess consumer demands and trends, and devise product strategies. - Analyze competitors‘ product portfolios and market positioning to formulate effective competitive strategies. 2. Menu Development: - Responsible for designing, developing, and enhancing menus, including dish selection, flavor profiling, and ingredient usage. - Oversee the development process to ensure menus align with the company‘s brand image and cater to the tastes of the new market. 3. Pricing Module Strategy: - Develop pricing strategies considering costs, market demands, and competitive landscapes to ensure reasonable and competitive pricing. - Establish pricing modules and devise pricing strategies to meet the needs of the target consumer audience. Qualifications: - Degree in Food Science or related field, with an understanding of food processing and ingredient characteristics applicable to menu development and food production. - Proficiency in English.食品科學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


* 具相關食品產業原物料經驗者 * * 10年以上大型企業採購工作經驗/ 5年以上主管管理經驗 * 1. 採購預算編列與年度供應計劃制定,每月檢討預算達成與分析差異原因 2. 監督原料價格與供應商採購分配比例合理性;執行非原物料採購議價程式與服務 3. 確保新原物料開發符合內控流程,合法合規,符合公司品質標準 4. 市場情報、國際貿易相關資訊收集,分析對公司經營影響與提議解決辦法 5. 採購相關專案與認證所需資料提供與申辦 6. 支援產銷計劃,跨組織工作配合及協調 7. 協同作業流程改造、系統化工程、人才培養

應徵人數|1-5 人


<Summary> Manager Locate in Bade Lead Rack team and Cable team 1. TWN, BV Rack/Cable demand overview and schedule management. 2. To be in charge all of Rack/Cable parts including rack accessories parts. 3. Support TWN PM for Sample /NIR 4. Mass production for regular FCST planning. 5. Well Forecast review, safety plan with inventory control 6. PO management with CM make sure delivery on time. 7. Close work with PM, Sales to move SLM, E&O and Refurbish. 8. 2nd source qualification <Essential Duties and Responsibilities> *Plans, manages and monitors the movement of material through the production cycle *Balances current and future demand requirements with manufacturing and supplier capabilities/ capacities to ensure on-time completion of customer requirements. *Oversees the planning and release of production orders to meet customer orders while maintaining optimum lead time and inventory levels. *Drives resolution to materials issues which includes evaluating material shortages, performing root cause analysis, and replenishing to the appropriate inventory levels *Analyzes and manages inventory levels in relation to customer requirements to meet profit and inventory targets and goals *Supports cost reduction projects and improvement initiatives to achieve overall business objectives *Develops and maintains a supply chain strategic plan to understand key analytics, and risks to the companies supply chain. Pressure tests supply chain for areas of improvement *Provides communication and visibility to the company of ongoing performance of key supply chain metrics and works with the team to reduce costs and improve service levels *Manages ordering of all materials and components as well as to research new technologies on Rack and Cable components. *Manages supplier contracts and works on contract negotiation and de-risking the supply base *Monitors overall production schedules, raw material inventory levels and shipments to advise of any issues in the supply chain. *Maintains visibility to company strategies as well as developing and achieving strategies to meet business and inventory objectives. *Supports audit efforts both regulatory and financial in nature. *Complies with plant safety procedures to ensure a safe environment. *Support new business opportunities *Manage and oversee the staff involved in procurement activities that occur in all field operations’ office. *May know with various departments in aspects of purchasing and acts as a liaison between departments and vendors. <Qualifications> • Bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering, Computer engineering, Supply Chain or Operation is preferred • Minimum of 10 years’ experience in Material planning, Sourcing, Project Management, Program Management • Expert knowledge and experience with MRP/SAP systems • Extended Experience and knowledge of Computer Rack and Cable Components • Expertise in statistical analysis and problem-solving techniques • Excellent oral and written communication and time management skills • Must work independently and be able to manage tight timelines and changing priorities電算機學門,電子工程學類,數學統計學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.分校績效管理,達成分校各階段營運目標。 2.管理分校團隊,激勵士氣,鼓勵團隊合作。 3.擬定招生企劃,開展活動開發潛在學員。 4.規劃教學活動,制定教學目標、課程範圍、授課內容等。 5.家校關係管理與維護,危機預防與處理 。 6.跨分校、跨部門之間擔任溝通協調工作。 具補習班經驗佳 年度分紅制!

應徵人數|1-5 人


職責: -具備商品管理建立及資料維護之經驗。 -具備商品庫存管理及調轉貨分析之經驗。 -具備採購前置作業及各分店銷售數據分析之經驗。 -商品教育訓練統籌與執行,有大型簡報/教育訓練之經驗尤佳。 -具備進貨及請款相關作業處理之經驗。 -品牌銷售率管理/跟催,帶領團隊達成當季斷貨目標。 -其他主管交辦事項。

應徵人數|1-5 人


+ 熟悉網路社群操作與行銷,企劃發想、文案撰寫,素材規劃 + 數據監測及成效分析 + 市場、競品狀況分析及資訊蒐集、實體活動策劃、執行 + 接洽當地廠商及異業締造合作機會 + 公司 LinkIn 維護,協助品牌經營 + 核查追蹤每月行銷活動回報主管 + 其他主管交辦事項 附加條件 1.具優秀溝通協調能力及策略規劃能力 2.思考清晰、能夠獨立作業、樂於解決問題 3.有美感,擅長溝通,邏輯能力強, 抗壓力強,擅長正面思考 4.英文能力高

應徵人數|1-5 人


NicheBridge 提供中高階獵才服務,專精於 IT 產業,但並不設限。在人力媒合及就業市場深耕逾五年,而領導團隊擁有 10 年以上人資 / 獵頭經驗及深厚 IT 背景,更協助國內外知名企業進行人力規劃、團隊建立。我們也推出了 JECHO.ME 求職平台,期待能提供求職者更公開、資訊對等的徵才資訊,降低被動等不安。 想挑戰高薪且與世界接軌嗎?若您具備良好國際觀且擁有豐富產業經驗,歡迎投遞履歷,並請簡單說明對於傑優或此職缺有興趣的地方,謝謝您。 **此職缺為主管職,需具備相關管理經驗** 1. 良好邏輯、溝通、領導力,依客戶需求,給予招募建議 2. 開發合適人才並提供職涯建議、履歷修訂 3. 熱於學習新知、分享產業動態、認識市場需求 4. 跨部門合作及討論,創造資源最大化 5. 部門管理,帶領團隊一起前進

應徵人數|1-5 人


完成整個招募到任用的應徵者流程: 依據不同職位、開發個市場的招募管道; 定期統整人才市場狀況,統計、分析招募報表 依據公司下個階段的發展需求,修改撰寫年度招聘計畫和人員編制預算 向開缺部門主管反饋觀察和建議;新人入職協助, 提供給求職者良好的雇主品牌體驗,積極學習產品發展, 預估每季仁里需求,非單純招募崗位 規劃並推展各項專案內容,進行跨部門溝通協調, 培養公司各階層管理梯隊及人才庫 熟悉並瞭解台灣以及海外地區人力狀況及編制,即時管控職缺及增補, 適時協調單位人力並提供相關建議進行協助

應徵人數|1-5 人


・Lead the project through effective cross-departmental communication. ・Promote and develop brand projects within Fast Retailing Group (Uniqlo/GU) regarding store design, construction and facility management operations. ・Conduct store creation and store operation based on global design guidelines and integrate with local regulations. ・Execute existing store maintenance plan and budget management. ・Conduct existing partnership management and quality control. ・Manage procurement materials and facilities imported from abroad. ・Monitor and manage monthly maintenance costs ・Handle emergency maintenance.(e.g. water leakage / iron rolling door repair). ・Complete database statistics and analysis for quarterly report.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 建立並落實QIP管理制度。 2. 主導客戶製程稽核、督導部門提出改善方案。 3. 協助品質異常分析、並督導與追蹤改善作業以及確保現場品質提升。 4. 主導內外部品質問題責任及處理方式判定。 5. 領導、培育部屬,並提供相關教育訓練。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 執行供應商開發計畫、評鑑、管理及詢價議價。 2. 成本評估、交期準確性管控及市場趨勢分析。 3. 採購策略計劃之訂定,並適時調整。 4. 制定、修訂及遵循採購標準作業流程規範。 5. 擬訂年度策略性採購及執行。 6. 各項報表彙整分析及定期檢討對策。企業管理學類,行銷與流通學類,貿易學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.Experience in signal integrity simulation of system boards and lab instruments, including VNA and TDR. 2.Experience with PDN characterization and trade off performance & cost. 3.Excellent communication and presentations skills are mandatory電機工程學類,電子工程學類

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Key responsibilities: - Close all customer queries and complaint ASAP with preventive actions taken for ALL exposed products - Plan, lead and release system acceptance testing, collaborating for development with product managers and vendors to create and execute test plans and test cases. - Review requirements and provide feedback on completeness, test ability and other risk areas that could impact product quality including conducting meetings with product development teams to arrive at conclusive resolution. - Define, implement and manage the company‘s quality assurance processes, testing methodologies, and supporting tools. Identify, replicate, document, prioritize and track issues to closure using issue tracking systems. - Produce quality metrics, testing results and other reports for all levels of management. - support customer service process, create engaged customers and facilitate organic growth by taking ownership of customers issues and follow through problems to resolution based on planning activity. - Ensure production plans are met, order confirmation is done on a timely manner and delivery performances are measured and communicated effectively. Take necessary action to close any delivery GAP which can affect customers LINE and avoid any LINE down issues with customers. - Take necessary action to improve the planning process to avoid over production resulting in obsolete parts or material. - Built in robust process control system utilizing visual management to detect and improve the overall speed of decision making and completing the job based on plan. Update and improve information to CS and customer to avoid any escalation related to order. - Take leadership in all customers‘ orders and ensure planning is executed, capacity holding and loading is done, propose action to achieve those plans and recommend to superior on increasing 4M to support orders.as appropriate and ensure customers‘ needs are well taken care of. - Responsible to determine the quality of incoming material, in-process material, final produced material with quality assurance process. - Conduct PDCA activities with people in Genba to stop making rejects, stop sending rejects, and stop receiving rejects, by utilizing all tools from LEAN and create a ROBUST process to ensure ZQC are achieved at each process. - Establish, implement and maintain the Quality/Environmental Standard/other system to comply with ISO9001, IATF16949, ISO14001 and ISO45001 dynamically. - Conduct Genba audit/ Layer audit . Make recommendations to change to ensure products produced in ABATEK are in compliance with the Internal established system. - Responsible to coordinate to the concerned personnel regarding PPAP, FMEA, APQP activities for the new product. - Responsible for controlling the rejects on daily basis by applying 6sigma, MSA, 4M, RCA, Fishbone and 5Why analysis. - Initiate and manage all corrective and preventive action activities including customer complaint handling and the initial action to prevent the occurrence of any non-conformities relating to quality system as well as verification of the implementation of agreed and approved solution. - Control further processing and delivery of nonconforming product until the deficiency or unsatisfactory condition has been corrected. - Support and take part of supplier evaluation and development and responsible for maintaining the lowest cost of quality. - Take all necessary action to build the 2nd level of people, train all members to ensure business continuity. - Update material requirement and ensure material is prepared to support orders. - We expect you to ensure work in a way to prevent Customer complaint on any delivery or non conformity / observation during audit conducted by customers or externals. In the event it happen it must be resolved in most expedite manners together with preventive measure taken asap to avoid same problem relating to all risk product / process in least cost for abatek even though the customer / auditor allow Required experience: Required experiences in below areas (as indicated below): - At least 5 years’ experience at a management level or higher in an Automotive company with silicone and rubber operations for Electronics and Assembly products or other equivalent experience. - Sound experience for at least 1 year working in mold and die manufacturing. - Broad experience in Customer Service in a manufacturing setup. - At least 5 years’ experience working in a company with ISO 9001 and / or IATF 16949 / ISO 14001/ ISO 45001 Quality System. - At least 5 years’ experience working in a company with KAIZEN, 5S, LEAN and 6 Sigma System. - Exposure in VDA 6.3 standard. Skills: - Silicone and rubber manufacturing processes and systems. - Drawing technical such as AutoCAD, 2D, 3D, CAM etc. - FMEA, MSA, SPC, APQP, PPAP. - Ability to implement related system used to determine the quality of incoming material, in-process, final quality control and quality assurance to ensure that all produced products meet the customer requirement. - Measurement methodologies. - Customer Service. - ISO14001 and ISO 45001. - Ability to implement and initiate necessary action to prevent the occurrence of any non-conformities relating to the quality system.

應徵人數|1-5 人


Triumph is one of the world’s largest intimate apparel companies. It enjoys a presence in over 120 countries with the core brands Triumph® and sloggi®. Globally, the company serves 40,000 wholesale customers and sells its products in 4,050 controlled points of sale as well as via several own online shops. The Triumph Group is a member of the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI). Learn more about Triumph on: www.triumph.com www.linkedin.com/company/triumph-international/ Our Sales Department at the Taiwan Office in New Taipei City is looking immediately for a highly motivated Regional Manager Roles & Responsibilities: 目標管理 ●依公司分配之目標擬定該區之營運及開發計劃,確保目標達成 ●依區域發展計劃督促SR開發新客戶 ●擬定各課之目標,並與SR討論達成目標之營運計劃,並督促SR確實執行各項kpi ●依公司給予之資源,合理分配至所屬課別,創造最高效益,並確實執行預算管控 ●做好區域各類費用管控及談判,確保區域利潤 ●依照公司 RV,適時建議業績調整策略 ●依照公司規劃,做好BV管控,確保BV目標達成及庫存健康 客戶管理 ●百貨專櫃新設及改裝位置爭取及合約談判 ●督促SR做好客戶管理之相關工作 ●依副總安排做好百貨通路key account計劃執行 ●督促SR落實客戶改裝計劃,確保區域長期健康發展 ●向客戶溝通公司政策,並向上級反應客戶意見及建議 商品管理 ●協助及督促SR、SC做好商品管理之相關工作,確保貨暢其流及庫存安全 ●依商品產銷進度,做好區域商品之集中規劃,提昇產銷及櫃檯競爭力 ●配合財務部,安排區域盤點計劃 人員管理 ●協助及督促SR、確實做好SA管理,提昇區域營運效率 ●協助及督促SR、解決課內SA相關的問題,提昇SA工作士氣及凝聚團隊向心力 ●訓練及教導SR、之工作技能 其它工作事項 ●處理上級臨時交辦事項 ●協助公司搜集市場及同業情報 We offer an opportunity in a fast paced organization which gives those looking for a challenge the possibility to grow with the company and shape the future. We are a family owned company with strong values, operating at a global level with key markets in Germany, Japan and China - where our iconic brands, Sloggi and Triumph, continue to delight our consumers. Triumph Group is committed to employing a diverse workforce. Qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, or disability. If you are seeking a great opportunity to develop your career, please send us your application letter and CV in English, diplomas and expected salary range by clicking on Apply.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.Responsible for strategizing, coordination, creation, management and execution of local member retention and communication strategy 2.Spearheading member promotion ideation, planning activities in the campaign calendar at all levels (cross-category, local/regional/group initiatives, store specific) either through mass member or using segmentation methodologies to target member lifestyle or RFM. 3.To set clear member positioning goals and to ensure all communication and in-line by coordinating and optimizing all parts of the marketing mix including price, in-store and external communications 4.Champion of member data and analysis to assist management to be able to make sound business decisions; be it for sales, category, store, OBE & eCommerce growth 5.Main liaison point for all regional and Group related strategies, review, projects and communication 6.Ability to collaborate and innovate to ensure the equity of the membership programme continues to gain strength 7.Drive to make a positive influence across cross-functional teams involve marketing teammates, trading, operations, finance and external suppliers to deliver on CRM and business KPIs. 8.Overall guardians of Watsons members to ensure data integrity, PIPA, rules and policy governance are met 9.Responsible for member CRM A&P budget planning, forecasting and reporting 10.Your day to day management and main area of responsibilities are: -Solid grasp of CRM data (with reference to market data) for analysis, insight and action -Member communication (mass/TMP ; RFM/lifestyle) -Supplier collaboration (brand analysis and TMP) -Reporting and review (local, regional and Group levels) -Lead CRM team of Membership and Database marketing商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


We exist to wow our customers. We know we‘re doing the right thing when we hear our customers say, “How did we ever live without Coupang?” Born out of an obsession to make shopping, eating, and living easier than ever, we‘re collectively disrupting the multi-billion-dollar e-commerce industry from the ground up. We are one of the fastest-growing e-commerce companies that established an unparalleled reputation for being a dominant and reliable force in South Korean commerce. We are proud to have the best of both worlds — a startup culture with the resources of a large global public company. This fuels us to continue our growth and launch new services at the speed we have been since our inception. We are all entrepreneurial surrounded by opportunities to drive new initiatives and innovations. At our core, we are bold and ambitious people that like to get our hands dirty and make a hands-on impact. At Coupang, you will see yourself, your colleagues, your team, and the company grow every day. Our mission to build the future of commerce is real. We push the boundaries of what‘s possible to solve problems and break traditional tradeoffs. Join Coupang now to create an epic experience in this always-on, high-tech, and hyper-connected world. As part of our exciting expansion plan, we are hiring for a Manager, HRBP to join the team. Position: Manager, HRBP What You Will Do: • Partner with business leaders to develop and implement business people strategies; support business goals and initiatives by ensuring relevant people capabilities and organizational effectiveness based on business understanding. • Understand key business priorities, translate into practical HR interventions and make sure people management practices are effectively applied. As the primary HR interface, actively support line managers to drive employee questions. • Develop and implement HR policies and procedures that align with legal requirements and company standards. • Develop and maintain positive relationships with all employees, ensuring high levels of employee engagement and satisfaction. • Provide coaching and development to line managers on HR policies and practices. • Partner with leaders on talent management, including recruitment, talent retention, and succession planning. • Conduct talent assessments to identify organizational strengths and opportunities for development. • Stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices to continuously improve HR programs and services. • Perform other duties as assigned by HR leadership. Qualifications: • Bachelor‘s degree in HR, Business, or related field required. • 5+ years of progressively responsible HR management experience. • Strong working knowledge of HR laws and regulations, with the ability to interpret and apply them effectively and strategically. • Excellent communication, interpersonal, and presentation skills, with the ability to communicate in a clear and concise manner with all levels of the organization. • Exceptional problem-solving skills, with the ability to think creatively and strategically to develop innovative solutions to complex HR challenges. • Proven track record of building strong relationships with key stakeholders, including senior leadership, peer groups, and external partners.

應徵人數|1-5 人


我們存在的意義,是要給顧客 WOW 的體驗。每當顧客說,「沒有 Coupang 我們怎麼過活?」我們就知道走對路了。Coupang 創立的初衷是渴望把購物、飲食和生活變得無比簡單。秉持初心,我們正在從根本顛覆數十億元的電子商務產業。電子商務公司當中,我們的成長速度數一數二,並且具備優異名聲,成為韓國商務市場主要可靠的存在。 我們自豪兼具兩種公司的優勢─新創公司的文化,配上大型全球上市公司的資源。我們因而得以持續成長,依照公司創立以來的速度推出新服務。我們都是創業家,手邊充滿機會,能推動新想法和創意。公司核心由野心大膽的員工組成,我們樂於親力親為,直接造成影響。在 Coupang,每天您都能看到自己、同事、團隊和公司成長。 我們的使命是打造電子商務的未來,絕無虛假。我們挑戰解決問題的極限,打破傳統取捨的限制。現在就加入 Coupang,在永不關機、緊密連接的高科技世界,創造驚人的體驗吧。 主要職責: · 韓國產品落地化相關專案管理(規劃、執行、統籌、追蹤進度...等) · 需帶 0-10 人團隊(視專案而定) · 主管交辦事項 基本條件: · 文書作業處理(熟悉 word,excel,outlook) · 英文讀寫能力基本(可進行基本信件及訊息英文溝通,TOEIC >700) · 需要細心、耐心、積極主動、有獨立思考能力、靈活度高、對數字敏銳 · 數理能力/邏輯能力好加分 部門文化: · 平行文化,工作氣氛輕鬆有活力 · WORK HARD PLAY HARD · 不定期零食 Bar 上班時間: · 09:00~18:00 周休二日,穩定後有機會可 WFHTOEIC Bridge

應徵人數|1-5 人


We exist to wow our customers. We know we‘re doing the right thing when we hear our customers say, “How did we ever live without Coupang?” Born out of an obsession to make shopping, eating, and living easier than ever, we‘re collectively disrupting the multi-billion-dollar e-commerce industry from the ground up. We are one of the fastest-growing e-commerce companies that established an unparalleled reputation for being a dominant and reliable force in South Korean commerce. We are proud to have the best of both worlds — a startup culture with the resources of a large global public company. This fuels us to continue our growth and launch new services at the speed we have been since our inception. We are all entrepreneurial surrounded by opportunities to drive new initiatives and innovations. At our core, we are bold and ambitious people that like to get our hands dirty and make a hands-on impact. At Coupang, you will see yourself, your colleagues, your team, and the company grow every day. Our mission to build the future of commerce is real. We push the boundaries of what‘s possible to solve problems and break traditional tradeoffs. Join Coupang now to create an epic experience in this always-on, high-tech, and hyper-connected world. As part of our exciting expansion plan, we are hiring for a EHS Manager to join the team. Position: EHS Manager What You Will Do: • Promote safety system improvement, safety consciousness, and safety accident prevention; contributes to establishing safe workplace by inspecting, training, and evaluating for effective safety management in Fulfillment Centers (FC). • Propose health & safety guidelines and consistently checks administrative & on-site application status in order to apply safety related legistration to the FC. • Develop employee training and performance programs to ensure all workers are adequately trained and knowledgeable to perform their roles safely. • Manage and execute audits, inspections, and assessments of operations, facilities, and services to ensure compliance with EHS regulations and policies. • Identifies detailed cause of safety accidents, estbalishes recurrence prevention measures and applies them company-wide • Establish and maintain effective relationships with external environmental, health, and safety agencies, organizations, and authorities to ensure that the company meets all applicable requirements. • Collaborate with other leaders and departments to ensure efficient delivery of EHS programs. Qualifications: • 5-7+ years of experience in EHS management for a major corporation. • A bachelor‘s degree in Environmental Science, Occupational Safety, or a related discipline. • Comprehensive knowledge of environmental, health, and safety laws and regulations. • Strong communication, leadership, and consensus-building skills. • Demonstrated knowledge of best practices of EHS management. • Ability to motivate and communicate effectively with all levels of the organization. • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. • Ability to work independently, as well as part of a team, to deliver complex projects.勞工安全管理甲級技術士,職業安全衛生管理乙級技術士

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1. Promote U.S. real estate 2. Promote U.S. immigration 3. Participate in overseas promotional activities 4. Manage the Southeast Asian market *Foreign nationals with a valid residence permit are preferred*

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1.Lead project team for new product development from RFQ/Project kick off to mass production to meet cost/specification/schedule/quality target. 2.Main contact window for differ region customer in NPI stage. 3.Communication and coordinate with customer and function team members 4.Lead the Project issue review and risk assessment coordination 5.Meeting with customer in English輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

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