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協助管理班級 協助班級及園所運作順利 機動人員 有意願成為帶班老師

應徵人數|1-5 人

1.計畫執行相關資料彙整、追蹤。 2.雙語計畫相關行政業務、會議籌備及報告稽催。 3.學校雙語計畫相關措施制度研擬。 4.雙語計畫相關講座/工作坊/分享會/交流會之辦理。 5.行銷媒體製作、活動辦理。 6.其他臨時交辦事項。 請於113年4月19日(五)12:00前,以附加檔案方式寄送至bmo@nccu.edu.tw,逾期不予處理。郵件主旨: 「應徵雙語計畫專員」; 若二天內未收到收件確認email, 請來電聯絡。 1.中文履歷、中文自傳(含照片)。 2.英文履歷、英文自傳。 3.學經歷證書影本。 4.英語檢定證明。 5.其他可供參考之資料。 其他說明: 1.本計畫職缺以一學年一聘為原則(按學年度),考核通過者續約(經費來源: 教育部雙語計畫)。 2. 經書面審閱應繳交資料並符合資格條件者,通知參加面試,不合格者恕不退件。甄選日期、時間、地點及相關事宜,另行通知。依面試結果,擇優錄取。 3.月薪34,000元起;另有年終及勞健保,薪資視工作表現調整。(年終依當年度到職月份比例折算)

應徵人數|1-5 人

We are looking for a research assistant/animal technician who is passionate about science and communicative on all matters. Our lab works on circadian clocks in mice. [Qualifications] BS or MS degree in biological sciences or a related subject. It is essential that the candidate has sufficient command of both Mandarin Chinese and English. [Skills] Mouse handling skills and transgenic mouse breeding experience, and key bench skills such as PCR and Western blot are required. [Workplace] TMU Main Campus. [Compensation] According to TMU research assistant compensation standard, plus health insurance and other benefits. Compensation is commensurate with qualifications and experience and subject to annual increase. [Application] If interested, please provide a letter of motivation in English along with your CV and 2 references to Jihwan Myung at jihwan@tmu.edu.tw.

應徵人數|1-5 人


Qualifications and expertise: A) Ministry of Education in Taiwan recognized doctorate degrees in Art, or Design related fields from local or abroad; B) Excellent research performance; C) Enthusiasm about teaching and serving, team spirit, ability to cooperate in harmony with coworker. D) Expertise in Design Oriented Faculty • Expertise in design creation (architecture, spatial, product, industrial design, interactive design, interdisciplinary design, etc.) and in the study of design trends and the design industry. • Preference for those with experience and achievements in teaching and research, and over 3 years of teaching experience in design-related departments. • Ability to independently create and research, with priority given to those capable of proposing research projects. • Teaching content should focus on design creation, with a passion and patience for teaching, team spirit, and a strong commitment to the department. • Ability to lead students in professional internships, graduation projects, and participation in art and design competitions is preferred. • Ability to teach courses related to design creation (e.g., design studios, modern architectural history, creative aesthetics, structure and materials, computer-aided drawing, etc.). Art Oriented Faculty • Expertise in artistic creation (video recording, installation art, video interaction, multi-media, technology art, interdisciplinary creation, etc.) and in the study of art trends and the art industry. • Preference for those with experience and achievements in teaching and research, and over 3 years of teaching experience in art-related departments. • Ability to independently create and research, with priority given to those capable of proposing research projects. • Teaching content should focus on artistic creation, with a passion and patience for teaching, team spirit, and a strong commitment to the department. • Ability to lead students in professional internships, graduation projects, and participation in art and design competitions is preferred. • Ability to teach courses related to artistic creation (e.g., artistic creation, animation, video interaction, etc.).

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.輔導學童課業 2.協助處裡行政事務

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.輔導學童課業 2.協助處裡行政事務 3.國立大學優先錄取

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.輔導學童課業 2.協助處裡行政事務 3.國立大學優先錄取

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.熟檢驗分析儀器 如:HPLC、GC、AA等 2.需有相關實驗分析經驗 3.此工作需有耐心執行研究實驗 4.協助機動性工作 5.需會開車普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人



應徵人數|1-5 人


1.行政事務及出納相關工作 2.主管交辦事項處理商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 售票、收銀機操作 2. 文書處理 3. 商品介紹及課程銷售

應徵人數|1-5 人


教導幼兒基本生活自理,與家長分享幼兒學習狀況,規劃並舉辦親子活動。 喜歡小孩,個性活潑,無經驗享完整培訓。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 游泳課程教學 2. 學員安全維護 3. 配合課程時段

應徵人數|1-5 人


1、支援社區場域課程。 2、定期辦理教師社群活動。 3、籌辦場域課程成果展。 4、協助計畫辦公室日常維運、相關專案活動辦理及經費核銷。 5、主管臨時交辦事項。 6、各項工作可依疫情及重大急難狀況彈性改採遠距上班方式

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.設計及安排說話、唱遊、舞蹈、繪畫及手工等學習活動,以促進幼童身心的成長 2.教導幼童良好的基本生活習慣,並保護其安全 3.鼓舞幼童自我表現及參與團體生活,以促進其社會行為之正常發展 4.安排戶外學習活動,增進幼童對大自然及社會環境的認識,引發其對周遭事物的關注與興趣 5.與父母共同討論幼童的行為表現與學習情形保育員輕型機車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 建築物清洗樓面作業 2. 垃圾水肥處理事項、地面清潔作業

應徵人數|1-5 人


駐點海洋大學,執行校區內設施之維修案件,配合學校行事曆上下班 具備甲種電匠或室內配線或工業配線或變電線路裝修或用電設備檢驗乙級技術士證照佳。電機工程學類甲種電匠,甲級工業配線技術士,乙級工業配線技術士,甲級配電線路裝修技術士,乙級配電線路裝修技術士,乙級配電電纜裝修技術士,乙級用電設備檢驗技術士,甲級室內配線技術士,乙級室內配線技術士輕型機車,普通重機車輕型機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


協助正職人員處理勤務上的事務 人員車輛管制

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 水質及衛生管理 2. 泳池機房設備操作 3. 維護水域安全 4. 完成主管交辦事項體育署救生員證

應徵人數|1-5 人



應徵人數|1-5 人


1.提供顧客諮詢,推薦或者推銷各種飲料 2.進行酒水、飲料的調製、水果擺盤、酒水控管 3.月休6-8天輕型機車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人

