1111找工作 APP



SHL Medical is the world-leading solution provider in the design, development, and manufacturing of advanced drug delivery systems with more than 5000 employees worldwide. Our customers include top pharmaceutical and biotech companies from around the globe that require innovative devices such as auto injectors or pen injectors to effectively deliver their drugs. Headquartered in Switzerland since late 2018, with sites in Sweden, Taiwan, and the Unites States. This role is embedded in the Factory Development & Projects team within our Global Operations Engineering group in Taiwan. You are · Student in Engineering, Applied Sciences or other equivalent education · Independent thinker who is willing to discover new solutions off the beaten tracks · Interest in advanced high-volume production technologies, process automation / robotics, control engineering, equipment design and medical manufacturing · Knowledge and/or previous experience in one or more of the following fields: Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma methodologies, Process Automation, Digital Manufacturing/I4.0, Factory planning, Logistics, Plant simulation · Strong intercultural and interdisciplinary communication skills in English (spoken/written) · Diligent, reliable and target oriented team player · Knowledge of JavaScript, Python or VBA is a plus We offer · A variety of challenging internship opportunities across multiple products and disciplines within our Global Operations Engineering Team · The opportunity to solve real-world problems in a growing, future-proof industry · Competitive compensation, Labor and group insurance · Local HR support (Relocation and Accommodation as applicable) · Dedicated on-site senior mentor guidance · Asia-experience in a highly innovative, international company · Flexible work-from-home policy · Start date: flexible upon agreement機械工程學類,資訊工程學類,工業工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


SHL Medical is the world-leading solution provider in the design, development, and manufacturing of advanced drug delivery systems with more than 5000 employees worldwide. Our customers include top pharmaceutical and biotech companies from around the globe that require innovative devices such as auto injectors or pen injectors to effectively deliver their drugs. Headquartered in Switzerland since late 2018, with sites in Sweden, Taiwan, and the Unites States. This role is embedded in the Packaging and Forming Technology team within our Global Operations Engineering group in Taiwan. You are · Student in Engineering, Applied Sciences or other equivalent education · Independent thinker who is willing to discover new solutions off the beaten tracks · Interest in advanced high-volume production technologies, process improvement and medical manufacturing · Knowledge and/or previous experience in one or more of the following fields: Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma methodologies, Packaging or Polymer Technology, Industrial printing processes (Pad, Screen, Laser), Packaging design · Strong intercultural and interdisciplinary communication skills in English (spoken/written) · Diligent, reliable and target oriented team player We offer · A variety of challenging internship opportunities across multiple products and disciplines within our Global Operations Engineering Team · The opportunity to solve real-world problems in a growing, future-proof industry · Competitive compensation, Labor and group insurance · Local HR support (Relocation and Accommodation as applicable) · Dedicated on-site senior mentor guidance · Asia-experience in a highly innovative, international company · Flexible work-from-home policy · Start date: flexible upon agreement機械工程學類,資訊工程學類,工業工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


SHL Medical is the world-leading solution provider in the design, development, and manufacturing of advanced drug delivery systems with more than 5000 employees worldwide. Our customers include top pharmaceutical and biotech companies from around the globe that require innovative devices such as auto injectors or pen injectors to effectively deliver their drugs. Headquartered in Switzerland since late 2018, with sites in Sweden, Taiwan, and the Unites States. This role is embedded in the Factory Development & Projects team within our Global Operations Engineering group in Taiwan. You are · Student in Engineering, Applied Sciences, Business Administration or Management · Independent thinker who is willing to discover new solutions off the beaten tracks · Previous experience / training in Project and/or Operations Management · Knowledge of common collaboration and productivity tools in MS O365 · Interest in Project Analytics, Continuous Improvement, Operations Management · Strong intercultural and interdisciplinary communication skills in English (spoken/written) · Diligent, reliable and target oriented team player · Knowledge of JavaScript, Python or VBA is a plus We offer · A variety of challenging internship opportunities across multiple products and disciplines within our Global Operations Engineering Team · The opportunity to solve real-world problems in a growing, future-proof industry · Competitive compensation, Labor and group insurance · Local HR support (Relocation and Accommodation as applicable) · Dedicated on-site senior mentor guidance · Asia-experience in a highly innovative, international company · Flexible work-from-home policy · Start date: flexible upon agreement機械工程學類,資訊工程學類,工業工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


SHL Medical is the world-leading solution provider in the design, development, and manufacturing of advanced drug delivery systems with more than 5000 employees worldwide. Our customers include top pharmaceutical and biotech companies from around the globe that require innovative devices such as auto injectors or pen injectors to effectively deliver their drugs. Headquartered in Switzerland since late 2018, with sites in Sweden, Taiwan, and the Unites States. This role is embedded in the Automation Technology team within our Global Operations Engineering group in Taiwan. You are · Student in Engineering, Applied Sciences or other equivalent education · Independent thinker who is willing to discover new solutions off the beaten tracks · Interest in advanced high-volume production technologies, process automation / robotics, control engineering, equipment design and medical manufacturing · Knowledge and/or previous experience in one or more of the following fields: Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma methodologies, Process Automation, Digital Manufacturing/I4.0, Control Engineering, Equipment design, Robotics · Strong intercultural and interdisciplinary communication skills in English (spoken/written) · Diligent, reliable and target oriented team player We offer · A variety of challenging internship opportunities across multiple products and disciplines within our Global Operations Engineering Team · The opportunity to solve real-world problems in a growing, future-proof industry · Competitive compensation, Labor and group insurance · Local HR support (Relocation and Accommodation as applicable) · Dedicated on-site senior mentor guidance · Asia-experience in a highly innovative, international company · Flexible work-from-home policy · Start date: flexible upon agreement機械工程學類,資訊工程學類,工業工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


SHL Medical is the world-leading solution provider in the design, development, and manufacturing of advanced drug delivery systems with more than 5000 employees worldwide. Our customers include top pharmaceutical and biotech companies from around the globe that require innovative devices such as auto injectors or pen injectors to effectively deliver their drugs. Headquartered in Switzerland since late 2018, with sites in Sweden, Taiwan, and the Unites States. This role is embedded in the Molding Technology team within our Global Operations Engineering group in Taiwan. You are · Student in Engineering, Applied Sciences or other equivalent education · Independent thinker who is willing to discover new solutions off the beaten tracks · Interest in advanced high-volume production technologies, process improvement and medical manufacturing · Knowledge and/or previous experience in one or more of the following fields: Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma methodologies, Polymer Science, Plastics Engineering, Injection Molding / Tooling Technology, Product Development, Process Development · Strong intercultural and interdisciplinary communication skills in English (spoken/written) · Diligent, reliable and target oriented team player We offer · A variety of challenging internship opportunities across multiple products and disciplines within our Global Operations Engineering Team · The opportunity to solve real-world problems in a growing, future-proof industry · Competitive compensation, Labor and group insurance · Local HR support (Relocation and Accommodation as applicable) · Dedicated on-site senior mentor guidance · Asia-experience in a highly innovative, international company · Flexible work-from-home policy · Start date: flexible upon agreement機械工程學類,資訊工程學類,工業工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


參與CAE分析及技術文件整理 簡易模型建構工程學門輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人



應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 3D列印實作。 2. 機械設計實作。 3. 機器人組裝與修配。電機工程學類,電子工程學類,機械工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 史都華平台運動學模擬。 2. 史都華平台機構設計。 3. 機構組裝與修配。電機工程學類,電子工程學類,機械工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 機械設備繪圖、圖面整理。 2. 機械設備驗測、數據收集。工程學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


★歡迎大四及碩二學生投遞(科系需與職務相符) ★實習期間最少一學期 提供學以致用、與職場接軌的實習機會,表現優秀之實習生更可以在畢業前取得任職轉任正式機會! 【實習內容】: 1. 藉由參與實務工作,學習相關產業領域專業技能,未來就業可順利接軌,充實就業即戰力。 2. 實行輔導員制度,輔導員協助帶領及解決疑難雜症。 3. 在職期間將規劃各類專業課程,同步提升職場軟實力。 招募對象:電機、機械、化工等理工相關科系之大四、碩二學生 實習部門:依所學本科專業分配 實習時間:上學期實習(112.9 ~113.1)/下學期實習(113.1~113.6) 【備註】 1. 可配合學校實習生計畫,請於自傳最後說明實習時數及期程 2. 實習期間表現優秀者,於實習結束時有機會轉為正職化學工程學類,電機工程學類,電子工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 機器人相關之機械與機構設計,如夾爪/治具等。 2. 3D模型修整及渲染。 3. 依專案需求開發相關機構件。電機工程學類,電子工程學類,機械工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


基礎職能: 1.辦公室與個人環境5S活動落實。 2.個人與公用工具之使用與保管。 工作職責: 1.零件圖面閱讀,進料零件簡易尺寸確認與檢查。 2.庫房領料交接零件與模組後,參照2D/3D電腦組立圖,組裝機構及機台設備。 3.參照氣控迴路圖,進行設備之配氣、配管、配線作業。 配合工作: 1.配合專案團隊,進行相關設備改修與組裝。 2.依照主管指示進行客戶之問題點回覆與討論。 工作回報: 1.每日參與晨會活動,當日工作進度落實回報。 公司網頁資訊: https://www.prefactortech.com/332582120521270.html機械工程學類,其他工程學類,工業技藝及機械學門

應徵人數|1-5 人



1.各項工程案規劃及進度安排 2.負責工程異常處理及檢驗作業 3.各項工作之報告製作 4.現場製作、監督、協調 5.工檢文件、整備機械工程學類,工業工程學類,英美語文學類輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.負責產品驗證制定及設備研製 2.執行產品的功能、性能與特性測試計畫 3.測試設備規格訂定、開發時程規劃、原型機實作機械工程學類,電子工程學類,電機工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.治具設計,評估、發包、品質及進度管控。 2.專用機設計評估,開發及進度掌控。 3.主導新製程、新技術資源開發及導入。 4.製程外包段零件開發。 5.製程標桿線建立及製程參數設定。 6.製程能力與製程規格驗證檢討。 7.生產輔助耗材驗證評估。 8.工程文件制定,發行及維護。 9.PVT量試進度管控。 10製程開發計劃展開。 11.配合PD進行樣品製造及相關驗證。機械工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


一、工作內容: 1.辦理船隊各項維修與法規檢驗事宜。 2.船舶料配件採購內容審核及工務預算管控。 3.管理船舶各設備操作維護與計畫保養PMS系統作業。 4.配合國際法規實施與執行相關工務業務。 5.規劃與執行船舶<航修><岸修><塢修>等作業。 6.不定期國內外出差訪船與參與新船監造或塢修。 二、學歷:國內外大學院校輪機系或造船系畢業生。具備船舶管理實務經驗者佳。 三、科系:輪機系、造船系畢業。 四、證照:有國家級考試院證照或輪機員海員手冊資歷證照請提供。 五、其他:具中文、英文聽說寫精通能力,如有TOEIC550分等相關英文檢定證明者可檢附。熟悉電腦文書軟體操作。 六、薪資待遇: 39,600元(試用期間)~42,600元。有同類職場服務資歷者可面議。河海及船舶工程學類,機械工程學類,電機工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.可依圖施工作業、測量放樣、打引寸、算料。 2.辨別材料特性,選擇適合的焊接方式及填料、焊條,進行金屬加工工序。 3.焊接組立、機械組裝。 4.可獨力作業並攜帶組員完成施工作業。 5.CO2、電焊、氬焊作業。輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


【電儀】 1.紙車西門子傳動PLC系統 2.紙機西門子複捲PLC系統 3.紙機MCS控制系統 4.全廠PLC系統 5.全廠發電機系統 ****** 【久任獎金】做滿三個月→ 6,000元/做滿半年→8,000元/做滿一年→12,000元合計做滿一年→26,000元 【提供員工宿舍 一人一間】 【提供中壢至廠 交通車】電機工程學類,電子工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.帶領RD跟墨西哥廠商討論模具開發/ 試模進度/ PPAP審核/ 追蹤備料以及料件承認 2.彙整墨西哥ME RD周報 3.維護比對量產後機種客人發布設變的問題點確認,需與客人和台灣團隊開會確認,並發布給墨西哥工廠端做ECN process 4.跨部門整合分析產品問題以利順利生產 5.帶領部屬執行DOE以驗證開發階段設計問題以及量產料件問題 6.指導同仁進行內部流程,如非標單/工程確認單/工單調整單/MRO電機工程學類,電子工程學類,機械工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.使用電腦繪圖軟體,協助設計、規劃新的產品。 2.製作BOM,繪製零件圖發包。 3.使用傳統車、銑床加工。 4.機械組立、試車完成。機械工程學類輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 機械設備請購及維修保養管理 2.機械設計及工程繪圖 3.設備備品管理及請購 4.製程規劃與工程管理機械工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.工程進度控管、現場製造監督協調、工程購料、交貨、驗收作業、異常處理 2.工程相關報表製作 3.品管自主檢查及申請機械工程學類,工業工程學類,英美語文學類輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.維持生產線正常運作 2.負責機器設備維護與保養 3.無經驗可,有完整教育訓練

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 負責力學/材料學模擬仿真工程 2. 負責建模分析力學/材料學失效風險與預測 3. 熟悉力學/材料學的檢測設備測試原理及異常分析 4. 負責塑膠/高分子成型模擬仿真工程 5. 負責建模分析塑膠/高分子成型失效風險與預測 6. 熟悉成型設備試驗原理與異常分析 7.熟悉塑膠/高分子材料檢驗方法 8. 負責電磁波模擬仿真工程 9. 負責建模分析天線訊號失效風險與預測 10. 熟悉天線訊號的檢測設備測試原理及異常分析 *因工作需要, 本職務須長期出差工程學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.設備組立試車 2.組裝機械,空壓.油壓系統.車床、銑床、鉆孔等加工 3.機台維修普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人



應徵人數|1-5 人



應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 具橡塑膠機械設備設計 2.參與機械設計討論及制定之會議 3.進行機械設計並輸出設計文件( 機器圖紙、外購件清單、機器操作說明書等) 4.協助機器製造、安裝等後續工作,並與相關部門做溝通 5.針對測試有誤之設計不良原因做調整改善 6.改良舊機台或設計新機台以適應新產品之生產需求機械工程學類普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 負責石化廠、鋼鐵廠以及電子廠等現場非破壞檢測工作 2. 經驗不拘肯認真學習,執行主管交辦事項 3. 工作環境複雜,應徵者需考慮自身體力須有小型汽車等駕照 4. 具非破壞證照者佳 (具證照有額外加給) 5. 非責任制,其他津貼比照勞基法,外縣市出差額外出差費 6.入取者先於高雄公司執行內部訓練至少2週,住宿由公司負擔 7. 正式員工後,經常性薪資為45000~70000之間,依照出差天數以及個人能力不同所給予材料工程學類,機械工程學類普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


CNC電腦彈簧機操作 意者請攜帶履歷親洽面試!

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.板金繪圖設計。 2.需熟悉使用AutoCAD、SolidWorks。 3.相關金屬加工產業優先錄用。 4.熟悉電腦作業。輕型機車輕型機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.負責結構模擬分析,分析類型多樣,包含隨機振動、衝擊、落下、疲勞...問題 2.協助量測和測試與模擬對比 3.懂流體和散熱基本知識為佳 4.具備材料力學、結構力學、結構動力學、有限元素為佳機械工程學類,航太工程學類,土木工程及水利學類

應徵人數|1-5 人
