1111找工作 APP



工作內容 -配合團隊,合作開發穩定、可靠的嵌入式作業系統 -開發嵌入式系統應用層、應用層與核心層間的抽象層 -根據產品團隊需求,開發基於RTOS的擴展應用 -與其他部門合作,參與SoC晶片的功能驗證 團隊介紹 -我們曾開發出數個全球市佔率第一的產品 -實事求是,鼓勵動手做實驗,讓實測數據輔助技術決策 -尊重每位成員的想法,鼓勵團隊共創 -尊重每個人對開發時程的評估 -技術討論時很熱絡,大家喜歡腦力激盪找出最佳方案 -部門興趣廣泛,從打球衝浪到喝酒打電動都找得到好朋友 職涯發展 -提供技術及管理相關課程補助,在職時也能持續成長 -鼓勵員工參觀產業相關展覽及研討會,增長眼界 -公司的產品和技術領域多元,都有機會可以接觸資訊工程學類,電機工程學類,電子工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


Purpose of this Position -Responsible for the package structure & artworkg design and development of products -Operational Excellence in the system processes for the development of packaging structures Major Areas of Responsibility -Conduct research analysis, trend analysis, and insights through various design thinking methodologies to ideate new products or optimize existing ones -Creating product package designs that align with company culture and brand -Collaborate with the product department to define new product concepts and values -Understand packaging design, procurement, and development processes, assist in ensuring the quality of proposal deliverables, and effectively manage project progress and timelines. -Continuously establish and optimize design guidelines, and create a system and attitude for reflection and improvement. -Introduction and Design of Sustainable Packaging, Including Methods, Materials, and Supply Chain產品設計學類,機械工程學類,材料工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


負責基金會各項計畫推動時所有相關行政事務支援,協助各項計畫能更有效率和品質的推動;能與志工創造正向的交流與互動,為基金會蓬勃發展的會務增添助力。  主要工作內容: 1. 負責各營隊招募志工相關文書作業,以及志工服務整個過程相關的文書作業和物品準備,協助各營隊專職及時處理相關行政事務。 2.能獨立設計完成活動所需的美編文宣(熟悉Adobe Illustrator美編軟體尤佳)。 3.負責圖書管理和借閱歸還登記。 4.協助基金會執行相關會務活動和行政事務,以及完成主管交辦事項。普通科目教育學類,經濟社會及心理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


【Purpose of this Position】 隨著時代的演變,軟體技術的發展越來越快速,對於產品品質提升的相關技術也一直在快速演進,為了確保產品的品質,除了手動測試,也需要透過開發自動化測試來提升測試效率及品質。 工作主要的內容是以確保產品品質為主,產品線的範圍包含現場擷取感測器資料的遠端I/O、通訊協定轉換器、IIOT Gateway、工業電腦、交換機、路由器、無線AP以及包含Moxa在雲端提供的服務(SaaS)等等。 歡迎有相關測試經驗或者對測試驗證有興趣者,且想多探索更多自動化測試的人,如果你對這樣的工作內容有興趣的話,歡迎跟我們聯絡,讓我們一起共創出你自己也覺得驕傲的產品。 【Major Areas of Responsibility】 1. 研讀和熟稔產品相關協定和產品規格 2. 負責產品測試環境架設、擬定測試計畫,執行功能及系統測試,並產出測試報告 3. 確保產品品質,找出產品缺陷、分析測試上所發現的問題、回報問題並持續追蹤,協助團隊快速解決問題 4. 建立新產品新技術測試能量,並技轉給其他同仁 5. 改善測試效率及流程資訊管理學類,通信學類,電機工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


Purpose of this Position: IPC Business Department aims for driving digital transformation in industrial markets through addressing the increasing demand of data connectivity and processing with industrial-grade computers and gateways at the edge. We are looking for a product manager for one of our IPC and IIoT Gateway product lines. If you are a go-getter with a can-do attitude, thriving on overcoming challenges, and always willing to go the extra mile and do that one more thing to further the business objective, we want to hear from you! The product management team is the business owner of the product line and responsible of product marketing, business development, product creation and project management of the industrial computers and gateway portfolio. The team works closely with cross-functional teams to guide products from conception to launch and drive business impacts. Major Areas of Responsibility: 1. Formulate and execute business plans and go-to-market approach. 2. Spearhead sales opportunities and accounts engagement, including: - manage customer technical request and arrange resource to meet the request. - manage RFQ/RFP evaluation in professional and efficient way, including technical requirements, budget, schedule, ROI control. 3. Lead cross-functional teams for product development and foster portfolio’s value propositions to address trends and requirements of Industry 4.0, and Industrial IoT markets. 4. Analyze market segmentation and contribute to defining product positioning strategy with key stakeholders. 5. Manage product marketing for new products launching globally. 6. Develop external sales collateral kits and internal sales enablement packs. 7. Being the contact liaison to collaborate with product team and regional team to deliver marketing message and provide market insight. 8. Conduct market research and competition landscape analysis 9. Demonstrate energetic and self-motivated with great strategic perspective, a proven record of tactic execution.電機工程學類,電子工程學類,資訊管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


團隊與產品價值 如同智慧型手機改變了現代人的生活,工業物聯網也正在重新定義未來各種產業的應用樣貌。隨著再生能源、電動車等新趨勢的蓬勃發展,如何深入理解不同行業的應用需求,並藉由軟體的力量,創造工業電腦新的能力和價值,是我們團隊的使命。在這裡,你可以走出辦公室,直接跟不同行業的領頭羊客戶對話,開發出更具實用價值的軟體功能。如果你喜歡探索未知領域、願意擁抱改變找出解答、樂於與客戶對話、獨立自主,並且認同這樣的團隊文化,歡迎投遞履歷跟我們聊聊。 工作內容 - 與團隊共同開發儲能應用的軟體模組 - 負責工業通訊協定軟體模組開發和維護 - 設計軟體模組API,技術文件撰寫,提供客戶二次開發使用 - 對未知市場需求的探索,以及技術方案的共創 - 需出差,與客戶討論功能需求和現場除錯 團隊介紹 - 實事求是、團隊合作,是我們欣賞的團隊文化 - 鼓勵動手做實驗,讓實測數據輔助技術決策 - 我們傾聽成員的想法,包含技術觀點、工作項目、專案時程規劃,鼓勵提出自己的觀點,互相討論成長 - 討論風氣熱絡,有任何議題馬上可到桌邊一起腦力激盪,找出最佳方案 - 團隊成員會一起聚餐吃飯、訂飲料。互動親切、樂於分享電機工程學類,電子工程學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


Purpose of this Position: 在工業連網產品開發的過程中,透過機構系統組裝的經驗提出DFA及DFM評估,確保產品導入量產階段後具備可靠的生產可行性以及建立穩定的生產製程。 Major Areas of Responsibility: 1. 與產品設計團隊合作,並且透過mock up、3D review及試產來評估新產品機構生產可行性 2. 透過生產技術/治具/設備導入以滿足產品製造開發的需求。 3. 產出標準化文件來管理組裝生產作業,確保生產品質的一致性。 4. 負責試產問題蒐集、分析、解決以及良率改善。機械工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


Purpose of this Position -提升量測效率,降低人力測試時間。 -提升量測準確性,確保量測一致性和重複性。 -提供大量產品數據,使量測涵蓋率更高更精準,分析特性趨勢或發生問題的概率。 -降低了手動測試的需求,讓測試人員可以處理更複雜的場景。 Major Areas of Responsibility -規劃自動化測試計劃、建置測試環境,並撰寫測試案例。 -負責撰寫自動化測試案例與執行自動化測試。 -設計與研發自動化測試工具。 -設計與改善自動化測試流程。 -思考可能的軟體/韌體/硬體缺陷,確保產品穩定性,並持續利用自動化工具優化品質。 -追蹤並記錄產品問題,且可透過工具分析,回饋相關人員進行修正。 -在產品上建立自動化整合設計與軟體開發端進行串接,建立持續整合之流程。 -在設備上建立自動化整合設計與設備商軟體開發端進行串接,建立持續整合之流程。電機工程學類,電子工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


【實習職缺】以下職缺歡迎大三、大四、碩一、碩二的同學 .sᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ ɪɴᴛᴇʀɴ ᴘʀᴏɢʀᴀᴍ(ᴡᴏʀᴋ ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ|新莊總公司)  ▼軟體研發實習   https://bit.ly/3wpg4UU  ▼軟體測試實習   https://bit.ly/3UN5Xna  ▼硬體研發實習   https://bit.ly/3OOK6HQ ▼技術服務實習 https://bit.ly/48lLjNZ  ▼技術服務實習   https://bit.ly/3T332Fj ▼機構工業設計實習   https://bit.ly/49hgSd5 ▼資訊IT實習生   https://bit.ly/49k1L2A .sᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ ɪɴᴛᴇʀɴ ᴘʀᴏɢʀᴀᴍ(ᴡᴏʀᴋ ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ|桃園八德廠)  ▼產品工程實習   https://bit.ly/49wCYrW Moxa四零四科技是全球前三大工業通訊設備製造商,據點遍布美、德、中、印度等10餘個國家,致力於工業物聯網和網路通訊應用。暑期實習為實際職場的體驗版,在專業面實習夥伴皆有專人一對一指導,在人際面可認識領域內前輩達人、建立同梯夥伴人脈。 充實精彩的二個月,快來投遞履歷成為Moxa實習生吧! 邀請你加入我們,與我們一起工作、成長、享受生活,在四零四找到屬於自己的頁面! #加入四零四 #成長新嘗試

應徵人數|1-5 人


【Purpose of this Position】 組織朝向專業分工與專業合作並且因應客戶在使用者介面上有更多複雜的挑戰,所以需要此職位來負責嵌入式設備、Cloud或Utility的Web應用程式前端開發,並提供技術指導與架構設計。具備前端架構系統觀,能根據產品類型與需求提出最適的前端技術決策。另外,需要領導資淺與資深工程師配合組織目標進行技術研究。 【Major Areas of Responsibility】 1. 架構、開發和維護高度交互性的前端界面,確保使用體驗最佳。 2. 領導資淺或資深工程師進行技術研究專案。 3. 根據組織策略目標,制定前端開發策略和計劃。 4. 解決複雜的前端技術問題,例如:Scaling Problem(Team Scaling, Project Scaling)。 5. 推動前端工程規範至各產品研發團隊。 6. 評估和引入新的前端技術和工具,以提高團隊開發效率和品質。 7. 持續學習和研究前端技術的新趨勢和最佳實踐,並分享知識。 8. 參與跨團隊組成的虛擬組織,發揮領導力與溝通協調力來共同決策研發流程面議題資訊工程學類,資訊管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


Purpose of this Position: 1. We are hiring talents who are passionate about industrial Ethernet and connectivity markets. 2. We are looking for people who are ambitious to take challenge to develop new products and new business. 3. We are inviting experienced candidates to join our teamwork for delivering division goal. 4. We are looking forward to having you co-work with us to observe and drive the future of industry market trend and transform new ideas into products and solutions and then to be adopted into the fields. Major Areas of Responsibility: 1. Team Leading: -You should play the role of thought leader in your product and project teams, keeping projects moving forward. This may involve cross-function team communication and coordination. -You need to motivate your team members and be a positive influencer to others, having team communication smoothly. 2. Product Development and Product Marketing: -You need to listen to customers carefully, sense the market trend wisely, surveying the new technologies, and come up with a product proposal with go-to-market strategy. -Co-work with global working partners with skillful communication to make product message delivered effectively. 3. Business Support and Development: -Work with global key accounts and regional sales to win projects together or provide support for customer cases. -Research new market segments and develop new business models.電機工程學類,電子工程學類,資訊管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


Introduction 工業物聯網與工業4.0已為浪潮,MOXA四零四科技以嵌入式的網路通訊產品為主,過去30年的經驗,我們掌握了在嚴苛環境中設備連網的通訊技術,且深獲客戶的信賴,目前已經是全亞洲第一大工業連網設備的領導品牌。面對著工業物聯網與工業4.0的浪潮,有越來越多的資訊需連上雲端,於此同時MOXA四零四科技致力於研發業界通訊能力最強、邏輯編程最易使用的智能型遠程I/O、控制器以及相關的整合軟硬體,滿足油氣水電、替代能源、軌道交通、和智慧工廠等應用需求。這波浪潮是未來的趨勢,我們需要更多專業人才,一起實現萬物聯網、萬物智慧化的年代。期望你共同參與! Purpose of this Position 1.設計與開發工業物聯網數據採集與控制設備。 2.協助與建議工業物聯網數據採集與控制設備的技術支援。 3.協助與建議工業物聯網數據採集與控制設備新應用技術性的研究。 Major Areas of Responsibility 1.負責工業物聯網數據採集設備系列產品硬體線路設計開發與驗證。 2.協助分析與評估並支援客服部技術議題,滿足客戶之需求。 3.協助工業物聯網採集與控制設備的相關新技術的研究,並提出觀點與看法。電機工程學類,電子工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


Purpose of this Position: The primary objective of the Moxa Korea (MKR) Channel Sales Manager (CSM) is to drive revenue growth and market expansion by effectively managing and nurturing relationships with channel partners, including distributors, resellers, and system integrators. This role is ensuring the successful execution of MKR channel sales strategies and achieving the business goals. Key objectives for this position include: 1. Revenue Growth: Develop and execute channel sales strategies to consistently meet or exceed revenue targets and increase market penetration. 2. Sales Enablement: Provide channel partners with the necessary training, resources, and support to effectively promote and sell Moxa‘s product portfolio. 3. CME (Channel Management Excellence): Manage channel business performance by CME methodology to ensure that channel partners are aligned with Moxa business objectives. 4. Market Insight: Stay informed about market trends, competitive landscapes and etc. to adapt and refine sales strategies for sustained success. 5. Collaboration: Foster close collaboration with MKR and MHQ (Moxa HQ), including marketing, technical, product management and etc. to ensure alignment with company goals and maximize the value delivered by channel partners. 6. Channel Partner Recruitment: Identify, recruit, and onboard new channel partners.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 處理股務及相關股票作業,含公司法、稅法等股務相關法令之遵循及資料整理。 2. 執行股票交易異動作業與管理。 3. 參與規劃並執行股務代理導入。 4. 股東會規劃召集及會議資料準備。 5. 回覆股東之問題。 6. 制訂與修改股務相關管理辦法。 7. 辦理工商登記相關作業。 8. 處理財務會計帳務相關作業。 9. 主管交辦事項。財務金融學類,一般商業學類,會計學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


【Purpose of this Position】 隨著時代的演變,軟體技術的發展越來越快速,對於產品品質提升的相關技術也一直在快速演進,為了確保產品的品質,除了手動測試,也需要透過開發自動化測試來提升測試效率及品質。 工作主要的內容是以確保產品品質為主,產品線的範圍包含現場擷取感測器資料的遠端I/O、通訊協定轉換器以及包含Moxa在雲端提供的服務(SaaS)等等。 歡迎有相關測試經驗或者對測試驗證有興趣者,且想多探索更多自動化測試的人,如果你對這樣的工作內容有興趣的話,歡迎跟我們聯絡,讓我們一起共創出你自己也覺得驕傲的產品。 【Major Areas of Responsibility】 1.研讀和熟稔產品相關協定和產品規格 2.負責產品測試環境架設、擬定測試計畫,執行功能及系統測試,並產出測試報告 3.確保產品品質,找出產品缺陷、分析測試上所發現的問題、回報問題並持續追蹤,協助團隊快速解決問題。 4.協助複製客訴問題和提供前線技術支援 5.建立新產品新技術測試能量,並技轉給其他同仁。 6.改善測試效率及流程,跟主管取得共識下,協助開發修改自動測試程式及優化既有之品保流程電機工程學類,電子工程學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


ᴘᴜʀᴘᴏsᴇ ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs ᴘᴏsɪᴛɪᴏɴ Responsible for schedule, cost control, internal communication with cross functional teams for new product, product improvement, customization projects. Co-work with product manager to achieve target for new product launch and existing product maintenance. ᴍᴀᴊᴏʀ ᴀʀᴇᴀs ᴏғ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsɪʙɪʟɪᴛʏ -Coordinate and monitor new product development status, ensuring that all tasks are done in a timely manner and meet product launch schedules. -Co-work with cross functional teams to handle sustaining product activities. -Co-work with product manager to handle customized requirements and special shipment process. -Internal operation process improvement. -Perform other related duties as assigned.工業工程學類,企業管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


ᴘᴜʀᴘᴏsᴇ ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs ᴘᴏsɪᴛɪᴏɴ Responsible for schedule, cost control, internal communication with cross functional teams for new product, product improvement, customization projects. Co-work with product manager to achieve target for new product launch and existing product maintenance. ᴍᴀᴊᴏʀ ᴀʀᴇᴀs ᴏғ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsɪʙɪʟɪᴛʏ -Coordinate and monitor new product development status, ensuring that all tasks are done in a timely manner and meet product launch schedules. -Co-work with cross functional teams to handle sustaining product activities. -Co-work with product manager to handle customized requirements and special shipment process. -Internal operation process improvement. -Perform other related duties as assigned.工業工程學類,企業管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


Purpose of this Position: We are looking for an experienced Digital Marketing Manager who is passionate about content marketing through marketing automation to help us create a best-in-class user experience that engages our customers, drives demand, and builds brand loyalty. This position will be in Moxa Headquarters office in Taipei, Taiwan supporting Asia-Pacific regions and China. Major Areas of Responsibility: The ideal candidate should possess a working knowledge of content marketing with marketing automation, along with relevant experience in social media and online advertising. This role requires B2B marketing experience, combined with strong digital acumen, to accomplish content strategy planning, execution, and result analysis within marketing automation campaigns that align with business objectives. Your responsibilities will include the following: 1. Serving as the regional marketing automation subject matter expert for the Moxa Asia-Pacific regions and China, you will be involved in and contribute to local demand generation programs, turning vague concepts into marketing strategies, goals, and assets. 2. Collaborate with key regional stakeholders to plan, create, and optimize campaign content with an editorial mindset. In addition, develop marketing automation campaigns that focus on the needs and preferences of customers, generating demand, building lasting relationships, and fostering retention throughout the visitor lifecycle. 3. Taking hands-on management of marketing automation campaigns, including designing and setting up campaign materials, overseeing ongoing operations, and optimizing results by maintaining project timelines, managing risks, and providing solutions to tasks with competing priorities under minimal supervision. 4. Serving as the digital presence coordinator by overseeing the overall management of the regional social media, and online ad campaign presence and integrating it into marketing automation campaigns in collaboration with the regional marketing team. 5. Sharing successful practices from result-proven campaigns and replicating success factors for broadening regional or global marketing campaigns to drive long-term continual success.行銷與流通學類,大眾傳播學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


Purpose of this Position 支持研發中心各項工程文書事務、行政庶務執行及配合活動展開及完成其他主管交辨事項。 Major Areas of Responsibility - 執行研發中心各部門領退料、快遞寄送、請款、請購、數據統計、報表製作等作業。 - 協助研發案開發文件整理、系統上傳操作/歸檔、正確流程設定、發行追踨等作業。 - 安排研發案樣品打件料件索樣請購準備、工單安排及進度追踨作業。 - 執行料件Part survey、料號申請、承認、變更維護作業。 - 配合組織落實各項公司行政及環境管理要求作業及年度稽核、盤點。 - 會議協助及主管其他交辨事項。

應徵人數|1-5 人


ᴘᴜʀᴘᴏsᴇ ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs ᴘᴏsɪᴛɪᴏɴ • 協助集團Cellular相關產品團隊解決Cellular互通性驗證和場域佈建的連線問題 • 制定測試工程標準和建置相關測試環境,為集團無線產品連線品質把關 ᴍᴀᴊᴏʀ ᴀʀᴇᴀs ᴏғ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsɪʙɪʟɪᴛʏ 1. 負責集團Cellular相關產品在工業場域的連線問題分析和解決 2. 協助集團Cellular相關產品通過運營商認證所需的測試驗證項目 3. 與研發團隊合作解決PoC階段遇到的各種測試驗證問題 4. 撰寫測試計劃和分析報告 5. 與軟體開發團隊和SQA團隊討論並制定產品所需的測試項目 6. 對內分享知識和經驗傳承電機工程學類,電子工程學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人
