1111找工作 APP



1. 本專區為原住民徵才專區及建立原住民人士履歷資料庫使用。 2. 需具有原住民身份;非具備原住民身份者,請前往其他職務進行投遞應徵。 3. 學經歷: 高中/職以上、工作經驗不拘 4. 工作實際內容依過去經歷與專長安排面談 5. 有意應徵者請先以1111系統投遞履歷,經用人單位初審通過後安排面試

應徵人數|1-5 人


Job Summary: Organize, circulate and direct delivery of library service to patrons, development of digital resources, administrative duties and supervision of students. Key Responsibilities: - Independently open and close the library on time and carry out daily operations, at times with no librarian present, including Saturdays and Summer Academy. - Organize and circulate books and other materials to student and adult patrons to ensure they have access during library open hours to quality resources on a daily basis. - Assist patrons to effectively use online catalog and identify appropriate materials to support classroom learning and leisure reading. Monitor patron behavior to ensure respectful use of the facility, a quality learning environment, and student safety. - Assist librarians with classes (manage student behavior, assist with instruction as needed) to ensure that students learn essential library skills. - Manage records and patron accounts in online catalog to ensure accuracy and availability of materials. Catalog and process new and old library materials (receiving, cataloging, repairing and/or processing for discard). - Manage and monitor library budget expenditures. Communicate with local vendors. Create purchase orders and process petty cash reimbursements. Communicate with the accounting dept to support library orders.

應徵人數|1-5 人



1. 招募及面試時間安排 2. 人員報到/離職作業 2. 人員出勤管理 3. 薪酬計算及所得稅申報 4. 勞健保加退保作業,每月保費核對,及相關給付申請 5. 各項報表製作及資料統整分析 6. 追蹤人事相關法規修法異動及調整方案提案 7. 教育訓練規劃及執行 8. 其他主管交辦之業務.其他商業及管理學類,會計學類,一般法律學類普通小型車

應徵人數|6-10 人



1.產品訂購單處理作業 2.接聽客戶電話,協助客訴案件處理 3.熟悉電腦操作及繕打資料 4.產品介紹及解說 5.主管交辦事項

應徵人數|11-30 人



1. 文書處理、報價; 2. 業務與主管交辦事務處理等。輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


Job Summary: To provide high quality HR office administrative support covering general HR inquiries, personnel files and employee records maintenance, school-wide events and visitation programs and HR office daily routines to ensure Taipei American School HR operations are not interrupted or delayed by the failure of routine support systems. Key Responsibilities: HR Helpdesk Support - Provide effective HR helpdesk supports to all employees, including but not limited to taking and answering general HR service inquiries, meet and greet HR visitors. - Assist HR Officer – employee support with any ad hoc check-in/check-out administrative tasks and visa/ARC/work permit related questions as required. - Assist with the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) by handling initial inquiries and providing administrative support for database management and organization of relevant materials, ensuring timely updates according to the assigned timeline. HR Office Administrative Support - Provide HR office routine and administrative support including but not limited to daily HR inbox checking and distribution, HR office mailings and postal services, postal/parcel collection and distribution, HR office equipment/facilities vendor communication and service maintenance, administer HR Office petty cash and office supplies, manage stock for approved HR materials and forms in HR filing room to ensure all HR forms are most current and up-to-date and have sufficient copies for use at all times. - Assist with work permit, ARC application, ROC criminal record & eligible documentation preparation and actual submissions to the required government authorities and agencies. - Assist with employee annual contract renewal distribution and collection tasks per the agreed process and schedule. - Provide administrative support to Assistant HR Director as required. Personnel files and HR database management - HR personnel files (including physical file and digital file folders) are created upon hiring, and employee contract/confidential/employment materials (hard copies and digital copies) are filed in a timely manner and maintained secure and up-to-date to school policy standards. - Assist with the organization of HR filing rooms and act as key personnel to access HR personnel files/profiles based on approved requests. - Maintain and update HRM employee and dependent data as soon as the documentation/data are submitted to HR to ensure all employee data on HRM is - kept up to date and accurate that meet HR data audit requirement at all times. HR-hosted school-wide events and visitation programs -Plan, prepare end-of-year recognition list and organize programs, communicate and manage logistics, and supervise HR-hosted school-wide events to ensure the success of the event including but not limited to: error-free program and timely coordination and communication with the award recipients, presenters and participants a. awards, food and beverage orders are planned, prepared and submitted in a timely manner b. effective coordination with event presenters/performers to ensure required equipment and facilities are prepared, reserved and set-up per the agreed requirement & schedule c. effective coordination with Facilities department for facilities set-up/clean up before/after the event - Provide administrative & logistics support for HR visitation programs including the relevant ID card processes, New Teacher Orientation program and new faculty survey to ensure the required preparation are completed in a timely manner as per agreed requirements. Faculty and staff reimbursement requests - Process faculty and support staff annual physical reimbursement requests and other personnel expenses reimbursement requests. Other HR initiatives and projects as assigned by Assistant HR Director and HR Director

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 本職務為建立身心障礙人士履歷資料庫使用 2. 不限身障類別、程度,需持有身障手冊 3. 學經歷: 高中/職以上、工作經驗不拘 4. 工作實際內容依過去經歷與專長安排面談 5. 有意應徵者請先以1111系統投遞履歷,經用人單位初審通過後安排面試

應徵人數|11-30 人



若您是優秀的日文人才, 歡迎投遞履歷 職缺: 業務/人資/總務/採購/進出口/品保/稽核等, 經人資媒合後通知 科系: 不拘 【薪資福利】 大學畢業 工程職: 月起薪 32,000元以上 (視學經歷調整) 大學畢業 行政職: 月起薪 29,000元以上 (視學經歷調整)

應徵人數|1-5 人


We are seeking candidates with highly effective administrative, organizational, and coordination skills, along with meticulous attention to detail. These qualities are essential for ensuring error-free correspondence, reports, and data provision, which are integral to successful performance in this role. Job Summary: Provides high quality and effective administration of support staff learning and development, attendance management and employee pre-employment background checks and annual evaluation process to ensure TAS Human Resources support systems meet our school policies and HR operational standards. All the Job details can be viewed here (https://taipei-american-school.skoolspotrecruit.com/job/753604/human-resources-officer). If you would like to be considered for the Alumni Relations Officer position at TAS, please review the post on TAS online application platform (https://taipei-american-school.skoolspotrecruit.com/job/753604/human-resources-officer) for the application process.

應徵人數|1-5 人


主要為日本籍客戶對應,工作內容如下: 1.到現場估價 2.打包及現場管理 3.製作報關資料 4.製作帳單 5.主管交辦事項JLPTN1

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 一般文書資料處理 2. 廠商、客戶業務聯絡 3.公司業務聯繫與作業溝通 *具行政經驗/辦公室管理/ERP系統 *有數字概念 會計基礎者更佳輕型機車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.出貨調度WMS操作 2. 商品進出加工作業協助 3.客戶服務及問題對應 4.客戶應收帳款資料製作 5. 熟Microsoft office操作輕型機車,普通重機車輕型機車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


*協助業務人員文件表單處理及相關測試流程申請 *測試樣品整理,測試案件協調溝通

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 進出口文件相關作業 2. 銷貨處理作業 3. 請款作業

應徵人數|1-5 人


一、工作內容 .處理行政服務、協助員工製證作業,管理各類文件系統檔案。 .接聽、過濾、轉接來電及留言服務,及主管交辦事項。 .危安事件之通報,及各項安全警報裝置之監控與處置。 ★電腦基本文書作業(諳電腦文書,特別Excel試算表文書作業) ★免站哨 二、時間:18:30-06:30 (固定班) 三、休假:排休6-7天 四、薪水:48,000元/月(含津貼) 五、福利 .勞保、健保(依法投保) .年節禮券或禮金 .生日禮券 .結婚補助金與結婚禮金 .生育補助金 .年終獎金 .公司負擔6﹪退休金(依實際薪資級距提撥) .健康檢查 .提供制服、不押保證金 .提供專業教育訓練及核發證照 .完整的人事管理與升遷制度 .提供宿舍(設籍-外縣市者)、免費員工餐 、廠內可免費停機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.客戶聯繫及與倉管單位溝通協調。 2.協助客戶需求&倉庫作業間溝通協調安排。 3.製作進、出貨文件及協調派車作業。 4.負責貨物庫存帳務管理/加工作業安排/運輸&倉庫作業搭配。一般商業學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


• 即日起至2024年4月17日(三)止,點選下方連結投遞你的履歷。 【https://dbs.taleo.net/careersection/dbs_professional_hires_career_section/jobdetail.ftl?job=24000012&tz=GMT%2B08%3A00&tzname=Asia%2FTaipei】 • 名額有限,請儘早申請! • 報到日期:2024年7月1日(一)報到 星展消金服務新秀招募計畫 DBS with you - CBG Service Ambassador Programme 計畫說明: 星展躍升為台灣資產規模最大的外資銀行,在貸款、存款、信用卡和投資方面將在外資銀行市場中擁有明顯的市場領導地位。 現在,我們已網羅住市場上最頂尖的外商金融人才;未來,我們邀請具備潛力且嚮往金融外商銀行的你加入,將我們專業知識技能透過模組化的訓練,培養你成為下一位星展銀行的明日之星! 計畫特色: ★擁抱年輕世代人才,畢業加入外商銀行不是夢 ★一周全方位新人訓練,讓你快速了解外銀全貌 ★基礎職位建立紮實基礎,未來發展彈性無限大 ★職涯發展速度由你定,最快1.5年可輪調發展 此計畫以拔擢潛力無限的年輕世代人才為目標,讓你加入外商不再是高門檻,畢業即加入星展,不需先到其他地方歷練。 從第一線櫃員等職位建立基礎,給予兼具廣度與深度的紮實培訓,培養你成為全方位的銀行員,讓你前進外商的夢想立即實現! 我們在培訓期間,提供五大暖心考證培訓,每位同仁將有專屬Buddy,讓你在入職初期不迷茫,更能協助你建立專業職能與拓展職涯生活。 此外,星展也提供多元輪調且長期職涯發展機會,讓你在不同階段,職涯成就,星展隨行!一般商業學類,經濟學類,語文及人文學門初階外匯人員,金融市場常識與職業道德,信託業業務人員信託業務專業測驗,衍生性金融商品銷售人員

應徵人數|1-5 人


【門市行政專員團隊】 如果您期待穩定的工作同時擁有彈性的休假安排,並且願意成為門市夥伴堅強後盾,歡迎加入高登鐘錶-門市行政專員團隊! 我們正在尋找「台北101」門市銷售夥伴的堅強後盾-門市行政專員 歡迎與我們分享您過往行政、結帳收銀或會計等經驗,讓我們更認識您! 想更了解高登鐘錶: https://www.cortinawatch.com/tw/zh/ 【這個職位要做的事情】 - 商品結帳 - 進銷存貨管理 - 業績統計 - 零用金管理 - 店內庶務管理 ***此職位需輪班 薪資結構為: - 固定薪資 - 門市達成業績目標可領取變動性團體獎金 - 變動性績效獎金 歡迎投遞履歷與我們分享您過去的經驗,合適者我們會盡快與您聯繫,謝謝!一般商業學類,企業管理學類,會計學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


一、工作內容 .處理行政服務、協助員工製證作業,管理各類文件系統檔案。 .接聽、過濾、轉接來電及留言服務,及主管交辦事項。 .危安事件之通報,及各項安全警報裝置之監控與處置。 ★電腦基本文書作業(諳電腦文書,特別Excel試算表文書作業) ★免站哨 二、時間:18:30-06:30 (固定班) 三、休假:排休6-7天 四、薪水:48,000元/月(含津貼) 五、福利 .勞保、健保(依法投保) .年節禮券或禮金 .生日禮券 .結婚補助金與結婚禮金 .生育補助金 .年終獎金 .公司負擔6﹪退休金(依實際薪資級距提撥) .健康檢查 .提供制服、不押保證金 .提供專業教育訓練及核發證照 .完整的人事管理與升遷制度 .提供宿舍(設籍-外縣市者)、免費員工餐 、廠內可免費停機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


• This position will be responsible for preparing various MI reports for online leaders to monitor CCO’s performance and for senior management’s review and decision making. • On time delivery of MIS reporting. • Ensure dada accuracy and consistency. • Co-work with cross teams for new initiatives or any changes that would affect the existing report preparation. • Co-work with Regional Customer Centre stakeholders. • Other ad hoc assignments. 請用以下聯結進入官網投遞履歷,並完成履歷填寫(請用Google瀏覽器開啟) 網址: https://dbs.taleo.net/careersection/dbs_professional_hires_career_section/jobdetail.ftl?job=WD55868&lang=zh_TW

應徵人數|1-5 人
