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若以下問題有任一答案是肯定的,那麼您一定要來理財文化事業與我們聊聊! 您是否對投資理財充滿興趣? 您是否有著探究股市價格漲跌背後的熱情? 您是否期許自己能成為引領市場的燈塔? 只要您對上述任意一個問題具有【熱誠】再加上【具備主動思考解決問題方法】的特質,那你一定要來了解理周集團為您準備的舞台~ 工作內容 : 1.負責每日投研部內容規劃與內容產出。 2.周刊紙本與網站新聞撰寫及定期於理財周刊撰寫專欄分析文章。 3.國內產業及個股研究分析,不定期拜訪公司,掌握公司基本面變化。 4.專案交辦報導事項/如廣告專案執行、活動支援等。 5.未來規劃:影音內容發展、專案內容特企、專訪等(數位影音呈現)。 備註:如有研究、交易員經驗尤佳。集團提供研究/全委交易相關職務可輪調歷練。期貨投資分析師,期貨交易分析人員,證券投資分析人員(CSIA),證券投資分析師,證券商高級業務員,證券商業務員,期貨商業務員,投信投顧業務員

應徵人數|1-5 人


––––––––––––––––––––––-本公司目前正在招募––––––––––––––––––––––- 【年薪百萬業務菁英】,無經驗可,一對一教學,輕鬆好上手 請問你/妳 是否常遇到薪資不會加薪的工作,工作量無限上升,你認為自己懷才不遇嗎? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 【薪資待遇】 【永久保障底薪27470(業績獎金、請人獎金、業績抽成、活動獎金)】 【到職六個月薪資每月上看五萬、一年上看八萬、兩年保證月入十萬】 【休假制度】 【週日固定店休,每月可自行排休2-4天,整月+週日店休可達6-8天 】 【額外休假、元旦、清明、端午、中秋、春節、防災、旅遊、陪產】 【員工福利】 【餐敘 : 不定時舉辦餐敘及各項團體活動】 【福利 : 年終、結婚、生育、生日、各項現金津貼】 【工作時間】 早晚輪班 早班:早上九點-下午五點 中班:中午十二點-晚上八點 晚班:下午一點-晚上九點 【在店時間只需四小時-另外四小時可自行安排】 【工作內容】 1.線上接聽客戶電話並回復相關問題 2.具有口才分析溝通 3.熟悉公司規章及客服作業流程 4.電話聯絡客戶提醒繳款事宜 5.客戶繳款問題諮詢與後續追蹤 6.協助處理客戶繳款問題 7.開發陌生客戶 【只要會使用FB、LINE、IG、各種通訊軟體即可】 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 如果你/妳 想給自己一個挑戰百萬年薪機會,自己的人生自己掌握,歡迎加入我們的行業 ☑無相關經驗 ☑二次就業 ☑社會新鮮人 ☑轉換跑道 ☑薪水小偷 實體店面 政府立案 合法經營 安全有保障 –––––––––––––––––––––––-新型態業務當舖––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 我們是全新型態、銀行模式經營的當舖,絕非地下錢莊 當舖不再是人們眼中有著傳統刻板印象有暴力討債催收等問題的行業 我們是比照銀行體系的貸款業務,甚至比銀行融資更加彈性 且能協助客戶進行債務整合,讓借貸還款更輕鬆無壓力 你必須先知道! 絕非直銷、更不用任何的入會費、手續費 、權利金 擁有完整教育訓練制度、升遷透明 給想要挑戰百萬年薪的你/妳 一個既可幫助客戶, 又能享領高薪的舞台。 公司企業化管理,升遷制度透明, 且皆為辦公室冷氣房內文書作業。 您想挑戰業務行銷,但你不想仰賴親朋好友?  你喜歡獨立作業,並想時時挑戰高收入? 現在加入我們,透過扎實的在職教育訓練,成為精英業務高手 【百萬年薪不會再只是白日夢】

應徵人數|1-5 人


We’re currently looking for a high caliber professional to join our team as Officer, Client Onboard Analyst, Taiwan – Hybrid based in Taipei, Taiwan. Being part of our team means that we’ll provide you with the resources to meet your unique needs, empower you to make healthy decision and manage your financial well-being to help plan for your future. For instance: • Citi provides programs and services for your physical and mental well-being including access to telehealth options, health advocates, confidential counseling and more. Coverage varies by country. • We believe all parents deserve time to adjust to parenthood and bond with the newest members of their families. That’s why in early 2020 we began rolling out our expanded Paid Parental Leave Policy to include Citi employees around the world. • We empower our employees to manage their financial well-being and help them plan for the future. • Citi provides access to an array of learning and development resources to help broaden and deepen your skills and knowledge as your career progresses. • We have a variety of programs that help employees balance their work and life, including generous paid time off packages. • We offer our employees resources and tools to volunteer in the communities in which they live and work. In 2019, Citi employee volunteers contributed more than 1 million volunteer hours around the world. In this role, you’re expected to: • Responsible for customer interaction, documentation issuance, review and system setups. • Demonstrates high level of diligence, motivation and organizational skills. • Focuses on timely and accurate delivery of all account opening functions, as well as delivering superior customer service and resolution of customer issues. • Performs day to day management of the account opening and maintenance processing, including daily management of in-process, pended, and service related activities, ensuring account opening requirements are clearly defined to support all scenarios of account opening and maintenance requirements, to include delivery of very high quality service to customers and internal partners. • Responsible for various types of project management in the account services space, and managing cross-functional relationships with all teams. • Determines new work procedures, analyzes complex and variable issues with significant departmental impact. • Consistent delivery of high quality service to customers through meeting or exceeding customer expectation guided by service level agreements and efficiency/accuracy standards. • Ensures awareness and full compliance of internal processes, regulations, policies, guidelines, procedures, and practices. • Establishes and maintains close working relationship with clients and within team to facilitate an open and direct communication of issues, needs, queries, etc., in such that these may be responded to in an efficient, prompt and professional manner. • Embarks on continuous on the job training for end to end product knowledge. • Understands client requirements and implement them correctly. • Understands new customer requirements and ensure adequate support to new customer requirements and initiatives. Monitors customer satisfaction and service level and drive process changes. Provides innovative solutions to clients. • Daily deliverable of routine and defined tasks, while developing knowledge of the broader context in which work is being performed. • Appropriately assess risk when business decisions are made, demonstrating particular consideration for the firm‘s reputation and safeguarding Citigroup, its clients and assets, by driving compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, adhering to Policy, applying sound ethical judgment regarding personal behavior, conduct and business practices, and escalating, managing and reporting control issues with transparency.商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 整合研究及各項公司資源服務機構客戶 2. 維護客戶關係固定拜訪 3. 提高券商評鑑分數並開戶 4. 舉辦各項參訪活動及論壇 5. 開發法人客戶投資台股及複委託 6. 處理客戶研究需求,安排簡報RoadshowTOEIC Bridge,證券商高級業務員

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.協助公司與客戶見面並按照公司規定完成案件服務。 2.完成主管交辦事項。 3.核對貸款契約客戶簽名及資料 4.有相關經驗佳,優先錄取

應徵人數|6-10 人



1.有價證券受託買賣 2.業務開發拓展證券商業務員

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 負責證券、期貨、選擇權之開發。 2. 協銷各項金融商品(如:基金、保險及結構型商品)。 3. 協助客戶進行投資理財規劃。 4. 提供投資理財商品的諮詢服務。 (本薪26-35K,另依業績狀況核發業績獎金)證券商業務員,期貨商業務員

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.負責國際聯貸案案源之開發、關係維繫及管理 2.徵信報告及授信條件分析 3.境外客戶之關係維繫 4.可接受外派/出差商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.有價證券受託買賣 2.客戶開發 3.投資理財諮詢證券商業務員

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.開發客戶與維護客戶關係 2.金融商品銷售與諮詢等金融服務 3.主管交辦事項人身保險業務員,投資型保險商品業務員,外幣收付之非投資型人身保險資格證照,財產保險業務員,證券商業務員,信託業業務人員信託業務專業測驗

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.負責中型企業客戶之開發、關係維繫及管理 2.提供存 / 匯款、貿易融資、外匯業務 (TMU涵蓋結構型商品、選擇權)服務商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


The KYC Operations Analyst 1 is an entry-level position responsible for participating in Anti-Money Laundering (AML) monitoring, governance, oversight and regulatory reporting activities in coordination with the Compliance and Control team. The overall objective of this role is to assist in the development and management of a dedicated internal KYC (Know Your Client) program at Citi. Responsibilities: 1. Partner with Relationship Management and Compliance teams to assist with the preparation, development, due diligence and approval of the electronic Know Your Client (KYC) record and supporting appendices 2. Create and maintain KYC records by obtaining information from internal and external sources (firm website, regulatory websites, etc.) 3. Partner with Relationship Management and Compliance teams to update system information from initiation to approval of KYC record and report workflow progress to supervisor 4. Validate the information within KYC records and Customer Identification Program (CIP) documents to ensure completion and accuracy 5. Ensure KYC records incorporate local regulatory requirements / Global Business Support Unit (BSU) Standards 6. Maintain BSU tool 7. Appropriately assess risk when business decisions are made, demonstrating particular consideration for the firm‘s reputation and safeguarding Citigroup, its clients and assets, by driving compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, adhering to Policy, applying sound ethical judgment regarding personal behavior, conduct and business practices, and escalating, managing and reporting control issues with transparency.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.負責大型及上市櫃企業客戶之開發、關係維繫及管理 2.拓展存款、短/中/長期授信、聯貸、土建融及其他企業金融等相關業務商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


※歡迎有志長期深耕企業金融業務夥伴,與我們攜手共逐無限可能!※ ▌以B2B方式,開發與維護潛在企業客戶,提供客製化的財務規劃: 1. 電話推廣與實際拜訪企業客戶、了解客戶公司成長的資金需求。 2. 提出客製化的資金解決方案,分析產業財報及客戶公司營運狀況。 3. 進行客戶信用徵授信評估(與審查),協助客戶公司完成願景發展。 4. 客戶關係維護與貸後管理作業,以掌握客戶經營狀況。 5. 主管交辦事宜。 ▌讓日盛台駿成就你的職涯發展,我們提供... • 保障底薪、油資補助與獎金制度。 • 全方位的培訓課程/輔導員一對一的指導。 • 硬實力提升(產品額度架構及跨售/ KYC方法/財報分析)。 • 軟實力養成(溝通力/簡報技巧/談判力/問題解決與邏輯分析能力)。商業及管理學門,經濟學類普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 協助RM推廣法人金融相關業務 2. 徵提整理授信債權文件 3. 撰寫徵信報告及貸後覆審報告商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 協助RM推廣法人金融相關業務 2. 徵提整理授信債權文件 3. 撰寫徵信報告及貸後覆審報告商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 負責證券、期貨、選擇權之開發及接單。 2. 協銷各項金融商品(如:基金、保險及結構型商品)。 3. 協助客戶進行投資理財規劃。 4. 提供投資理財商品的諮詢服務。 5. 負責法人及VIP客戶的綜合資產管理。 (本薪26-35K,另依業績狀況核發業績獎金)

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.具券商高級業務員執照、期貨牌照、有價證券買賣融資融劵牌照 2.積極主動,自認外向,有負責心 3.具證券相關經驗者佳 4.具證券公司會計經驗者佳。 5.具融資融劵者佳 薪資部分會視工作經驗或工作能力表現狀況會再進行調升薪資一般商業學類,財務金融學類,會計學類股務人員,證券商高級營業員,期貨商業務員,金融市場常識與職業道德

應徵人數|1-5 人


▲享永久底新 獎金無上限 業績抽成 ▲業績累積制(免業務自備半現金) ▲值班4小時 工作時間彈性 自行安排 ▲工作福利:三節禮盒、獎金無上限、生日禮金、年終獎金 ▲無經驗佳同事1對1教學 ▲每月十號發薪水 ▲業績未達標不扣底薪(讓你只會多領不會少領) ▲最後強調一次我們無須暴力討債、杜絕高利貸 決不苛扣業務底薪

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.從財務規劃專業角度,檢視客戶現況並確認其中、長期的財務需求,並以股票、債券、基金和保險等全方位財富管理服務平台,提供客戶最適切的理財服務及金融產品以滿足客戶需求,達成其理財目標。 2.開發財富管理客戶,達成開戶目標,並追求管理資產規模穩健成長。 3.提供客戶專業服務及各項投資建議,維持良好的客戶關係。 4.遵循組織的業務擴展計劃及策略。 (本薪26-35K,另依業績狀況核發業績獎金)

應徵人數|1-5 人
