1111找工作 APP



Job Summary: Prepare food and serve our customers to ensure our food service department runs smoothly. 準備食物並為顧客提供服務,以確保餐廳部營運順利 Key Responsibilities: Complete kitchen work as per the instructions of our chefs and FSD management。 完成餐廳主廚們與主管們的指派廚房相關工作 Serve customers to ensure our food service dept. runs smoothly。 服務顧客以確保餐廳部營運順利 Prepare food for sale and monitor food quantity to ensure it is ample. 準備食物供銷售並監控食物數量以確保充足 Prepare and replenish food and beverages when necessary. 食物及飲料之準備及適時補貨 Complete work associated with opening and closing the snack bar. 餐廳小吃部之開關店營運準備工作 Clean designated areas. 清理指派區域 Provide help wherever needed. 支援餐廳其他人員及區域之工作 Qualifications: High School graduate 高中畢業 At least one year of restaurant experience 至少一年相關餐飲工作經驗 Native Mandarin Speaker; Intermediate level of English 流利中文並具備中等英文能力 Class C Technician Certificate for Chinese/Western Cuisine Cookery or Food Baking 具丙級中/西餐烹調技術士證照或烘焙西點蛋糕證照其中一項 Knowledge and concept of sanitation 具備餐飲衛生之相關知識 Hardworking, flexible, fast and accurate in completing designated work 工作認真、配合度高並能有效率的完成指派之任務 Attention to detail, especially food quality and sanitation 能謹慎小心以確保食物之品質及衛生 Friendly, patient and have a good rapport with customers 良好工作態度並能維持良好顧客關係 Communication skill & Time Management 具備溝通及時間管理能力丙級中餐烹調技術士,丙級西餐烹調技術士,丙級烘焙西點蛋糕,丙級烘焙食品技術士

應徵人數|1-5 人


It‘s an on-call position for substituting Lower School Teaching Assistant. To assist classroom teachers with the delivery of instruction and support classroom activities to ensure a well-run and well-managed classroom. Qualifications: 1. College graduate in early childhood education, elementary education, family studies or related field preferred 2. Early childhood experience or three years full-time working experience in a similar environment 3. Strong English & Mandarin speaking skills 4. Communication skills 5. Technology skills 6. Interpersonal skills 7. Strong understanding of behavior management strategies effective for young children 8. Enjoys working with children 9. Ability to accomplish a variety of daily tasks/responsibilities in an efficient & effective manner

應徵人數|1-5 人


It is a project based for Korean translation to assist with meetings/papers within every school year. We won‘t be able to guarantee the working hours per month. It‘s based on the demand and schedule for some specific projects or meeting we might have every school year.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1、服飾銷售服務。 2、賣場商品陳列協助。 3、店務執行協助。 4、庫存管理及顧客關係維護協助。 以上工作執行,公司提供完整培訓,能奠定兼職者服務專業的基礎。 早班+假日輪班or晚班+假日輪班 長期工讀,短期勿試

應徵人數|1-5 人


我們的理念 積極正面的團隊精神 IKEA是一群腳踏實地、坦率真誠並且對居家佈置充滿熱情的團隊。我們來自世界各地,但卻擁有激勵人心的共同願景:「為大多數人創造更美好的生活」並以共同的人文價值觀實現此願景。這些價值觀是我們工作的基礎,也是IKEA包容體貼、開放誠實文化的根基。 與我們共事就像和朋友共事一般。IKEA的文化是以團結、熱情及樂趣為基礎,而我們一直在尋找具有同樣正面態度與價值觀的夥伴。 負責區域:F1瑞典美食區及美食小站 工作內容:美食小站及瑞典超市服務, 包括:準備餐點、補貨上架、商品介紹、產品銷售、結帳、庫存盤點等。 基本條件: 1. 主動積極, 善溝通協調, 抗壓性強, 喜歡與人群互動 2. 對IKEA 商品有興趣 3. 需配合早晚排班, 輪班, 輪休 4. 若當月全勤獎金計算期間無遲到、早退、事假、病假、曠職者,發給全勤獎金,每小時發予NT$ 6元,每次發放上限NT$1,000元 排班時間為 早班09:00-18:00,晚班14:00- 23:00 (會依現場需求彈性排班,早班也可能為08:00上班)

應徵人數|1-5 人


Candidates must hold current Swim Teaching, First Aid & CPR certifications (in ROC or from another country) • Swim school instructor experience preferred • Work hours: Required for most Wednesday August to Oct, 2024. Wednesday - from 2:40 to 4:40 PM All Season 2 hours 2:40pm-4:40pm Swimzone dates for the fall season SY2425 are planned as per below: August 21 & 26; Sept 4, 11, 18, 25; Oct 2 • English language at an intermediate level preferredCPR証照,CTSA-游泳教練-C級,CTSA-游泳教練-B級,STAT-游泳教練-C級,STAT-游泳教練-B級,CMSAED-丙級游泳教練

應徵人數|1-5 人


Job Summary: Prepare food, maintain work area cleanliness, and serve customers to ensure our operation runs smoothly. 協助食物準備、維持工作環境清潔,並提供顧客服務以確保餐廳部之營運順利 Responsibilities: Provide assistance as per our chef’s or management’s instructions。 協助完成餐廳廚師們與主管們的指派工作 Serve food service customers to ensure operation runs smoothly。 提供顧客服務以確保餐廳部之服務品質及運作 Maintain workplace cleanliness to ensure a clean environment for our customers。 維持工作區域的整體環境清潔以確保提供顧客乾淨的環境 Prepare ample quantities of food to support strong sales。 準備足量的食物以支援良好的銷售 Help wherever needed。 支援餐廳其他人員及區域之工作 Requirements: High School graduate 高中畢業 Min. one year of pizza production experience 具備至少一年以上之比薩製作工作經驗 Beginner level of English, Mandarin fluency 流利中文,並具備基本英語能力 Class C Technician Certificate for Food Baking 具丙級烘焙西點蛋糕證照 Able to rotate shifts 能彈性配合工作時間輪調 Knowledge and concept of sanitation 具備餐飲衛生之相關知識 Attention to detail, especially food quality & sanitation 能謹慎小心以確保食材及食物品質及衛生 Hardworking, flexible, fast and accurate in completing designated work 能準確有效地完成指派之工作項目及內容 Able to stand for long periods of time 能夠長時間久站 一年工作十個月丙級烘焙西點蛋糕,丙級烘焙食品技術士

應徵人數|1-5 人


櫃台餐點介紹收銀 外場客席碗筷清潔 內場廚房餐點製作 店舖整體環境維護

應徵人數|1-5 人


Job Summary: Assist with salad bar and serving line to ensure the quality of the service and smooth operation. 協助餐廳沙拉蔬食區及供餐線工作以確保餐廳部之服務品質及運作 Key Responsibilities: Complete kitchen work as per the instructions of our chefs and FSD management. 完成餐廳廚師們與主管們指派的廚房相關工作 Set up serving line and salad bar for opening; break down serving line and salad bar for closing. 餐廳沙拉蔬食區及餐廳供餐線之開關店營運準備工作 Assemble and deliver lunch boxes 協助學校中餐餐盒包裝與遞送 Prepare and replenish salad bar items 餐廳沙拉蔬食區之食材備料與補貨 Collect used cafeteria trays and utensils 整理收回餐廳使用的餐盤及餐具 Clean the serving line and kitchen food prep areas. 清理餐廳供餐線及食材準備區的整齊清潔 Help in the kitchen wherever needed 支援餐廳其他人員及區域之工作 Qualifications: At least one years of restaurant experience; High School Graduate 具備一年以上之餐飲工作經驗;高中職畢 Ability to speak and understand basic English will be a plus 如具備基本英語聽說讀能力者優先考量 Knowledge and concept of sanitation 具備餐飲衛生之相關知識 Attention to detail, especially food quality & sanitation 能謹慎小心以確保食材及食物品質及衛生 Hardworking, flexible, fast and accurate in completing designated work 能準確有效地完成指派之工作項目及內容 Friendly, patient and have a good rapport with customers 良好工作態度並能維持良好顧客關係 一年工作十個月

應徵人數|1-5 人


代班警衛職責包括確保校園內及周圍人員,訪客及校園公物安全.協助巡邏以及警衛亭內之相關工作,停車場指揮交通,依照特定程序呈報任何緊急狀況. 具相關經驗,專科畢,基礎英文能力,及可接受彈性工作者佳.面試成功者,需申請無犯罪紀錄. 意者請洽人資部曹小姐 (hr@tas.edu.tw)

應徵人數|1-5 人


ღ焼肉には人を元気にする魔法があるッ! ✻歡迎無經驗者,學歷不拘✻ ✻只要具備熱忱的心,我們都歡迎您✻ ✲公司有完善的升遷機制,工作期間表現良好者,向主管遞上申請書,隨時都有機會轉為正職夥伴✻ ★★在職滿3個月額外加發 3,000~5,000元 開幕久任獎金★★ 1. 每個月出勤時數達85H以上者3,000元;每個月出勤時數達135H以上者5,000元。 2. 過年期間(初一至初六)須至少排班3日且須達4H以上。 3. 開店前已完成報到手續並加保。 4. 獎金撥發當月必須在職(2024年4月份)。 ✲【薪資說明】 ★★依照考核,機會均等,最高時薪可達220元★★ 1. 起薪205元/時。 2. 三個月調薪一次(依考核進行調薪)。 3. 每月排班時數超過165H以上,額外提供高達1200元的時數津貼。 ✲【工作內容】 1. 開班整理、打烊收尾。 2. 內場料理:備料、配餐、出餐、簡易飲料調配等。 3. 外場服務:點餐、結帳、櫃台事務處理。 4. 環境、設備、餐具等的清潔工作。 ✲【排班說明】 每週需排班4天(含)以上。 ⊙早班:9:00-18:00 ⊙晚班:18:00-24:00 ♦♦♦依營運需求彈性排班,準確時間依店鋪為主♦♦♦ ✲【福利制度】 ☆☆☆員工用餐享85折優惠!!!! ☆☆☆ 1. 每週彈性排班制。 2. 享勞、健保、團保。 3. 享免費員工餐。 4. 享免費年度健康檢查(工作期滿一年)。 5. 定期考核調薪制度。 6. 介紹獎金制度。 7.日文證照津貼(★中山與高島屋店限定★)。 ✲【經營理念】感動創造~所有的一切,都是為了顧客的笑容~ ① 感動––––希望能打造出讓顧客有「好想再次體驗!」、「好想跟別人推薦!」這樣想法的店舖。 ② 創造––––希望能創造出「高品質的食材」、「高素質的服務」、「顧客給予的高評價」。 ③ 實現理念––––對於集團理念抱有共鳴的店舖同仁們及合作廠商們達成夥伴意識,共同向目標邁進。

應徵人數|1-5 人


It‘s an on-call position to check facilities (including but not limited to gyms, fields and tennis courts before the PE classes start, make marking lines on turf and upper field, inventory check, etc) to ensure the facility is set up and restored according to instructional and extra-curricular needs. Meanwhile, Manage, oversee, set up equipment and facilities, and stand by during the event to ensure facility and equipment needs are met.

應徵人數|1-5 人


The substitute Teacher is an on-call position. All candidates should have a Bachelor’s degree and relevant teaching experience in an American or an international school system. We‘re looking for qualified candidates who are able to substitute teach the following specific subjects in SY2324: - Substitute LS/Early Childhood Teacher: candidates must have relevant educational background and teaching experience in a school - Substitute PE/Swimming Teacher: candidates must have relevant teaching experience with coaching, sports related certificates, or swimming teaching license - Substitute Spanish/Mandarin/Language Arts/ Dance /Drama /Arts /Science /Math Teacher: candidates must have relevant educational background and teaching experience in a school - Substitute Nurse: candidates must have valid RN/CPR certifications and relevant nursing experience in a hospital or school Please visit TAS website at the section of ABOUT US/CAREER to download a TAS Professional Application Form (PDF Fillable file) along with your own resume and a letter of interest to the Human Resources Office at hr@tas.edu.tw. Candidates should indicate previous teaching experience, availability, and if they would prefer to teach in lower, middle or upper School.

應徵人數|1-5 人


櫃台餐點介紹收銀 外場客席碗筷清潔 內場廚房餐點製作 店舖整體環境維護

應徵人數|1-5 人


※1111投遞履歷不算申請,請於下列連結填寫表單應徵才具備申請資格,填寫後若書審通過店鋪將會與您聯繫,請密切留意陌生來電! ►https://lihi2.com/2GtRk/1111 【工作介紹】 ★邀請您一起享受時尚、自由穿搭,Let‘s Fashion Your Life★ ① 顧客服務、商品介紹及銷售 ② 顧客接待、收銀台與試衣間應對 ③ 商品進貨、銷售及庫存管理 ④ 商品包裝、陳列及促銷品換檔 ⑤ 門市環境整潔維持 ⑥ 賣場管理、門市營運等相關工作 【薪資獎金】 兼職:時薪200元 起 (雙北、桃園、新竹以外店鋪時薪185元 起) ★加班費以分計算 ★個人及店鋪競賽獎金 ★無綁定個人業績負擔 【教育訓練&升遷制度&未來發展】 ① 0經驗也OK!完整育成計畫、配屬培訓員制度讓你一步步成為GU時尚顧問 ② 不論正/兼職人員,達成階段性指定業務技能標準有每三個月一次升遷調薪機會 ③ 畢業後可爭取轉任正職,彈性調整期待任職區域! ●新進員工NT$200元/小時 起 ●進階夥伴NT$220元/小時 起 ●資深夥伴NT$235元/小時 起 ●店長候補NT$50,000元/月 起 ④ 應屆畢業有挑戰成為店長候補機會,通過考核也可能成為店長,未來派駐海外或總部工作 【排班&休假方式】 ★可依照您的時間自由彈性排班 ★須配合早晚班排班、能假日出勤者優先錄取! ★特殊國定假日雙倍薪資發放 (紅字國定假日) 工作待遇 時薪200元 ~ 235元 其他應徵方式及備註 請於下列表單連結應徵:https://forms.gle/okQK9MZyy68wgp7r8/

應徵人數|1-5 人


我們的理念 積極正面的團隊精神 IKEA是一群腳踏實地、坦率真誠並且對居家佈置充滿熱情的團隊。我們來自世界各地,但卻擁有激勵人心的共同願景:「為大多數人創造更美好的生活」並以共同的人文價值觀實現此願景。這些價值觀是我們工作的基礎,也是IKEA包容體貼、開放誠實文化的根基。 與我們共事就像和朋友共事一般。IKEA的文化是以團結、熱情及樂趣為基礎,而我們一直在尋找具有同樣正面態度與價值觀的夥伴。 1.負責收銀結帳 2.包裝台整理、店內備品補充 3.入口迎賓 4.店內活動推廣 5.給客人離開店前,有一個美好的購物經驗印象 6.若當月全勤獎金計算期間無遲到、早退、事假、病假、曠職者,發給全勤獎金,每小時發予NT$ 6元,每次發放上限NT$1,000元

應徵人數|1-5 人


櫃台餐點介紹收銀 外場客席碗筷清潔 內場廚房餐點製作 店舖整體環境維護

應徵人數|1-5 人


Job Summary: Supervise students entering and exiting school vehicles, monitor student behavior while vehicles are in transit and assist the driver to ensure safe bus rides to and from the school. Key Responsibilities: • Supervise students as they get on/off the bus and while they are onboard the bus to ensure student safety. • Assist the bus driver to ensure compliance to TAS guideline and routes, student safety inside the bus, and a sense of travel time. • Communicate with parents to facilitate a trust-based and reliant bus service. Qualifications: • Previous successful work experience with children preferred College graduate • Intermediate English and advanced Mandarin • Communication skill, organizing skill, problem solving, interpersonal skill • Punctual, patient, assertive with high regard for the safety and wellbeing of children • Follow strict school guidelines two shifts: 05:45AM to 08:00AM 06:00AM to 08:00AM 15:20PM to 17:15PM It‘s a 10-month support staff position which means the bus monitor works 10 months every school year.

應徵人數|1-5 人


我們的理念 積極正面的團隊精神 IKEA是一群腳踏實地、坦率真誠並且對居家佈置充滿熱情的團隊。我們來自世界各地,但卻擁有激勵人心的共同願景:「為大多數人創造更美好的生活」並以共同的人文價值觀實現此願景。這些價值觀是我們工作的基礎,也是IKEA包容體貼、開放誠實文化的根基。 與我們共事就像和朋友共事一般。IKEA的文化是以團結、熱情及樂趣為基礎,而我們一直在尋找具有同樣正面態度與價值觀的夥伴。 1.對瑞典風味美食充滿興趣 2.加入台北市全年餐廳訪客超過百萬的瑞典餐廳,和夥伴一起完成每日任務 3.喜歡團隊合作 4.了解IKEA餐廳在IKEA販售家飾家俱團隊裡,扮演的重要角色,了解IKEA餐廳營運流程 5.樂於從事餐飲服務工作 6.以最有效、安全的方式,完成補貨流程(食品倉儲、補貨、搬貨、理貨),確保食品流通作業最佳化 *工作內容介紹 1.內場廚房工作包括:協助準備食材、餐點製作、備貨、洗滌清潔 2.與部門團隊合作完成工作 3.若當月全勤獎金計算期間無遲到、早退、事假、病假、曠職者,發給全勤獎金,每小時發予NT$ 6元,每次發放上限NT$1,000元

應徵人數|1-5 人


Job Summary: Supervises students entering and exiting school vehicles, monitor student behavior while vehicles are in transit and assists the driver to ensure safe bus rides to and from the school. Key Responsibilities: • Supervise students as they get on/off the bus and while they are onboard the bus to ensure student safety. • Assist the bus driver to ensure compliance to TAS guideline and routes, student safety inside the bus, and a sense of travel time. • Communicate with parents to facilitate a trust-based and reliant bus service. Qualifications: • Previous successful work experience with children preferred College graduate • Intermediate English and advanced Mandarin • Communication skill, organizing skill, problem solving, interpersonal skill • Punctual, patient, assertive with high regard for the safety and wellbeing of children • Follow strict school guidelines It‘s an on-call position which means that we won‘t be able to guarantee the working hours per month.

應徵人數|1-5 人
