1111找工作 APP




1.製造業各應付款項之單據審核與帳務處理。 2.付款作業之審核與帳務處理。   3.製造業之銷貨單據審核與帳務處理。 4.收款作業之審核與帳務處理。 5.跨國性關係企業之對帳及內部稽查。 6.財務報表編製。一般商業學類,會計學類,財政學類

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1.與內外部開發團隊緊密合作,以啟動新數位服務需求定義、市場分隔設定、商業模式規劃,根據使用者行為分析優化產品流程、功能。 2.管理數位平台持續精進的優先次序,範圍,實踐並推動對數位服務的持續性改進,製定數據驅動決策。 3. 國內外相關金融科技、商業模式分析與市場競品調研,並提出可落地的應用場景。 4. 跨金控的創新產品服務提案。

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(1)碩士以上學歷。 (2)數位金融領域或新創金融科技領域有12年以上的工作經驗。 (3)具異業合作執行、新科技專案導入、產品管理經驗及電腦文書簡報能力,熟悉各式生態 圈運作邏輯,個性主動具邏輯決策能力,且中英文流利。 (4)請於申請時以簡報摘要並提供6-10件過去作品/專案實績做為書面審查的資料。 (5)需提供可供Reference check的兩位推薦人。 (所有條件均須符合)

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我們是合法有營登的公司,為轉型後的新型當舖,不是大家傳統印象中的當舖,歡迎想嘗試金融業的各位加入我們! 我們上班環境優良,都在冷氣房內,平常上班可使用手機,同事們間的相處也都很融洽。 雖然是業務單位,但我們有保證底薪,不會因為業績沒到就扣薪水,在努力拼事業之餘不用擔心生活費的部分,另外也有多元獎金,做到後期月入百萬真的不是問題! 沒經驗的也沒關係,我們這邊都會有完整的入職教育,開發客人的方式有很多種,不會要求一定要外出拜訪客戶,一切都很彈性。 ——————————福利————————— 獎金:業績抽成、績效獎金、招募獎金、生日禮金、年終獎金 其他:員工聚餐、員工旅遊、尾牙春酒、休閒設施、不定期調薪…等等

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1、法人及個人信託業務之產品規劃、推展。 2、信託及保管業務洽談評估、契約撰寫及客戶關係管理。 3、信託財產運用分析、交易事務執行及帳務管理。證券商高級業務員,信託業業務人員信託業務專業測驗

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歡迎對金融產業且擅長帶領團隊的你,加入群益金鼎這個大家庭! 1.具備六年以上金融相關工作經驗,兩年以上金融管理經驗尤佳 2.擔任營業櫃台主管,帶領營業同仁達成分公司各項業務目標。 3.具財富管理業務推展能力 4.具數位平台業務開發能力 5.具備培訓數位營業員能力和社群經營能力尤佳 歡迎證券業務高手以及銀行業理專高手前來挑戰!!! 全省分公司熱烈招募中,投遞履歷請註明希望工作地點人身保險業務員,證券商業務員,證券商高級業務員,信託業業務人員信託業務專業測驗

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1.組建不動產業務團隊 2.帶領團隊開發、銷售及租賃商用不動產 3.開發辦公、工業用土地廠房租售業務 4.創造團隊高效能績效 5.按每件成交金額提供高獎金輕型機車輕型機車

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(1)碩士以上學歷。 (2)數位金融領域或新創金融科技領域有8年以上的工作經驗。 (3)具專案導入、產品管理經驗及電腦文書簡報能力,熟悉各式生態圈運作邏輯,個性主動 具邏輯決策能力,且中英文流利。 (4)請於申請時以簡報摘要並提供3-6件過去作品/專案實績做為書面審查的資料。 (5)需提供可供Reference check的兩位推薦人。 (所有條件均須符合)

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(1)碩士以上學歷。 (2)銀行風險管理實務經驗至少10年以上。 (3)具文案撰寫能力,且中英文流利。 (4)具FRM證照,統計、財金、數學、風險管理等相關系所畢業尤佳。 (5)熟稔BASEL國際監理趨勢與發展。 (6)具信用相關模型或金融商品評價模型之開發與驗證經驗。 (7)具風險管理專案之規劃與執行經驗。 (所有條件均須符合)財務風險管理師FRM

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【職缺】:金融服務專員、內外勤人員、儲備幹部 【工作條件】: 男女皆可 (無經驗可) 【工作時間】:上班彈性 打卡8小時 待在公司值班4小時 【休假制度】:月休6天+特休 (星期日固定店休) 【工作內容】: · 文書開發客戶、追蹤管理 .負責客戶之開拓,維護與信用評估及風險控管。 .負責貸款申請案件的徵信審核。 .了解客戶需求資金調度,幫客戶轉貸增借。 .理財免費諮詢 .代辦監理服務 【薪資】:保底27470-30000起+業績獎金+激勵獎金 【公司福利】: ·固定休:元旦休、年節休、三大節日休、颱風假休 ·員工福利:有年終獎金、開工紅包、生日禮金、公司團保 ·尾牙聚餐、不定時員工聚餐、公司有完善的升遷制度 給您優質的工作環境,有主管專業帶領培訓, 每月可在多領循環獎金+激勵獎金! 歡迎有企圖心,想挑戰高薪的你 歡迎加入我們團隊,給自己一個機會試試看! 馬上面試!馬上上班!試上一天不適合也有薪水領 !

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1.督導、審核各項財務會計作業,並提出各項財務、稅務、投資、融資決策之建議 2.規劃及檢討公司會計作業流程,並覆核各項會計作業,以符合財會及稅務之規定 3.定期核閱財務報表,並針對異常項目進行分析檢討 4.檢討每月各營運單位之營運結果、預算執行績效報告 5.提供並分析其他管理決策所需之管理會計資訊 6.按期向經營階層提出經會計師簽證之查核報告及年報等報告書 7.決議與覆核各項資金調度作業之執行 8.依據公司營運與資金需求狀況,擬定各項籌資方案 9.覆核公司各項稅務申報及問題處理 10.審核並彙總公司年度預算 11.研策劃公司可能的投資機會,以維持公司內在優勢與外在機會 12在企業或組織內負責財務行政相關功能之規劃、指導及協調工作以及日常運作財務金融學類,會計學類

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(A) Promotion of Financial Planning Services and Wealth Mgt Products 1) Acquire new affluent customers and solicit business opportunities through cross selling, referral, personal business connections, etc. 2) Identify customer needs through financial needs analysis / planning and provide appropriate solutions on a broad range of banking, insurance & investment products (e.g. investment profile review, portfolio mgt.). 3) Offer suitable wealth management products/services in accordance with the customers’ profile, promote and explain the products & their associated risks, if any, to the customers. 4) Attend to customers’ queries on wealth management incl. investment & treasury products needs. 5) Perform CRM call activities in line with Relationship Management Model and other sales-related duties as assigned by DBS Treasures Centre Manager &/or Branch Manager. 6) Responsible for meeting all sales and business targets assigned so as to ensure maximum contribution to the revenue of DBS Treasures. 7) Perform RI regulated activities and TR insurance activities 8) Attend all relevant training and briefings and reflect customer feedback & competitive situation and recommend suggestions to DBS Treasures Centre Manager &/or Branch Manager. (B) Relationship Building and Account Servicing 1) Maintain regular contact with existing customers to build & deepen relationship and reduce attrition. 2) Update customers on the latest product/market information and their account status to increase utilization & product penetration and increase share of customer’s wallets through portfolio review and cross selling. 3) Handle enquiries and execute financial transactions/orders & operations for customers. 4) Keep attuned to the current economic and financial markets so as to be current and proficient in attending to customers’ queries. 5) Make cross referral of other consumer banking products to the appropriate staff for follow-up. (C) Customer Experience Management 1) Provide superior customer service and professional financial solutions through discreet financial needs analysis / planning that satisfies customers’ changing financial needs. 2) Achieve and exceed the service standards set by the Bank. 3) Conduct regular business trips to deepen relationship with offshore clients (D) Audit and Compliance Control 1) Adhere to bank’s policies, standards, operations guidelines/ procedures, security and internal control measures. 2) Comply with the compliance and regulatory requirements and code of conduct, particularly those applicable to the course of selling, i.e. sales staff’s licensing and fitness & properness, KYC, FNA, PDPO anti-money laundering & documentation completeness in a/c opening & in each deal. 3) Comply with the registered capacity as well as any conditions imposed by the HKMA. This includes compliance with the applicable requirements of the Code of Conduct for Persons Licensed by or Registered with the SFC. 4) Compliance with Cross-border Marketing and Sales Policy and Standard. (E) Teamwork 1) Work hand in hand with fellow colleagues and working partners to ensure that all objectives of the team are met and there is team harmony and unity.

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工作職掌: 協助分行舉辦理財說明會、進行每日市場分析與報告,提供即時的資訊給理專。需給予教育訓練,協助理專提升專業,包含:市場/產品等。與分行經理及業務主管合作,進行顧客分析並提供合適的投資理財規劃諮詢,符合客戶需求。提供策略面的專業,協助分行提升分行績效與理專生產力。 Responsibilities: - IC play the role as the speaker for the small client seminar held at each branch. - To distribute the market outlook and asset allocation model related knowledge to our existing customers as well prospectors. - IC should be the trainer of sales people and help on solving all kind of market/product relevant inquiries from sales people. - Refine the sales trainings via morning update and informal communications with sales people. - Co-work with BBM and sales lead on the analysis of customer composition, and help BBM/sales lead and sales to develop suitable product/pricing strategy to service the customers at the branch level. - IC should join call with TRMs to know the customers needs, advice suitable product and fulfill customer needs. - Help in writing the market outlook/product related materials for the purpose of sales training and role plays. - Help to promote and educate the DBS-Morning Star asset allocation model to TRMs and clients. - Responsible for the feedback of voice and requirements to CIIP research team and product teams. - Develop strategies to help TRM to acquire new customers and to acquire new money.金融市場常識與職業道德,投信投顧相關法規(含自律規範),信託業業務人員信託業務專業測驗,衍生性金融商品銷售人員

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1.行銷管理及業務推展 (1)主動開發及服務內部同仁所推薦的潛在客戶及從分行及外部擴增客戶來源。 (2)協助分行業務經理領導業務團隊並提昇保險銷售績效,以達成分配給自己及分行的整體保險業績目標。 (3)透過客戶服務、交叉銷售、分行宣傳活動等來深耕客戶關係並建立品牌知名度,以擴增客戶基礎。 (4)參與例行性的教育訓練及銷售活動等,並與分行服務經理等服務同仁密切合作,以有效開發服務同仁所推薦的潛在客戶。 (5)定期召開業績檢討會,以提升銷售同仁的產能。 (6)與客戶維持良好的關係,滿足客戶的財務需求,並提升客戶與本行往來的業務種類。 (7)確定銷售同仁的銷售行為係依據並符合內部政策、標準、準則、規章及主管機關及監理機構所訂定的規章及法規。2.人才及客戶體驗管理 (1)培訓發展及輔導銷售同仁,以提升其保險銷售績效及與客戶間的互動關係。 (2)與銷售同仁保持明確及即時溝通,以共同達成保險銷售目標。 (3)建立團隊成員中的信任及士氣,並能與分行中的其他同仁密切合作。 (4)協助分行業務經領導業務團隊提供客戶最佳的金融服務,並達到在多個客户滿意度調查/ 追踪計畫中(例如神秘顧客及電話服務調查)針對保險的預設滿意度水準。 3.稽核及合規監控 (1)確保完全符合內部政策、標準、準則及規章及主管機關及監理機構所訂定的規章及法規。 (2)透過教育、監控及有效的補救措施協助分行業務經理提升分行營運的控制及合規質量,並密切的與分行服務經理合作以保持銷售團隊的營運標準。4.分行行政管理 (1)滿足客戶的需求,並依據本行的客戶申訴處理準則及時的解決客戶抱怨案件。 (2)反映並建議分行業務經理有關於客戶的意見及競爭對手的作法。

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1、根据总部上市规划完成分公司财务团队的搭建; 2、结合总部上市要求,建立并完善分公司内控管理体系:财务核算标准、财务系统、控制程序及风险评估; 3、负责分公司税务统筹工作,包括税务筹划、税务监控、税务成本控制、税务风险点识别及防范措施设计; 4、负责分公司成本管理,完善成本管理体系,定期提供成本分析报表,为各项改善工作、管理决策提供支持; 5、负责分公司预算管理,主导年度预算的编制、预算执行控制、差异分析等工作,及时发现偏差并予以纠正; 6、负责分公司经营分析工作,编制和优化公司经营分析报告,分析异常指标并提供改善建议; 协助集团财务副总优化境内外子公司股权架构和税务架构; 7、协助总部财务总监建立墨西哥分公司财税报告、负责墨西哥分公司财务报表从当地财务准则转换成中国上市公司会计准则; 8、上级领导交办的其他事项的执行和落地;財政學類,財務金融學類,會計學類

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(A)行銷管理及業務推展 1)領導及推動總行核訂的行銷策略,以達成分配給分行的整體業績目標。 2)擬定銷售策略及業務計畫以確定及掌握分行特定的商機。 3)有效利用分行的銷售資源,輔導並協助客戶經理進行銷售行為,以達成業績目標。 4)確定員工關注主要銷售活動的先後順序,確保有效的行銷方案成功實施。 5)向業務管理及客戶策略主管反映客户回饋及同業競爭情形並提出建議。 6)確定所有員工依據並完全符合內部政策、標準、準則、規章及主管機關及監理機構所訂定的規章及法規。 (B)人才管理及協助招聘 1)透過有效的招聘、資源規劃及人力調度來確保充分的員工配置,以強化日常銷售及營運生產力。 2)分辨員工的能力差異及缺點,推薦培訓發展計畫並追踪培訓後改進情形。 3)培訓發展及教導個別員工,提高其業績及改善效率。 4)督導員工的日常工作表現並維持員工紀律。 5)與員工保持明確及即時溝通,提供激勵及支持,以鼓勵他們達成目標。 6)建立分行團隊成員中的信任及士氣,公平地處理員工問題。 (C)客户體驗管理 1)達到在多個客户滿意度調查/追踪計畫中(例如神秘顧客及電話服務調查)的預設滿意度水準。 2)督導員工的日常服務質量及分行的環境,以符合銀行要求的標準。 3)對客戶的特别要求提供快速的回應,確保客户的口頭及當面投訴可以按照内部準則得到即時地處理及解決。 (D)稽核及合規監控 1) 確保完全符合内部政策、標準、準則及規章及主管機關及監理機構所訂定的規章及法規。 2) 透過領導、教育、監控及有效的補救措施提升分行營運的控制及合規質量。

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Job Responsibilities: 1. The role is for Project Damselfly implementation and ongoing support for Collection delinquency and productivity management of pre write off portfolio after integration. Project Damselfly (Project Management) Participant Project Damselfly, this role is to focus on pre write off process review and embed Citi process, Citi local system installation and enhancement for collection systems (e.g. COGP PDA module), to increase digitalization on collection handling of pre write off accounts given COGP enhancement. For Citi local system (COGP PDA module), to understand end to end system flow, embed existing automation functionality, to optimize process automation and increase pre write off team’s efficiency. Review end to end collection process of pre write off handling, identify gap between Citi and DBS, and compare DBS Taiwan collection journey against best practice in other markets and Citi, to work out new collection strategy for pre write off accounts, and support migration to be implemented smoothly. To support training material preparation and training resource arrangement (post LD1 training) Recovery management (BAU) Daily monitoring on pre write off team dialer arrangement to maintain stable productivity and coverage. Daily monitoring on pre write off delinquency and kick off deep dive analysis and mitigation actions accordingly. Segment portfolio by customer’s payment possibility through reviewing the customer profile and build up different treatment flow accordingly (increase segmentation on pre write off handling), and support team Advising customers on their payment options and suggesting methods of payments. Negotiating suitable payment plans. Maintaining customer payment records. Initiate request to take legal action according to Collection SOP / Strategy and build up automatic legal action flow after COG application integration. Cooperate with legal team to execute collection legal action following collection guideline and working in partnership with collection operation team and courts. 2. The AVP of collection will be responsible for implementing the business plan regarding pre write off delinquency management in collections. He / she needs to ensure operational goals / metrics are achieved or exceeded and that all collection activities are conducted in compliance with regional guidelines and local regulations. 3. The key function for the AVP of collection is to lead collection activities to ensure collection process / handling complied regulation requirement . He/she needs to escalate on timely basis significant risk issues to stakeholder and manager for taking appropriate remedial actions

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Business Function As the leading bank in Asia, DBS Consumer Banking Group is in a unique position to help our customers realise their dreams and ambitions. As a market leader in the consumer banking business, DBS has a full spectrum of products and services, including deposits, investments, insurance, mortgages, credit cards and personal loans, to help our customers realise their dreams and aspirations at every life stage. Our financial solutions are not only the best in the business – they were made just right for you. Responsibilities Acquire new affluent customers and solicit business opportunities from GBA & Taiwan markets Ensure the onboarding journey of new customer is smooth Identify customer needs through discreet financial needs analysis and planning Provide appropriate solutions and personalized service on a broad range of banking, insurance & investment products Make cross referral of other consumer banking products to meet customers’ investment goals and needs Grow and maximize the revenue potential of these segment customers by building strong customer relationships and delivering differentiated solutions Manage operational risk, observe relevant policies or guidelines and fulfil compliance requirements Please check out our recruitment video https://youtu.be/V3CugJScPwA for more information.

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