1111找工作 APP



(一)全校學生生生活輔導、校園安全維護及突發事件處理。 (二)全校學生請假、獎懲、校園霸凌防制相關業務。 (三)辦理兵役業務、國防教育、品德及人權與法治教育相關活動。 (四)協助學務處相關行政業務及活動與業務支援。 (五)主管臨時交辦事項。

應徵人數|1-5 人


It‘s an on-call position for substituting Lower School Teaching Assistant. To assist classroom teachers with the delivery of instruction and support classroom activities to ensure a well-run and well-managed classroom. Qualifications: 1. College graduate in early childhood education, elementary education, family studies or related field preferred 2. Early childhood experience or three years full-time working experience in a similar environment 3. Strong English & Mandarin speaking skills 4. Communication skills 5. Technology skills 6. Interpersonal skills 7. Strong understanding of behavior management strategies effective for young children 8. Enjoys working with children 9. Ability to accomplish a variety of daily tasks/responsibilities in an efficient & effective manner

應徵人數|1-5 人


Job Summary: Organize, circulate and direct delivery of library service to patrons, development of digital resources, administrative duties and supervision of students. Key Responsibilities: - Independently open and close the library on time and carry out daily operations, at times with no librarian present, including Saturdays and Summer Academy. - Organize and circulate books and other materials to student and adult patrons to ensure they have access during library open hours to quality resources on a daily basis. - Assist patrons to effectively use online catalog and identify appropriate materials to support classroom learning and leisure reading. Monitor patron behavior to ensure respectful use of the facility, a quality learning environment, and student safety. - Assist librarians with classes (manage student behavior, assist with instruction as needed) to ensure that students learn essential library skills. - Manage records and patron accounts in online catalog to ensure accuracy and availability of materials. Catalog and process new and old library materials (receiving, cataloging, repairing and/or processing for discard). - Manage and monitor library budget expenditures. Communicate with local vendors. Create purchase orders and process petty cash reimbursements. Communicate with the accounting dept to support library orders.

應徵人數|1-5 人



1.公司文件檔案的建立及管理 2.負責辦公室用品採購發放 3.協助會議、活動籌備、準備統計報表、書面報告、簡報等資料 4.協助行政人員處理主管所交辦的其他事項 5.資料處理、影像掃描及目錄建檔 6.檢查整理檔案

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.推動與實施學校年度特殊教育工作計畫與方案。 2.特殊教育學生鑑定、教學與生活之支持服務。 3.其他特殊教育相關業務。 4.學務處相關活動與業務支援。 5.主管臨時交辦事項。特殊教育學類,社會工作學類,綜合教育學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


【工作內容】 (1)定期提供業務銷售狀況報表及核對帳務,以供業務人員或主管參考 (2)協助業務人員處理銷售業務相關之公司內部行政作業 (3)跨部門溝通 (4)學員聯繫及服務窗口 (5)協助主管交辦事項 【我們期望您具備】 (1)熟悉電腦基本操作 (2)會Excel基本操作 (3)具細心、執行能力強、有責任感、具有跨部門良好溝通能力 目前公司正在快速成長,正在尋求充滿使命文化的公司夥伴一起奮鬥! 您準備好加入無限學了嗎?

應徵人數|6-10 人



一、特教行政工作 1.協助特殊教育教師定時填報、更新與維護教育部特殊教育通報網站之學務、轉銜系統。 2.協助辦理特教研習及特教宣導或活動等事宜(如:簽到表製作、海報製作、紀錄整理、成果製作…等)。 3.協助特殊教育教師聯結與整合校內、外教育及相關資源(如:與社政、醫療及勞政單位溝通聯繫等)。 4.協助辦理特教相關會議事宜(如:開會通知單發送、海報製作、開會內容記錄、成果製作…等)。 5.協助特殊教育教師提供各項獎助學金、福利措施及升學就業等相關訊息,並協助學生提出申請。 6.協助辦理特殊教育學生課後輔導與補救教學等行政事宜。 7.協助特殊教育學生特殊需求調查及整理。 8.協助特殊教育教師於期初書面知會普通班任課教師有關任課班級學生之基本資料及特殊需求。 9.協助特殊教育教師管理學生於特殊教育課程之出缺席情形、紀錄特殊教育教學日誌。 10.特殊教育布置與管理。 11.其他特教行政工作臨時交辦事項。 二、IEP與個案管理 1.協助特殊教育學生個案資料之整理與管理。 2.協助特殊教育學生IEP資料整理與歸檔。 3.協助特殊教育教師辦理身心障礙學生鑑定工作資料彙整。 4.協助特殊教育教師依據學生之需求申請相關輔具、巡迴輔導、相關專業治療等服務。 5.協助特殊教育教師於特殊需求學生異動或轉銜時,整理各項書面資料(如:IEP、輔導記錄等)。 6.協助特殊教育教師彙整學生之校內外各項考試特殊考場服務需求、安排特殊考場服務。 三、其他 1.協助特殊教育學生校外參訪資料整理與製作。 2.協助特殊教育教師訓練義工或學伴協助學生之課業學習與生活適應。心理學類,特殊教育學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


It‘s an on-call position to check facilities (including but not limited to gyms, fields and tennis courts before the PE classes start, make marking lines on turf and upper field, inventory check, etc) to ensure the facility is set up and restored according to instructional and extra-curricular needs. Meanwhile, Manage, oversee, set up equipment and facilities, and stand by during the event to ensure facility and equipment needs are met.

應徵人數|1-5 人


Job Summary: Manage, oversee and set up equipment and facility to make sure all events and parent’s bookings can start on time and run smoothly. Key Responsibilities: 1. Check facilities (including but not limited to gyms, fields and tennis courts before the PE classes start, make marking lines on turf and upper field, inventory check, etc) to ensure the facility is set up and restored according to instructional and extra-curricular needs. 2. Manage, oversee, set up equipment and facilities, and stand by during the event to ensure facility and equipment needs are met. 3. Check for need for maintenance to ensure the equipment and facility are in good condition. 4. Follow the parent and faculty rental management requirement, perform each task as stated in the facilities department SOPs and ensure issues and problems are addressed in a timely manner to the supervisors for resolution and follow up. 5. Follow the instructions of each service order, complete the tasks per the assigned timeline and agreed requirement, and ensure issues and problems are addressed in a timely manner to the supervisors for resolution and follow up. 6. Follow the facilities department SOPs and agreed operational standards to ensure all events and parent’s bookings can start on time and run smoothly. 7. Serves on the search team during school declared emergencies, e.g. fire drill, to ensure safety of all in school. 8. Work with PE and Athletics teams to provide timely support to meet athletic events requirements and PE schedules. 9. Other duties assigned by the supervisors. Selection criteria: • College diploma, major in physical education related preferred; experience in sports or fitness related field • Basic English. Mandarin fluency • Knowledge of sports rules and regulations, sports/activities need in terms of facility and equipment • Knowledge of dimensions & inventory check • Effective time management, communication and organizing skills • Computer skill in MS Office • Able to lift and carry 25kg • Must be willing to work flexible hours on weekdays and weekends in order to meet TAS athletic events and PE schedule 10-month position every school year Work Schedule: Friday to Tuesday Monday, Tuesday, Friday 11:00AM to 20:00PM Saturday 07:00AM to 16:00PM Sunday 07:30AM to 16:30PM (This may be subject to change and schedule flexibility is expected per the facilities service requirements.)

應徵人數|1-5 人


The substitute Teacher is an on-call position. All candidates should have a Bachelor’s degree and relevant teaching experience in an American or an international school system. We‘re looking for qualified candidates who are able to substitute teach the following specific subjects in SY2324: - Substitute LS/Early Childhood Teacher: candidates must have relevant educational background and teaching experience in a school - Substitute PE/Swimming Teacher: candidates must have relevant teaching experience with coaching, sports related certificates, or swimming teaching license - Substitute Spanish/Mandarin/Language Arts/ Dance /Drama /Arts /Science /Math Teacher: candidates must have relevant educational background and teaching experience in a school - Substitute Nurse: candidates must have valid RN/CPR certifications and relevant nursing experience in a hospital or school Please visit TAS website at the section of ABOUT US/CAREER to download a TAS Professional Application Form (PDF Fillable file) along with your own resume and a letter of interest to the Human Resources Office at hr@tas.edu.tw. Candidates should indicate previous teaching experience, availability, and if they would prefer to teach in lower, middle or upper School.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 批改學生作業 2.幼兒區及學習區的輔導 3.協助櫃台工作事宜 4.協助教室行銷工作 5.顧客關係建立與服務 6. 維持教室整潔 7.主管交辦事項

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.國一國二課內社團專案業務 2.童軍行政業務 3.活動組各項活動支援 ※備註: 1.本職缺為育嬰留職停薪職務代理缺,以定期契約聘自113.05.01起至113.10.31止。 2.薪資依最高學歷敘薪。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 訪客來訪時協助登記,換證與引導並招待 2. 接應電話並篩選來電 3. 處理公司信件的收發與分類 4. 公司文件檔案的建立及管理 5. 協助會議、活動籌備、準備相關資料 6. 負責辦公室用品採購發放 7. 負責平日零用金管理 8. 維護辦公室環境與設備之整潔 9. 主管交辦事宜

應徵人數|1-5 人


職務名稱:專案人員 計畫名稱:教育部補助私立大學校院學生事務與輔導創新工作專業能力 職務說明: 1.協助學校辦理學生事務工作,校園安全及危機管理事宜。 2.任務以校園內外(含教職員工生)緊急事件應變處置、通報及校園安全防護相關業務。 3.校園災害防救工作。 4.交通安全相關工作。 5.學生生活輔導相關業務。 6.學生賃居安全輔導等相關工作。 7.防制學生藥物濫用及參加不良組織等工作。 8.無菸校園相關推動工作。 9.校安中心(軍訓室)業管相關業務。 10.負責全民國防教育課程授課。 11.其它交辦事項。 專長: 1.具教育部校安人員培訓證書 2.熟悉電腦文書處理 3.溝通表達能力佳,身心健康、情緒平衡和諧 4.品行端正,無抽菸等不良嗜好,且無涉及性平案件者 學歷要求:大學、專科 科系限制:無 截止收件:113年04月25日止 可上班日:113年06月01日 應徵方式: 1.請於本校人事室徵才訊息下載「弘光科技大學教職員工應徵履歷表」填寫及備妥其他證明文件等(履歷相關資料請於113/04/25前寄達本校) 2.應徵職務方式: (1)請郵寄至43302臺中市沙鹿區臺灣大道六段1018號學務處生活暨住宿輔導組收。 (2)Email方式:0935293493@hk.edu.tw 3.主旨請註明 〝學務處生活暨住宿輔導組專案人員” 4.洽詢電話: 04-26318652 轉分機 2271吳先生

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.協助駐校行政業務。 2.對學校課後班行政事務有興趣者願意從頭學起佳。 3.大學畢業,未來有意願接任正職課後班行政。 4.工作地點台北市近中山捷運站 5.工作時間為週一三四五12:00-18:30時間可面議。幼稚園教師證,國民小學教師證,中等學校教師證,教保人員,課後照顧服務人員,主管人員專業訓練結業證書

應徵人數|1-5 人


Job Summary: The Middle School Instructional Technology Assistant supports faculty, parents and students in using instructional technology and completing projects that use technology. The assistant will develop instructional resources and train students with digital creation tools. The assistant will also aid in the distribution of tools, software, and licenses and provide limited equipment maintenance. Key Responsibilities: - Provide instructional assistance to faculty in the classroom and support to small groups of students to teach required software and systems. - Assist faculty in (a) the preparation, distribution, and maintenance of online instructional resources, (b) the implementation of technology-based projects, and (c) the teaching of technology skills across all subject areas. - Assist students with the use of school systems and technology. - Assist the Technology & Design Coach in developing, curating, and using instructional tools and resources. - Assist IT with student-related issues. - Maintaining/Organizing school IT assets. - Respond to general inquiries from faculty, parents and students. Assist when possible and relay messages to IT or Technology Coach in a timely manner. - Assist in maintaining printers and photocopiers, and stocking paper supply. - Responsible for creating the two divisional end of semester slide shows of school photos and of departing students. - Support Middle School Yearbook as required, including the following: 1. Managing yearbook process timeline/deadlines 2. Curating, editing, and organizing photos 3. Photographing school events and collaborating with organizers 4. Collaborating with yearbook designer vendor

應徵人數|1-5 人


本校誠徵112學年度宿舍輔導員 一、資格: 1.做事積極負責,有熱誠,具抗壓性。 2.高中職以上畢業。 3.具相關經驗尤佳。 4.熟悉電腦文書作業(Word、Excel等) 二、職務說明: 1.宿舍輔導管理及生活常規教育。 2.宿舍突發事件處理。 3.宿舍環境整齊清潔及安全之維護。 4.消耗性物品申請與管理。 5.其他交辦及行政配合。 PS職務要求:需住宿、需輪值、具汽車駕照 三、報名日期:即日起。 四、報名方式:通信報名、親送、MAIL至本校人事室(恕不退件)。 通信/親送地址:608嘉義縣水上鄉萬能路1號 人事室收 MAIL:phyllis1903@wnvs.cyc.edu.tw 五、書面審核:請至本校網站下載「甄選表格」 (本校網站http://www.wnvs.cyc.edu.tw/~teacher/109/1120815.doc) 連同個人簡歷(含學歷證件影本、相關專業證照影本)通信/親送/MAIL至本校。 六、甄試日期:書面審核符合資格者,另行通知甄試。 七、連絡人及電話:05-2687777轉120 人事室 莊主任 八、甄試方式:面試(約15分鐘)、術科測試(約30分鐘) 九、甄試公告:錄取名單公告於本校網站,並另行通知報到時間。輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.公司文件檔案的建立及管理 2.協助正職人員處理工作上的事務 3.工作場所環境清潔整理 4.櫃檯行政事務執行

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.文書處理能力強,精通word.Powerpoint.Excel.google表單,基本影片製作 2.態度佳.善溝通.肯合作.吃苦耐勞.願意學習者佳. 3.具有學校或相關機關行政經驗佳.

應徵人數|1-5 人


一、主要職務:護理臨床實習指導教學 二、徵聘條件:   1.學歷:具護理學系所學士或碩士學位。   2.具護理師證書。   3.工作經驗:學士需具5年以上護理臨床工作經驗;碩士需具2年以上護理臨床工作經驗。   4.具教學與服務熱忱。   5.具電腦操作、文書處理能力(WORD、EXCEL、POWERPOINT)。   6.配合學生臨床實習指導,主要上班地點為本校實習醫療院所(新竹)。   7.依性別平等教育法等法令規定,無學校不得聘用之情事之一:   (1)犯性侵害犯罪防治法第2條第1項之性侵害犯罪,經有罪判決確定。   (2)經學校性平會或依法組成之相關委員會調查確認有性侵害行為屬實。   (3)經學校性平會或依法組成之相關委員會調查確認有性騷擾或性霸凌行為,有終止契約及終身不得擔任教育從事人員之必要。   (4)經學校性平會或依法組成之相關委員會調查確認有性騷擾或性霸凌行為,有終止契約之必要,且議決1年至4年不得擔任教育從業人員,於該管制期間。   (5)經主管教育行政機關認定符合補習及進修教育法第9條第6項第2款之情事。   (6)經主管教育行政機關認定符合補習及進修教育法第9條第6項第3款之情事,且於該認定1年或4年不得聘用或僱用期間。   8.本職缺起聘日擬自113年8月     三、說明:  (一)應徵者請檢附資料影本各一份如下:     1.履歷(附照片)、自傳。  2.學經歷證件影本。    3.護理師證書影本。  (二)寄件請註明應徵類別:臨床實習指導老師(新竹)  (合者通知甄試,不合者恕不退件通知)  (三)甄試日期:另行通知  (四)資料請逕寄:   台北市11260北投區關渡里聖景路92號﹔   馬偕醫護管理專科學校人事室收﹔   電話:(02)2858-4180#2192護理學類高考護理師執照

應徵人數|1-5 人
