1111找工作 APP



1.人員到離職、差勤管理、年度考核等人事行政作業。 2.其他主管交辦事項。商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


Business Function Group Human Resources has the important role of attracting, retaining, and nurturing talent to ensure that DBS continues to be a competitive employer in Asia. With a well-established team of HR partners, we support and deliver effective people-based solutions and services across businesses. Our goal is to build a high-performance organisation by empowering and engaging our employees. Because we believe that banking is about people. The role is to provide HR advice to Business & Support Units (BUs/SUs) on all HR issues to achieve business goals. It includes planning, developing & implementing HR strategies within & across units on Reward Management, Talent Acquisition & Development and HR Strategy & Management. Key Accountability: • Engage and proactively partner the Business Unit Heads in understanding their business needs and provide strategic advice and initiatives to achieve the business goals • Provide the strategic interface to senior managers / stakeholders through the provision of high quality guidance and support in developing and progressing people management solutions to achieve business objectives • Drive and support the development and delivery of cultural change plans and interventions • Coach, support, mentor and challenge managers in the application of HR policies and practices, provide advice and guidance on complex HR issues in order to minimize Risk and financial exposure • Work in partnership with specialists Human Resources to ensure coordination in project / policy development and the enhancement of information provision and services to employees • Plan, develop & organize communication sessions for staff on all programs while addressing specific business requirements and employee engagement topics. • Work with Group HR on possible regional initiatives to drive change across the BUs/SUs in Taiwan; ensure that all programs & activities roll out are aligned with group policies & local statutory requirements.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.各項金融牌照登記、協助專業證照派訓 2.規劃並執行新進人員及主管訓練 3.支援各項人資專案人力資源學類,企業管理學類,教育學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 協助人才招募相關事宜 2. 協助推動及優化人力資源專案 3. 收集、維護與分析人力資源資料與數據 4. 協助雇主品牌及社群經營 5. 其它主管交辦事項

應徵人數|1-5 人


Group Human Resources has the important role of attracting, retaining, and nurturing talent to ensure that DBS continues to be a competitive employer in Asia. With a well-established team of HR partners, we support and deliver effective people-based solutions and services across businesses. Our goal is to build a high-performance organisation by empowering and engaging our employees. Because we believe that banking is about people. The role is to provide HR advice to Business & Support Units (BUs/SUs) on all HR issues to achieve business goals. It includes planning, developing & implementing HR strategies within & across units on Reward Management, Talent Acquisition & Development and HR Strategy & Management. Key Accountability: • Engage and proactively partner the Business Unit Heads in understanding their business needs and provide strategic advice and initiatives to achieve the business goals • Provide the strategic interface to senior managers / stakeholders through the provision of high quality guidance and support in developing and progressing people management solutions to achieve business objectives • Drive and support the development and delivery of cultural change plans and interventions • Coach, support, mentor and challenge managers in the application of HR policies and practices, provide advice and guidance on complex HR issues in order to minimize Risk and financial exposure • Work in partnership with specialists Human Resources to ensure coordination in project / policy development and the enhancement of information provision and services to employees • Plan, develop & organize communication sessions for staff on all programs while addressing specific business requirements and employee engagement topics. • Work with Group HR on possible regional initiatives to drive change across the BUs/SUs in Taiwan; ensure that all programs & activities roll out are aligned with group policies & local statutory requirements. This job description provides a high-level review of the types of work performed. Other job-related duties may be assigned as required.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1、規劃人員績效考核計畫,評估及分析執行結果。 2、新進人員考核追蹤與其他績效管理作業。 3、與各單位妥善溝通,辦理相關專案及職能提升規劃,落實策略執行。 4、建立完善的職等評價及發展制度,應用於績效、晉升、訓練與薪酬等人力資源 流程以達集團發展人才與留用之目標。銀行內部控制人員

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.國內外薪資規劃 2.長期獎酬作業 3.年終獎金/年度調薪等作業商業及管理學門,經濟社會及心理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.證照課程相關事項(報名、取消、請款等。) 2.其他主管交辦事項。商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.招募專案規劃執行及推動 2.招募平台維護與招募管道拓展、甄選工具開發維繫 3.招募甄選分析並提出改善建議方案 4.年度人力員額預估編列與進用員額控管 5.執行招募遴選、面試、任用審核等相關作業 6.內部徵才規劃與管理 7.人力銀行及派遣人員合約管理 8.其他主管交辦事項 ※本職缺歡迎身障人士主動投遞履歷應徵

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.執行人才招募甄選及規劃安排,透過多元化管道找到優秀人才。 2.協助績效考核作業,彙整並產出統計報表。 3.與HR夥伴相互支援各項人資專案之規劃與執行,如:招募策略、績效考核、組織調整、社群經營等。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 年終考核作業執行與獎酬、調薪方案設計。 2. 年度用人預算編列與薪酬相關專案規劃及支援。 3. 執行薪資調查與分析。 4. 執行新進人員薪資核敘與任用相關作業。 5. 執行年度所得申報與補充保費申報。 6. 不定期檢視人資相關作業流程與管理規章以確認符合勞動法令規範。 7. 其他相關人力資源管理行政作業。 ※本職缺歡迎身障人士主動投遞履歷應徵員工薪酬管理師,勞動法令管理師,基礎人力資源管理師,薪資管理師認證,績效管理師

應徵人數|1-5 人


中國信託於14個國家及地區設有超過370處據點,海外員工近一萬人,為臺灣最國際化的銀行。隨著持續開拓的海外版圖,我們致力於建立全球人力資源管理機制、推動區域人才發展。在台灣總部,我們擁有一群樂於與世界連結的IHR Team,歡迎嚮往世界舞台的你加入我們,一起成為國際人力資源專家! 工作內容: 1.派外人員儲備及行前訓練規劃與執行 2.派外關鍵職位接班人計劃規劃與執行 3.海外法金專業人才返台訓練規劃與執行

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.規劃與執行選/育/用/留等人力資源相關事宜 2.扮演事業夥伴的角色,並提供員工人力資源相關諮詢服務

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.規劃執行人才培育發展相關專案(如MA、潛力人才等) 2.開發與規劃培訓資源 3.支援人力資源相關業務商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


(1)專業職能盤點與建置學習藍圖 (2)學程設計與課程執行 (3)協助籌辦大型論壇 (4)數位學習體驗優化(培訓系統升級、外部教材資源引進) (5)透過新媒體方式行銷推播培訓資訊 (6)專案創意發想與活動規劃執行

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 具備跨部門溝通能力,參與金控人才選、訓、用、留等計畫。 2. 具備專案規劃執行能力,負責金控員工意見調查及數據分析。 3. 具備課程規劃及課務執行能力,規劃及執行金控中高階人才培訓專案。 4. 具備良好簡報製作技能,提供金控決策所需相關支援報告。 5. 具備統整歸納、化繁為簡特質,完成臨時性主管交辦事項。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.一般職能課程規劃與執行 2.訓練專案推動與執行 3.管理顧問公司、知名學府師資survey與洽談商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


工作內容 1. HRIS系統串接維運 2. Workday模組功能優化配置、報表功能開發 3. 海內外分支機構溝通及協助 資格條件 1.對系統維運與問題解決有實務經驗、對報表等功能開發有學習研究熱忱 2.具備系統導入/維運/開發/專案規劃者佳(包含但不限HR系統)資訊管理學類,人力資源學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.負責執行招募任用作業,日常招募安排與面談執行。 2.拓展招募多元管道、主動接觸合適人選,建立人才資料庫。 3.招募專案規劃與執行。 4.主管交辦事項。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.CSR/ESG典範研究,人力資源相關專案之規劃及執行 2.規劃及推動各項薪酬獎勵制度(包括變動獎金激勵、長期激勵獎酬等) ,以維持企業的競爭力,留下優秀人才 3.人才甄選、績效考核及相關人力資源制度優化 4.依組織發展策略,規劃及推動高階主管之繼任及發展計劃 5.建構人力資源儀表板(Dashboard),統計分析及人力運用預算管理

應徵人數|1-5 人
