1111找工作 APP



(A) 櫃台交易處理 1. 處理現金、支票、國內外匯款及外匯交易。 2.為客戶提供櫃台服務。 3.處理開戶/ 銷戶、存款/ 放款相關程序。 4.得管理櫃檯現金運轉,通過對現金、貴重物品、金庫/鑰匙和密碼的有效監控和保管來實行分行交易運作。 (B) 推銷銀行產品/ 服務 1.在處理櫃台交易時,辨別潛在客戶並將其引薦給銷售人員,在適當情況下向客戶交叉銷售銀行產品。 (C) 客戶體驗管理 1.按照銀行要求的服務標準,為客戶提供優質的服務。 2.處理和跟進客戶的查詢、要求和交易,以確保客戶滿意度。 (D) 稽核和合規監控 1.遵守銀行的政策、標準、操作準則/ 規程、保安和內部控制及合規措施。 2.遵守政府和金管會制定的規則和規定。一般商業學類信託業業務人員信託業務專業測驗,金融市場常識與職業道德,衍生性金融商品銷售人員

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.業務推動規劃:存款、房貸、信貸業務推動規劃及執行 2.財富業務推動規劃:基金、結構型商品、保險商品業務推動規劃及執行 3.規劃、管理業務人力及培訓人身保險業務員,投資型保險商品業務員,外幣收付之非投資型人身保險資格證照,財產保險業務員,信託業業務人員信託業務專業測驗(信託法規乙科),結構型商品銷售人員,金融市場常識與職業道德,投信投顧相關法規(含自律規範),信託業業務人員信託業務專業測驗,衍生性金融商品銷售人員

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1. 依照客戶需求推薦信用卡產品。 2. 地點很自由,可選擇跑攤駐點、企業團辦-到公司辦說明會還是掃街陌開。 3. 提供完整的教育訓練,新手沒關係,有團隊協助,上手很快速。 4. 外商福利好,第一年即享14天年假,讓你兼顧工作與生活。 5. 上班時間不固定,排班、輪休 。 你沒有人脈,想做業務? 想要挑戰自己,渴望拜百萬年薪? 那就快快投下履歷,星展歡迎你的加入,

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Business Function As a leader in treasury operations, DBS extends a broad range of capabilities in foreign exchange and derivatives, money market and securities trading, to corporations and financial institutions. DBS trades in a comprehensive product range, including foreign exchange, as well as interest rates and derivatives. Treasury & Markets (T&M) provides total solutions to serve DBS clients‘ hedging and investment needs with a regional emphasis. We have a strong record in providing innovative wealth management solutions to our individual investors. We are a leader in SGD and regional products with an excellent, customer-driven research capability and with cutting-edge risk management technology and systems. Responsibilities: - Collaborate with sales teams and clients to understand their needs and objectives for financial transactions. - Design and create customized financial structures that align with client requirements, considering factors such as risk appetite, cost-effectiveness, and legal compliance. - Conduct thorough quantitative and qualitative analyses to evaluate the feasibility and profitability of proposed structures. - Collaborate with legal and compliance teams to ensure structures adhere to regulatory guidelines and mitigate legal risks and prepare English & Chinese term-sheet. - Monitor and assess the performance of structured transactions, providing recommendations for adjustments or refinements as needed. - Stay updated on industry developments, emerging trends, and regulatory changes that may impact structured finance activities. - Contribute to the development and enhancement of structuring methodologies, tools, and processes to improve efficiency and accuracy.

應徵人數|1-5 人


徵聘人員: 1. 信用貸款業務專員。 2. 工作地點:台北市、新北市板橋區、桃園市、台中市、高雄市

應徵人數|1-5 人


< 注意事項 > 1. 請至JIM bot進行第一階段申請: Jim - 資深豐盛理財客戶經理 (https://dbs-prod.impress.ai/careers/icareers/html-widget/chat-widget/92e652f2-3ac7-450c-b36a-89cf9dbbd7b4/) - 2023的評估 (impress.ai) (建議用Google Chorme瀏覽器開啟) 2. 請至DBS官方網站,註冊帳號密碼後,點選「線上應徵」進行第二階段申請 資深豐盛理財客戶經理 (https://careers.dbs.com/careersection/dbs_professional_hires_career_section/jobdetail.ftl?job=21000002&lang=zh_TW) 1.透過卓越的客戶服務及專業的財務解決方案,增加/強化客戶及其家人的財富 2.依據客戶的資產組合/財務需求,提供全方位的理財規劃建議,確保產品的風險在客戶的承受範圍內並使客戶滿意本行的售後服務 3.透過緊密的團隊合作,提供客戶專業、客製化的服務體驗,滿足其所有銀行相關的需求(含銀行一般業務、借貸及投資) 4.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhKNH4M2a-o

應徵人數|1-5 人



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【About DBS】 星展銀行總部位於新加坡,是亞洲最大的金融集團之一。 2023 年購入台灣花旗消費金融業務後,星展即成為台灣最大外商銀行。目前已蟬聯五年「世界最佳銀行」的獎項,以及「全球最佳數碼銀行獎 」,打破傳統金融銀行的框架,持續發展數位創新,集團文化也鼓勵員工個人發展,提供豐富的資源和福利。 目前我們正在召集一群優秀的 Taiwan Tech Talents,與我們一起成為 Best Bank for a Better World! 【職缺資訊】 • Network/Voice related project delivery and daily operation. • Ensure the Network/Voice infrastructure align with DBS policy and regulatory requirement. • Maintain network performance by performing network monitoring and analysis, and performance tuning, troubleshooting network problems. • Secure network by developing network access, monitoring, control, and evaluation; maintaining documentation. • Develop procedures to automate network operation. • Create and deploy innovation by leveraging new technology. 【您可能會想知道】 - 將有教育訓練以及內部輪調機制,歡迎想踏入金融業的 Young talent - 正職員工到職滿 6 個月後,可申請每周彈性在家工作 2 天,兼顧生活和工作平衡 - 入職即享年假最低 14 天+1 天 Birthday Holiday - 每年有四萬元以上的彈性補助金,可用於家族旅遊或多項生活津貼 - 將有許多與國外夥伴合作的機會,能累積國際溝通和商業英語能力 【面試流程】 - 1-2 場線上面談,每場約 1 小時 (部分主管職位為現場面談) - 個人專業經歷及職涯發展了解 - 簡短英文自我介紹,敢說敢表達即可資訊管理學類,資訊工程學類

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1.具備數據分析洞察力以及決策力,觀察趨勢變化及客戶行為樣貌並能發掘洞見潛在商機、提供解決方案或規劃銀行客群專案活動。 2.LINE官方帳號或銀行點數平台系統功能建置與平台維運,包含專案系統規畫、跨部門開發需求訪談,能獨立執行及驗收測試並如期上線。 3.擬定銀行客群經營策略及年度計畫,涵蓋新客招募計畫、既有客戶忠誠活動策畫、分群管理進行精準行銷、規劃創新行銷模式、客戶旅程設計及體驗優化。

應徵人數|1-5 人


(A) Promotion of Financial Planning Services and Wealth Mgt Products 1) Acquire new affluent customers and solicit business opportunities through cross selling, referral, personal business connections, etc. 2) Identify customer needs through financial needs analysis / planning and provide appropriate solutions on a broad range of banking, insurance & investment products (e.g. investment profile review, portfolio mgt.). 3) Offer suitable wealth management products/services in accordance with the customers’ profile, promote and explain the products & their associated risks, if any, to the customers. 4) Attend to customers’ queries on wealth management incl. investment & treasury products needs. 5) Perform CRM call activities in line with Relationship Management Model and other sales-related duties as assigned by DBS Treasures Centre Manager &/or Branch Manager. 6) Responsible for meeting all sales and business targets assigned so as to ensure maximum contribution to the revenue of DBS Treasures. 7) Perform RI regulated activities and TR insurance activities 8) Attend all relevant training and briefings and reflect customer feedback & competitive situation and recommend suggestions to DBS Treasures Centre Manager &/or Branch Manager. (B) Relationship Building and Account Servicing 1) Maintain regular contact with existing customers to build & deepen relationship and reduce attrition. 2) Update customers on the latest product/market information and their account status to increase utilization & product penetration and increase share of customer’s wallets through portfolio review and cross selling. 3) Handle enquiries and execute financial transactions/orders & operations for customers. 4) Keep attuned to the current economic and financial markets so as to be current and proficient in attending to customers’ queries. 5) Make cross referral of other consumer banking products to the appropriate staff for follow-up. (C) Customer Experience Management 1) Provide superior customer service and professional financial solutions through discreet financial needs analysis / planning that satisfies customers’ changing financial needs. 2) Achieve and exceed the service standards set by the Bank. 3) Conduct regular business trips to deepen relationship with offshore clients (D) Audit and Compliance Control 1) Adhere to bank’s policies, standards, operations guidelines/ procedures, security and internal control measures. 2) Comply with the compliance and regulatory requirements and code of conduct, particularly those applicable to the course of selling, i.e. sales staff’s licensing and fitness & properness, KYC, FNA, PDPO anti-money laundering & documentation completeness in a/c opening & in each deal. 3) Comply with the registered capacity as well as any conditions imposed by the HKMA. This includes compliance with the applicable requirements of the Code of Conduct for Persons Licensed by or Registered with the SFC. 4) Compliance with Cross-border Marketing and Sales Policy and Standard. (E) Teamwork 1) Work hand in hand with fellow colleagues and working partners to ensure that all objectives of the team are met and there is team harmony and unity.

應徵人數|1-5 人


徵聘人員: 1. 信用貸款業務專員。 2. 工作地點:台北市、新北市板橋區、台中市、彰化市

應徵人數|1-5 人



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(A) 櫃台交易處理 1. 處理現金、支票、國內外匯款及外匯交易。 2.為客戶提供櫃台服務。 3.處理開戶/ 銷戶、存款/ 放款相關程序。 4.得管理櫃檯現金運轉,通過對現金、貴重物品、金庫/鑰匙和密碼的有效監控和保管來實行分行交易運作。 (B) 推銷銀行產品/ 服務 1.在處理櫃台交易時,辨別潛在客戶並將其引薦給銷售人員,在適當情況下向客戶交叉銷售銀行產品。 (C) 客戶體驗管理 1.按照銀行要求的服務標準,為客戶提供優質的服務。 2.處理和跟進客戶的查詢、要求和交易,以確保客戶滿意度。 (D) 稽核和合規監控 1.遵守銀行的政策、標準、操作準則/ 規程、保安和內部控制及合規措施。 2.遵守政府和金管會制定的規則和規定。一般商業學類金融市場常識與職業道德,信託業業務人員信託業務專業測驗,衍生性金融商品銷售人員

應徵人數|1-5 人


< 注意事項 > 1. 請至JIM bot進行第一階段申請: Jim - 資深豐盛理財客戶經理 (https://dbs-prod.impress.ai/careers/icareers/html-widget/chat-widget/92e652f2-3ac7-450c-b36a-89cf9dbbd7b4/) - 2023的評估 (impress.ai) (建議用Google Chorme瀏覽器開啟) 2. 請至DBS官方網站,註冊帳號密碼後,點選「線上應徵」進行第二階段申請 資深豐盛理財客戶經理 (https://careers.dbs.com/careersection/dbs_professional_hires_career_section/jobdetail.ftl?job=21000002&lang=zh_TW) e-JD(透過影片可更了解DBS RM的實際工作樣貌): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhKNH4M2a-o 1.透過卓越的客戶服務及專業的財務解決方案,增加/強化客戶及其家人的財富 2.依據客戶的資產組合/財務需求,提供全方位的理財規劃建議,確保產品的風險在客戶的承受範圍內並使客戶滿意本行的售後服務 3.透過緊密的團隊合作,提供客戶專業、客製化的服務體驗,滿足其所有銀行相關的需求(含銀行一般業務、借貸及投資) 4.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhKNH4M2a-o

應徵人數|1-5 人


工作內容: 1. 外撥電話聯繫客戶,協助處理線上申請信用卡未完成案件,說明並輔導客戶完成申辦。 2. 透過電話為客戶提供解決方案,確保案件得到妥善處理,必要時將案件轉交給相關單位協助處理。 3. 配合團隊合作,可機動性配合任務部署。銀行內部控制人員

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工作職掌: 協助分行舉辦理財說明會、進行每日市場分析與報告,提供即時的資訊給理專。需給予教育訓練,協助理專提升專業,包含:市場/產品等。與分行經理及業務主管合作,進行顧客分析並提供合適的投資理財規劃諮詢,符合客戶需求。提供策略面的專業,協助分行提升分行績效與理專生產力。 Responsibilities: - IC play the role as the speaker for the small client seminar held at each branch. - To distribute the market outlook and asset allocation model related knowledge to our existing customers as well prospectors. - IC should be the trainer of sales people and help on solving all kind of market/product relevant inquiries from sales people. - Refine the sales trainings via morning update and informal communications with sales people. - Co-work with BBM and sales lead on the analysis of customer composition, and help BBM/sales lead and sales to develop suitable product/pricing strategy to service the customers at the branch level. - IC should join call with TRMs to know the customers needs, advice suitable product and fulfill customer needs. - Help in writing the market outlook/product related materials for the purpose of sales training and role plays. - Help to promote and educate the DBS-Morning Star asset allocation model to TRMs and clients. - Responsible for the feedback of voice and requirements to CIIP research team and product teams. - Develop strategies to help TRM to acquire new customers and to acquire new money.金融市場常識與職業道德,投信投顧相關法規(含自律規範),信託業業務人員信託業務專業測驗,衍生性金融商品銷售人員

應徵人數|1-5 人


Job Duties & Responsibilities Responsible for managing and monitoring the cost across Tech and Support Units in DBS Taiwan, including integration cost management. Understand cost drivers across support units and provide analysis on cost management to track expense Partner BU/SU on country cost management initiatives Country Direct Billing Handling (Accruals, Budget review, supporting for regulatory) Partner with regional finance on New Cost allocation (NCA) database for cost efficacy analysis from product and process perspective Manage a team of 2 to drive expense support across Tech and Support Units.

應徵人數|1-5 人


< 注意事項 > 1. 請至JIM bot進行第一階段申請: Jim - 資深豐盛理財客戶經理 (https://dbs-prod.impress.ai/careers/icareers/html-widget/chat-widget/92e652f2-3ac7-450c-b36a-89cf9dbbd7b4/) - 2023的評估 (impress.ai) (建議用Google Chorme瀏覽器開啟) 2. 請至DBS官方網站,註冊帳號密碼後,點選「線上應徵」進行第二階段申請 資深豐盛理財客戶經理 (https://careers.dbs.com/careersection/dbs_professional_hires_career_section/jobdetail.ftl?job=21000002&lang=zh_TW) e-JD(透過影片可更了解DBS RM的實際工作樣貌): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhKNH4M2a-o 1.透過卓越的客戶服務及專業的財務解決方案,增加/強化客戶及其家人的財富 2.依據客戶的資產組合/財務需求,提供全方位的理財規劃建議,確保產品的風險在客戶的承受範圍內並使客戶滿意本行的售後服務 3.透過緊密的團隊合作,提供客戶專業、客製化的服務體驗,滿足其所有銀行相關的需求(含銀行一般業務、借貸及投資) 4.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhKNH4M2a-o

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1.行銷管理及業務推展 (1)主動開發及服務內部同仁所推薦的潛在客戶及從分行及外部擴增客戶來源。 (2)協助分行業務經理領導業務團隊並提昇保險銷售績效,以達成分配給自己及分行的整體保險業績目標。 (3)透過客戶服務、交叉銷售、分行宣傳活動等來深耕客戶關係並建立品牌知名度,以擴增客戶基礎。 (4)參與例行性的教育訓練及銷售活動等,並與分行服務經理等服務同仁密切合作,以有效開發服務同仁所推薦的潛在客戶。 (5)定期召開業績檢討會,以提升銷售同仁的產能。 (6)與客戶維持良好的關係,滿足客戶的財務需求,並提升客戶與本行往來的業務種類。 (7)確定銷售同仁的銷售行為係依據並符合內部政策、標準、準則、規章及主管機關及監理機構所訂定的規章及法規。2.人才及客戶體驗管理 (1)培訓發展及輔導銷售同仁,以提升其保險銷售績效及與客戶間的互動關係。 (2)與銷售同仁保持明確及即時溝通,以共同達成保險銷售目標。 (3)建立團隊成員中的信任及士氣,並能與分行中的其他同仁密切合作。 (4)協助分行業務經領導業務團隊提供客戶最佳的金融服務,並達到在多個客户滿意度調查/ 追踪計畫中(例如神秘顧客及電話服務調查)針對保險的預設滿意度水準。 3.稽核及合規監控 (1)確保完全符合內部政策、標準、準則及規章及主管機關及監理機構所訂定的規章及法規。 (2)透過教育、監控及有效的補救措施協助分行業務經理提升分行營運的控制及合規質量,並密切的與分行服務經理合作以保持銷售團隊的營運標準。4.分行行政管理 (1)滿足客戶的需求,並依據本行的客戶申訴處理準則及時的解決客戶抱怨案件。 (2)反映並建議分行業務經理有關於客戶的意見及競爭對手的作法。

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放款業務專員: 1.個人信用貸款 2.原車融資、回復車貸

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