1111找工作 APP



1. 負責分行相關系統維運,範圍含櫃員前台、集中作業後台及分行週邊系統 2. 工作內容含 1)營運系統 On Call 2)營運環境監控管理 3) 營運問題查找及排除 4)效能調教及架構規劃 5)系統體質改善方案提出及執行 3. 參與專案,協助系統建置及架構設計等任務

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.雲端平台運維(主機維護、監控、故障排除) 2.虛擬主機應用/服務管理,平台資源管理 3.SOP手冊撰寫 4. 伺服器設備維護、故障排除 5. 第一線及第二線客戶系統問題解決與技術諮詢資訊管理學類,資訊工程學類,電機工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.CIM系統管理、維護、問題排除,包含但不限MES、WMS、SPC等系統 2.SAP系統管理、維護、問題排除 3.系統功能需求個案分析評估、執行實施到上線使用 4.用戶端系統更新、維護、問題排除 5.主管交辦事項資訊管理學類,工業管理學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.專案資料蒐集、彙整(格式、翻譯..等)、建檔(紙本/電子檔)及歸檔 2.執行與協助對內/對外會議和關聯活動 3.撰寫專案相關報表、會議簡報&會議記錄;追蹤會議議題進度 4.支援/執行部門行政事務與主管交辦事項

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.UPS電源管理系統 2.虛擬機備援系統 3.NAS server系統 4.二區弱電工程(專案計畫) 5.二區Help Desk(※常態性工作)資訊工程學類,資訊管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


<About the job> As the Senior Data Engineer or Data Architect, you‘ll join the various advanced Data Science & AI Projects in the corporate headquarters. As well as developing intelligent applications via related AI and Big Data Analytics Technology for digital transformation, you will have plenty of opportunities to develop emerging applications based on different use cases and expand your tech skillset in this world-class company (Fortune Global 500, 20th). <Job Description> *Type 1:Senior Data Engineer Responsible for acquiring data using API, Web scraping, or other data accessing protocol/scripting and developing the ETL data pipelines, and the data aggregation systems. Using software development experience to design and build high-performance automated systems. As below: 1. Data Processing (1)Data ETL(Extracting/Transforming/Loading) process engineering and querying from relational data management(such as SQL Script). (2)Building systematic data quality processes and checks to ensure data quality and accuracy. (3)Solid coding experience in Python or Java. 2. Data Pipeline Development (1)Develops a data integration process, including creating scalable data pipelines and building out data services/data APIs. (2)Create a data processing automation and monitoring mechanism by optimizing the data pipeline process. (3)Experience with dataflow/workflow/management tools, such as Apache Nifi, Apache Airflow, Azkaban, etc., is preferred. 3. Data Crawling (1)Build scalable tools that automate web crawling, scraping, and data aggregation from various web pages using frameworks such as Scrapy. (2)Accessing data from REST APIs, particularly in parsing data in disparate formats such as JSON and XML, and developing automated engineering. (3) (Nice to Have) Knowledge of server-based front-end/UI technologies, including Vue/React and HTML/CSS, is preferred. *Type 2:Data Architect Responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining scalable and reusable system architectures/data architectures for complex data structures and large data in data science and AI projects. As below: 1. Data Schema Design (1)Collaborate with the team to design DB/Table Schema and Data Schema. (2)Consolidate the requirements and use data engineering tech to design and implement a robust Data Mart. (3)Experience handling all kinds of structured/semi-structured/unstructured data and streaming data is preferred. (4)Hands-on experience with Dimensional Data Modeling(Column-based data warehouse) or NoSQL Schema design. 2. Data Platform Architecture (1)Design and build data infrastructure/platform components to support complex data pipelines ingesting various data from multiple internal and external data sources and processing. (2)Familiar with Big Data frameworks and processing technologies, ex: Hadoop, Apache Spark, NoSQL ...etc. (3)Familiar with AZURE or AWS cloud data services(hands-on experience with cloud infrastructure will be a plus) (4)Familiarity with the Linux OS environment, the Shell Scripting, and infrastructure knowledge. (5)(Nice to Have)Experience with declarative infrastructure/container technologies, such as Docker and Kubernetes (k8s/k3s). (Nice to Have).資訊工程學類,數學統計學門,電算機學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


【工作內容】 1.IT對事業單位(BG)的dedicate窗口 -解答user應用相關需求(軟硬體需求、優化或流程問題) -整合IT團隊提供解決方案 -介紹IT相關服務或引導資訊表單申請 -M&A公司IT相關系統整合ITPM 2.常見問題分析,找出更加解決方案(內部優化) 【具備條件】 1.對企業組織IT系統、團隊、政策具一定程度了解 2.熟悉專案規劃,善於協調、組織統整能力 3.中英溝通與文件閱讀流暢 4.了解IT相關知識,包含資訊安全、網路與系統架構、作業系統、開發流程、資料流程等常見各類IT服務內容 5.熟悉架構圖繪製、流程繪製等工具(plus)資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.BC/EAP軟體優化 2.報表設計 3.上級主管交辦事項資訊管理學類,工業管理學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 負責雲端Server的專案工作 2. 與一線大廠合作機會 任何都會更新在粉絲專頁上喔!粉絲專頁如下↓↓ 粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/鴻海集團-鴻佰科技實習生新幹班專案-109654178264949 • 鴻海集團 Fii 雲運算產品事業群提供有志朝產業發展的同學實習之工作機會。 • 同學將與專業團隊一起工作學習,以得到更多將理論應用到實際工作的機會! • 計畫介紹: • 職缺內容: 新幹班 (大學四年級或碩士二年級畢業生) • 應徵時間:即日起至2024/4/26(五) • 報到日 :2024/6~ (依學生時程狀況調整) ※若有個人中英文履歷,歡迎與應徵申請一起寄出 實習生/新幹班職缺表: https://lnkd.in/g5SNPyxR 投遞履歷表時, 煩請同時回覆 1.申請表格 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ifPNL70V77wvSGYWXHV57Ftq3sxhmyK3/edit 2.有興趣職缺類型或編號電機工程學類,電子工程學類,機械工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. RPA開發設計 2. 表單流程開發設計 3. 調研新數位工具應用其他商業及管理學類,資訊管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.負責推動數位轉型、管理全球語音系統的資源規劃、技術標準制定與整合等 2.產品領域為資訊系統、雲端技術、行動通訊技術等 3.工作地點為新北/高雄/海外資訊工程學類,資訊管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.專案資料蒐集、彙整(格式調整、翻譯、轉檔..等)、建檔(電子檔)及歸檔 2.執行與協助對內/對外會議安排與行程管理。 3.撰寫專案相關報表、會議簡報&會議記錄;追蹤會議議題進度 4.使用網際網路搜尋工具,找尋相關資訊,解決特定問題與按時完成交辦事項。 5.支援/執行部門行政事務與主管交辦事項

應徵人數|1-5 人


工作內容: <About the job>: We‘re seeking AI/ML enthusiasts with experience and skills in working and are passionate about extending AI/ML expertise. The Data Science & AI team of headquarter IT is developing the frontier and practical analytic technologies that enhance the data value. As the AI/ML engineer, you‘ll join the AI/Big Data Analytics program/projects of headquarter IT and assist in building the model/algorithm to empower data-driven & analytics-driven for driving business value from data insights in this world-class company (Fortune Global 500, 22nd). <Job Type Option:> .Type1: AI/ML Engineer (Engineering-Oriented) (1) Use Machine Learning/Deeping Learning/Analytical techniques to build models for internal different scenarios and requirements. (2) Building the model lifecycle from data exploration to feature engineering to model evaluation and validity analysis capabilities. (3) Execute efficient, scalable, automated processes for model development, model validation, and model implementation (4) Deploy the model to production and maintain/optimize the models by MLOps. (5) Experience in Azure Data Lake, Azure Databricks, and Azure Data Factory is preferred. (6) Experience in AWS SageMaker is preferred. .Type2: NLP AI Engineer (1) Focused on NLP Algorithm/Machine Learning & Deeping Learning for Text. (2) Develop the Algorithm of NLP(Natural Language Processing)/ Computational Linguistics/Text Mining/Topic Modeling (3) Join the project to build the end-to-end NLP systems, from understanding the requirements to selecting training datasets to model, evaluate, and deliver/deploy NLP models. (4) Fine-tune LLMs and optimize and resolve issues related to LLM usage in production scenarios, enhancing reliability, accuracy, and performance. .Type3: AI/ML Engineer (Analytics-Oriented) (1)Use Machine Learning/Deeping Learning/Analytical techniques to build models for internal different scenarios and requirements. (2)Build the model lifecycle, e.g., from data exploration to feature engineering to model evaluation and validity analysis capabilities. (3)Execute efficient, scalable, automated processes for model development, model validation, and model implementation. (4)Apply quantitative methods including but not limited to above tasks to solve business problems. (5)Being passionate and patient about working with complex data <Skills> .Type1 & 3 : AI/ML Engineer(Engineering-Oriented & Analytics-Oriented) (1)Familiarity with any one of Machine Learning, Statistical Modeling, Deep Learning (Nature Language/Image/Time Series) model/algorithm building of the practical application in the industry. (2) Being familiar with Python Libraries, e.g., Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, SciPy, Matplotlib, etc. (3)(For Engineering-Oriented) Knowledge of Big Data with Machine Learning/Statistical modeling related technologies such as Spark MLlib or PySpark or SparkR/SparklyR. (4)(For Analytics-Oriented) Knowledge of Deep Learning Framework such as TensorFlow/Caffe/Pytorch/Keras. .Type 2: NLP AI Engineer (1) Experience with text mining algorithms such as word segmentation, POS tagging, named entity recognition...etc. (2) Experience in algorithms and libraries of NLP(Natural Language Processing), especially in machine learning techniques applied to NLP, such as Text mining, Text classification, Information Extraction, Keyword Tagging, and content discovery. (3) Familiar with one general-purpose programming language (e.g., Python, Java, C/C++) (4) Experience manipulating and integrating unstructured, semi-structured, and structured data. (5) Excellent knowledge and demonstrable experience using open-source NLP packages such as NLTK, Word2Vec, Standford CoreNLP, SpaCy, and Gensim. (6) Knowledge of Open source LLMs, such as BERT, BLoom, LLaMA..., etc., and NLP frameworks, like Hugging Face Transformers, PyTorch /JAX電機工程學類,電子工程學類,資訊管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.伺服器硬體測試及功能驗證 2.伺服器供裝與上架 3.伺服器設備維護、故障排除 4.伺服器設備庫存管理 5.工作流程改善,更新工作SOP 6.硬體RMA資訊管理學類,電機工程學類,電子工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.處理一線客服包含客戶障礙申告 2.監控IDC機電、空調、環控、網路、服務 3.事件排查與緊急狀況處置 4.例行巡檢與事件處理通報 5.協助ISO稽核認證作業 6.協助IDC機房維運管理 7.協助機房網路與線路管理維運 8.協助資訊設備管理 9.其他主管交辦事項. 10.需配合7x24三班制輪值資訊工程學類,資訊管理學類,電機工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. RPA開發設計 2. 表單流程開發設計 3. 調研新數位工具應用其他商業及管理學類,資訊管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Responsible for IT strategic/cross-department projects 2. Flow integration, Requirement Analysis and system analysis 3. Outsourced management for software development

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 了解使用者需求,主要負責PLM系統的導入,實施,配置。 2.使用Windchill軟件,利用PLM標準解決方案,根據業務需求,完成PLM產品需求定義,解決方案編寫及產品實現。 3. 負責PLM系統軟件設計,開發過程中相關文檔的主導和編寫。 4. 根據PLM系統部署和性能的情況,進行有效的代碼優化和系統性能調優等IT維護工作。 5.熟悉PLM全文搜索引擎,為文件和代碼使用加載文件進行部署 6.完成異構系統集成,如CAD,Creo等通信學類,資訊工程學類,數學統計學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. RPA開發設計 2. 表單流程開發設計 3. 調研新數位工具應用其他商業及管理學類,資訊管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 現場電腦與資訊設備保養、維護與問題排除 2.現場資訊系統更新與問題排除 3. 現場網路狀態維護與問題排除 4. 查找IT相關電腦、系統或設備臨時突發異常狀況原因,主動回報並進行問題排除 5.主管交辦事項資訊管理學類,工業管理學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人
