1111找工作 APP



【2024 台灣基恩斯 技術支援工程師】 ★ 本公司【技術支援工程師】之待遇制度與【業務工程師】同等★ ■ 本職位需精通日文,科系不拘、無須技術相關經驗 ■ 歡迎具熱心,欲鑽研技術提供優質服務的求職者加入 ■ 入社後將接受完整教育訓練,從零開始扎根確實建立技術能力 ■ 只要您會日文,對於儀器學習有極大的熱誠,歡迎參加面試 【如何報名】 ■ 投遞履歷並選擇您方便參加的日期   ■ 書審合格後,透過Email提供視訊連結及系統操作說明   ■ 當天請穿著正式服裝,並安排安靜適合面試的場所,與我們進行連線 【職務內容】 ■ 翻譯產品技術文件(如:使用手冊、說明書) ■ 負責技術文件的管理工作 ■ 與日本總社技術人員書信及文件往返連絡 ■ 協助業務人員產品基礎知識訓練,以及提供客戶、工程師在產品使用方面的技術訓練 ■ 協助業務處理客戶所提出產品相關應用的技術問題,並提供客戶技術支援服務 ■ 新產品上市前,進行應用和測試並支援業務所面臨的技術問題 ■ 配合業務與客戶的需求,安裝設備與處理系統問題 ■ 協助業務人員處理不良品客訴,處理銷貨、提供售後服務 【OFFICE】 ■ 隸屬於台北總部,服務區域涵蓋全台 【KEYENCE期待】 ■ 對自我成長有強烈意願的夥伴,歡迎加入Keyence大家庭! ■ Keyence人才招募網站 http://recruit.keyence.com.tw/JLPTN1,JLPTN2普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.新客戶開發與舊客戶服務再銷售 2.主管交辦事項 3.專科畢,無經驗者可機械工程學類,電機工程學類普通小型車普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.市場策略規劃與執行、業務團隊領導; 2.具OEM/ODM或區域市場開發能力; 3.客戶以及業務團隊管理; 4.跨部門溝通與團隊合作; 5 訂單處理作業及跟單; 6. 樣品處理作業; 7. 反應靈敏,有效的工作。 平均月薪 1600-1800美金一般商業學類,企業管理學類,貿易學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.熟悉欲銷售之產品、公司規章作業流程 2.客戶拜訪開發並推銷產品 3.依顧客需求做報價及簽約 4.顧客售後滿意度維持 (如: 顧客抱怨及問題反應處理、維持顧客對公司及業務員信賴度) 5.顧客意見回饋以供公司改善參考 6.定期與主管做業績、績效檢討,回報進度機械工程學類,汽車汽修學類普通小型車,普通重機車普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


拓展台灣、日本市場 進行日本工廠/客戶與台灣/中國廠商之間之協調普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


Summary: Supermicro is looking for stellar engineers to join our command center team. In this role, you will serve as the first point of contact, utilize your technical knowledge and help address inquiries via phone, e-mail, web portal on our products, solutions, and services. You will also partner with cross-functional engineering teams to understand the latest technology, and translate the technical specifications to common language for the clients. This role will be based in the headquarters located in Taoyuan, Taiwan. Duties and Responsibilities: - Serve as first point of contact and address to customer’s inquiries and questions regarding to Supermicro products, solutions, and services - Act as pre and post sales liaison between field and cross-functional product management teams - Identify, document, and resolve customer issues; escalate critical customer’s questions and issues to the correspondent team and management - Assisting clients to perform basic troubleshooting via phone, e-mail, or web portal - Provide inputs to designing team on customer’s feedback on new products improvement - Provide technical support over the phone/or web to customers on hardware and software issues - Drive customer satisfaction through service excellence - Ability to work two shift rotation (08:20~17:30; 12:00~21:00) Duties - Serve as first point of contact and address to customer’s inquiries and questions regarding to Supermicro products, solutions, and services - Act as pre and post sales liaison between field and cross-functional product management teams - Identify, document, and resolve customer issues; escalate critical customer’s questions and issues to the correspondent team and management - Assisting clients to perform basic troubleshooting via phone, e-mail, or web portal - Provide inputs to designing team on customer’s feedback on new products improvement - Provide technical support over the phone/or web to customers on hardware and software issues - Drive customer satisfaction through service excellence工程學門,數學統計學門,電算機學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


【2024 台灣基恩斯人才招募活動開跑囉!】 【活動場次】 ■ 視訊場:2024年4月19日(五) ★ 履歷合格者,將直接安排當天視訊面試場次★ 【職務說明】 1. 開發潛在客戶,拓展市場,以達成業績目標。 2. 拜訪客戶,依據實際狀況,提出解決客戶難題的可行方案,介紹適合的產品。 3. 維繫穩定客戶關係。 4. 負責訂單處理及售後技術支援。 【資格條件】 ■ 歡迎應屆畢業生,不需有工作經驗   ■ 大學學歷以上,無科系限制 【如何參加】 ■ 投遞履歷後,進行履歷書面審核   ■ 書審核格後,會收到Email通知信 【注意事項】 ■ 履歷審核合格者,透過Email提供視訊連結及系統操作說明   ■ 當天請穿著正式服裝,並安排安靜適合面試的場所,與我們進行連線 【入社日期】 ■ 2024年6月3日(星期一) ■ 工作地點:KEYENCE 全台據點-台北、新竹、台中、台南、高雄 【須可配合入社時間,依面試與受訓結果分發OFFICE】 【KEYENCE期待】 ■ 歡迎對自我成長有強烈意願的人加入KEYENCE大家庭! ■ KEYENCE人才招募網站 http://recruit.keyence.com.tw/普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.業務開發 2.維繫舊有客戶 3.日本往來書信、技術文件翻譯、口譯

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.拜訪客戶,維繫穩定客戶關係。 2.開發潛在客戶,拓展市場,達成業績目標。 3.客戶訂單相關事宜處理。 4.產品報價及回覆客戶諮詢問題。 5.客戶帳款相關事宜處理。機械工程學類,航太工程學類,電機工程學類普通小型車,普通重機車普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


• Continually develop knowledge base of current and new products • Create and maintain automation framework and cases in terms of internal validation and competitor solution analysis • Build up and maintain knowledge base for customer issue clarification and solution • Collaborate with product team for new features and quality improvement of remote management solution • Provide service to resolve customer concerns and issues • Duplicate customer issues if needed電機工程學類,電子工程學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.) Work directly with customers to resolve technical issues including motherboard, server systems, PC systems, and computer peripherals on the phone, by emails, or go onsite. 2.) Identify technical issues and resolve computer hardware & software problems 3.) Establish and maintain lines of communication with sales team to discuss services and technical issues 4.) Provide service to effectively resolve customer concerns and issues 5.) Travel with sales to customer sites to provide product presentation, troubleshooting, and support 6.) Continually develop knowledge base of current and new products 7.) Acts as the product expert, with deep technical understanding, engaging with both the product support team and development team to provide correct product solutions to customers. 8.) Engages closely with product management teams to bring product to life with optimized system configuration support.電機工程學類,電子工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


【2024 台灣基恩斯 客服工程師】 <<入社後將接受完整的產品教育訓練,歡迎對售後服務有熱忱的求職者參加面試>> 【職務說明】 1. 協助客戶安裝產品、調整精度。 2. 協助客戶所提出產品相關應用的技術問題,並提供客戶售後服務。 3. 提供客戶在產品使用方面的技術訓練。 4. 負責客戶簡易問題遠端電話或至現場排除。 5. 協助客戶排除產品異常,必要時支援維修服務。 【OFFICE】 ■ 職位隸屬於台北,服務區域涵蓋全台。 【備註】 ■ 投遞後會進行履歷書面審核,合格者於3個工作天內以E-mail發送面試通知。 (登記在1111的E-mail,非1111聯絡訊息,請到E-mail信箱中確認) ■ 未收到結果通知者表示未報名成功。 【注意事項】   ■ 視訊面試時,請穿著正式服裝,並安排安靜適合面試的場所,與我們進行連線。   ■ 履歷審核合格者,會透過E-mail提供視訊連線網址、視訊面試操作方法。 【KEYENCE期待】 ■ 對自我成長有強烈意願的夥伴,歡迎加入Keyence大家庭! ■ Keyence人才招募網站 http://recruit.keyence.com.tw/普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


【本職務建議同時投遞1111及愛德華先進科技招募網站】 愛德華投遞網址(請按Quick apply投遞):https://ssur.cc/zWsLJSf 1. To manage Edwards new equipment & service business and competition activities to secure business objectives. 2. To establish and maintain contacts with existing account at all levels to foster good working relationships and promote business. 3. To work closely with the supporting teams (service/marketing/product/applications specialists) to meet customers requirements and ensure winning business. 4. To manage customer expectations in line with Edwards strategic plans. 5. Forecast tracking aligning with market trend by regularly basis. 【What we expect of you】 ** English resume is required ** 1. >5 years of sales experience (Semiconductor field experience, service sales or service maintenance experience is preferred ). 2. Customer engagement skill and experience with good track record on wining business. 3. Price negotiation skill, and strategy development and execution. 4. Excellent internal and external communication and presentation skills.普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Work closely with internal business development & marketing team to commercialize the new business. 2. New customer identification and penetration: Get new business chance per company product portfolio and global footprint, build up & leverage key person relationships in multi-levels, contract negotiation, act as a coordination between customer and internal team for new business penetration, drive new business growth with set target margin and goal. 3. Existing customer maintenance: Ensure smooth daily account & program management, manage inventory / excess / account receivable, offer basic trouble shooting technical services to customers. 4. Maintains professional and technical knowledge by receiving product knowledge training from internal technical expert or self-learning from cross-function team, establishing personal networks internally, getting knowledge / successful cases sharing from internal community. 5. Monitors and record the competition by gathering current marketplace information on pricing, new products, delivery schedules, technical trends, demands, frequency of visit & relationship to our customers, to make best commercial decision per our business target.機械工程學類,金屬加工學類輕型機車,普通小型車輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


【本職務建議同時投遞1111及愛德華先進科技招募網站】 愛德華投遞網址(請按Quick apply投遞):https://ssur.cc/zWsLJSf 1. To manage Edwards new equipment & service business and competition activities to secure business objectives. 2. To establish and maintain contacts with existing account at all levels to foster good working relationships and promote business. 3. To work closely with the supporting teams (service/marketing/product/applications specialists) to meet customers requirements and ensure winning business. 4. To manage customer expectations in line with Edwards strategic plans. 5. Forecast tracking aligning with market trend by regularly basis. 【What we expect of you】 ** English resume is required ** 1. >5 years of sales experience (Semiconductor field experience, service sales or service maintenance experience is preferred ). 2. Customer engagement skill and experience with good track record on wining business. 3. Price negotiation skill, and strategy development and execution. 4. Excellent internal and external communication and presentation skills.普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Function as the technical contact and responsible for communicating with OEM/ODM customers for new/developing project. 2. Identify and confirm customer’s technical specifications, key features identification and confirmation. 3. Shooting customer’s issue/complaint and keep good relationship with customers. 4. Other tasks assigned by manager.機械工程學類,航太工程學類,其他工程學類普通小型車普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


銷售半導體.太陽能. 光學/光電/ PCB 相關等雷射設備及備品機械工程學類,電子工程學類,光電工程學類普通小型車普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.開發潛在客戶,拓展市場,以達成業績目標。 2.定期拜訪經銷客戶,維繫穩定客戶關係。 3.負責國內業務接洽及訂單處理。 4.負責產品報價及產品展示,並處理帳款回收相關事宜。 5.負責業務推展,傳達及說明公司各項業務重大訊息、活動及產品。 6.需具備樂觀進取,認真負責與抗壓性高。 7. 具備語文能力者佳。

應徵人數|1-5 人


銷售半導體.太陽能. 光學/光電相關雷射設備及備品機械工程學類,電子工程學類,光電工程學類普通小型車普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


Main Tasks: *Sales of mechanical and electrical engineering components *Acquisition of customers in the electronics and mechanical and other industries *Contract negotiation * Service control *Those collaborations with our headquarter in Germany Qualifications: * Academical Degree in mechanical/ electrical engineering or matchable education * Working experience in mechanical industry and/ or experience in sales of mechanical components * Salesperson abilities *Fluent spoken and wirtten English . Team player If working like this appeals to you. Please e-mail your resumes both in English and Chinese. Including your expected salary to slin@igus.com.tw or TEL:04-23581000 EXT.100 FAX:04-22517120 to Mr. Lin機械工程學類,電機工程學類,電子工程學類普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人
