1111找工作 APP



1.辦理客戶臨櫃存、匯款及放款作業交易 2.處理日常交易事務 3.其他上級交辦事項一般商業學類,財務金融學類人身保險業務員,財產保險業務員,外幣收付之非投資型人身保險資格證照,銀行內部控制與內部稽核測驗(一般金融),金融市場常識與職業道德輕型機車輕型機車

應徵人數|6-10 人


Business Function As a leader in treasury operations, DBS extends a broad range of capabilities in foreign exchange and derivatives, money market and securities trading, to corporations and financial institutions. DBS trades in a comprehensive product range, including foreign exchange, as well as interest rates and derivatives. Treasury & Markets (T&M) provides total solutions to serve DBS clients‘ hedging and investment needs with a regional emphasis. We have a strong record in providing innovative wealth management solutions to our individual investors. We are a leader in SGD and regional products with an excellent, customer-driven research capability and with cutting-edge risk management technology and systems. Responsibilities: - Collaborate with sales teams and clients to understand their needs and objectives for financial transactions. - Design and create customized financial structures that align with client requirements, considering factors such as risk appetite, cost-effectiveness, and legal compliance. - Conduct thorough quantitative and qualitative analyses to evaluate the feasibility and profitability of proposed structures. - Collaborate with legal and compliance teams to ensure structures adhere to regulatory guidelines and mitigate legal risks and prepare English & Chinese term-sheet. - Monitor and assess the performance of structured transactions, providing recommendations for adjustments or refinements as needed. - Stay updated on industry developments, emerging trends, and regulatory changes that may impact structured finance activities. - Contribute to the development and enhancement of structuring methodologies, tools, and processes to improve efficiency and accuracy.

應徵人數|1-5 人


徵聘人員: 1. 信用貸款業務專員。 2. 工作地點:台北市、新北市板橋區、桃園市、台中市、高雄市

應徵人數|1-5 人


徵聘人員: 1. 信用貸款業務專員。 2. 工作地點:台北市、新北市板橋區、台中市、彰化市

應徵人數|1-5 人


放款業務專員: 1.個人信用貸款 2.原車融資、回復車貸

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 信用卡專業顧問,依照客戶需求推薦信用卡產品。 2. 駐點知名通路,讓您專心服務優質客戶。 3. 客戶諮詢燈塔,我們銷售的是知識與專業協助。 4. 給你保障底薪,你只需衝刺賺到百萬高獎金。 5. 排班輪休,享受平日優惠好康不用假日人擠人。 6. 多元化數位工具,幫助你全方位串接信用卡服務。

應徵人數|1-5 人


應徵者可先提供履歷表參考,謝謝~ 1.業務拓展能力 2.開發新車及中古車商,提供車貸產品,負責車商及客戶維護 3.汽車貸款相關作業普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


徵聘人員: 信用放款專員。

應徵人數|1-5 人


• 即日起至2024年4月17日(三)止,點選下方連結投遞你的履歷。 【https://dbs.taleo.net/careersection/dbs_professional_hires_career_section/jobdetail.ftl?job=24000012&tz=GMT%2B08%3A00&tzname=Asia%2FTaipei】 • 名額有限,請儘早申請! • 報到日期:2024年7月1日(一)報到 星展消金服務新秀招募計畫 DBS with you - CBG Service Ambassador Programme 計畫說明: 星展躍升為台灣資產規模最大的外資銀行,在貸款、存款、信用卡和投資方面將在外資銀行市場中擁有明顯的市場領導地位。 現在,我們已網羅住市場上最頂尖的外商金融人才;未來,我們邀請具備潛力且嚮往金融外商銀行的你加入,將我們專業知識技能透過模組化的訓練,培養你成為下一位星展銀行的明日之星! 計畫特色: ★擁抱年輕世代人才,畢業加入外商銀行不是夢 ★一周全方位新人訓練,讓你快速了解外銀全貌 ★基礎職位建立紮實基礎,未來發展彈性無限大 ★職涯發展速度由你定,最快1.5年可輪調發展 此計畫以拔擢潛力無限的年輕世代人才為目標,讓你加入外商不再是高門檻,畢業即加入星展,不需先到其他地方歷練。 從第一線櫃員等職位建立基礎,給予兼具廣度與深度的紮實培訓,培養你成為全方位的銀行員,讓你前進外商的夢想立即實現! 我們在培訓期間,提供五大暖心考證培訓,每位同仁將有專屬Buddy,讓你在入職初期不迷茫,更能協助你建立專業職能與拓展職涯生活。 此外,星展也提供多元輪調且長期職涯發展機會,讓你在不同階段,職涯成就,星展隨行!一般商業學類,經濟學類,語文及人文學門初階外匯人員,金融市場常識與職業道德,信託業業務人員信託業務專業測驗,衍生性金融商品銷售人員

應徵人數|1-5 人


Job Description 1. Support sales head/team lead for business planning/strategy execution to achieve the sales revenue target; selective clients coverage 2. Overseeing various projects/sales initiatives aimed at improving Sales team work flow efficiency in the fast pace environment 3. Collaborate with cross-functional teams, stakeholders and bridge the communication of various Sales team projects and initiatives, including IBG & CBG MtJ, data & digital initiatives, business planning and analysis, etc.一般商業學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 信用卡專業顧問,依照客戶需求推薦信用卡產品。 2. 駐點知名通路,讓您專心服務優質客戶。 3. 客戶諮詢燈塔,我們銷售的是知識與專業協助。 4. 給你保障底薪,你只需衝刺賺到百萬高獎金。 5. 排班輪休,享受平日優惠好康不用假日人擠人。 6. 多元化數位工具,幫助你全方位串接信用卡服務。

應徵人數|1-5 人



應徵人數|1-5 人


應徵者可先提供履歷表參考,謝謝~ 1.業務拓展能力 2.信用貸款相關作業普通小型車,普通重機車普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.電話銷售信用卡及特定專案;透過電話推廣小額信貸、房屋貸款、保險等金融商品 2.協助客戶進行靈活的資金調度、負債整合等相關理財服務。 3.採用電話線上成交,免跑客戶不怕風吹日曬雨淋,不用浪費自己的電話費、交通費! 4.享勞健團保,眷屬優惠團保、三節獎金及旅遊福利金! 5.歡迎二度就業人仕

應徵人數|1-5 人


Job Description Corporate Banking provides corporate and asset management customers with a full range of commercial banking products and services, including cash management services, liquidity management, trade finance, working capital finance, term/revolving loans as well as corporate wealth product includes UT, bond, SIP, SN, DCI and T&M(FX, derivatives) products. Responsibilities • Solicit and develop new relationships. • Customer relationship management to spot new business opportunities, understand customers‘ requirements, structure deal and proper evaluation of risks to achieve a balance stance for the customer and bank. • Understand customer needs and develop plans to address them. • Forward upselling and cross-selling opportunities to the sales team. • Corp. wealth and T&M revenue, more diverse products knowledge and revenue generation abilities aside from Corp. loan. • Proactive management, supervision and monitoring of an existing pool of accounts to achieve optimum utilization rate and profitability as well as timely submission of account review. • Evaluate the credit-worthiness of customers and recommends appropriate proposal taking into account the Bank‘s objectives, customer‘s requirement and overall market conditions and industry trends • Ensure timely submission of RFP (Request for proposal), pitches, meeting deal execution timelines, preparation for credit memos and supervision reports • Prepare financial models with P&L, B/S & cash-flow projections based on sound business and market assumptions • Underwrite report by proper identifying of significant risks and mitigating factors. • Proactive monitoring and management of accounts, being alert to credit deterioration or improvement, and taking timely action including elevation to senior bankers and credit • Ensure compliance of mandatory banking processes. • Perform KYC and conduct customer due diligence. • Resolve customer complaints quickly and effectively • Liaise with Corporate Banking various department (such as Credit & Credit Control, T&M, Operations and other Product Groups) to achieve a smooth workflow in the processing of customer‘s request.

應徵人數|1-5 人



應徵人數|1-5 人


1.執行徵信調查,撰寫徵信報告,以確保徵信報告之公正客觀。 2.檢視並彙整授信戶營運及財務狀況,提供正確信用及產業資料,以供授信審查與覆審之參考並確保授信品質。 3.追蹤授信戶相關產業訊息及財務資料,以及時提供企金業務人員授信戶異常警訊商業及管理學門,經濟學類初階授信人員

應徵人數|1-5 人


♦ 開拓新目標客戶、建立潛在客戶檔案、主動行銷消金商品並定期檢視成果,以達成業務目標 ♦ 深耕舊客戶提供金融商品諮詢服務,適時推介客戶需要之其他金融商品或進行業務轉介,以擴大業務量 ♦ 瞭解客戶背景、信用狀況及資金需求,以提升分行消金授信品質及避免不良債權的發生 ♦ 確認客戶申請案件內容正確性、及時執行核貸後相關作業,以提昇作業效率銀行內部控制與內部稽核測驗(一般金融),銀行內部控制與內部稽核測驗(消費金融)

應徵人數|1-5 人


高業務獎金~ 月入10萬,年薪百萬超easy 1.純內勤業務工作,無須外訪風吹日曬雨淋 2.公司提供完善職前訓練 3.有相關經驗者佳 只要您肯努力高額奬金等著您 改善生活品質就趁現在 加入LD綻放光芒,璀璨前程盡在聯鼎 歡迎您加入我們的團隊 讓我們一起為美好的未來打拼

應徵人數|1-5 人


《個金業務-房信貸》 1.個人放款商品(房、信貸)業務推廣 2. 負責金融授信客戶之開拓,維護與信用評估及風險控管 3. 因應客戶需求,轉介相關商品(基金、保險等...)人身保險業務員,金融市場常識與職業道德,信託業業務人員信託業務專業測驗(信託法規乙科)輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.大型/中小企業金融服務開發及維護。 2.大型/中小企業信用保證融資產品開發。 3.現有企業客戶關係維護。 4.相關金融產品推廣與轉介。初階授信人員,初階外匯人員輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人
