1111找工作 APP



1.各部門招募相關事宜 2.協助主管製作各類表單,及提供人事行政作業流程 3.人員出勤管理,輸入匯入每日出勤表,了解人員實際出勤狀況 4.處理人員加、退勞健保與團保 5.管理公司人員異動或資料異動 6.行政庶務相關事宜 7.員工宿舍管理及外勞管理 8.協助員工對於工作任務上的問題 9.員工問題處理及協調及解決 10.各項文檔建立、維護及更新 11.依照公司內部各單位或公司外部來文草擬回覆的公文 12.將核准之文件送打、校對、並登記發出日期、文號等紀錄 13.將各類文件歸檔以供日後查詢 14.文件整理(貼標/裝套/排序/歸檔/上架) 15.文件歸檔整理(抽退件/分類/排序/拆套) 16.公司資料庫的管理維護 17.主管交辦事宜普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人



應徵人數|1-5 人


為增加身心障礙人才就業機會及維護身心障礙者就業權益,歡迎持身心障礙手冊朋友主動投遞,本職務為身心障礙人士專用,作為人才儲備之用。 - 不限身障類別、程度,需持有身障手冊。 - 依求職者學經歷媒合職缺及個人意願安排面談。 - 有意應徵者請先以1111系統投遞履歷,經人資單位初審通過後安排面試;如有合適職務,我們將主動與您聯繫。不適合者則不會另行通知。

應徵人數|6-10 人



Employee Relationship & Labor Compliance Intern - Tainan Role and responsibilities • support all EWC events and activities at preparation stage • update EWC planning and project calendar • maintain and update EWC SharePoint information including EWC activities, clubs data and pictures • help to generate the EWC related clips or photo videos. • handle the EWC routine administrative works

應徵人數|1-5 人


Role and responsibilities 1. Customer service performance report organization 2. Machine uptime report consolidation 3. Service Business relative projects商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


Employee Relationship & Labor Compliance Intern - Hsinchu Role and responsibilities - Data compiling and analysis - Intranet website maintenance - Generating government survey reports - Labor management council meeting coordination - Employee Relationship & Labor Compliance Projects

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.Office coordinator work 2.Business support to Customer support (CS), and the relative activities associate with other sectors including Finance, Sales and Logistics 3.Office / GA support Job Description ●Business support : Option and special deal support Business administration & documentation support Support outlook calendar /Share Point site/ maintain mail group Support travel itineraries /arrange meeting Support meeting ●Office / GA support : Order office supplies CS supports (e.g. Easybuy PR creation for office/Fab supplies, visitors’ clean room item preparation supports) Office administration Data analysis / data monitoring and reporting Support teambuilding events商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Assist Material handler: Collaborate with the Material Handler to ensure smooth material logistics, including inventory management and distribution. 2. Supporting CS daily operation for local leader assignment: Provide support for daily Customer Service operations, assisting with local leader assignments and ensuring efficient communication channels. 3. Weekly meeting hosting & assist: Host and assist in weekly meetings, ensuring logistical arrangements and coordination are seamless. 4. Group dinner hosting: Organize and host group dinners, fostering team camaraderie and positive work relationships. 5. Weekly report support and raw data material preparation: Support weekly reporting activities by preparing raw data materials, ensuring accuracy and completeness.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. MFG 技術員的訓練、檢定、績效與MO管理 2. 客戶、ISO/TS16949、環安衛稽核 3. 無塵室MFG物料的修繕、規劃與管理 4. 廠級6S零工傷活動計劃、執行、報告工程學門,工業管理學類

應徵人數|6-10 人



Introduction to the job Office coordinator supports cross departments in an administrative, organizing and supporting way, to guarantee an effective and efficient execution to support ASML business. This position requires access to controlled technology, as defined in the Export Administration Regulations (15 C.F.R. § 730, et seq.). Qualified candidates must be legally authorized to access such controlled technology prior to beginning work. Business demands may require ASML to proceed with candidates who are immediately eligible to access controlled technology. Role and responsibilities Option and special deal support Business administration & documentation support Office administration Data analysis / data monitoring and reporting商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 事務用品採購 2. 公務車檢查及管理 3. 活動支援 4. 機動支援普通小型車

應徵人數|11-30 人



Job Mission 1.Office coordinator work 2.Business support to Customer support (CS), and the relative activities associate with other sectors including Finance, Sales and Logistics 3.Office / GA support Job Description ●Business support : Option and special deal support Business administration & documentation support Support outlook calendar /Share Point site/ maintain mail group Support travel itineraries /arrange meeting Support meeting ●Office / GA support : Order office supplies CS supports (e.g. Easybuy PR creation for office/Fab supplies, visitors’ clean room item preparation supports) Office administration Data analysis / data monitoring and reporting Support teambuilding events商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


Introduction to the job Customer Support (CS) is responsible for continuous improvement of ASML systems performance at customer locations. One of the departments in this sector is CS DUV Project & Operational support, responsible for Administration in cross-departments Regular report organization Data preparation to support project leaders To ensure effective and efficient execution on customer service.商業及管理學門,資訊科學學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Assist Material handler: Collaborate with the Material Handler to ensure smooth material logistics, including inventory management and distribution. 2. Supporting CS daily operation for local leader assignment: Provide support for daily Customer Service operations, assisting with local leader assignments and ensuring efficient communication channels. 3. Weekly meeting hosting & assist: Host and assist in weekly meetings, ensuring logistical arrangements and coordination are seamless. 4. Group dinner hosting: Organize and host group dinners, fostering team camaraderie and positive work relationships. 5. Weekly report support and raw data material preparation: Support weekly reporting activities by preparing raw data materials, ensuring accuracy and completeness.

應徵人數|1-5 人


行政助理工作(約聘) 1.負責行政文書處理 2.資訊庫房管理 3.熟悉電腦基本操作

應徵人數|6-10 人



Support for Department activity or Project demand Reporting summary and data analysis (labors bucket breakdown) Known for basic excel and PowerPoint Good English communication Good for artist Team building/dinner event arrangement Office environment management (KPI dashboard maintenance) Minimum 2 days (prefer 3 days) working per week

應徵人數|1-5 人


行政助理工作(約聘) 1.負責行政文書處理 2.電腦基本操作

應徵人數|1-5 人



1. 內、外部、技術移轉文件管理。 2. 客戶稽核、內部稽核。 3. 公司內部資料光碟燒錄/備份作業、研發記錄簿管理。 4. 各項專案規劃及執行。 5. 主管交辦事項執行與回報。

應徵人數|6-10 人



Customer Support (CS) is responsible for continuous improvement of ASML systems performance at customer locations. One of the departments in this sector is CS DUV Project & Operational support, responsible for Administration in cross-departments Regular report organization Data preparation to support project leaders商業及管理學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 辦公室領料庫房管理及ERP核對 2. 協助訂便當/飲料 3. 總機 4. 訪客換證 5. 定期不定期雜項購置及發放 6. 事務用品購買 7. 應付帳款立帳 9. 採購/進貨作業 10. 廠區需求氣體採購、安排及通知 11. 廠區庫房領料協助 12. 臨時性交辦事項 13. 固定資產管理輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車輕型機車

應徵人數|6-10 人

