1111找工作 APP



1. 針對新能源產品或工業器械產品進行各種相關之安規測試 2. 測試產品基本檢修及判定測試結果 3. 安規報告撰寫與審核 4. 協助客戶技術問題 5. 其他主管交辦事項工程學門

應徵人數|1-5 人



1. 審核及測試電池類產品 2. 相關安規要求與報告撰寫 3. 協助客戶技術問題與審核報告 4. 協助主管交辦相關事宜 ※薪資依能力經驗調整※工程學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.自動化/智慧化軟體開發 2.感測器應用與整合 3.控制系統規劃(電控系統硬體、軟體與控制相關)與整合機械工程學類,電機工程學類,電子工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.需會開車 2.處理公司相關工作普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人



應徵人數|1-5 人



應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 國內或國際認證報告製作 (多國發證, 包含日本) 2. 聯繫客戶認證相關事宜 3. 客戶問題諮詢與回覆 4. 客戶申請文件彙整及跟催 5. 報告整理與送件 6. 其他交辦事項 <Job Function> Performs basic projects to achieve stated objectives. Projects may include cost studies, assessments of operations, and reviews of organization structures. Assists in the planning of projects. May assist with program management. <Job Responsibilities> • Serves as a project lead for basic test programs as assigned. Coordinates laboratory activities and instructions to lab staff, scheduling testing and reviewing lab work to keep project completion dates. • Studies and understands test standards, testing technology, regulations, and certifications for scope of responsibility with support from line manager/SME. • Assists team members with performing basic test procedures as trained and requested. • Supports the team in managing communication of project status to customers. Understands the customers and their needs that have been assigned. • May assist the sales team to determine project specifications (e.g. Cost/Time and Sample requirements) as trained and requested. • Integrates continuous improvement techniques specifically to the project process and document management. • Travel may be possible to client sites or other UL locations to support customer testing, attendance at an industry related event, and other. • Performs other duties as directed.商業及管理學門,經濟社會及心理學門,英美語文學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


依據試驗規範 執行營建材料之測試,無經驗可(可培訓)

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 根據門禁系統安全檢驗規範執行測試及方法確認 (安規90%, RF 10%) 2. 測試項目 : 電子電機相關 (例如 : 門禁系統及訊號相關產品電氣安全性測試、訊號及功能、基礎RF測試、突波測試等) 3. 使用儀器 : 包含電源供應器、訊號產生器、頻譜分析儀等 4. 撰寫測試報告及協助試驗設備管理

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.產業型機器人 2.AGV控制技術開發機械工程學類,電機工程學類,電子工程學類TOEIC多益 (Green470-725分)

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.機電整合、控制程序自動化相關工作開發。 2.與機構團隊相互合作完成工業自動化等研發項目。 3.政府計畫相關研發工作執行。電機工程學類,電子工程學類,機械工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


*食品檢驗報告撰寫, 期刊文章撰寫 *負責回覆客戶技術問題, 客訴處理 *協調實驗室檢驗流程食品科學類,藥學學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 協助化學實驗室非食品類的樣品前置處理作業 (如:剪樣、秤重、分裝、粉碎等物理性操作) 2. 樣品進退件,依據各種檢測方式、分析方式將樣品分類至各實驗室 3. 檢驗法規研讀 4. 其他主管交辦事項 說明: 此職缺無需進入實驗室lab內,也無需要操作實驗及儀器,需配合工作加班化學學類,化學工程學類,材料工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.機電整合、程序自動化相關工作開發。 2.工作排程與分配演算法開發。 3.政府計畫面相關工作執行。機械工程學類,電機工程學類,資訊工程學類TOEIC多益 (Green470-725分)

應徵人數|1-5 人


【工作說明】 1. 負責各類產品之防爆安規案件 2. 研讀安規標準及熟知測試方法、撰寫產品報告 3. 支援業務及客戶端之技術問題,提供安全技術諮詢 4. 其他交辦事項 【參考資料】 防爆產業相關 https://taiwan.ul.com/ul-hazardous-locations-column/ UL 121201 標準 https://taiwan.ul.com/blog/201912-hazloc-ul121201-nonincendive/ 防爆外殼爆炸測試面面觀系列 | (一) UL 1203 爆炸測試 https://taiwan.ul.com/blog/202004-hazloc-newslens-explosiontesting-ul1203-tc/ 防爆外殼爆炸測試面面觀系列 | (二) IEC 60079-1 爆炸測試 https://taiwan.ul.com/blog/202005-hazloc-newslens-explosion-testing-iec60079-1-tc/機械工程學類,電子工程學類,電機工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 根據門禁系統安全檢驗規範執行測試及方法確認 (安規90%, RF 10%) 2. 測試項目 : 電子電機相關 (例如 : 門禁系統及訊號相關產品電氣安全性測試、訊號及功能、基礎RF測試、突波測試等) 3. 使用儀器 : 包含電源供應器、訊號產生器、頻譜分析儀等 4. 撰寫測試報告及協助試驗設備管理

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Execute accurate, objective and high-quality assessments by implementing all requirements indicated in the client specific procedures, auditor training and audit scope. 2. Prepare in advance by downloading and reading audit documents and protocols related to upcoming audits. 3. Document and report the audit findings/observations. 4. Submit audit reports and communicate audit results to facility management in a professional, objective, and clear manner. 5. Verify the effectiveness of corrective actions taken as a result of audit. 6. Cooperate with and supporting other auditors and staff. 7. Promptly address any clarification queries from the reviewing team and respond to all emails in a timely manner. 8. Complete all assigned training activities and actively participate in training sessions. 9. Apply feedback from reviewers, training specialist, quality manager, program managers and client facing team to future work for continuous improvement. 10. Treat privileged information with discretion and ensuring all audit related documents and results remain confidential and well-guarded. 11. Update country law profiles for assigned country/region in support of the audit process & advisory services and update appropriate tracking tools. 12. Conduct specialized audits where a higher level of auditing skills and methodology is required (such as RBA, RJC, SMETA, Environmental, Capacity Building and Continuous Improvement, etc.). 13. Mentor role with trainees, team and lead auditors. 14. Partner with training team, program managers, and client facing groups to establish valuable programs. 15. Read and follow the Underwriters Laboratories Code of Conduct and follow all physical and digital security practices. 16. Performs other duties as directed.普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.執行工具機精度檢驗。 2.執行工具機精度檢驗技術開發。 3.廠商檢驗事宜輔導。 職務範疇簡介: 各類工具機雷射定位精度與循圓測試等基礎精度檢驗,公民營企業機台買賣與政府各類輔助計畫案等第三方驗證,加工廠商年度校正。機械工程學類,工業工程學類,測量工程學類輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


*Main job content: Conduct evaluations and tests based on SEMI standards and standards related to industrial machinery and summarize the results in a report. *In charge of projects for SEMI evaluations and related industrial machinery / electric safety evaluations.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. USB、HDMI、Thunderbolt & DisplayPort 等相關認證測試 2. 電子訊號量測 (有示波器、誤碼儀BERT操作經驗者佳) 2. 撰寫測試報告 3. 提供安全技術諮詢 ‧Analyze project scope and determine project specification Establish test programs for product investigations; analyze test programs for adequacy and sequence ‧Examine samples for compliance with UL requirements ‧Communicates project status and results to clients through frequent contact and by preparing reports. ‧Resolve engineering issues by analyzing and reporting on the acceptability of the variations 請您瀏覽下述網站, 以獲得更多資訊: https://www.ul.com/services/data-sync-and-charger-cable-testing-certification-program電子工程學類,電機工程學類,機械工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人
