1. 以專業和友善的方式歡迎和問候訪客 2. 處理來電並將其轉接至適當的人員或部門 3. 協助預約會議室並協調會議後勤工作 4. 履行一般行政職責,包括但不限於旅行和酒店管理、出勤記錄等 5. 協助辦公室管理任務,例如管理辦公用品、協調辦公室維護和設備採購 6. 在需要時向各部門提供行政支持 7. 協助組織公司活動 8. 協助完成指定的臨時專案和任務 1. Welcoming and greeting visitors in a professional and friendly manner 2. Handling incoming calls and directing them to the appropriate person or department 3. Assisting with meeting room bookings and coordinating meeting logistics 4. Performing general administrative duties, including but not limit to travel and hotel management, attendance records etc 5. Assisting with office management tasks, such as managing office supplies and coordinating office maintenance and equipment procurement 6. Providing administrative support to various departments when needed 7. Assist in organizing company activities 8. Assisting with ad hoc projects and tasks as assigned