•Attend to all feedbacks/comments from guest and transmit them to the departments concerned and ensure that corrective actions are taken immediately •To be concerned with staff discipline and performance in relation to all staff within the section. •To ensure that every matter in the logbook is followed up. •To accept luggage and parcels for safekeeping and ensure that at all time is recorded properly. •To pre-check all group rooming lists for arrival and departure. •To ensure that the training given is being used by all staff and subordinates within the section. •To provide general information to customers and guests in a good and helpful manner. •To ensure to have appropriate knowledge for the recommendation of tourist attraction and restaurants, according to the guest needs. •To identify ways of increasing the hotel’s overall profitability within the section. •To be completely aware of the Fire and Emergency Procedures of the hotel and your responsibilities in an emergency. •To ensure at all times that personal presentation is immaculate and your uniform or work clothes are in line with relevant Front Office and Hotel uniform and clothing codes. •To ensure that you are completely aware of the complete range of services and facilities that the hotel provides to its guests and visitors. •To ensure you have a complete and thorough knowledge of the outlets of the hotel, their operating hours and the scope of services that they provide. •To ensure on a daily basis that you are fully aware of all arrivals to the Hotel, and in particular, VIP and return guests, and that you are aware of any special requests so that they may be action accordingly.