1111找工作 APP




負責網路店家以及中小企業有興趣拓展網路事業之招募。 1.負責公司客戶服務管理,客服管理工作規範、業務流程及規章制度的制定。 2.撰寫&安排電銷人員訓練課程,教導行銷技巧與擬定話術。 3.規劃與執行團隊業務和成員的發展目標,監督與達成個人&團隊業務目標。 4.建立有效的工作流程提高效率及問題改進,監督並帶領團隊確保作業正確效率。 5.評估電銷人員之品質及效率,並能及時提出改善措施。 6.建立、記錄並維護顧客資料(如:聯繫記錄、顧客反應)。 7.召募及面談新進人員。 8.負責電話開發、約訪新客戶。 9.關鍵性績效指標KPI、績效檢討與規劃PRP。 ◎ 如果你有豐富的電銷主管經驗,能夠建立完整的電銷制度及優秀團隊,我們非常歡迎你。 面試時,請分享你將如何建立電銷部門。

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 各類宴會與會議活動業務開發與拜訪。 2. 會議、婚宴、謝師宴與各類活動業務接洽與服務。 3. 酒店年節商品銷售與目標達成。 4. 市場動態分析、業績目標設定、策略訂定及執行 5. 年度預算編列、執行及相關報表編製。 6. 顧客資料蒐集與關係維護。 7. 其他主管交辦事項。

應徵人數|1-5 人


客服人員在值班時是透用電話, 並且在大多數情況下是顧客與酒店的第一接觸點在更廣泛的範圍內,客服務中心的電話是要非常重要的,作為酒店的聲音,您將為所有來電者創造效率,友善和溫暖的印象。 The Guest Service Officer is directly responsible for the Switchboard whilst on duty. On a broader scale the Guest Service Center telephone is to beware that as the “voice of the hotel, and at most times the first point of contact with the Hotel, you are to create an impression of efficiency, friendliness and warmth to all callers to the hotel.

應徵人數|1-5 人



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1. 需具牙科或醫美經驗三年以上 2. 具牙科櫃檯經驗佳,具幹部經驗佳 3. 有線上約診、諮詢、客服經驗優先錄取 4. 具有良好的溝通能力以及能夠團隊合作 5. 需要能夠帶領團隊達到業績KPI 6. 有危機處理和快速反應能力 7. 喜歡聊天,能夠同時兼顧多個顧客的線上需求 8. 有業務精神,統籌概念 9. 會使用各種社群軟體,手機或是電腦打字快速精準(無錯別字)

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※有意願者請洽面試專員:0970123009 1.此為正職職缺,儲備幹部性質,需長期穩定,非誠勿試。 2.無經驗可。 工作內容: 1.網拍管理及營運。 2.處理各大網站拍賣客服回覆、接聽電話。 3.必要時支援訂單包裝、出貨、簡易倉庫管理、進貨入庫。 4.學習如何指導、管理、網拍相關事務運行。 5.協助主管交辦事項。 備註:無經驗可,積極學習,肯努力者佳。 我們秉持著誠實待客、服務至上的理念,產品行銷各行各業已經20餘年。 網拍部門工作環境單純、同事好相處,可以一起快樂地迎接挑戰。 只要您肯學、樂於溝通、喜歡團隊合作,相信您可以找到自己的一片天地。 若您對於此工作內容有興趣,歡迎您投遞履歷,推薦自己,加入我們的團隊! ※有意願者請洽面試專員:0970123009

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.協助客戶填寫申請資料(電腦KEY件 或 手寫申請書)→交貨 2.回覆網路打字客服輕型機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


#你需具備的是 市場變化快速,希望你有求知的熱情, 願意和我們一起願意學習新的觀念、方法, 並挑戰新的任務! 如果你有下列技能,請馬上投遞履歷, 讓我們認識你~ #需要的工作技能是 1 邏輯應變能力佳,有找尋問題解決能力 2 積極負責、認真細心 3 熟悉公文、文書流程處理 4 擅長協調及談判 5 擅長協會事務處理 #你需要做的是 1 協助主管審核資料及相關資料蒐集。 2 參加主管訪談與會晤記錄及文書處理,建立良好客情及維護。 3 協助各部門專案進度管控、溝通協調與支援需求,並定期彙整回報主管。 4 負責內部作業流程、報表彙整、文件整理等相關行政庶務。 5 主管交辦之工作事項 。 #在這裡你可以獲得 1 每天和貓貓狗狗們開心地玩耍,歡迎帶寵物一起上班 2 公司鼓勵同仁持續學習進修,提供課程補助費用 3 每3個月福利兌換卷、生日福利 4 不定時下午茶美食提供、員工聚餐 5 員工旅遊(因疫情暫停) #面試請準備 1 紙本履歷 歡迎先到官網逛逛 https://www.aipawspro.com/ https://www.vibesaura.com/輕型機車,普通重機車

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1. 負責意舍酒店館內各式宴會活動、會議、專案活動。 2. 顧客關係維護與客戶資料建檔管理。 3. 活動細節確認及內部跨部門溝通與協調,確保達到顧客需求。 4. 各式合約確認、文書作業及協助活動美工製作。 5. 協助主管進行市場動態分析、客戶資訊收集及業務開發 。 6. 具良好溝通協調能力,抗壓性高,自主能力強,配合執行行銷業務相關事宜銷售。

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1.迎賓接待並熟悉餐廳營業服務及當季菜單…等內容。 2.了解VIP顧客用餐之喜好、並可隨時提供其需要之服務。 3.制定貴賓服務方式與標準作業流程。 4.單位新進及在職人員訓練管理,維持其服務品質。 5.特殊狀況處理及呈報,顧客抱怨回應,並提供相關服務。 6.日常作業督導及服務流程管控。 7.收集並建立VIP客戶資料,並進行客戶服務與關係維繫 8.協助公關經理餐廳內部活動之專案執行

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1.協助客戶填寫申請資料(電腦KEY件 或 手寫申請書)→交貨 2.回覆網路打字客服輕型機車

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1.協助區域經營管理及發展 2.具服務流程管理及改善能力 3.具備良好溝通能力 4.執行能力佳 5.具財務報表分析能力 6.人員招募、管理、教育、督導、調配、各項績效考核 7.商圈分析及評估

應徵人數|1-5 人


Customer Service Operation Manager We exist to wow our customers. We know we’re doing the right thing when we hear our customers say, “How did we ever live without Coupang?” Born out of an obsession to make shopping, eating, and living easier than ever, we’re collectively disrupting the multi-billion-dollar e-commerce industry from the ground up. We are one of the fastest-growing e-commerce companies that established an unparalleled reputation for being a dominant and reliable force in South Korean commerce. We are proud to have the best of both worlds — a startup culture with the resources of a large global public company. This fuels us to continue our growth and launch new services at the speed we have been since our inception. We are all entrepreneurial surrounded by opportunities to drive new initiatives and innovations. At our core, we are bold and ambitious people that like to get our hands dirty and make a hands-on impact. At Coupang, you will see yourself, your colleagues, your team, and the company grow every day. Our mission to build the future of commerce is real. We push the boundaries of what’s possible to solve problems and break traditional tradeoffs. Join Coupang now to create an epic experience in this always-on, high-tech, and hyper-connected world. As part of our exciting expansion plan, we are hiring for a Customer Service Operation Manager . Responsibilities: - Responsible for managing the CS Escalation team and ensuring the efficient operation of our customer service team. - Manage the CS Escalation team, including support to other departments, issue and incident management, complaint handling, and resolution of complex customer inquiries. - Develop and maintain Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to ensure consistency and efficiency in our customer service operations. - Monitor and analyze CS operational metrics and other relevant KPIs, to identify areas for improvement and drive changes to improve customer satisfaction. - Provide guidance to communicate with customers to resolve issues, handle complaints, and provide exceptional customer service. Requirements: - Fluent in Korean (At least TOPIK level 6) and Mandarin, working level proficiency in English - Minimum of 5 years of experience in customer service operations management. - Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to use data to drive decisions and optimize processes. - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to effectively communicate with both customers and internal stakeholders. - Ability to work independently and manage multiple priorities in a fast-paced environment. - Highly motivated and experienced customer service operations professional with a passion for driving customer satisfaction. Recruitment Process -Application Review - Phone Interview - Onsite (or Virtual Onsite) Interview – Offer -The exact nature of the recruitment process may vary according to the specific job and may be changed due to scheduling or other circumstances. - Interview schedules and the results will be informed to the applicant via the e-mail address submitted at the application stage. Things to Consider -This job posting may be closed prior to the stated end date for application if all openings are filled. -Coupang has the right to rescind an offer of employment if a candidate is found to have submitted false information as part of the application process. -Coupang does not discriminate against disabled applicants or those with veteran status. We are proud to offer equal opportunities for all applicants.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Review purchase orders and adjust product prices to align with sales strategy. 2. Establish preventive measures for restricted and high return-rate products. 3. Handle customer messages from different online selling platforms. 4. Review platform product return and refund mechanisms. 5. Address product-specific issues such as intellectual property, product safety reports, and violations of platform policies. 1.審核採購訂單並調整商品售價以符合銷售策略 2.針對限制性產品及高退貨率產品建立預防機制 3.處理不同銷售平台客訴 4.審核平台商品退貨退款機制 5.產品特殊問題處理:品牌授權、產品安全報告、違反平台政策等 6.其他主管交辦事項商業及管理學門,經濟社會及心理學門,語文及人文學門TOEIC Bridge

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✧✧✧✧✧部門擴編✧✧✧✧✧ 1.建立部門制度且具良好的溝通技巧 3.具備專業醫美知識提供高品質的服務並提升顧客滿意度 4.預約平台管控並銷售創造業績 ✔具醫美/美妝/百貨通路經驗優先錄取 ✔客服也需要具備銷售技巧 ✔需具電銷/客服經驗3年以上 薪資:面議

應徵人數|1-5 人


客服專員 (韓文/英文)
 工作內容 誠徵積極、顧客導向的客服專員。酷澎的客服專員需要處理解決向上通報的顧客提問,提供優質的顧客服務,提升顧客滿意度。 職責: • 擔任顧客的聯絡窗口,替第一線客服人員處理複雜或向上通報的顧客問題和詢問。 • 運用解決問題能力,處理顧客提問和客訴,包括研究及提供及時正確的回覆。 • 辨識顧客提問和回饋的趨勢及模式,告知相關利害部門,改善整體顧客體驗。 • 與其他部門團隊合作,解決顧客問題,改善整體顧客滿意度。 • 教導第一線客服人員並提供回饋,改善客服人員能力及知識,確保提供服務品質一致。 要求條件: • (必備)中文聽說讀寫能力具台灣人母語程度。 • 大學畢,兩年以上工作經驗。 • 具客服經驗,有客服中心或類似環境的經驗尤佳。 • 韓文讀寫流利,英文基本可。 • 溝通和人際技巧強,能有效和顧客、團隊成員、其他利害關係人溝通。 • 能在步調快和多變的環境工作,能同時處理多項任務和優先事項。 • 問題解決能力強,能發現和解決複雜的顧客問題與客訴。 • 注重細節與精確度,能有效紀錄和顧客互動的內容和諮詢。 • 有客服軟體和工具的使用經驗尤佳(如:Zendesk) • 能按照業務需求彈性配合工作時段,如:夜間或周末。

應徵人數|1-5 人


- Monitor the entire Front Office team, including Bell service, Concierge and Guest Service sections. - Handle guest issues, including room conditions, finance issues, other rooms related cases - Plan teams‘ staff development and evaluations. - Ensure all guests receive prompt and personal recognition. - Be responsible for Front Office Manager to handle hotel financial report, budget control, upselling performance and Hysat scores. - Be on behalf of Front Office Manager to handle issues while Front Office Manager is away or off.觀光休閒學類,餐旅服務學類TOEFL,TOEFL iBT,TOEIC SPEAKING and WRITING TESTS,TOEIC 多益(Gold860-990分),IELTS國際英語測驗

應徵人數|1-5 人


Customer Service Operation Manager We exist to wow our customers. We know we’re doing the right thing when we hear our customers say, “How did we ever live without Coupang?” Born out of an obsession to make shopping, eating, and living easier than ever, we’re collectively disrupting the multi-billion-dollar e-commerce industry from the ground up. We are one of the fastest-growing e-commerce companies that established an unparalleled reputation for being a dominant and reliable force in South Korean commerce. We are proud to have the best of both worlds — a startup culture with the resources of a large global public company. This fuels us to continue our growth and launch new services at the speed we have been since our inception. We are all entrepreneurial surrounded by opportunities to drive new initiatives and innovations. At our core, we are bold and ambitious people that like to get our hands dirty and make a hands-on impact. At Coupang, you will see yourself, your colleagues, your team, and the company grow every day. Our mission to build the future of commerce is real. We push the boundaries of what‘s possible to solve problems and break traditional tradeoffs. Join Coupang now to create an epic experience in this always-on, high-tech, and hyper-connected world. As part of our exciting expansion plan, we are hiring for a Customer Service Operation Manager. Responsibilities: - Responsible for managing the CS Escalation team and ensuring the efficient operation of our customer service team. - Manage the CS Escalation team, including support to other departments, issue and incident management, complaint handling, and resolution of complex customer inquiries. - Develop and maintain Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to ensure consistency and efficiency in our customer service operations. - Monitor and analyze CS operational metrics and other relevant KPIs, to identify areas for improvement and drive changes to improve customer satisfaction. - Provide guidance to communicate with customers to resolve issues, handle complaints, and provide exceptional customer service. Requirements: - Fluent in Korean (At least TOPIK level 6) and Mandarin, working level proficiency in English - Minimum of 5 years of experience in customer service operations management. - Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to use data to drive decisions and optimize processes. - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to effectively communicate with both customers and internal stakeholders. - Ability to work independently and manage multiple priorities in a fast-paced environment. - Highly motivated and experienced customer service operations professional with a passion for driving customer satisfaction. Recruitment Process Application Review - Phone Interview - Onsite (or Virtual Onsite) Interview – Offer The exact nature of the recruitment process may vary according to the specific job and may be changed due to scheduling or other circumstances. Interview schedules and the results will be informed to the applicant via the e-mail address submitted at the application stage. Things to Consider This job posting may be closed prior to the stated end date for application if all openings are filled. Coupang has the right to rescind an offer of employment if a candidate is found to have submitted false information as part of the application process. Coupang does not discriminate against disabled applicants or those with veteran status. We are proud to offer equal opportunities for all applicants.

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■ 部門策略之設定與建議 ■ 營運現場整體形象維持與實施 ■ 行銷活動內容之配合與執行 ■ 現場軟硬體之認知及學習 ■ 熟悉部門例行管理報表執行與學習,ex:長短期、季節性、特定活動、獎勵計劃擬定等… ■ 各項部門計畫之執行、監視與實施與學習 ■ 達成營運主管各項營運績效設定及部門管理績效達成,ex:人力成本、產品成本控管、效益評估等... ※ 錄取後需配合公司各營運點輪調。輕型機車

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1. 拓展市場(網路行銷)。 2. 定期電訪負責客戶,維繫穩定客戶關係。 3. 提供售後服務,處理客戶端之問題,給予完善的處理。 4. 國內業務接洽及訂單處理。 5. 產品銷售方案提報與合約簽定。 6. 處理帳款回收相關事宜。 7. 熟悉保健食品業務銷售。 我們正在尋找一位熟悉國內市場的業務主管,這個職位是公司業務發展的重要一環,有著良好的發展前景,歡迎具備積極正向工作態度的您加入! 歡迎符合資格的申請者加入我們的團隊,期待您的加入!帶領電銷客服部團隊

應徵人數|1-5 人
